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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SE > SELF-PERFECTMENT (30)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 130:
Answer him, "This is the law of self-perfectment."

Agni Yoga (1929) - 130:
He will reply, "This too is not new. Where are the advantages of self-perfectment?"

Agni Yoga (1929) - 226:
The manifestation of corruption in the Subtle World impedes humanity from proceeding steadily toward perfection. But the Subtle World is corrupted by the earthly world; thus, the healing must begin from the earthly world. Therefore, the study of Yoga leads not only to self-perfectment but also to the improvement of the Subtle World. The yogi, by consciously changing the state of his body, achieves a greater tension in the work of the spirit. He shortens the periods of rest between incarnations, but even during his rest continuously directs his thoughts toward useful action. Thus, through incessant labor, he unites the separate worlds and affirms the realization of all that exists.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 245:
245. Why is Earth so sick? Because the rays of the heavenly bodies cannot penetrate its polluted aura. To what will man be reduced if he ceases his communion with the supreme consciousness and sinks into base ignorance? From the greatest of the worlds to the microcosm, the law is one. Losing their realization of the great worlds, people have wandered from the understanding of perfection. The great worlds have become for them a foolish fantasy; and for them, self-perfectment is an unnecessary or even dangerous pastime. Slaving for their daily wage, they yearn only for the end of their path as they see it.

Hierarchy (1931) - 400:
400. Compared to the vegetable kingdom, the animal kingdom provides far more feasible experiments. If one understood Agni Yoga, one could feel to what an extent the influence of man exerts itself on animals. It can be seen to what an extent irritation or fear or assurance is transmitted to them. Certainly the law of Yogism extends from a "deadly eye" to resurrection. But through a multitude of intermediate steps one may observe various effects. Those who approach Agni Yoga should be warned of the possible consequences of thoughtless actions. How many unpleasantnesses might be avoided by simple self-discipline, to which one should accustom oneself. How many achievements accumulated through centuries are swept away by an unrestrained roaring. One must think of self-perfectment. One must arouse in oneself the superiority of the spirit, which will always be sustained by Hierarchy.

Heart (1932) - 75:
75. Love, achievement, labor, creation - these summits of ascent preserve the aspiring strivings in all permutations. What a bounty of additional concepts they encompass! What is love without self-sacrifice or achievement without valor, labor without patience, and creativeness without self-perfectment! And over this entire legion of benignant values the heart rules. Without it the most patient people, the most valiant, the most striving, will remain cold coffins! Burdened by knowledge, but unwinged, will be those who are heartless! It is sad not to come at the time of the Call! It is grievous not to follow the Hierarchy completely! Often people try to hide from themselves the rejection of the Hierarchy. Canst thou, traveler, open-heartedly be ready to follow the Hierarchy? Perhaps thy readiness is only up to the first turn, up to the first step, only where the Hierarchy can help? Wilt thou not forget at a difficult hour, or wilt thou remember Hierarchy only in abundance?

Heart (1932) - 306:
306. The Teacher can point out the direction, sometimes he can forewarn, but many actions must be performed by the disciples themselves. Moreover, it is necessary to manifest these actions voluntarily. In this voluntary striving is contained self-perfectment. Each infusion of self-interest or fear will sever the salutary link.

Heart (1932) - 367:
367. If one would collect in a single book all the deeds injurious to self-perfectment, it could be readily proved how simple it is to overcome them. It could be seen from what small actions this evil is accumulated. Is it difficult in life to refrain from trivial habits? Is it difficult to get rid of petty evils that poison the body? Is not the child ashamed of his first experience at lying? The child hardens his heart only through habit. Therefore, we call habits the callouses of the soul. Who is not aware of the warning of the heart before each unworthy act? These warnings of the heart provide the best calls, but often people force the heart to silence. This is a great crime - as great as severing the current that brings salvation to a near one.

