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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SE > SERVITOR (10)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 123:
123. The whole Universe is the Body of the Almighty, and We express the command of the highest manifestations of the Supreme Will. The servitor awaits upon the Lord, and the All-Merciful helps us to find the best attire for the Festival of Light. According to our zeal are we given the hue of our spiritual vestment.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 663:
663. Who, then, creates by the power of the spirit? The Bearer of Fire, the keen servitor of evolution, the creator of men, the one who gives all his fires for the growth of humanity. Humanity must be like these Light-Bearers in its quests.

Hierarchy (1931) - 129:
129. Let us write down questions for a disciple "Dost thou not serve darkness? Art thou not a servitor of doubt? Art thou not a traitor? Art thou not a liar? Art thou not ribald? Art thou not a sluggard? Art thou not irritable? Hast thou a tendency to inconstancy? Art thou not negligent? Dost thou understand devotion? Art thou ready to labor? Wilt thou not be afraid of Light?" Thus ask disciples when preparing them for probation.

Hierarchy (1931) - 242:
242. Certainly the dark force fears most of all the affirmation of Light. All servitors of darkness intensify their forces when the servitor of Light imbues space with the Decree of the Lords. Humanity knows great examples of such battle and victory of Light. Certainly each one receives a Teacher in accordance with his own consciousness. It is the same with the chain of the dark ones, who are filled with the consciousness of evil, setting up their decision against Light. Thus, the forces are strained in Cosmos by diverse affirmations. Therefore one may affirm that Light conquers darkness. Thus the life of Infinity is built.

Hierarchy (1931) - 273:
273. Humanity comments in its own way on each ordained affirmation. It distorts in its own way each Ordainment from Above. It applies great principle to life in its own way. It asserts each manifested will in its own way. How can the great be contained in the small, and the cosmic in the personal? How can the great Servitor of Reason and of entire humanity be understood by a consciousness that recognizes only its own hearth? How can a self-denying Leader become affirmed in the understanding of a small daily routine? Only when a spark of devotion to Hierarchy burns in the heart will one find the Gates open. Only gratitude to the Teacher can reveal the entrance to the Gates. Each one who has chosen his own path must realize the loneliness of his orbit, because only love and devotion for Hierarchy include the spirit in the Chain of Light. Thus, each one determines his own karma. Only through Light do we approach Light.

Hierarchy (1931) - 302:
302. People's striving is always measured by their service either to Light or darkness. By this may be judged their destination in life. Thus, the worst of all is half-way thinking and half-way striving. The destroyers always build upon half-way striving. There is nothing worse than a half-way servitor, for he screens himself by half-wayness. Therefore a direct enemy of Light is preferred by Us. We do not admit into the great battles the small worms that crawl in the mist. Thus, half-wayness must be avoided. One should always and in all ways avoid any intercourse with half-way people. Half-wayness shown by the disciples throws them back a millennium, and therefore one should know when to affirm one's own consciousness. Thus, the servitor of Light will not admit half-wayness.

Hierarchy (1931) - 447:
447. During great constructions, certainly the battle is also great, because the dark ones are afraid of losing their weapons. Thus, each striving directed to the Good undoubtedly calls forth attacks. However, one should understand the invulnerability of the servitor of Light, for when the heart is flamingly imbued with the Hierarchy, all hostile attacks can be overcome. Indeed, it must be understood that each personal feeling undermines the roots of the great structure. Thus, so much of the wondrous is destroyed by humanity, because Leadership was rejected. Therefore no one will be successful who has not realized the greatness of Leadership. Thus, the closest and the most distant ones must sense the current of each affirmed law.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 71:
71. Among the Fiery Servants of humanity should be particularly noted those who take upon themselves sacrificial labor. The spirit of these servants of humanity is like a fiery torch, for in its potentiality this spirit contains all the qualities which can uplift mankind. Only a powerful consciousness can take upon itself sacrificial labor. Each task of a servant of humanity reflects the quality of his spirit. If the spirit is designated as a great Servant of Mankind, then in it is contained the whole synthesis. But people know so little about these Fiery Servitors who affirm themselves voluntarily in solitude while serving the great pervading Universal Force. How many powerful manifestations could be observed in each individual achievement! Thus, those who take upon themselves the sacrificial labor know how the Sons of Reason likewise manifest sacrificially their labors. Each manifestation of a Fiery Servant of humanity is creativeness for the good of mankind. One must be affirmed in the understanding of sacrifice. The Fiery Servitor contains within himself each benevolent impulse, each striving for fulfillment of the powerful Will of the Sons of Reason. But it is necessary to conserve the strength of the Fiery Servant.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 4:
Do not think that superficial methods will produce complete results. The most essential is in the depths of one's consciousness. An impure servitor cannot perform a pure action, and the most sanctioned ritual cannot free him from impure thinking. Thus, many err, supposing that outward rituals will compensate for inner abominations.


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