Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.2.5: 2.2.5. The law of the saturation of space is similar to that of cementation. Legends, prophecies and manifold signs have major significance not for the separate individuals but for the cementing of space. Our communions reveal the book of the growth of the spirit's understanding. Not by the way of miracle but by that of daily routine do We work. I vouch that even from spawn one can learn. Each ovum of the spawn bears a complete organism. Thus, a many-hued sac of thought imbues space. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.12: 2.5.12. It is impossible to separate the conditions of Earth from surrounding conditions, because the mental world has no narrow boundaries. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.9.11: 2.9.11. You may have noted in My Words cryptic passages or separate words not clear for today. Remember, guidance is on condition that karma be not infringed upon. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.9: One may have had occasion to see examples of the labor of saturated rhythm in separate individuals, or in very small communities, but a large crowd or assembly of people does not know how to utilize this principle. New Era Community (1926) - 249: Tell friends how difficult are the times, and that what is allowed to slip by does not return. Tell them that the Teaching of the Community must proceed in accord with the manifestations of energy. The usual mistake is to try to separate social from scientific constructions. It is difficult to picture the scientist apart from the social structure. During acceleration of evolution is it conceivable to remain in seclusion? Is it possible to sleep through the lightning manifestations? Fearlessly and without self-pity must one take up the burden of vigilance. There is no weariness when devastation is at the gates; when the power of psychic energy can gush forth in an irresistible current. Compare your situation with that in Holland, where the level of the sea is often higher than the land. What vigilance of watch must there be in guarding the canals and dikes! Agni Yoga (1929) - 91: 91. Reconciling the idea of the finiteness of the universe with that of the principle of infinite space is one of those problems that the pupil alone must resolve. This is called Summa Summarum. To help the realization of these concepts of space, We set milestones, but the realization itself must be achieved independently. This corresponds to the degree of "Lion of the Desert." It demonstrates the freeing of oneself from Earth and earthly possessions. This achievement is required for an understanding of the spheres as separate. Agni Yoga (1929) - 142: 142. Let us take an example from the animal world. When organisms sharing one kind of blood separate, the process always evokes a feeling of being incomplete. The litter of tiny, blind newborn creatures so unconsciously turns to the forces of nature that only compassion takes notice of them. But time passes, and they become a powerful pack. It is true that they fight with each other, but they unite to attack the enemy. A new force has been developed despite an insignificant beginning. Agni Yoga (1929) - 161: 161. Let us see wherein lie the similarities and differences between Agni Yoga and the preceding Yogas. Karma Yoga has many similarities with it as far as earthly realities are concerned. But when Agni Yoga provides ways to the realization of the far-off worlds, the difference becomes apparent. Raja Yoga, Jnana Yoga, and Bhakti Yoga are all separate from the realities of routine life, and because of this they cannot enter into the evolution of the future. Of course, an Agni Yogi should also be a Jnani and a Bhakti, and the development of the forces of his spirit makes him a Raja Yogi. How beautiful is the possibility of being fit for performing the tasks of the future evolution without rejecting the past conquests of spirit! One should not boast of bringing innovation, because only by a synthesis of the old and the new is a renewal of possibilities attainable. Agni Yoga (1929) - 226: The manifestation of corruption in the Subtle World impedes humanity from proceeding steadily toward perfection. But the Subtle World is corrupted by the earthly world; thus, the healing must begin from the earthly world. Therefore, the study of Yoga leads not only to self-perfectment but also to the improvement of the Subtle World. The yogi, by consciously changing the state of his body, achieves a greater tension in the work of the spirit. He shortens the periods of rest between incarnations, but even during his rest continuously directs his thoughts toward useful action. Thus, through incessant labor, he unites the separate worlds and affirms the realization of all that exists. Agni Yoga (1929) - 302: 302. One should observe certain precautions in Agni Yoga. Beyond a certain level one may notice pains in one's back. One should then take care not to bend down, because the pillar of energy is rising like quicksilver in a thermometer. Therefore an upright position of the spine is advised. Similarly undesirable is work that requires a tension to one side, such as tree cutting. The flame is vertical in its structure, and thus does each fire act. The taking of slight precautions will not separate people from life. One can quite unnoticeably introduce into life ways of action that are not harmful. Agni Yoga (1929) - 338: 338. A time of happiness - thus We call that step in the development of consciousness when, without turning away from life, Our co-workers are given the opportunity to join Us in Our Abode. But why has not one of these chosen ones made immediate use of this opportunity? Because, although the degree of development of their consciousness has unlocked the gates to Us, their same consciousness tells them not to abandon Our work when it is needed. Self-sacrifice grows from the developed consciousness, and the defense of Our Abode is a radiant task, a stone of salvation. The development of consciousness deepens one's understanding of the correlation of the laws of life and permits help to the consciousness of one's co-workers. But We do care that Our chosen ones, even physically, should not too distantly separate themselves from Our mountains. Agni Yoga (1929) - 387: Take several plants of the same kind and of approximately the same age. Any species can be used. Place them in the same room and observe them yourself without showing any preferences. After two months separate the plants into three groups and place them in different rooms. Be indifferent toward the first group, send your good will to the second, and send your will for destruction to the third. These transmissions should be performed at a short distance and the rhythm of Mahavan should be used. Agni Yoga (1929) - 394: The fog surrounding humanity is dense, but thoughts can be pushed through it in unexpected ways. It is much easier to build the structure of the Teaching out of separate pieces, like a mosaic. A direct, linear sequence of ideas should not be demanded. The fragments are added according to changing