Heart (1932) - 497:
497. You will be confronted with the question - Why does the manifested help appear precisely upon the brink of the abyss? There are many causes for this, among them karma and the desire for self-perfectment, yet from another angle, the cause lies in the tensity of heart energy. For cooperation with the Highest Forces tensity of the heart is needed, but it usually begins only when the tension reaches its extreme limit. This means that if the heart energy were manifested as it should be, cooperation would be achieved earlier. Thus we arrive again at the education of the heart energy. Let us remember that this education should begin with the minutest sensations and the most usual actions. This circumstance complicates the situation, because people usually like to say, "Let me fight a giant, but spare me from catching fleas." Yet giants are rare, whereas fleas are innumerable. One must pass through these dark swarms. The house has to be protected from them. The venom carried by the giant is less than that of the flea. Furthermore, the appearance of the giant evokes unusual courage; yet courage is also necessary against flies and fleas, and usually people suffer from flies rather than from giants.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 109:
109. The three dimensions are demons' chains - as someone has said. Truly, he who chained the human consciousness with three dimensions was a veritable jailer. How could it have been possible to conceal the other beautiful, higher dimension! In their first questions children often strive beyond the boundaries of conventional limitations. At no time did the ancient wisdom insist upon three dimensions. Only with the gradual coarsening of humanity did this limitation take possession of the mind. It is remarkable that when the lamps of the heart become extinct, people begin to concern themselves with limitations. One can quote numerous historical examples of this self-abasement. But the human consciousness prefers to ignore the fundamentals of self-perfectment. Thus it attempts to conceal the most precious possibilities.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 117:
117. How many lofty discourses are taking place! What a multitude of signs of higher knowledge are being poured into people's lives and scorned as husks! And yet, who thinks courageously about the morrow? On the contrary, tomorrow usually remains a hotbed of terrors into which the consciousness sinks. Attention needs to be directed to the wonders of each day. Let us pursue from the cradle the entire path of trust and self-perfectment.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 170:
170. Once, after a state council, a certain ruler took an earthenware vase and smashed it before the eyes of everyone. When asked the meaning of his action, he said, "I am reminding you about irreparability." Even when we break the simplest object we understand irreparability, yet how irreparable are thought-actions! We have become accustomed to surround ourselves with crude concepts, and they have thrust out all the higher concepts. If rulers would remind more often about the irreparability of mental decisions, they would forestall a great number of misfortunes. A ruler who is ignorant of the spiritual principle of self-perfectment cannot lead the multitude of consciousnesses entrusted to him. A ruler is a living example. A ruler is one who lays out the paths through all the worlds. He lays the foundation for prosperity, but it will not be prosperity on the material plane alone. Thus, he will be no true ruler for whom Fire exists only at the end of a match. His scope will be equal to that of his concepts.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 211:
211. I approve of your gathering the evidences of psychic energy and of the corresponding glands. For this it is necessary to observe the time sequence of the communications. In this sequence a deliberate rhythm can be perceived. It is not by accident that hints are given to various people in different countries. The alternation of the waves of East and West is also not accidental. The forgotten domain is gradually being conquered anew. Once again we approach the fundamentals of Existence. Precisely in this way shall we again understand life as a process of self-perfectment, and thus solve the ethical as well as the economic postulates. Hence it is so important to gather with great care all data about psychic energy, from various sources, not being constrained by their seeming contradictions. Nothing else has stirred up as much controversy as psychic energy. These flowers of Existence can be gathered only by a trained hand, otherwise the hand may be unsteady in the midst of the signs of all ages and peoples. There has never been a nation which did not dream about Agni, gathering for it the best consonances. A one-sided consciousness inevitably stumbles over dogmas and is frightened by sophistry. Yet Sophia is not sophistry, and experimentation is not prejudice - thus one may gather a useful collection.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 264:
264. "Me, me, me!" cries out the child, unwilling to admit his elders to his occupation. Up to the age of seven, do not the mind and heart at times remember the covenant of independent achievement on Earth? Later on the wise memories grow dim and often are inverted. "Let them, high and low, labor for me!" thus speaks the man who has forgotten about self-perfectment. But the child remembers and defends his independence. When another child whispers, "How can I manage to reach it?" he is ready for new experiences and conquests of the spirit. But it is not enough that such words of children are uttered - they must be noticed and appreciated. Fiery attention should record these calls and vows of the Subtle World. A small child states, "At last I am born." In this affirmation of striving for incarnation the Subtle World is evidenced. One can cite many instances when not only small children but even newborn babies unexpectedly uttered words of enormous significance and afterwards lapsed into their normal state. One must develop in oneself a fierily manifested memory and solicitude for one's surroundings. Thus one gathers the most valuable information.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 269:
269. Freedom of choice is predicated in everything. No coercion whatsoever should obstruct the path, but it is permitted to give a torch to everyone on a long journey. Enlightenment alone can help one to comprehend freedom of choice, therefore enlightenment is the affirmation of being. From the earliest years every school should provide instruction in linking reality to the essence of that which is predestined. Only thus can we link our existence with self-perfection. Freedom of choice, enlightenment, self-perfectment, are the paths of Fire. Only fiery beings can independently perceive these abutments of ascent. But everyone must be led through these gates, otherwise destructive disturbances arise which, together with the chaos of the elements, throw the planet into tremor. Thus, unbridled human confusions are added to the agitation of the elements. I consider it necessary to reiterate about the confusion which crushes all inceptions of evolution.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 308:
308. Self-perfectment is Light. Self-indulgence is darkness. One can so build one's life that each day will, as it were, be the end. But one can so illumine one's life that each hour will be a beginning. Thus one can rebuild one's earthly existence beneath one's very eyes. Only in this way will the questions of the future and the understanding of fiery perfectment become perceptible. Daring should be found to reconstruct one's life in accordance with new accumulations. To die in the bed of one's grandfather is to be relegated to a medieval status. We even advise that these beds be taken to a museum; this will also be more hygienic. However, we should not limit tomorrow by the measurements of yesterday; if we do, how can we approach a comprehension of the Fiery World, which was like hellfire to our grandfathers. And now, when due reverence is tendered to Light and the grandeur of Fire, we can have spiritually a very rich tomorrow.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 652:
652. Self-perfectment is the most difficult achievement. People inject into this process so many inconsistencies that the manifestation of true self-perfectment is obscured. Self-perfectment is simplified primarily when Hierarchy is accepted. Everyone should realize that the perfecting of the consciousness in itself contains all other aspects of improvement, but one cannot accept the mechanical betterment of the details of daily life as perfectment. One may be able to forge the most deadly blade or discover the most fatal poison, but it is impossible to consider such intellectual craftiness as worthy improvement. Nevertheless, to understand the idea of the Higher Worlds, it is necessary to determine what self-perfectment is. We can come to a decision as to what beautiful achievements are when we ourselves realize for what they must be accomplished. There will be not even a thought about achievement if we have no conception of the desirability of improvement of life. Affirmation of the physical world alone cannot advance the true development of consciousness. Take the history of humanity. Observe how brief were the periods of materialism; they invariably ended in bloody convulsions. Indeed, the trend of thought became rebellious, and the correct path having been lost, crimes multiplied. Self-perfectment is possible only through refinement of consciousness by its seeking to surround itself with worthy manifestations. Thus can consciousness protect us from small and shameful thoughts. Consciousness leads to the Fiery World.

