New Era Community (1926) - 101: It is easier to observe one sensitive apparatus which fixes the quality of thinking. It is possible to see spirals going upwards or descending into a darkish vapor - the most graphic illustration of the materialistic process of thinking through the quality of inner potential. These simple manifestations have a dual significance first, they detect the ignorant ones who image matter as something inert and lacking anything in common with the seat of consciousness; second, they have a significance for those seekers who will be responsible to themselves for the quality of their thinking. Agni Yoga (1929) - 413: 413. Placing the Teacher's seat in the most revered spot in the home is not a superstition. This is the place for the One invited to the Holy Supper. He may arrive at any moment, and it should be made clear to Him that He was awaited. This constant mark of expectancy and readiness is like a call through an open window. Amidst constructions and battles, let us spare enough time for a fleeting smile. Hierarchy (1931) - 109: 109. Why are the manifestations usually unexpected? There are two conditions - firstly, expectation always creates counteraction; even a conscious expectation can provide an energy superfluous for the manifestation. Secondly, in the case of an announcement, the black lodge may incidentally be informed. The presence of even one outsider can serve as an intermediary. The entire world is divided into black and white ones. Some serve consciously, others according to their nature, and the third present a jelly-like mass unfit for anything. The black lodge is strong, because for the combat with Light a powerful potentiality is needed. It is unwise to underestimate the forces of the adversaries, especially when their beloved Kali Yuga comes to its end. Certainly it is a decisive battle and one should take care that temptation and seduction do not touch the weak ones. The location of the main seat of the lodge of the dark ones was indicated long ago. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 369: 369. You explained quite correctly the curing of the case of tuberculosis, known to you. In fact, many cases of disease, especially among women, come from the kindling of the centers. But this conflagration can be quenched by giving a useful direction to the consciousness. It is possible that the fiery consciousness had been knocking for a long time, but the sparks of Fohat penetrated the region of the Chalice without being utilized. It is in this way that the conflagration starts, and tuberculosis is the most common result of unassimilated Fire. To assimilate in consciousness means also to assimilate physically. This connection of consciousness with the body is especially noticeable in the example of Fire, which causes a quite apparent physical deterioration if the Fire is not realized. Therefore, during illness, especially catarrhal ones, it is useful to perform a fiery pranayama. This pranayama is very simple - the usual inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth while directing the prana to the seat of the disease. But for intensification of the action one should keep in mind that the Fire of Space is being inhaled and the consumed Ur, exhaled. Thus, Fire is again the remedy, and the physician can alleviate the condition of the patient by assuring him of how easy it is to attract the basic energy. Fortunately, sickness strengthens one attitude toward faith, and a seriously ill patient will accept the reality of Fire more readily. Brotherhood (1937) - 500: 500. Likewise, let us not weary of repeating about unity; in this concept there is a constant intermixture of the inner with the outer. People will say, We are in unity, there exist but small crevices; but they forget that crevices are the seat of decay. Thus, they do not attach significance to inner unity. Yet, what edicts can implant the signs of harmony? It but remains to appeal to humanity's sense of shame. But without an understanding of harmony there can be no Brotherhood.