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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SE > SEVERE (26)

New Era Community (1926) - 63:
63. The main understanding will be of the fact that labor can be relaxation. Many amusements will have to be abolished. Chiefly, it must be understood that the products of science and art are for education, not diversion. Many amusements will have to be destroyed as hotbeds of vulgarity. The forefront of culture must sweep away the dens of fools passing time over a mug of beer. Likewise, the use of profanity must find a far more severe penalty. Likewise, manifestations of narrow specialization must be disapproved.

New Era Community (1926) - 254:
254. When you meet with a valuable object on the road, covered with mud, you do not pass haughtily by. You pick up your find and cleanse the mud from it. Likewise when you encounter a valuable man covered with mire, you interrupt your pace and endeavor to cleanse him. It is the duty of the community member to affirm justice. The Teaching cannot reject true values. The community cannot deliberate as to whether he is ours or he is not ours. The community says that either he is valuable for evolution or he is not. The most severe choice is that according to essence. Austere goal-fitness obliges one to preserve the true treasures. Lose not time in defending the values. Each hour counts. And reject expressions of uncertainty. And each value is to you as the sail is to the ship.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 184:
Many think they are ready to dedicate themselves to evolutionary achievement, but the conditions are most severe, and the one who cannot cast a great net had better not approach this great ocean.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 199:
199. Our Teaching is not strong in the hands of those who do not apply it to life. Tell this to the co-workers in all countries, so that they may immediately find the means to fortify life through the counsels of Yoga. There are too many talkers and too few doers. I see no need for general lectures; but individual conversations are needed. Also, do not hide the difficulties or the advantages of the Teaching. Relate Yoga to world events, because a new system of life must be introduced, without which social movements will be nothing more than a masquerade of old ideas. The severe discipline of freedom can rebuild life only when a new understanding of the conscious use of psychic energy enters into everyday life. Repeat that a new understanding is needed for application in life!

Agni Yoga (1929) - 222:
222. Free will is a subject that is interpreted in many ways. One sees it as willfulness; another as irresponsibility; a third as the madness of the ego. Only the one who has gone through the discipline of spirit can realize how strict the reality of freedom can be. The abuse of freedom is a festival of ignorance. People cannot reconcile themselves to the Hierarchy of Knowledge, nor can they respect discipline of the will. But is any Yoga possible where there is no responsibility for one's will? Each yogi wields his sword directly over his own heart; to that degree is he responsible for every action of his will. The consequences resulting from the will of a yogi may be indescribably severe, but he has chosen them consciously. Thus, one can see the yogi as a tireless warrior, always on guard.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 538:
We do not want to seem severe in Our judgment. We would prefer to see the joy of attainment, but for centuries it was necessary that the sword be held ready, for fear has always dominated people. Victory over fear will be the threshold of the new consciousness.

Hierarchy (1931) - 24:
24. Man is merciless to himself. Bewailing his fate, he forgets that he inflicts upon himself a severe penalty. It is difficult for Us to make people assimilate the thought of karma; but in a still more intractable state is the consciousness of a man headed straight for the abyss. People prefer self-destruction and self-deception to the enlightenment of consciousness.

Hierarchy (1931) - 120:
120. Hence, when the highest striving toward the Lord is offered, the manifested orbit and focus should be guarded. Therefore, all Our Abutments should be protected, because clouds are all around. Victory is predestined, but all foundations should be protected, and the highest striving can bring all possibilities. The time is severe but wondrous. It is a time of consummation and construction. It is a time of highest tension and of earthly battle. It is a time which inscribes a great page and which is building a great future. Therefore the enemies rage, for the Highest Law enters into life.

Hierarchy (1931) - 137:
Let no one take lightly My warning; when victory is weighed and defined, there can be no excuses or haphazardness. Remember, there is one Anchor, there is one Light! And when the greatest battle takes place, it is unforgivable to disturb the formation. I shall be very severe, because the time is at hand, and already some successes have been postponed. The burden is caused only by you. Guard the foundation! Many fires are introduced into action. Remember, the purple star indicates the highest tension.