AUM (1936) - 97:
People should aspire to unlimited knowledge. One should not command a man not to know. A man should not be deprived of his right to self-perfectment. Let us be known and remembered that the Teacher of life draws a line between past and future.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 165:
165. Urusvati knows the many different qualities that are required for self-perfectment. At times it is difficult to recognize their various combinations through intellectual reasoning alone. Let us take the example of Joshua, who was the leader of an unruly nation. Since his mission involved constant dangers, not only for him but also for the entire nation, he had to concentrate his will upon leadership, and could not allow himself to be distracted by basic theoretical tasks.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 205:
It is correctly pointed out that people are incarnated for specific purposes. For example, humiliated and tortured people return to Earth to remind others about their unacknowledged rights, but most of these people cannot overcome the desire for revenge and retribution, and few reach the noble heights of all-forgiveness and pure self-perfectment. There are those who return to the very place where they were abused and mistreated and wreak terrible vengeance. They hide themselves among the common people, bringing about sedition and hindering the progress of the country.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 205:
If people understood the consequences of this violence, they would be more effective in the building of their country, but few care to understand that blood shed in hatred is in need of purification. Thus, many times have We reminded you about the need for self-perfectment and an understanding of the Subtle World. Each one of Us has called to people in order to provide this knowledge.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 219:
"If people realized the law of uniqueness, they would speedily advance in self-perfectment. The dead intellect whispers that each day is a repetition of the previous one. One constantly hears such complaints, but each moment is different. Your consciousness can never return to its previous state; even in cases of a degenerating consciousness, it will regress, but not in the same way. Infinity exists in both macrocosm and microcosm. Even a song cannot be repeated exactly, because the conditions will be different each time. If you return to a city where you have not been for many years, everything will appear different. Your consciousness will never be able to duplicate the previous state. Some people feel distressed when they think about unrepeatability, but a wise man will rejoice, for he senses motion."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 233:
And so it may happen with incarnations. People may have to return just to find a little ring that is of great importance to them, but of no value to others. People cannot understand why some great incarnations are followed by seemingly insignificant ones, but who can tell what valuable object must be found during the difficult journey? Often, in the course of general self-perfectment, a small, precious stone is required that seems insignificant, but is of great value. Various incarnations indicate that an important task must be performed for the sake of general evolution.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 283:
283. Urusvati knows how much We value readiness for action. Activity can be of two kinds, external and internal. A person may not yet have the opportunity to begin external activity, although his inner resolve is already fixed upon seeking truth and a desire for self-perfectment. But his striving creates within him a sort of magnet, which attracts the outer possibilities.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 349:
We strongly advocate both labor and thought for self-perfectment. These will bring sublime accumulations that do not evaporate in the Subtle World, but, on the contrary, will lead to further knowledge. Thus We lay the foundation of harmony.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 396:
It can be claimed that such groans do not exist. The inhabitants of the lower strata of the Subtle World are so attached to the familiar conditions there that they cannot perceive the higher manifestations. Let them remain in their imagined well-being. On Earth, too, some dance amid fratricidal wars, and their insensitivity extends into strata of the Subtle World, making self-perfectment impossible.


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