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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SE > SERVES (56)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 368:
I speak about dust because it penetrates deeply and serves as a glove for the hand of the enemy. Thus do people leave behind their grey gloves, still warm, for use by the dark visitor.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.7:
The magnet forges the projection of the evolution of the planet. The magnet manifests immutability. The magnet affirms the path of humanity. There are several aspects to the magnet: either the unsplit body of the leading planet; or a part of that body, connected with other parts; or an extraneous object which has acquired a link with the magnet through contact. The magnet either remains invisible, attracting the flow of events; or it serves as a center of conscious action; or it enlightens the man who found it.

New Era Community (1926) - 36:
I write down My notes of possibilities and come to the conclusion that all is possible just now. It is a rare thing when higher faith travels along the path with higher unbelief; when blasphemy and glorification can be in the same chorus; when fury and tranquility give birth to joy. When misfortune is manifested as a sign of success and when withdrawal serves as a sign of nearness, then the currents of emanations of the luminaries are blended with the inner fires. Such a time denotes a new cycle, and the Community itself, not even yet adopted, serves as a bridge.

New Era Community (1926) - 99:
The Teacher can pour out knowledge, but it serves far more for the saturation of space; therefore, a teacher is not lonely even without visible disciples. Remember this, you who draw near to the community! Remember the secret - not to despair.

New Era Community (1926) - 163:
We do not quite approve the sentimental word "inspiration." When the consciousness is at work it does not go calling on inspiration like a basement lodger visiting his benefactor to ask favors. Then the division into week days and holidays is resumed, and again one will begin to celebrate birthdays. Our Community has but one ceaseless holiday of labor, in which cheerfulness serves as a wine of joy.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 214:
214. The crystal of Materia Lucida can be seen only rarely in such a size as was made visible to you. For this, there is needed a special converging of magnetic currents. The crystal seems in some way to be attracted by the Stone. It sharpens the center of the third eye, and also serves as the substance for astral construction on the highest plane. The crystal relates to the finest energies and also to the energy promised to humanity - if humanity is willing to accept it. The light of Materia Lucida can be intensified infinitely, and will provide illumination, which, without requiring the consumption of any material, can assume any form. This is a challenge that can be met, but the desire of humanity is first needed. Without it, access to the currents of finest energies cannot be given. The power of these energies is linked with psychic energy; hence each abuse is destructive.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 490:
490. It is very valuable when spatial thought can be summoned for cooperation - when fire accompanies actions, and stars participate in them too. On one step we intensify our will, and on the next we come in touch with the fires of space. Then spatial thought serves as a kind of semaphore and as an amplifier. In this state we do not need to depend so much on will power, for near us is found an inexhaustible source of energy that works with us if permitted.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 497:
497. Realize how useful it is to follow Our Counsel with striving, without regret, knowing that the whirlwinds of the storm intensify the centers. But under the umbrella of Dukkar you can wait for the storm to pass; for the Teacher has many sentinels. Lightning serves, in its discharge, to set ozone free.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 172a:
172a. The interweaving of vibrations is equal to the interweaving of the rays. One may call the interweaving of vibrations the blending of the Magnet. We call this blending force interweaving because the highest potentiality is expressed by both Origins. The eternal striving to one polarity serves as the current of tension. The potential of polarity directs the parts which belong to one atom. There is so much beauty in the potential of one polarity!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 210:
210. The immutability of the law guides the Cosmic Magnet in all spheres; the same unchangeable law serves as the base of the assertion of fulfillment. The same law operates in the attraction of atoms toward unification. The action of striving toward evolutionary progress strains the energies. This tension induces the tension of the strata of the cosmic currents. So also with the action of an Agni Yogi merging into the required spheres, he strains his energies and the entire imperfection of the strata visited is passed on to the spirit.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 317:
The Lords have been always in need of receptive co-workers and witnesses. Thus, all life manifestations must have witnesses. Only thus can Truth be established. Hence, the flaming Agni Yogi strives so ardently toward manifestation of fire for the aid of mankind. Truly, the manifestation of the flaming centers serves humanity. Therefore do We guard so solicitously Our messengers. Theirs is a most difficult mission!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 14:
14. The aspects of self-sacrifice are so varied in human understanding that only the highest measurement must be used in everything. He who in self-sacrifice dedicates himself to Service is confirmed as the co-worker of Light. He who serves Cosmic Fire sacrifices himself. He who serves evolution is affirmed as a bearer of the law. He who serves, he who is devoted to the General Good, is confirmed as a co-worker of Cosmos.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 157:
157. Whence emanates the striving to the Cosmic Magnet? A correlation of energies is but confirmed by attraction. Whence emanates heterogeneity and the attraction of dissimilar energies? The affirmation of forms can result only from the fact of differing properties. Only when heterogeneous properties are drawn into the creation does a true cosmic manifestation take place. Only when the force of polarity is asserted does the force of attraction act. Thus, upon all planes the affirmed polarities are asserted. The spirit which serves independently attracts the force of the Cosmic Magnet. The formulation of thought attracts the needed evolution. The participation of the heart brings a constructive vibration. Thus, the foundation of creativeness is the awakening of the vibration of the heart.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 419:
419. The law governing the function of saturation is applied through attraction and identity of energies. When the impelled creative impulse gathers the affirmed energies in space, the law of the function of correspondence gathers the manifested fires. Humanity must understand that each force that enters into life creates upon the visible plane but is intensified by an invisible lever. Hence, one must seek in space for the saturating Fire and accept the law which serves as a link between striving and the creativeness of Fire. Thus, We strain the spatial manifestations into conformity with cosmic manifestations. The laws of spatial fires and human actions have identical driving force. Thus, the lowest attracts the lowest and the highest attracts the highest. But the law demands striving, and evolution is built by the manifestation of the higher attraction.