circumstances. Agni Yoga (1929) - 407: To observe the life of space is to gain knowledge; it is a partaking in the life of the Cosmos. Human life cannot be separate from the laws of psychic energy. It is equally absurd to suppress one's own consciousness. One cannot remain without water even for a day. It is likewise difficult for the consciousness to survive without the light from far-off worlds. Thinking about the grandeur of life can become as necessary as food or drink. Agni Yoga (1929) - 450: 450. One may regard a chain of incarnations as a sequence of separate lives, but it is better to look upon the entire chain of incarnations as one life. Truly, life is one; from the moment of mastering the human consciousness, life with all it involves does not cease, and the surrounding cosmic currents evoke the same sensations in all phases of life. This is one of the most binding conditions of life, proving the innate oneness of all principles. One could call the time of incarnation a sleeping dream or a waking day, depending on one's point of view. In the past perhaps it was a sleeping dream, but in the future it will perhaps be an awakening. This depends upon the success of one's evolution. Agni Yoga (1929) - 464: 464. Even if one gathers all the power of will, one still cannot evoke the Fire of Space. Those manifestations of the fiery element are not subject to command, they grow naturally from the expansion of consciousness. We call the human consciousness Our garden, where grow the fruits of labor. The work on the expansion of consciousness proceeds on two planes. These two planes are separate from the manifestations of life, just as a subterranean passage does not touch the vegetable kingdom and just as the fall of a meteorite is independent of the weather. People understand with difficulty these stratifications of two planes. Vigilance of the consciousness is required, but few are those who possess it. Each phenomenon of fire not only requires certain physical conditions but also depends upon the state of consciousness. The unexpectedness of phenomena is not so difficult to explain: it is enough to look into one's own consciousness without prejudice and to discern the physical conditions that preceded the phenomena. One will perceive a kind of short circuit of the current, which produces the manifestation. Agni Yoga (1929) - 512: 512. With each experiment, resistance caused by the presence of lower matter can be noticed. By purification or expulsion one can eliminate this harmful lower matter. Human existence is subject to universal laws. Does not the dullest opposition appear with every progressive step? Is not one forced to destroy irrationality and decay through the tension of fire? Just as in laboratory experiments, one must separate and remove all dead by-products. Agni Yoga (1929) - 545: The cultivation of straight-knowledge requires careful striving; therefore both the best and the simplest ones will achieve an equal ease of understanding. But the more ordinary consciousness is obstructed by its own preconceived ideas, unable to separate the phantom from the real. It is intoxicated, not by narcotics, but by its own way of thinking. The fixation of ideas, inculcated in childhood by the conventions of daily life, weakens attempts at sensible thinking. Agni Yoga (1929) - 548: One can review a complete chain of events and evaluate their sequence. In this also do we differ from animals, who cannot connect the separate moments. The teaching about comparing events provides a new way of acquiring psychic energy. If people would learn to understand the events of their lives according to their consciousness at the time, they would be able to progress from the level at which they have been stalled. Agni Yoga (1929) - 578: 578. The process of deepening and refining one's thinking enables one to conduct remarkable observations of distant communication. You know that a communication enters the consciousness as something separate, and therefore is easily forgotten. You also know that neither tempest nor hurricane can hinder psychic energy, though they can affect the centers, especially the Chalice. It is possible to observe how communications relate to the particular centers, and how the quality of the communications is affected by them. Briefly, the manifold ways of thinking and the varied properties of psychic energy will provide new opportunities for the individuality. Observations conducted under various conditions of locality, temperature, and weather will provide an inexhaustible source for new achievements. Agni Yoga (1929) - 667: 667. In Cosmos the center of striving rests upon the principle of Hierarchy. Cosmos acts by means of attraction to the manifested powerful center. Thus the cosmic seed is manifested in each action of Hierarchy by the quality of the striving, which ascends through realization of the predominant principle. Cosmic creativeness brings together the harmonious energies. This principle is so important that it is an undeniable necessity, which is truly affirmed by the principle of Hierarchy. The entire Universe is saturated with this principle. This spirit, which imbues all cosmic manifestations on the planet, is affirmed by the Highest Reason. Therefore, man, being a part of Cosmos, cannot separate himself from this principle. When cosmic creativeness is imbued with Reason, each manifestation of the Infinite is affirmed by the same principle. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 8: 8. The evolution of all that exists is not separate from the evolution of each spirit; it is as one spiral in eternal motion. The spiritual consciousness impelled to Our heights accumulates treasures and offers those gifts to Space. Through spiritual consciousness your planet is enriched. Materialism does not move evolution. Materialistic consciousness, pushing toward immobility, breeds the mosquitoes subsisting in the stagnant waters. The cause of the immobility of thought is terrifying. There is no endless rest. Therefore, do not tarry on one spot; either the shifting will swallow you or you will help the cosmic revolution. The basis of everything is the spiral, and you must understand the essence of the eternal Spatial Fire. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 14: Inseparable is the blending of the higher invisible spheres with the visible. Therefore, comprehend the indivisibility of our life. The Breath of Cosmos is immutable in everything. The manifestation of planetary periods depends on cosmic waves; therefore, those who deny the link between spirit and the cosmic whirls do not walk the path of knowledge. Is it admissible to perceive only one essential point in the All-existing? Is it admissible to separate one tiny grain from the Great Whole? Can one outline the boundaries narrowly without loss of one's development? Only madness sets limits for itself. Only those who are ignorant of the manifestation of Beauty will say, "We are content with the existing." Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 164: Sparks of the far-off worlds reach Earth, and the possibilities of studying the radiance of the worlds shine with especial brilliancy. Communion with the spatial fires will afford a light-bearing science. It is impossible to conceive all that can be bestowed by the power of the far-off worlds! The psychic life is affirmed there as the action of the Cosmic Magnet. The psycho-life guides all expressions of existence, and it is impossible to separate the shadow from the light. If people could but understand that light force which impels each action, they would regard the creative sources with great solicitude. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 298: If people could have a glimpse into the life laboratory which establishes all creative combinations, they would gain an understanding of the laws which invisibly govern the Universe. Therefore, do not separate the invisible world from life. The invisible power should be understood as the main impetus behind spirit-creativeness. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 255: 255. The condition of our planet is determined by human deeds. The manifestation of Spatial Fire creates spheres around the planet which protect it from suffocation. The fiery attraction is so powerful that it can be likened to a magnetic manifestation. Thus, when the forces of Cosmos drive toward a shifting, saturation of the space proceeds by the assertion of the Magnet. The planet is unable to separate itself from the Cosmic Magnet, and the chain of strivings toward the construction of evolution inseverably links all worlds. Thus, all actions of cosmic forces create in powerful cosmic coordination, and all worlds serve the law of unity. Therefore, humanity must include itself in this law! Heart (1932) - 125: 125. If here on Earth we do not learn to separate the properties of usefulness from those of harm, where can we acquire this experience? Following the law of the heart, one can clearly discern in each manifestation useful and harmful characteristics. Seldom are all the properties of an action good or bad, but the heart understands where are the sparks of light and the dust of darkness. The new cannot be built according to conventional, prejudicial, and earthly thoughts. It is necessary to remember that benefaction is issued broadly; its sparks are swept in to various hearths by a cosmic whirl. You yourselves see how unexpectedly the seeds of plants take hold. Likewise, there are many classes of human differentiations; this is why I also speak about containment. Heart (1932) - 244: 244. Where, then, is the boundary of self-interest? The heart knows these boundaries, but the reason cannot separate the petals of the fiery lotus. When the guard is entrusted with the gates, when the shield is given to him, and when he accepts all the arrows intended for the Teacher in his shield, this in itself will be a personal action, but it will be opposite to self-interest. The heart is well aware of these beautiful personal actions when each hostile arrow grows into a new petal of the fiery lotus. These personal actions, not superimposed by anyone, ordained by no one, denied by no one, but condemned by all the evil forces, are the true rays of achievement. Precisely the condemnation revealed by wrath will serve as one of the true criteria. One should note that darkness does not condemn actual self-interest; this also provides a true criterion. One should not only know of the criterion that leads upward but also of that which draws downward; only thus can one value the shield of achievement. Heart (1932) - 273: 273. The karmic husk recalls another shell, the shell of the subtle body that also brings many disturbances into existence. Actually, though neither of these shells should exist at all. Only human imperfection permits these borderline formations. Of course, the physical body assists the transformation into the subtle body, but if the spirit does not free itself in time from earthly attractions and carnal desires, the subtle body cannot separate itself in a pure condition. It bears upon itself a special sediment of earthly passions. Even though the subtle body frees itself from these vestiges, the shell nevertheless endures for a long time, swaying like a scarecrow, and frequently a very negative one. Human ignorance confers these sediments upon the beautiful Subtle World. If people would think of the link between the worlds and of the destined evolution, they would not dare surround themselves with such harmful debris. Heart (1932) - 545: 545. The law of free will does not permit the arresting of the inception of crime. But the law of justice provides the possibility of arresting the development of harm; as above, so below. One cannot avert the inception of criminal thoughts, but the heart can prompt one as to where the persecution of evil is already possible. Hence We insist so greatly upon the Teaching of the Heart. No other center can replace the essence of the heart. The accumulations of centuries in the Chalice are at the disposition of the heart. For the salvation of humanity does not consist in separate siddhis but in the central motive force - the heart. Thus, beyond all divisions one must come to the root of motion. Heart (1932) - 564: 564. Astrologically, both worlds are in approximately the same positions. Thus Armageddon is of course foreseen along the principal paths. One should not focus one's attention on isolated actions. The earthly Armageddon is in closest link with the Subtle World. In separate instances this may be less favorable, but the general tendency of it was foreseen long ago. The chief significance is determined in the Subtle World, earthly events being only the echo of the invisible battles. Hence I call your attention to the Subtle World. One should not only think of it but be imbued with the significance of it for coming events. If merciless enemies are revealed, they should be sought for there; when we search for true friends, we will find them there. That world should stand before us as a reality! Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 13: 13. You have heard of certain children who can see through solid bodies. Seek the solution in the karmic fiery nature. Actually, this is an entirely specific physical phenomenon, usually not conducive to the higher fiery attainments. Hatha Yoga intensifies separate centers and it can only be regretted that these partial endeavors do not lead to Raj Yoga and Agni Yoga. Thus, physical and fiery exercises are harmful, disturbing the surrounding equilibrium. Fire is the highest element, and the approach to it must be by way of the higher consciousness. One can understand and learn to love Fire only through this higher consciousness. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 73: 73. Sound and color are among the principal fiery manifestations. Thus the music of the spheres and the radiance of the fires of space are the highest manifestations of Fire. Hence, it is impossible constantly to hear the sounds of the spheres or to see the scintillating fires. Such frequency of emotions would separate the earthly body from the fiery one to too great an extent. Thus the equilibrium so needed for Eternity would not be created. It is true that in consciousness we should separate our four bodies in order that their functions may be divided. The disturbance of equilibrium leads to premature destruction of the lower body. