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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SE > SEPARATES (7)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 131:
You, who determine the destinies of nations! Enter the laboratories, climb into the observatories, and, though you may not at once discover an analogy with social problems, your searching intellect will grasp the complexity of the structure of reality. You will realize the inseparability of the fate of human evolution from the cosmic processes. Therefore, real unprejudiced knowledge will be the sure guide to the future. He who separates the science of human sociology from the cosmic processes will thereby cut off his own legs and doom himself to a crippled life.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 149:
When a man is attracted by the Cosmic Magnet, all universal laws support this choice of the spirit. Hence, attachment to the Cosmic Magnet separates the spirit from the narrow understanding of the Ego. Thus, the circle drawn by the Cosmic Magnet establishes life upon the principle of General Good. Only the higher striving leads to universal energy. The urge of personal cravings does not bring one to the universal energy. Only the realization of the Cosmic Magnet will reveal the path to Infinity.

Heart (1932) - 416:
416. Much as the manifestations of the Subtle World are concealed, yet there are too many and too diverse people who have witnessed them. Not through seances or through invocations, but through the natural vision do many know of the existence of the Subtle World. Of course it is very rare to perceive the Fiery World, but a subtle being is not remote from our condition. Many will not even tell of these manifestations, because they are customary for them. Even the most simple people do not fear them, knowing in their hearts that they need not fear them. Fear, above all, separates people from the Subtle World. Thus is the most natural manifestation impeded. People also make use of the most impermissible necromancy, forgetting that each violation is against nature and harms the flow of the law. Moreover, among natural manifestations one must remember that the spiritual vision also acts in accordance with the heart. The low consciousness sees the low, but spiritual purification will permit higher vision. Thus, the condition of the heart will keep the consciousness above the usual manifestations.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 519:
519. Among the interpretations of the pyramids pay attention to that one which delineates the three Worlds. The top represents the Fiery World, where all is one; the middle part represents the Subtle World, where the essences are already separated; and the base is the dense World. This division is the most profound, and the gradations between the Worlds are symbolically portrayed by the pyramid. Such a symbol is truly significative. The dense World so widely separates the natures that it is even difficult to perceive how they can be fused into one on the Fiery summit. Yet the pyramid was built for the summit. Its foundation was laid only to bring all sides harmoniously together and to completion. Let each one ponder on how many times the point of the summit will be contained in the foundation. The fiery point must rule the unbridled, rudimentary stones upon the earth's surface. A great deal of just care must be applied in order to safeguard the Fiery completion. One must think about the summit. One should not be concerned that already in the Subtle World the essences are clearly separated. The edge of the pyramid may be divided into four parts, also into five, seven, eight, or any other number, but the three Worlds will remain the foundation of the basic division. One may imagine over the visible pyramid the identical invisible one, in an infinitely expanded concept. But this is beyond earthly language.

AUM (1936) - 18:
18. Do many concern themselves with spatial thought? It is distressing to realize how few. Is it possible to pass one's entire life with never a thought about the Highest? Examples of such vegetative existence are before our eyes. But no one, under any circumstances, should ever place himself on a level with the lowest. Let us recognize what man receives from even one approach to the far-off worlds. Such an approach separates man from all that is law. A single vision of the distant worlds is enough to transform one's entire life. To understand even a particle of life in the other worlds is to acquire a vivid remembrance forever. Such an approach is already an illumination of the consciousness. Aum is the power of Grace, and help is at hand for each one ready to set sail from the shore of the flesh. Even the smallest approaches to spatial thought should be valued.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 120:
120. Urusvati knows the significance of the moment that separates sleep from the waking state. This moment is called "the diamond of consciousness." During this transitory condition of consciousness man belongs simultaneously to both worlds - the physical and the subtle. If people perceived such conditions consciously, they would grasp more easily the idea of psychic energy.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 200:
"Friends, I wish to relate to you alone how I remember the distant world. The distance that separates us from it is enormous, but the flight is instantaneous. To land on this remote ground is impossible for Us, even in Our luminous bodies. But We can see the outlines of the oceans, rejoice in the beautiful colors, and even see the birds and the fish. People there are not like Us, and, wonderful to see, they can fly! Their speech cannot be heard, perhaps because of the resounding of the spheres. I remember the blue of the water, like sapphire, the green of the meadows, and the mountains, like emeralds. It would seem that man is incapable of stepping upon such pure soil. Even the air is unbearable for Us.


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