Hierarchy (1931) - 148:
148. Certainly, when the battle proceeds, the creativeness of the forces is strained, and each loyal action adds a strong link to the chain of defense. Each heart manifesting devotion to Hierarchy serves as a smiting flame against the enemy. Therefore, only a pure striving to Hierarchy assures a right decision. Thus We conquer. True, when the battle is tense, there are many desiring to harm. Yet the plan is invulnerable, and only the evidence of complete striving to Hierarchy gives victory.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 129:
129. If we begin to speak about firespouts, many will altogether fail to grasp the meaning, and others will think we refer to coarse electrical manifestations. Yet, one should ponder deeply upon this subtle fiery action. You have just seen how a mere scratch has caused a fiery burning. Such a manifestation is not from a physical infection. A firespout touched the torn tissue. Similar manifestations can be observed which conform to external fiery tensions. The torn tissue, with all the nerve outlets, serves as a magnet, as it were, for the fiery waves. Indeed, those people who possess vigorous heart energy can more strongly attract the waves of tensed Fire. Therefore, in such cases I recommend water compresses, but no alcoholic preparations. During the tension of Fire alcohol must be avoided, for it concentrates the fiery waves. Many drunkards could give instructive testimony about the fiery waves that cause such sufferings! Of course, I am not speaking now about nerve conflagrations, which only a few have observed. Even so, the firespouts must not be forgotten in such a tense time.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 290:
290. Labor serves as the best purge of all abominations. Labor generates the potent factor of sweat, which has even been brought forward as a means for the propagation of man. Perspiration has been analyzed very little; it seldom has been studied in comparison with man's personality, and it has been little observed in relation to the various elements. Even an inexperienced observer will notice the many different varieties of perspiration. It is actually easy to notice that a fiery nature is not given to a quantity of perspiration, and, in any case, it alkalizes it. On the other hand, earth and water natures are strongly saturated with perspiration. Thus, it can be observed with what wisdom one of the earliest evolutions of man was indicated.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 581:
581. A mother told her son about a great saint, "Even the grain of sand beneath his foot becomes great." It came to pass that this saint passed through the village. The boy followed his footsteps, took up a pinch of dust therefrom, sewed it in a bag and wore it around his neck. And as he recited his lessons in school, he always held this relic in his hand. The boy was filled thereby with such inspiration that his answers were always remarkable. One day when leaving the school his teacher praised him and asked what he always held in his hand. The boy replied, "Earth from beneath the feet of the saint who passed through our village." The teacher commented, "This hallowed earth serves you better than gold." A neighboring shopkeeper, hearing this, said to himself, "What a stupid boy to take only a pinch of this golden earth! I will await the passing of the holy man and collect all the earth from where he trod. Thus I can obtain the most profitable merchandise." And the shopkeeper waited in vain for the coming of the saint. But he never came. Greed is not akin to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 594:
594. One should understand and encompass with good. Much that is done through forgetfulness is not evil, but absence of memory often makes criminals of men. True, egoism which is not overcome prompts one to forget others. But a fiery consciousness will not forget the goal of life when it serves the good of the world. People often do not know how to think about the good of the world, regarding themselves as insignificant. This is wrong, because the spirit, the fiery seed, emanates from the One Fire and strives toward the Light Eternal. It does not matter where burns the torch that points the way to the lost traveler!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 615:
615. Special complexities arise due to the varying conditions of time in different worlds. True, one can see the very remote future, whereas an earthly date is deflected and appears quite different where no time exists. Moreover, our conventional days and nights assume differing aspects even upon other existing planets. But the Subtle World and the Fiery World even more are completely devoid of these conditions. This means that astrological signs may serve there, but even they are defined by different methods, because the chemism of the luminaries is refracted differently when Agni triumphs. But for us here it is difficult to imagine the conditions in Higher Worlds. The astral light is definitely affirmed according to the strata of the atmosphere; certain strata of the Subtle World dwell in twilight, because the light of their dwellers is faint. Few understand how the dwellers themselves can be like beacons of light. But precisely purified Agni serves as a beacon of light for all. Thus, thought about Materia Lucida serves as a beacon for achievement. Many ask themselves, "Will I shine?" Again, let us not forget that egoism is like a dark cobblestone upon the heart, but the pure Ego is like a radiant Adamant!