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 74: 74. There is no reason to think that black magic is now especially increasing in Tibet. Of course it has increased there greatly, but this is only one phase of its world-wide development. One cannot imagine to what an extent this black network is being spread. It is impossible to conceive the entire diversity of its participants. It is impossible to reveal all the unsuspected combinations which sustain each other. Can one be reconciled to the fact that heads of states, prelates, Freemasons, rebels, judges, criminals, physicians, the sick and the healthy, are all at work in the same black field? The difficulty of detecting them is that one cannot indicate any definite organization; all is based on separate individuals, who are deliberately placed in the most varied activities. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 102: 102. In its timelessness and spacelessness thought belongs to the Subtle World, but still deeper possibilities must also be discerned in this construction. Fiery thought penetrates deeper than that of the Subtle World, therefore fiery thought more truly manifests the higher creativeness. With attention, everyone can distinguish these two strata of thought. During the usual trend of thought we are often conscious of a current, as it were, of a second thought, which clarifies and intensifies the first. This is not a division of the thought, on the contrary, it is a sign that deeper centers have begun an active participation. This flaming process is indicated by special terms in Hindu metaphysics, but we shall not dwell on them, for it will lead to dispute and Western arguments. Such controversies are of no use, all that is needed is a simple reminder of the fact that thought is linked with the Fiery World. Even children exclaim, "It came like a flash!" or, "It's dawned upon me!" Thus are called the moments of correct and instantaneous decisions. One may remember how Mme. Kovalevsky solved mathematical problems. Such a fiery condition linked with the Fiery World is characteristic. You know that above the subtle thoughts there are profound thoughts, which are sometimes difficult to separate from the thoughts of the Subtle World. This is not possible in the present state of our planet. The experience alone of this dual trend of thought should compel us to realize the division of the worlds. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 197: 197. The new race may be born in different parts of Earth. Do not be amazed if separate manifestations appear in the most unexpected places; for magnets are also placed in ways most unsuspected by humanity. Yet in placing magnets numerous circumstances are taken into account. Thus, the network of the race that is being generated is spread to distant frontiers. But one part of the world determines the destiny of the century; I shall not name that part of the world, but the history of all movements has marked it sufficiently. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 248: 248. During the experiments with thought-transmission, it is possible to observe to what an extent thought coming from outside glides over the brain. One of the qualities of fiery energy is ardor in conformity with the nature of Fire. For this reason it is difficult to retain in the memory a communication from outside. One should not blame oneself for this fiery habit, but should observe the properties of Fire. Indeed, alertness of thought is of assistance, yet one cannot retain the fiery contacts under earthly conditions. It is not only difficult to remember thoughts from outside, but it is also difficult to separate several simultaneous sendings. And in such a case the thread of the Hierarchy is also of assistance, for a single strong striving attunes, as it were the entire chord. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 260: 260. If have just watched a pupil of Bekhtereff experimenting with the transmission of thought to a distance, but he could not master even the simplest condition. He could not dissociate tension from the irritation that clogged his apparatus. While he thought that he was exerting himself, in reality he was only irritated, presupposing that nothing would result. While his thinking was theoretically correct, he could not separate his emotions. Moreover, pseudo-materialism which assumes that everything is for everybody under any circumstances, interferes. Certainly, this may be possible after the evolution of two more races, but now it may be likened to an elephant's load on the back of a cockroach. The understanding of psychic energy is confused. Even though it be called a material hammer, let it at least be realized. The name does not matter. One can cite a mass of names, but crudity will not diminish because of them. The increasing coarsening of psychic energy is the most terrible epidemic. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 273: 273. The study of reciprocal intercourse among people is true social science. The relations between man and man studied in sociology do not reveal all interrelations. Sociologists do not study the manifestations of spiritual reactions. They leave this to psychology. But this science, in addition to being superficial, usually studies separate individuals, whereas it is necessary to study the expressions of sociality, for the spiritual influence is unusually powerful and its contact with cosmic processes leads to the solution of many problems. One should assiduously compare crowds and also learn how to compare their actions with nature's resonator. One should not overlook these powerful factors. It is not enough to know the effect of a volley of cannons; this is too elementary. It is far more important to know the effects of a crowd's glances or its shouts. One should realize that these waves reach remote shores by way of all the fiery currents. Thus, one can discover the causes of many unexpected occurrences, but this demands observation. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 352: 352. Let us not be grieved at the sight of indifference; it only proves the conclusion that it is inadmissible to remain in such a disgraceful, wretched condition. Even in an hour of exhaustion We still do not discontinue the work of unification. At times one cannot even bring together people who are quite close to each other. It matters not; let them remain temporarily in separate homes, but let them at least refrain from quenching the fires. Thus, one must be vigilant that fires be not extinguished. