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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SE > SENTINELS (4)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 133:
133. M. has many towers and sentinels upon the slopes of Himalaya. None without guide shall penetrate the snowy barriers. Amidst the glaciers Giants keep watch over the currents of the world. The fields of ice blossom with pure fire, and the air is rich with ozone.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 497:
497. Realize how useful it is to follow Our Counsel with striving, without regret, knowing that the whirlwinds of the storm intensify the centers. But under the umbrella of Dukkar you can wait for the storm to pass; for the Teacher has many sentinels. Lightning serves, in its discharge, to set ozone free.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 100:
100. Consideration of the significance of synthesis in earthly existence is correct. The entire force of consciousness should be preserved during the attainment of the higher spheres of the Subtle World. Yet only a synthesis of consciousness affords this possibility. One should also become accustomed to the most rapid orientation, and what could better contribute to this than synthesis? People speak of vigilance, but under this quality they think of vigilance in only one direction. But even trusted sentinels have perished from striving in only one direction. Can we value all nature's riches if our eye is unaccustomed to mobility?

Brotherhood (1937) - 74:
74. "The city has been fully fortified, its walls and towers are strong, at each gate stands a sentry - no enemy can penetrate into the stronghold. However, sentinels, be wary, be not confounded by the arrows of the enemy. The arrows have been devised with special inscriptions for the purpose of distracting the attention of those on watch. The inscriptions are to allure the sentries, so that their minds will be confused and the gates will be left defenseless." Thus was described in a certain Mystery the state of psychic energy during the confusion of the spirit.


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