Hierarchy (1931) - 418:
418. Diseases are divided as sacred, karmic, and those that are admitted. The first two concepts are easily understood, but precisely in the book Hierarchy one should mention the admitted ones. Who or what permits these diseases? Certainly ignorance and the horror of non-realization. It is not enough not to think about them. Children likewise do not think of them, yet become infected. One should protect oneself in consciousness and create an invulnerable armor of nerve emanations. Even severe epidemics cannot develop if people master their consciousness. An experiment with the substance of psychic energy would indicate what powerful antiseptics people carry within themselves. For this, two conditions are necessary the first - realization of psychic energy; the second - realization of Hierarchy as the sole path for the increase of psychic energy. One should not look upon Hierarchy as something abstract. One should realize firmly that it is the most powerful life-giver. We call it the primary remedy. But even a pill must be swallowed and an ointment applied. There is no effect from a remedy that is in a trunk. Likewise, the Benefaction of Hierarchy must be taken by striving. Thus, an irrevocable striving will afford a healing result.

Heart (1932) - 111:
111. Verily, the entire perfectment of the heart rests upon moral foundations. These foundations transmute the physical nature and vivify the spirit. Of course, you may be asked, "How does this condition stand with the dark ones, when their hierophants possess certain fires?" It is correct to understand that dark amorality rests upon the discipline of fear. One should realize how cruel is this discipline! Whereas We very cautiously take into consideration the law of Karma and value individuality; on the opposite side are disharmony and destruction, and their foundations are upheld by tyranny. Of course, upon the lower steps fear seems to be a sure method. Thus, the dark terrorizer appears as a severe creditor. But one must have in mind the solidarity of the dark, amoral destroyers. Often warriors of little experience do not want to know the strength of the enemies, but the heart can be pierced as well through the breast as through the back. Therefore, learn the methods of the enemies.

Heart (1932) - 182:
182. The red-golden light that fills the inner substance indicates the armor of the heart. As the outer rims of the aura from purple become ruby, so the silvery Lotus of the heart flashes with an outburst of red-gold when the spirit clothes itself in the ultimate armor. Thus is attained the inner condition that permits participation in the hardest battles without harm or danger of severe wounding of the subtle body. The consequence of such an armor of the heart was already evident when the warrioress confronted the dark forces and despite their preponderant numbers made them tremble, and they were left with their threats. Yet an impotent threat of the enemy is already a victory. But, of course, the red-golden light is not reached easily and demands a lengthy achievement.

Heart (1932) - 199:
199. There are such cosmic tensions that their severe consequences can be averted only by a compress of prana. The heart radiates with a tense light, like incandescent gold. Thus the earthly sphere can be burdensome.

Heart (1932) - 321:
321. A sculptor, in modeling his images, touches some places only once, but upon other places he concentrates an entire succession of strokes, severe as well as delicate. So, also, in the Teaching it is often noticed with what variety it is necessary to touch certain situations without repetition, because even the chisel of the sculptor likewise does not repeat a movement, but only defines the needed form. These places usually require great attentiveness; so, also, pay attention to passages which were marked more than once. They are either unusually new to the consciousness or they are passed by inattentively. And yet, as a faltering chisel can have a decisive significance, so also, an opportunity missed will give another meaning to a complete task. When I speak about the heart, does it not include a multitude of individuals who are calling forth absolutely unrepeatable manifestations? It cannot be otherwise, because the most refined energies are incalculable in their refraction and mutual intercrossing in diverse spheres.

Heart (1932) - 421:
421. A severe time requires a powerful armor. This must be accepted even more deeply by the heart. People must accept the scope of the world battle for the sake of encouraging each other by mutual efforts. Condemnation and derision are especially out of place. As in the grandeur of a temple, one should unfold one's heart upward. Thus one can approach more closely an understanding of the dimensions of what occurs.