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 375: 375. The seed of the spirit and the divisibility of spirit provide the explanation regarding the monad. The seed of the spirit is indispensable to life. The divisibility of spirit makes possible both the enrichment and the dissipation of the monad. One can consciously divide one's spirit for the good of the world and send forth its separate parts for achievement. From this, only enrichment results. But ignorance may dissipate the treasure and remain together with a dormant seed. From this, soullessness results. Actually, the parts of the spirit dissipated in ignorance may become obsessing agents, and then, woe to the sleeping heart! Thus, in order to avoid returning again to the divisibility of spirit, let us remember that the seed of the spirit can sleep or can be radiant in vigilance. Only by this light is the magnet of the heart created, which attracts to its bosom the released parts of spirit. There is a vast difference between setting free and losing. Thus, one can remember that the slumbering seed of the spirit, though it maintains life, admits all the qualities of soullessness. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 505: 505. Freedom from fear will not come through convincing oneself in each separate instance. On the contrary, such suggestions drive the feeling of fear inward, permitting it to return with full force at the first opportunity. Moreover, the terror will increase in proportion to the pressure of the artificial suggestion. Imprisoned fear is a very dangerous convict, and it is essential to rid oneself of fear - so declare all Teachings. Fear can be eradicated by comparisons. Point out the terror of facing ferocious beasts to the man who is threatened by fire, and he will say, "I would know how to escape wild beasts, but how can I escape this blaze?" Thus, collect all the possible causes of fear, and one after another they will fall away like dry leaves. Likewise, one should call forth complete relativity in order to become accustomed to the boundlessness of the Fiery World. The attraction to the earthly crust creates the illusion of security; this explains the attachment of human beings to the earthly world. It is quite true that precisely here one should absorb many feelings and lay a foundation of receptivity, in order to tread the fiery waves more easily. For this reason earthly specialization is not as valuable as the qualities of receptivity and containment. It is not surprising that the dividing lines of the strata of the Subtle World do not coincide with those of conventional classifications on Earth. One may find oneself in the Subtle World among the most unexpected assortment of neighbors. Such a surprise threatens only those who cross over with a load of earthly survivals. But he who has refined his spiritual criteria will find the fulfillment of his expectations. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 565: 565. Often the divisibility of the heart has spurred the resourceful mind. Yet how can one divide that which is permeated with the one Fire? One can light many separate lamps from such Fire, but Fire itself cannot be divided. Thus, whole-hearted striving toward Hierarchy is undivided. I deem that many instabilities result from a lack of realization of the unity of Hierarchy. The time is coming when all the conditions of life will drive people to an understanding of the one Hierarchy. It has been wisely indicated that the greatest division will give the impetus for unity. Is not the present time of the utmost disunity? Can humanity become still more divided? This is the dawn of the accomplishment of unity. The waning moon prepares for the coming of the new moon. Is not an infant upon it? Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 112: 112. One can intensify one's will by the most mechanical expedients. Many examples and prescriptions can testify to this, but We advise to gather the strengthening of the will from Communion with Hierarchy. It may even be said that in general this is the sole means of the ascent of the spirit. Even the path of mechanics leads to the same thing, but through useless expenditures of time and effort. The communion with Hierarchy through the heart releases one from tantras and magic. Naturally, small alien hindrances can harm the communion, but let us not forget to what dangers the magician or the tantrik are exposed. But, in any case, he is not wise who dreams about his own separate will; it grows and vibrates in the Higher Treasuries. And he who is concerned as about his individual will, without the communion with the Higher Worlds, is not on the true path. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 309: 309. Likewise each traveler can fill space with useful ties. Even in antiquity, the dwellers of a community, after a certain amount of time, went separate ways for a while. Such an outspreading fluid network has an enormous salutary significance. One must send not only thoughts but also psychic energy over great distances. The ancients called such a fluid network the fabric of the Mother of the World. Therefore, when the Head of the Community proclaimed the approach of the date of departure, the manifested co-workers rejoiced, for this signified that the net of psychic energy was already strong. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 351: 351. Malice, doubt, unbelief, impatience, laziness, and other inspirations of darkness separate the earthly world from the Higher Spheres. Instead of following the path of good, people attempt to replace ecstasy of the spirit with various narcotics, which give the illusion of the other world existence. Observe that in many religions there were introduced, as later adjuncts, very clever compounds of narcotics for the purpose of artificially advancing the consciousness beyond the earthly state. Indeed the infallibility of such forcible measures is great; they not only do not bring the Worlds closer, they on the contrary estrange and coarsen the consciousness. Likewise, earthly life is filled with continuous poisonings with which people very affably regale each other. Teachers of all times have taught humanity the pure paths of spirit that lead into communion with the Higher Worlds, but only a few have chosen the path revealed by the heart. A special attention must be given to deliverance from poisonings. A considerable part of the Earth's soil is already infected, as is its surface. Besides narcotics, people have invented many obviously frightful substances which instead of being health-giving bring on spiritual death. Masses of poisonous vapors are choking the cities. People devote much thought to the production of many substances which should be considered far more deadly than narcotics. Narcotics bring harm to the addicts themselves, but deadly gases torment everything that lives. One cannot condemn narcotics enough, but also one cannot sufficiently condemn such murderous inventions. People formerly, at times, fell into error for the sake of illusionary ecstasy, but nowadays they are completely unashamed to kill the intellect and spirit of their near ones, calling this killing an attainment of science. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 469: 469. The Silvery Lotus of the fiery heart is not often manifested, even to lofty spirits. But separate petals of the fiery Lotus can be seen, and in accordance with them let us assemble the entire flower. But if this fiery wonder is even once evoked, and viewed by the heart, then from that hour the heart's path leads upward, toward eternal attainment. Let the ascent be of extreme steepness - We prepare a hand-rope for those who have resolved to ascend. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 60: 60. Religion and science must not be considered separate in their essential nature. Subtle study of matter and the atom leads to the conclusion that vital energy is not electricity but Fire. Thus science and religion merge upon a single principle. Matter is affirmed as a fiery substance, and no thoughtful spirit will deny that the higher force is Fire. Science cannot destroy the concept of the divinity of Fire, nor can any religion impose an interdiction on the subtle analyses made by science. In this way, then, the understanding and the harmony of the concepts of religion and science are affirmed. A subtle parallel can be drawn between science and religion, which will reveal all the higher stages. Therefore, it is so important that scholars should be in possession of subtle occult receptivity. But only a refined organism can possess this divine perception which is not developed from without but from within. Therefore, all the great discoveries for the good of humanity will not emanate from enormous laboratories, but will be discovered by the spirit of scholars who are in possession of the synthesis. We, the Brothers of Humanity, see the results which direct all quests along the right channel. Of course, the gift of the synthesis is not always bestowed, but those selfless zealots who do possess the synthesis are in no need of specialization. We see and foretell great results from the synthesis of spirit of the zealots. On the path to the Fiery World one must revere the Bearers of Synthesis. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 129: 129. In the spirit of each man lives the principle of good, which can saturate the whole being if these energies of Light are consciously invoked. The constructiveness of the spirit can be intensified by currents manifested by good or evil; it depends upon man to put into action the different levers. Each builder can honestly say to himself what it is that he serves - spirit or matter. Indeed, one can easily be convinced as to the direction in which the forces of the spirit proceed. In its seed each spirit knows the truth manifested by quiet currents; hence, this immersing directs the spirit to right thinking. Certainly, the consciousness of unity can open all the locks which separate man from the Higher Truth. The world of the spirit needs to be understood. Thus, everyone can evoke a most subtle current from the depths of the heart. The best conduit to the Fiery World is the depths of the heart; therein is hidden the Cosmic Fire. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 442: 442. All the secretions of man are too little studied. They can call to mind so much about psychic energy! Already the remarkable contents of saliva have been spoken about. It can yield the same evidences as photographs of radiations. One has but to separate the saliva of man into its various constituents to see its different phases. Furthermore, at times something indeterminable in its composition will be noted. Something reminding one of psychic energy. In some particular cases a significant deduction may be drawn. How useful is the cooperation of the observant physician! Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 530: 530. It is right to assign to co-workers the collecting of parts from the Books of the Teaching pertaining to separate subjects. Thus two results will be achieved - they will read the books more attentively and they will ponder as to what is pertinent to each different subject. In time one could collate these excerpts for inexpensive separate publications. The Teaching of "Living Ethics" is needed in diverse strata of people. One could combine the simpler themes and pass them on to those requiring preliminary knowledge. With each passing day people are more in need of a greater aspiration toward the understanding of the spiritual life. The confusion of the World demands new paths. AUM (1936) - 133: 133. Again one is asked, "Why continue to speak of three aspects when there are known to be more?" One should firmly point out that two paths exist - the path of analysis and the path of synthesis. Many intermediate conditions may be found so that the worlds appear as one connected whole. But later it is again necessary to separate the principal groups, and then we shall return to the triple structure. AUM (1936) - 192: 192. Let no one think that Our summons to the Higher World means tearing one away from Earth. On the contrary, the greatness of the Higher World only affirms all other manifestations of life. Earth cannot be a negligible planet when it is enwrapped in the very energy which is filled with the higher Light. Each comparison with the Higher World also enhances the good quality of earthly thoughts. Only evil can separate the worlds; only ignorance can dismember manifestations; only non-understanding counsels that earthly life is no part of beautiful creativeness; therefore, let us direct all science toward a righteous cognition. Nothing can divert one's heart if devotion and the sense of beauty live in it. AUM (1936) - 226: 226. In no medical school is psychology taught. Such a subject does not exist altogether.* The word psychology is connected with pedagogy, but not with cognition of the qualities of psychic energy. It is unthinkable that medical instruction should neglect such a fundamental subject. The cognition of psychic energy permits due attention to be given to remedies. Much less medicine is required when physicians are able to apply psychic treatment. The introduction of assistance by psychic energy will renew all the manifestations of life. Let us not separate the higher concept of life from medical assistance. So many ancient sources point out that priests were also physicians. Thus it was emphasized that the physician must have authority, otherwise he would trail behind the diseases without the possibility of warding them off. AUM (1936) - 316: 316. Correct is the thought to note down the different regulations and institutions useful to humanity. Evolution requires new forms in everything. Useful deductions should be discovered in already crystallized circumstances. The limits of knowledge are expanding. New interrelations are being created between the branches of science. Much which once appeared separate is now proved to issue from a single root. A need for new cooperative combinations is evident. It is imperative to study former subdivisions, replacing them with more goal-fitted ones. Such a need exists in all the domains of life - from philosophy and creed to the most practical sciences. AUM (1936) - 497: One person is concerned only about the quality of food; another tries to avoid foul language; another attempts to avoid irritation; a fourth avoids fear; but such useful details are nevertheless separate levers - none by itself will lift the entire weight. One