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 17:
17. Rhythm is the progenitor of cooperation. From hoary antiquity people have understood the significance of rhythmic choirs, of musical movements; thus has the consciousness accumulated knowledge about the impelling force of collective labor. People knew long ago that rhythm kindled collective fires and helped in avoiding irritation and disunity. It affirmed identical aspirations, therefore music is the sign of unity before collective work. It is a pity that modern music is so often lacking in rhythm. Perhaps it serves as the beginning of many spiritual ulcers, but the question of harmony is unusually complicated. Lack of rhythm is disunity, but crude rhythm is stupor. Thus only a fiery consciousness will prompt the refinement of rhythm. One may ponder over many things, but we shall always return to the fiery understanding. The abode of Agni is opened not by reasoning but by the harmony of rhythm. Precisely as a vessel sometimes is opened not by force but by rhythm. Only the true rhythm carries us forward and preserves us from delay. Yet we know all the detrimental result of delay, as in movement, so also in spirit. It is inadmissible to have a broken rhythm, at times retarded and at other times accelerated. Thus an enormous and useless expenditure of energy takes place. He will not retreat who has begun to advance in fiery rhythm. Precisely this rhythm saves one from sorrowful ponderings and leads one forward in spirit; therefore let us not limit the effectiveness of the rhythm by external motion only, let us introduce it into spiritual life.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 222:
222. Ur. has again taken part in fiery labor. To a perceptible extent the inner fire has also appeared externally. It is evident that each approach to the intensified energy burdens the physical organs. Only self-sacrificing spirits can render help. It must be understood that the extraordinary tension indicates agitation of the elements. One must rally all forces in order to preserve concordance with the Fiery Forces. Verily, there are many black stars. Each day only serves to complicate events.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 366:
366. A particular confusion has gathered around the problem of offering sacrifices. People at one time arrived at such a state of madness that human sacrifices became customary. But can imagination conceive of a God who would be in need of the shedding of blood? Sacrifices have been mentioned in basic laws, but only later errors and spiritual downfalls have brought mankind to blood offerings. Sacrifice has always been mentioned, but what can be a worthy offering to the Highest Spirit? Verily, only the most purified spiritual striving. Such a basic link serves as the best guarantee of sincere reverence. Such sacrifice is a vital necessity of bringing the best blossom of the heart to the Altar of The Supreme. But people to this day assume that a chip from a small, useless stone can be more precious than the beautiful flower of the heart. Meditation on this question is very useful on the pathways to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 400:
400. Eternal Fire fills all bodies, and through them is unified with the higher fiery energy. In such a manner is the Universal sap worked over and over. This mysterious, ever self-regenerating substance cannot be named otherwise. Thus everything manifested serves for the renewing of the Eternal Substance. The circle serves as the best representation of the cooperation of energies.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 461:
461. It is right that you do not forget the significance of soda. Not without reason has it been called the ash of Divine Fire. It belongs to those widely given remedies which have been sent for the usage of all humanity. One should remember about soda not only in sickness but also in health. As a bond with fiery actions, is serves as a shield against the darkness of destruction. But one should accustom the body to it gradually. Each day it should be taken with water or milk, and in taking it one should, as it were, direct it into the nerve centers. Thus can one gradually acquire immunity.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 129:
129. In the spirit of each man lives the principle of good, which can saturate the whole being if these energies of Light are consciously invoked. The constructiveness of the spirit can be intensified by currents manifested by good or evil; it depends upon man to put into action the different levers. Each builder can honestly say to himself what it is that he serves - spirit or matter. Indeed, one can easily be convinced as to the direction in which the forces of the spirit proceed. In its seed each spirit knows the truth manifested by quiet currents; hence, this immersing directs the spirit to right thinking. Certainly, the consciousness of unity can open all the locks which separate man from the Higher Truth. The world of the spirit needs to be understood. Thus, everyone can evoke a most subtle current from the depths of the heart. The best conduit to the Fiery World is the depths of the heart; therein is hidden the Cosmic Fire.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 170:
