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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SE > SETTLING (3)

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 310:
Great has been the discussion among scholars as to whether in Cosmos a return to the lowest state follows the attainment of the highest grade of development. It is wise to apply the understanding of karma to everything that evolves in Cosmos; not in the conception of karma customarily applied by humanity, that of a reward or settling of accounts, but of karma as the highest action which furthers evolution. All creative inceptions are predetermined by the law of this karma. Many inceptions do not apply to these laws, but the inception which takes place in realization of the karma of evolution lives in space and is carried forward by the currents of the Cosmic Magnet.

Heart (1932) - 487:
487. Consuming poison or crucifixion is the indispensable condition for movement upward. It is as though a settling of accounts with densest matter takes place. Thus, leaving below our heavy shoes we learn to fly.

Brotherhood (1937) - 273:
273. A wise philosopher, having been sold into slavery, exclaimed, "Thanks! Evidently I can pay back some old debts." An emperor, nicknamed the Golden, was terrified, "Luxury pursues me. When will I be able to pay off my debts?" Thus have wise people thought about the quickest payment of their debts. They understood that former lives surely do not elapse without incurring indebtedness. But a man with much income must make haste in settling his accounts.


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