New Era Community (1926) - 99: 99. A seal is the guardian of a secret. Secrecy has existed in all times. Where the knowledge is small, secrecy must be used. It is fearful to reflect that a certain quality of the consciousness is in no wise different now from the level of the stone age. Alien thinking, not human, does not wish to move forward; indeed, does not wish it. New Era Community (1926) - 99: Indeed, the community does not admit the thief, who through theft affirms the worst aspect of ownership. Manifest austerity, know how to respect secrecy so as not even to repeat a date to oneself - be as a wave which washes away a stone but once. New Era Community (1926) - 204: 204. Secrecy is a sign of lack of knowledge. At times Our Community is accused of reclusion and of unwillingness to help people. You yourselves know and have seen Us in various places and have seen Our agents. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 487: 487. Historic acts of great significance were often carried out in accordance with directions given in visions. The Invisible Government has pronounced its decisions more often than people suspect. The Higher Beings or departed relatives bring the message of imminent dates. One can only deplore the concealment of such visions and visitations, that is, unless secrecy has been enjoined. The fiery seal upon the lips is very lasting. However, one may disclose the truth to posterity in memoirs that will sustain many hearts. You yourselves already know of an entire succession of historic events which were based on warnings and indications. Thus, one can note a series of events from antiquity to our days which were seemingly links of one guiding thought. It is right to collect these fiery revelations; in them will be disclosed an entire interworld system. One must probe historical facts deeply, in order still more consciously to understand the wisdom of the construction. I advise the recording of all known historic events that took place or were connected with higher visions. During such work many more facts will be found, because a striving thought is like a magnet. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 637: 637. He who dares the stream chooses firm stones. He understands to whom and when he may entrust the Teaching. The Bird of Life, the radiant Swan, also reveals straight-knowledge as to where lies the boundary of usefulness. The determination of this boundary cannot be expressed in human language. It can be unalterably sensed, but cannot be calculated by physical measurements. Thus a great test for each treason is created. Another great test lies in the acceptance of homelessness. There may be much mockery over the concept of homelessness. To the earthly mind the concept of a home is an absolute necessity. If anyone dared express himself as to a House of Light he would be taken for a lunatic. Therefore a change of earthly dwelling places is a useful expansion of the concept. Another great test is that of hearing every thought. The pitiable concept of earthly secrecy leads people into many errors. The feeling of pride and egoism rebels against the absence of secrecy, but co-workers of the Hierarchy of Light already understand this degree of cooperation. "I am ready," he says, and hastens to open his heart. The successful mastery of all trials lies within our hearts and consists in our love for the Lord. If we are filled with love, can obstacles exist? Earthly love itself creates miracles. Does not the fiery love for Hierarchy multiply our forces? These forces will help to transform homelessness into a beautiful Home, vast and unlimited! One cannot think of beautiful expanses in the midst of a fog of contentment. It is said that hunger obstructs the path to God, but we will also add that contentment is like murky waters. He who understands the difference between hunger and contentment will enter the current. But he who touches the Light will be transformed into a Bird of Life. So long as the Bird of Life remains a poetic abstraction, that spirit is still unready. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 660: 660. Discrimination is one of the most pronounced fiery qualities. It is not straight-knowledge, but a glimmer, as it were, of the language of the Fiery World.. Truly, the man with open centers does not judge by words; he understands all the inner meaning of speech. If all judges were at such a level of fiery discrimination, many offenses would appear in a different light. But such discrimination needs cultivation. It exists in the seed of the spirit, but one must evoke it from the storehouse of the Unmanifest. Therefore a sharpening of the consciousness must be urged. Let each approaching one manifest himself as an exemplary judge. Let one begin to judge according to the eyes; another by the intonation of voice; a third according to the bodily movements. It is immaterial where one begins, because the inner fire is reflected on all the nerve centers. And it is instructive to observe how words often fail to reflect the inner condition. With patience one can attain great results and disclose signs of fiery understanding. Certainly, this will be only a glimpse of the Fiery World, but each spark of such cognizance is already an achievement. Upon entering the Subtle World one should firmly bear in mind the resolution to go toward Light, to hasten to self-perfection, and for this each advice is extremely important. If here upon Earth we already approach discrimination, then upon crossing into the Subtle World this achievement will be a benefaction. The principal difficulty is that despair and perplexity hinder the assimilation of the new conditions. But if we remember firmly whither and wherefore we go, we will instantly find many helpers. Yet people are especially disconcerted by the absence of secrecy when the Ineffable Light penetrates all that exists. Blessed are those who do not have to be ashamed of their heart's accumulations. Love everything that can uplift the heart. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 534: 534. Note this remarkable fact when a man begins to notice around himself a manifestation of spiritual life, he never fails to call himself an occultist. Whereas it is simpler to consider oneself able to see. Occultists are rather those who remain in darkness, in secrecy. Hence, there should be given an essential cleansing to some concepts. Otherwise many may fall into the abyss of conceit and insanity. Affirm everywhere that the spiritual signs are a part of natural existence. But those ignorant of them deny them, for they are blind. Much have those who see had to endure; the blind cannot stand talk about the Light. Therefore do not enrage those who do not see. So much is taking place just now that only those completely blind are paying no attention to the fiery signs. AUM (1936) - 149: 149. Secrecy is also cautiousness and goal-fitness. One should plant flowers in appropriate soil. One should know when and to whom to intrust the seeds; thus does the concept of the Guru grow. In the simplest and most needed manner, the Guru tells what is especially necessary. If he guards the secret, it means that this is temporarily imperative. There can be no suspicion that the Guru conceals harmfully. One must accept the Guru as Guide; in such a manner the concept of the secret is transformed. AUM (1936) - 149: It is very important to assimilate the fact that the so-called Great Mystery is not an obstacle, but only the guarding of the path. If it is because of mistrust and fear that a man has not yet started his journey, then no measure will advance him. On such a path the wayfarer turns back, but to retreat is abhorrent. Therefore, the Guru helps find the best path. He will explain secrecy as an undefiled treasure. AUM (1936) - 437: 437. Much that is inexpressible by words may be supplemented by symbols. Thus, in every symbol there will be the element of the inexpressible. It is possible to perceive the significance of secrecy, but words will be inadequate. AUM (1936) - 437: Symbols are as banners to which warriors can rally to learn their orders. Loss of the Banner has been considered the defeat of the army. Likewise, a disregard for symbols can deprive us of a concept inexpressible in words. Furthermore, a symbol is a reminder of the entire Teaching. The secrecy of the symbol is, as it were, a tension of energy. Brotherhood (1937) - 574: Only in the Brotherhood can one learn about openness and secrecy.