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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SE > SELF-DISINFECTION (1)

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 438:
438. As with everything, fiery self-disinfection is the best prophylaxis. Precisely Fire protects against obsession. Precisely Agni is the panacea for cancer, tuberculosis, and all other diseases. But until people assimilate the significance of Agni, one must have recourse to vegetable and mineral expedients. The simplest, most natural, and most essential property of everyone seems to be the most neglected. You know to what an extent those who remembered about psychic energy escaped many illnesses. You saw it and became convinced. During the approach of fiery energies it is necessary that people be not ashamed to acknowledge the fiery principle in themselves. This will be the cultivation of Agni.


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