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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SE > SELF-BETTERMENT (3)

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 349:
Are there perhaps certain invocations or physical exercises that can intensify this harmony? Certainly there are many such aids, but in the end they act like narcotics, producing only an imagined harmony. Such attainments are not beneficial and are not suitable for the Subtle World. Since the object of self-betterment is to become perfect for our future existence, We advise the use of the more natural methods of spiritual development. This is the new message.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 363:
People are reluctant to accept the idea that a routine task should be followed by a period of concentrated thinking. How then can they imagine the kind of thought that kindles the fires of space and builds structures in the Subtle World? Even those who write about the significance of thought do not apply to themselves the rule about the inevitable and irreparable results of thinking. Man is a strange being, quite ready to accept the idea of the influence of someone else's thoughts, but oblivious to the results of his own thinking. Thus man neglects his own possibilities. I believe that the time has come for people to cease lecturing and to apply themselves to strict self-betterment.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 370:
370. Urusvati knows that self-betterment must begin with the eradication of small, but harmful, habits. We particularly stress the importance of daily habits. People believe they must overcome the main obstacles at once, only to find that such drastic measures are beyond their capacity. One may also often observe instances when people imagine that they have rid themselves of their major sins, yet remain burdened with little ugly habits. A tree bent by the weight of ugly fruit, developed over ages, is a sad sight indeed.


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