needs to delve by degrees into the synthesis of the Teaching; only the rainbow of the synthesis can bestow advancement. If someone notices that one aspect has taken possession of him, let him diligently repeat also the other parts of the given indications. AUM (1936) - 545: 545. One needs to be attentive to all manifestations which take place during cosmictension. Much is noted, but still more remains neglected. People have so withdrawn themselves from realization of the fundamental energy that they are unable to find words for the obvious manifestations and events. Indeed, it is impossible to separate events from psychic manifestations. AUM (1936) - 546: 546. Even the most experienced receiver of thought knows to what extent separate words are dislodged by extraneous intrusions. One can easily picture how many currents are intersected in space! A great number of instructive experiments can be carried out, not only in direct transmission of thought but also in investigating cross-current reactions. Brotherhood (1937) - 60: 60. We strengthen our listeners with all the qualities necessary on the path to Brotherhood. It is not enough to possess only certain separate qualities, it is needful to realize their complete combination. The symphony of qualities is like the symphony of the spheres. If one quality develops beautifully while others are straggling, there results a destructive dissonance. Dissonances can be weakening or irritating, or even destructive. Equilibrium of qualities is achieved through great tension of consciousness. The shepherd must carefully tend his flock, and likewise man must cure an ailing quality. A man himself knows definitely which of his qualities is ailing. Life provides him with an opportunity to test any quality whatsoever. In everyday life there can be found the possibility of application of any quality. If a man begins to insist that he has been deprived of the possibility of applying his best qualities, he will reveal his own dullness. On the other hand, if a man rejoices at a chance to apply his qualities, he exhibits broadening of consciousness. Then comes the next step of joy, precisely that concerning the beauty of symphony of qualities. Brotherhood (1937) - 78: 78. Destructive is the feeling of contentment. It leads to satiation and to paralysis of energy. One may observe in the Subtle World the most pitiful fate of such paralytics. Even the little that they have succeeded in accumulating during their earthly life is cut short by paralysis of energy. Vagrant shades, they cannot succeed, because without energy it is impossible to advance. You may be asked whose lot is more gloomy, that of such paralytics or of the malignant haters. The answer is difficult. Those who hate can suffer and thus be purified, but through disuse of energy the paralytics lose the possibility of advancing. Is it not better to suffer much but with the possibility of advance? The torments that purify are better than hopeless dissolution. Hatred can be transformed into love, but paralysis is the terror of night. Such hopeless destructions cannot lead to Brotherhood. Paralysis of separate limbs can be overcome by the will, but if the basic energy itself is inactive how can a command be carried out? Many such living corpses walk about! Brotherhood (1937) - 82: 82. Composite dreams and recollections represent in themselves a whole science. Sometimes they are interwoven with fiction, but upon dissection they manifest a whole series of separate episodes which are quite real. Therefore, when people speak about something as being impossible, one should reflect that perhaps a combination of some parts may be unnatural, whereas each one of them may be entirely possible. It is instructive to observe precisely which parts of recollections fall out more easily; thus the character of the person himself can be elucidated. Brotherhood (1937) - 215: 215. Knowledge proceeds along the lines of both generalization and subdivision. Some scholars begin with the first steps of cognition to apply themselves to the former, while others cannot go beyond the limits of the latter. Sooner or later these too must turn to the method of generalization. One must learn to like this kind of thinking. In it is contained creativeness. Subdivision will be a preparatory path to the same goal. It is useful to be able to understand the distinction between the two paths. Indeed, there are at present many diligent scholars who are quite content with the second. But it is of little assistance when with each new cognition there is arising a synthesis of many branches of science. There is required great mobility of mind in order to be able to find comparison and confirmation from a most unforeseen domain of science. The ability to combine imperative evidences already demonstrates a lofty degree of consciousness. Much has been lost on account of needless subdivisions. There has even been noticed a sort of hostility between the separate branches of science. But are not the humanitarian and applied science branches of the same tree of Truth? Brotherhood (1937) - 315: 315. It is not easy to gather together a brotherhood in full concordance. Let it be a group small in number, but without contradictions; it is easier for a small group both to convene and to separate. Any forcible bond is contrary to the concept of Brotherhood. Let them be only three, yet will their concordance be stronger than the vacillation of a hundred. Hesitation and confusion are injurious not only to people but also cosmically. Brotherhood (1937) - 400: 400. Even the smallest signs lead to great manifestations, but people do not realize that a pathway overgrown with brambles can lead to a glorious achievement. It is the usual mistake to demand large earthly signs for advancing. One must understand the entire and most subtle fabric befitting the Greatest Image. One must not permit people to defame beautiful existence. Those Images must be brought to Earth which do not cause harmful confusion. As it is, the great Tree is cloven, its separate branches withered. It is not evident that anyone has regretted the scattering of the One Treasure. The foolish assume that discourse about the severed branches is a needless symbol, for they do not even know how to think about Oneness. These ignorant ones cannot understand the collective concept of Brotherhood. What is the dome to them, when they have not even laid the steps! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 90: 90. Urusvati has experienced the way in which a special concentration of the eyesight can help one perceive former incarnations. One would think that such concentration of the gaze would be natural for everyone; however, there are two conditions that make it exceptional while in the earthly body. An extraordinary intensification of psychic energy and tension of the optic nerves are required. The images of former lives are brought forth from the depths of radiant accumulations, and just as in a kaleidoscope, these separate fragments join together to form a complete picture. Such an experience is therefore difficult for those in their earthly bodies, and We rarely allow it because it can harm the eyesight. Even though it would be possible to see many remarkable things in this way while in the earthly body, the conditions of life do not allow frequent use of these natural possibilities. Even those of Us who are in physical bodies must experiment cautiously along these lines. People probably will not understand why, even in Our Abode, earthly laws must be applied. To most of them, everything is either possible or impossible. They do not want to understand that the laws of the Universe must be respected. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 91: In Our Community We use special apparatuses to broaden the capacity of the heart. We would be happy to share this knowledge freely, but human hands would only cause heartache. These apparatuses should not be used without having control of one's thoughts, otherwise the heart would be overburdened. In addition, the surrounding conditions should be suitable. You know how easy it is to contact Us when the fires of the heart are kindled, and the spirit rejoices in exaltation. Beware of irritation and fear, those petty obstructions that not only separate you from Us, but also burden Us. Seek nearby, seek in the small things, seek in everyday life. We are talking about the ways that lead to the far-off worlds. Petty obstructions are out of place in such preparations. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 157: 157. Urusvati has experienced the feeling of separation from Earth. This feeling, and the powerful magnetic attraction to Earth, can only be understood by those who have experienced them. They can also appreciate the extraordinarily powerful attractions the Teacher is exposed to. He has earned the right to separate Himself from Earth, but chooses not to, and in so doing experiences a tormenting weariness whose depth words cannot express. Only the power of consciousness can liberate Him from this overwhelming anguish. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 159: 159. Urusvati can describe the features of the Great Pilgrim to artists who have a talent for depicting the human face. At least in a general way this Image should be given to the people. Here We shall once more recall His features. His light brown hair was rather long, with soft waves in noticeably separate locks and ends that were slightly darker. His forehead was broad and bright, unwrinkled, with eyebrows somewhat darker than the hair, but not too prominent. His eyes were blue and raised at the corners, with lashes that gave them great depth. His cheekbones were somewhat high and His nose not large, but gently rounded; His mouth was not large, but with rather full lips, His moustache not thick, and not covering the mouth. His beard was parted in the center, and not heavy. These features were appealing, but it was not so much the beauty as the expression of His face that made it unforgettable. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 170: In His thoughts the Teacher could separate the strands of prejudice and ignorance, and He chose words to correspond to the consciousness of His listeners. Thus, when they pressed him with questions such as whether Earth is flat, for some He would answer that it is flat, and for others the answer would be adjusted according to the level of their consciousness. In everything the Great Pilgrim always answered according to the listener's capacity, and one can learn from the simplicity of His answers. The Brotherhood stresses the importance of speaking according to the listener's consciousness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 249: 249. Urusvati knows that even an accelerated evolution must go through lawful stages, or chaos will inundate it, and under such conditions it is particularly difficult for a person to cope with his own free will. Even intelligent people cannot always reconcile the personal with the evolutionary. They cannot grasp the idea that there are dates destined for the world that they cannot separate themselves from. Such lack of understanding would be harmless if it were not for the rebellious action of the free will, causing harmful conflict. Man stubbornly persists in his own perceptions and does not admit other solutions. Much energy is required to tame such a free will, therefore, when We speak about alertness and flexibility of mind, We want to prevent the harm that comes from such stubbornness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 268: Do not imagine that the Teacher remains isolated. Every one of you can sense mental messages, but the Teacher feels them more strongly. We call these perceptions supermundane, yet they include all earthly feelings. We do not separate Existence by conventional divisions. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 292: Second, when We recommend vigilance, We mean it to be applied in all aspects of life. People think that vigilance is necessary only at times of great importance, but in fact it is required in even the most insignificant daily actions. It is impossible to separate the outward details from the essential, therefore events should not be evaluated by their appearance. All conditions should be calmly considered and one must learn from their diversity. Try to apply Our Vigilance, the vigilance that prevails in Our Tower. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 322: Understanding another's misfortunes broadens the consciousness. Just one brief caring thought can create a salutary link, but, alas, even such brief thoughts are not often sent, and people ignore these karmic resolutions with cold indifference. They cannot imagine how much they separate themselves from Us and from the Subtle World, from which the best help could be received. Therefore, you must fully understand the foundations of life. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 333: 333. Urusvati knows what causes Us to choose an unusual system for giving Our discourses. The ignorant will say that there is no system at all, but simply countless aphorisms, some of which deal with current events, while others are unreasonably repetitious. Such is the opinion of the superficial reader, who cannot grasp the idea of the need for rhythm, which helps to broaden the consciousness. One cannot separate the discourses into formal subjects. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 391: The spheres can be defined schematically as separate, but when studied in detail they are seen to be interconnected. Although on Earth everything appears distinct and classified, in reality all existence is subtly linked in the most diverse ways. This is even more so in the Subtle World. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 428: Let him also gather those poetic fictions about Our Towers, of which there is an abundance. This legendary material must be recorded, and collected in separate chapters. People will be interested to learn how these notions were interpreted by different cultures. The songs of different nations will also remind us about the Unknown Place toward which pilgrims of every kind are striving.