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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SC > SCORPION (12)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 118:
Fear not the spear, nor dread the scorpion; no venom will penetrate your bodies.

New Era Community (1926) :
Be careful not to step upon a scorpion, and warn me about any vipers. Remember, we must arrive at a certain mountain village.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 262:
Let us learn to rejoice at obstacles, knowing that the welcomed obstacle can be used to speed success. And this success will be like a fishnet overfilled with an abundant catch. Therefore, let us direct our eye to our surroundings and understand from what perils we are being protected just by our devotion to the Teacher. But often we trust the Teacher in great works and are less certain in small ones. Often we see the great obstacles, while overlooking the multitude of small ones that lie within sight. After all, a small, unnoticed scorpion strikes just as poisonously as a large one. An eagle eye is needed, not so much to discern the mountain as to see the smallest grain of sand.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 527:
Exultant on the first day, he will not tire on the next. He will proceed like a joyous elephant, bursting through the brush. He will see his successes as the smile of the sun. He will drive away the scorpion of fear. He will accept the gift as the light on the path. He will understand the realization and development of the fires of the centers as an attracting magnet. And he will understand that the fires grow imperceptibly, just as plants do. He will understand that the fires burn away the past and illumine the future. And he will understand what podvig means!

Hierarchy (1931) - 342:
342. Individuality and egoism are like birth and death. The building of individuality manifests the conception of a New World, whereas egoism can mirror itself in the dead volcanoes of the moon. Not only does egoism deaden itself, it strikes the surroundings with sterility, whereas individuality kindles fires in all adjacent camps. Cooperation is the crown of individuality, but the scourge of egoism is like the sting of a scorpion. Can one rely upon egoism? No more than upon a viper! But true individuality contains in itself the foundation of universal justice. We must gather individualities; for a new diamond is in need of cutting, but egoism must pass through many incarnations. Indeed, this law may also be changed by the fire of the heart. Therefore, we can advise those adhering to egoism to be kindled by the proximity of a fiery heart.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 517:
517. One should not be distressed by writings that reflect human hatred; the darkness is vast! One can evoke the most radiant forces, yet the dark ones will obscure even the best manifestations. The dark ones can only obscure. If they are asked how to improve things, they will become wrathful, for their goal is not to make things better, but worse. One can see how evil forces penetrate into life under various guises. One should not comfort oneself with the idea that the dark ones cannot approach; they will utilize every grain of dust to cover themselves. Where they themselves dare not approach, they toss in a scorpion. The dark ones have many inventions. Therefore one must become accustomed to great vigilance.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 13:
13. One should observe not only Ours but also the Black Brotherhood. It is erroneous to minimize the strength of the dark forces. Very often their victory is due to such neglect. People very often say, "They are not worth thinking about." But one ought to think about everything existing. If people justifiably protect themselves against thieves and murderers, so much the more should they guard against the assassins of the spirit. One should appraise their strength in order to better withstand them. Ur. fearlessly visited the dark ones. She saw many of different grades, and in her valor she addressed them. Verily, there exists such a degree of courage that even the power of darkness is silenced. True, it is impossible to ever convince the dark ones, but one may paralyze them and considerably weaken them. Therefore, it is so important to oppose darkness actively. Out of dead dust - only dust is born. For the sake of home cleanliness various brooms are used. And when one finds a scorpion in the house, then it is immediately removed.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 379:
379. Once Akbar, in the midst of the State Council, ordered that the Book of laws be brought to him. On the book appeared a small scorpion. The meeting was interrupted and all the councilors gazed at the small, poisonous insect until the servants killed it. Akbar remarked, "The very smallest miscreant can suspend judgment pertaining to the state laws." Thus also on the path to the Fiery World the most insignificant detail can do harm. Only the heart can determine the fine point of balance between striving and caution. If the minds of all of a group of statesmen became dumb at the sight of an insignificant scorpion, then a cobra could throw an army into retreat. A warrior can be intimidated by a mouse if in his heart burns not the fire of faith and striving.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 384:
384. Warnings are useful in all cases. Earthly ailments ought to be anticipated. It is impossible to provide people with a panacea if the conditions of life are not purified. People dream about deliverance from cancer, that spiritual scorpion, but they do nothing to preclude its germination. You already know that the remedy given to you is one of the best against cancer, but it is also necessary to make use of vegetarian diet, and not to indulge in irritating smoking and drinking. Furthermore, one must expel imperil, and then the indicated remedy will be a good shield. But people usually do not wish to renounce all the destructive excesses, and they wait until the scorpion stings them. Likewise do other terrible diseases spread, as the dark gates are held open for them.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 472:
472. Can a worthy man meet on the path viper or scorpion or tarantula? Indeed he can. The longer the path, the more encounters. The difference is merely in this, that the faint-hearted can be stung, but the courageous will not be hurt. Thus, let us not consider that the best messengers will not be marked by the dark creatures. Let us call to mind all the examples.


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