170. Spatial Fire shivers during earthly shocks. The subtle bond which exists between spheres and between Worlds is so strong that there is no manifestation the further effect of which is not recorded. The subtle bond is unmistakably expressed in the conformity of Macrocosm with microcosm. The condition of the spirit so often reflects manifestations on different spheres. The appearance of Spatial Fire often serves as a discharging agent for the purification of the atmosphere. Indeed, it would be possible to make use of these energies consciously, but for this the organism must be refined. It can be observed that the fiery spirit must bridle its subtle energies because the lack of correlation between the fire of the centers and the planetary conditions is so great that it is impossible to manifest full labor without injury.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 228:
228. The Divine Fire manifests its sparks in all Existence. Concealed are the potentials of these sparks, and, even though they are invisible, yet they must be accepted as the basis of all manifestations. One must accept this spark as a link in each center of the organism. Taking this Truth as a basis, one can imagine how the centers are unified by functions. Each divine spark inhales and exhales fire, which serves as a unifying agent. All forces of the spirit's potential are intensified in this continuous exchange. The potential of each center is a link to immortality, therefore great is the error which stresses physical exercises. Certainly not from without but from within is the spark of Divine Fire set aflame. Under the guidance of the Teacher's Ray the spark can surely take Fire, but also the spirit must be prepared by independent search. The Teaching of Zoroaster about Divine Fire, Love and Beauty, brought to the World the affirmation of Higher Law.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 299:
299. Exchange of energies can be accomplished by the human will. Observation upon the organism can yield results in this direction. However, for the attainment of results, it is necessary to know the condition and the consonance of the centers. First of all one should study the tension of the centers, for this tension is a powerful accumulator. Exchange of energies must bring about a disclosure of each aspiration. The manifestation of fiery energies conforms to cosmic upheavals. And each epoch has its manifest signs of accord between Macrocosm and microcosm. Indeed, the receptivity toward subtle energies reacts on the consciousness and on the entire organism. In fact, this exchange of energies has in its basis the fiery consciousness, which acts as link and magnet. Fiery thought is the first requirement for perception and ascent. The heart knows when the Cosmic fire, attracted to the fiery exchange of energies which are propelled to the organism, compresses the centers; and the spirit can create together with the Cosmos. The free will serves as a magnet which attracts the Cosmic Heart to the Fire of the centers. This connecting magnet is the creative power of the Agni Yogi. On the path to the Fiery World let us especially affirm this connecting power.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 301:
301. Equilibrium in the distribution of energies in the organism is brought about through knowledge as to how to allocate consciously the forces flowing in. Currents can intensify this or that center in which there is an influx of energies which in turn can propel a fiery vortex into the region of the center which is in need of saturation. The breathing serves as a regulator, through a subtle manipulation of the fluids of Prana. The application of regulation in the organism must be regarded as one of the principal requirements for equilibrium. Thus, through exchange of energies is affirmed the necessary regulation of fluids and vibrations.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 387:
387. The most frightful bane of humanity is self-destruction for the sake of obvious selfhood. A man who affirms that in serving his own ideal he must destroy all others not coinciding with his path, is a destroyer of the fundamentals of evolution. The Cosmos requires expression of all that exists, and on the spiritual plane equalization cannot take place. All the higher Teachings have in their foundation the same Source, and will not destroy that which serves as spiritual food. Verily, he who demands the equalizing of all fundamentals, of all Teachings, reduces each great fundamental to dust. The scales do not waver much between atheism and hypocrisy. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us remember who tears down the foundations of construction.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 555:
555. One should study psychic forces in different situations. Sometimes a complete repose is useful, but often tension is needed in order to attain a manifestation. Not without reason were different genuflections indicated in monasteries. Likewise, from deep antiquity has the value of silence been known. It must be broadly understood how the dense World serves the Subtle.

