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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SE > SELF-JUSTIFICATION (5)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 337:
Anything ordinary will not invoke the Fire of Space. Sacrifice is accepted by the consciousness. But how precise must be the chisel inscribing justice, and how subtle can be the wiliness of self-justification!

Hierarchy (1931) - 172:
172. One more misconception often, because of ignorance or self-justification, people think that their thought is insignificant and can reach nowhere, whereas the potentiality of thought is great, and for thought there exists neither space nor time. But those who think chaotically are, like those who wave their hands in the dark, unaware of the object they hit. Moreover, thought accumulates in space. One can conceive of a mighty choir of harmonious thoughts, but one can also imagine a flock of chattering black jackdaws. Such congregations also fill space and disturb the higher worlds. Dear thinkers, jackdaws, you are also responsible for the quality of your thoughts. Thus, even you create your future.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 32:
32. The struggle of the spirit is a step toward recovery. During stagnation of the spirit and the persistence of conceit and self-justification, the spirit cannot advance. Therefore the fiery baptism presupposes the struggle of the spirit. Naturally, intensified questing leads toward the struggle of the spirit. One may observe how people rise and sink in spirit. One may observe how a spirit which possesses a full synthesis becomes engrossed in its searching and does not manifest the quality of completeness. One may also perceive in a specialist a person who finds in his labors self-sufficiency and a feeling of crowned completeness. This is likewise true of the so-called "business ability" in contrast to a free swing of thought and creativeness. Hence, it is so important to discern in people their potentialities, because the manifestation of a genius is not always visible to those who are limited by self-sufficiency. Therefore it is also necessary to develop respect for the labor and the research of those who possess a synthesis. On the path to the Fiery World synthesis and the manifestation of the struggle of the spirit are needed.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 144:
144. Let us speak about fear and presumption. Fear sees its own reflection. Each preconceived opinion is usually a reflection. Fear seeks to destroy each good beginning. Presumption puts a strain on the strongest aspirations, and We can point to a cemetery containing fearful records which substantiate this. A preconceived interpretation is a self-justification; therefore, preconception is often death.

AUM (1936) - 501:
501. People speak of some particular synthetic character, but such self-justification is wrong. There exists no inherent synthesis without assiduous cultivation of psychic energy. Likewise they insist that the physical sciences impede the development of generalization, yet each one knows of great physicists, astronomers, chemists and mechanicians, who were first of all distinctly synthetic minds. Let us not enumerate them, but it can be said that great science develops great minds.


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