Heart (1932) - 454:
454. In all races and at all times there existed the cult of the heart. Even the savage, on devouring a living heart, regarded it as the supreme power, and thus in his own manner paid reverence to the heart. But our era has completely forgotten and rejected the Teaching of the Heart. The heart demands new understanding. One must be prepared to find that purely scientific facts about the heart will arouse a special accusation of superstition. The dogmatic professional people will try with special effort to defend their mediocre existence. Thus, one must realize that the battle for understanding the heart will be especially severe. Thus will the dark forces defend the brain, setting it counter to the heart. This, of course, will create only distortion. The leg has important functions, but it is not necessary to carry food into the mouth with one's foot. Hence, goal-fitness comes first.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 395:
395. One should observe cosmic manifestations in connection with life on Earth. Many analogies will be apparent. I praise those who observe what others overlook. The present time is severe. One can read in various Puranas about dates. If some scientists can calculate eclipses and earthquakes, other scientists can calculate other dates - the transition from Kali Yuga to Satya Yuga has been described with considerable accuracy, and the gravity of the time has been indicated.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 177:
177. The infirmities of humanity are connected with psychic conditions. Each human imperfection of the spirit also poisons the physical world. Be not astonished that there are spirit and body plagues which are just as infectious as the spatial plagues. Indeed, the atmosphere surrounding the planet is saturated with wails of imperfection. And the auras of mankind are so physically and spiritually infected that only a fiery cleansing can give salvation. Half-way measures bring no purification, therefore one must become accustomed to the thought of a powerful cleansing, for the firmament is in need of severe measures. Rightly has Ur. said that a pure manifestation sometimes has to be covered partly with a dirty cloak, just so the sparks can catch. Thus, humanity must atone for all its engenderings and all outrages which have taken root so deeply in the consciousness. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember the law of fiery purification.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 489:
489. People are wondering of what use are such small conquests of the elements as levitation, passing through fire, sitting on the water, or being buried underground? Only a symbol of mastery is indicted in these exercises of discipline. But the Fiery World is not attained by a test of the heels or by breathing exercises. The World of Beauty is attainable only through the heart. Let us not censure all those who devote themselves to severe practices of discipline, but let us hasten by the path of heart exaltation and rapture.

AUM (1936) - 487:
487. Let us leave to the decision of true science the beclouded discussions about apparitions, forebodings, and suggestions. Let us not be afraid to leave to scholars the investigation of all manifestations in the light of severe scientific study. But let such study be actually strict, that is to say, just. Only this condition is necessary, when we are touching cosmic laws.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 151:
There were those among the disciples and followers whose lives were filled with misery and daily hardship. The Teacher would first help them by uplifting their spirits, and only when balance was established would He discuss their problems. He never condemned their past, but led them into the future. The Teacher could clearly see the future, but only revealed it according to the consciousness of His disciples. Nor did He hesitate to use severe words to revive the dead consciousness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 209:
It is wrong to excite the mind with narcotics, for such methods harmfully affect even future generations. Artificial stimulants are as harmful as the most severe diseases, the only difference being that the effects of disease manifest quickly, whereas the effects of narcotics develop over a long time and affect future generations. Man thinks little about the future and cares little about what he contributes to it.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 300:
300. Urusvati knows that there are many stony hearts. Let us see what the Thinker had in mind when He made this severe statement. He was referring not so much to cruelty as to an inner stagnation, when the heart feels neither heat nor cold. Such hearts cannot be called evil, because they know not either good or evil.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 344:
344. Urusvati knows how heavy is the burden of the world. We can remind you of the suffering of Our Sister when embodied in Siena. It should be noted that the pains she endured were related to events in France and Spain. She experienced severe pains in the region of the solar plexus and by them was able to predict certain distant events. Often these events were felt more intensely than local ones. In the same way, one can trace specific links with previous lives.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 356:
One may further ask, if cosmic currents influence all living beings, why must only exceptional people undergo severe suffering? Again the answer is simple. These currents certainly influence the entire planet, but the degree of reaction to them varies, and when someone fills his Chalice and refines his consciousness, he places himself in the first rank of those affected. It is impossible then to avoid such suffering by altering his consciousness, for it has already attained a natural degree of development.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 438:
One must not allow people to mock peaceful labor during times of war. We labor not for today, and not for Earth, but for the most severe Battle. But do not think that these words have been understood by everyone. We can see how perversely the most precise Indications are interpreted.


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