AUM (1936) - 95:
People also fail to understand which energy serves as the deciding factor. In all the cosmic amplitudes the basic factor is thought; it can alter karma, it can determine dates, it opens gates, and it can close them. It grows wing-rays from the shoulders. It can lead one close to the Higher World or precipitate one into the abyss. The manifestation of law rests on thought. The great wisdom of thought is a shield and a guard against chaos. Thought actually rules over the fury of chaos.

AUM (1936) - 520:
The ignorant deny the Subtle World and thus reject thought. All that exists serves not negation; on the contrary, all confirms the one Truth.

Brotherhood (1937) - 151:
151. Compulsion upon thought is a grave offense. It cannot be justified. It serves only to provoke new violations, and where then will there be an end to outrage? It is a mistake to presume that something created in the name of hatred can remain firm. Only construction, not subversion, can gather power for free thought.

Brotherhood (1937) - 300:
300. If the planet were to arbitrarily slow down or accelerate its motion, one can easily imagine all the ruinous consequences. Hence it is so important to assimilate the significance of rhythm. Speaking of human labor, one should continually insist upon rhythm. Constant and rhythmic work produces the best results. The labor of the Brotherhood serves as an example of this. Rhythm is indispensable because it also affirms quality of work. He who is conscious of rhythm loves his work. But the magnet of love is not easily intensified. Without it reprobation and repulsion arise. Without it loss of quality and waste of time and materials result. It is needful to speak more often about the rhythm of labor, otherwise even gifted and capable workers will lose their aspiration.

Brotherhood (1937) - 407:
407. And yet, how to deal with unbelievers who try everywhere to cause cleavages? There are very many of them, and owing to their ignorance they are very clamorous and meddlesome. One should muster a few scientific arguments against them. They cannot brook having the extreme irrelevancy of their opinions pointed out to them. Fortunately, science in different domains helps to illumine the paths of evolution. Of course, the ignorant will insist upon long outworn concepts. They do not like it when they are asked for proofs. Their attempts to screen themselves with scientific terms merely prove their narrowness of conception. Sometimes it is useful to come in touch with stagnation in order to perceive the entire extent of the obstacles to freedom of evolution. One need not be distressed at the existence of such branded consciousnesses. Each word which serves as a challenge to them will be a useful sowing. Let them even become abusive, nevertheless an agitation of matter will result.

