AUM (1936) - 303: It is evident, especially at present, how much harm humanity is inflicting upon itself. Each thought is either a stone in the construction or poison in the heart. It need not be thought that, when speaking about self-poisoning, We have in mind anything new - this truth is as old as the world! But when the vessel is approaching shipwreck, all forces should be summoned to the common task. AUM (1936) - 305: 305. Obsession and self-poisoning are close companions. They are equally little recognized by people. During the process of self-poisoning, obsession is especially easy, but under obsession poisoning ultimately takes place; such poisoning is ineradicable. Certain people assert that during obsession the health not only does not fail but even improves. This is a great error, the apparent good health is the result of the nervous tension only. Moreover, the intrusion of a foreign psychic energy inevitably opens a channel to various infections. Obsession is not psychism, but it affects the entire organism. Let us say definitely - obsession is not only a psychic sickness but also an evidence of infection of the whole organism. Many epidemics have obsession as their origin. Indeed, the dark obsessing entity is not concerned about the health of its victim. Every disease is in itself a dissolution which is pleasing to darkness. Two psychic energies cannot live long together. Periodically there may be a relaxation of the obsession, such a method is employed by the obsessors if they value the victim. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 278: Only goal-fitness can save man from such self-poisoning. Imagine how the Teacher feels amid such a poisonous atmosphere, not only in the earthly life, but also in the Supermundane. Obscenity goes against the idea of the General Good and should be sternly opposed.