Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.10: Pious kings and most holy cardinals have more than once used this to enhance their prosperity. Likewise, you know the experiments of contemporary hypnotists wherein at a command sealed letters are read. Even in circuses this exhibition is offered without additional charge. New Era Community (1926) - 48: Indeed, as a sealed vessel, as an unplundered mountain, as a bow tensed with an arrow - thus stand! And as a drink from the vessel is flaming, and as the mountain is inexhaustible, and as the arrow is lethal - thus act! For who dares to affirm that difficulty is not the speediest attainment! Rivers of milk will turn sour, and shores of New Era Community (1926) - 162: Non-resistance is like a long-opened flask of perfume, but creative patience is like old sealed wine. New Era Community (1926) - 205: 205. Not needed by Us are well-meaning Nicodemuses who come by night and keep silent by day in the Sanhedrin. Each one must guard the secret entrusted to him, yet he must have ready a word about Us. Firm words can stun the adversaries. Say that it is curious to see one speaking about that which he knows not. If they speak against the hidden treasures, say that even the sea is full of sealed bottles. If they speak against the Community, say that he who reveres Christ, Buddha or Moses does not dare to speak against the Community of Good. The worst thing is to bring false accusation, for in it is falsehood, and slander, and betrayal, and ignorance. Say "Since the Teacher exists, why not make use of His wise counsels? You do not make use of them for you know not how to receive them. Hasten to become aware of the Mahatmas not in history but in life, and in the meantime keep your ignorance to yourselves." Agni Yoga (1929) - 399: Often We hear complaints that the Teaching is impracticable. Usually those people complain who make no real attempt to apply the Teaching. Can a medicine that is still sealed give relief? In any case, not many can claim a deep knowledge of the Teaching. Either their understanding is limited by their antiquated way of thinking, or they read it in bits and pieces without connecting them. One should first apply the Teaching before judging it. Light-mindedness is a world-wide failing! Heart (1932) - 105: 105. In the book Heart one must speak about even such simple matters as a living fire. The best people are content with electric light, forgetful of how many sicknesses are brought on by energies that are purposely sealed. So with rays. Why do they not notice that x-rays react upon the heart? So, too, they do not care to notice the influence of metals upon the heart. Many experiments are needed in order to learn even slightly to control destructive conditions. People wish to be relieved of sicknesses, but they hasten to multiply them. We should not be regarded as opponents retarding discoveries; on the contrary, We summon new discoveries. Heart (1932) - 175: 175. A sealed glass vessel will open only in response to sympathetic vibration. This is already known, but the coordination of the harmony of reverberation with all its astonishing diversity and variation is not yet sufficiently considered. Is it not strange that the same glass will resound either to glass or metal or wood, and to the most varied bodies? Such harmonization of reverberation reminds one once again of the multiplicity of coordinations of combinations. This example is useful for human leaders. Is not the greatest harm inflicted by monotony, which penetrates into all human strata? The law is one, but its vibrations are as varied as the Universe is multifarious. Those who know this law cannot regard the whole of humanity as a pile of homogeneous stones which resound to different vibrations. One must rejoice at this multiformity, for precisely it gives the path to refinement. What would become of the human heart if it reverberated to only one note? Hence, let all leaders remember about multiformity and diversity. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 633: 633. Ancient alliances were sealed by leaping through fire. In oaths the hand was held over fire. As a consecration one walked through fire. Such testimonies to fire have occurred through all ages. This must be taken as a recognition of the fiery element of purification. Even in thinking, one should form the habit of straining thought, so to speak, through the fire of the heart. This advice must be applied in action. One can feel in this action a moment of bliss, as it were, evoking the warmth of the heart. The feeling in the heart of warmth or heaviness or tremor will confirm the participation of the heart's energy. One should not consider these indications as merely preliminary to the Fiery World. Intensity of many of the aforementioned qualities will be needed for the Fiery World itself. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 304: During ordinary sleep one's psychic energy is strengthened by earthly currents, yet when passing into the Subtle World the consciousness may be interrupted. Thus it is advisable to assimilate certain ideas while still in the physical body. Upon transition, most people fall into a deep sleep and, while in this condition, lose their memory of many things. The accumulations remain sealed in the Chalice, and often the assistance of another person from outside is needed for removal of these seals. I am not speaking of those who pass into the Subtle World in full consciousness. In order not to lose consciousness, the most important thing is to remember and strengthen throughout one's life the decision to maintain consciousness during the transition. This consciousness is the treasure which we carry along with us.