Brotherhood (1937) - 606:
606. Determine in your consciousness whether the concept of Brotherhood serves the limitation or expansion of your possibilities. If someone feels even the least constricting reaction, let him not come near the Brotherhood. But if the heart is ready to accept the advantages of Brotherhood, then the message will come.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 13:
People find it difficult to become accustomed to the idea of a mental interchange of thought. But among Us such a state is absolutely natural, and serves to simplify Our relations. One thought can often replace an entire exchange of words. Even in daily life, those who have lived together for a long time understand the thoughts of their companions. Certain exercises can, without apparatuses, enable one to understand the thoughts of co-workers. We speak only about what We apply in Our lives.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 66:
Urusvati has again heard the expressions of sorrow of Sister Oriole. Of course, it is difficult not to be horrified when earthly decay has spread to such an unprecedented extent. These processes at the end of Kali Yuga cannot be stopped on command. They must be outlived, and the dust raised by their whirlwinds must be reworked. It is difficult indeed for so much litter to be made harmless, but the seeds must be separated from the chaff! We affirm that the care for every grain is great. The manifestation of unfit elements is great at the end of Kali Yuga. The fiercer Armageddon is, the better it serves as purifier of the dross. But the Host of Earth thinks otherwise. He values this dross and hopes to increase it. There are those who do not like to clean their own homes, and the resulting accumulations often end in conflagration. Therefore, he who fears labor should forget about Our existence.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 134:
134. Urusvati knows about teraphim. Some may wonder if the idea of teraphim does not contradict the idea of power of thought. If thought is the strongest manifestation, why then would an object be needed to serve as a focus for concentrating it? It is true that teraphim are not needed for a powerful mental message, but they can be used to economize mental power. Each kind of energy must be used intelligently. The object that serves to accumulate energy also serves to multiply it. Such objects preserve the precipitations of energy, which can be gradually intensified. From ancient times teraphim have been regarded as sacred, but today this concept has become a scientific one.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 134:
The Stone from the far-off worlds is a significant teraph of the Brotherhood. Much has been written about this Stone. A part of it performs the duty of a messenger throughout the world, carried by the hands of the chosen. People call the Stone "Grail," but it has also been called by many other names. Legends of all times reveal some of the truth regarding this Stone, but its most significant aspect is not mentioned - the Stone is permeated with a substance that helps to preserve the vibrational communications with the far-off worlds. Likewise, a small particle of the Stone serves as a link with the Brotherhood. Thus again there is a scientific basis for a legend which has become a part of human history. We purposely emphasize the scientific aspect of this legend because the ignorant ones are ever ready to attribute everything to the darkness of superstition. Urusvati knows this Stone of Our Abode. We preserve it in a special place so that the vibrations may retain their original power.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 140:
We do not commission Our messengers to perform impossible tasks. We know the limitations of human ability, and We also know what can be expected of a human being in the building of a realistic future. We can just expect the highest degree of striving from Our messengers. When there is such intensity Our Magnet is active and serves as a strong shield. However, for the long journey timidity is not suitable. Everyone knows, in the depths of his heart, whether he is led by the highest degree of striving or is just being dragged along in fear.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 225:
The same also applies to knowledge, which should not be mechanical or limited. I repeat that the fire of exaltation is the best connecting bridge, which also serves as a balancing force amidst the storms of space.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 332:
332. Urusvati knows that the law of the spiral is the basis of Cosmos. This is confirmed not only by physics, but also by evolution. The simple example of a screw will illustrate this idea. The more threads there are on the screw, the better it serves its purpose. Similarly, from an evolutionary point of view the spiral must have many turns.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 360:
The Thinker said, "Whether I serve Nature, or Nature serves me, does not matter. The important thing is that all my knowledge and experience are offered in the service of the Common Good."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 385:
In addition to the fact that unification evokes an intensification of Our help, it acts as a "pump," pouring forth spatial energy. People do not realize that when they are united their energy is increased many times. Only through scientific methods may skeptics be convinced. Let your scientists show you how united forces are multiplied, and when this progression is calculated, humans will realize once again what has been entrusted to them in their earthly life. Why should you not learn that cooperation is the best magic? Even those who do not know Us should ask themselves if there is not somewhere a precious Source of energy that could be utilized in life. Every such acceptance serves as an approach to Us.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 395:
So-called sacred pains are caused only by an excessive outflow of psychic energy. But how can we disapprove of the generosity of one who serves the Common Good with all his will and being? One cannot place a limit on self-sacrifice when rendering help to humanity.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 447:
Do you hear Me? I am speaking of collaboration! Every transgression against it serves darkness. Hear Me! All cooperation with darkness serves destruction. Remember Our Towers, where the Hearth of Collaboration shines.


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