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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SC > SCOPE (53)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.12:
And when I whispered, "Thy joy will depart," I had in mind the transformation of human joy into the cosmically manifested conception as if by entering into a vacuum. The rays of the new life enwrap one better than mosquito netting, and one need not strain oneself toward the Earth. In this, when we are working for the Earth, there is harmony. For outsiders, this seems sheer nonsense, but you understand how one can grasp and develop each pure earthly thought beyond its contemporary import. And when one has traced the thread from Christ to the blade of grass, then only has the scope of work been covered.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.1:
3.3.1. When the scope of the work grows, the floors and ceilings begin to crack. Men understand with great difficulty the difference between "it can be" and "it will be." It seems to them that if it can be it already will be. But where is the achievement and where the desire to pass over all walls?

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.16:
It is not important by what means the consciousness grows, but its volume enables it to assimilate the scope of great events.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.21:
He who performs the most wearisome labor most joyously will be the resolute victor, for he overcomes the burden of boredom. Of course every path, even the path to Our Community, has difficult crossings. The scope of consciousness is measured not through the flowers but across the abyss.

New Era Community (1926) - 128:
Even in daily life you save your near ones from dangers. Then, in Our Community, are not the lives of the co-workers protected in a larger scope? The lips of Friends do not keep silent, but it is necessary to learn to harken to the call of warning.

New Era Community (1926) - 131:
Likewise, broaden the scope of primary schools. This is My Advice for immediate application!

New Era Community (1926) - 244:
244. We often speak to you about the new and the young. Once and for all, We wish it understood that under these concepts is meant not age in years, but newness of consciousness and the youth of striving. Length of beard has no significance, and of no value is the affirmation of being under age. The flame of aspiration does not depend upon the body. The magnet of the primary substance is manifested independently of events taking place. Indeed, the concept of the magnet transcends the physical sphere. Apply the magnet to the psychic domain and you obtain a most valuable observation. The association of ideas has a certain basis in the magnetic wave. If one will investigate the passage of magnetic waves, it will be possible to establish the advancement of ideas in the same direction. The quality of the ideas may be different but the technique of their spreading will be similar. A certain experiment on the connection of the magnet with thinking gives an adequate example of the influence of a physical invisible energy upon the psychic process. The qualities of magnets are diverse; they can be tuned like instruments. The scope of magnetic wave-length is inconceivable. Their reaction on people is not according to age but to psychic aspiration. For distant radiations, magnetic waves serve as an exceptional conductor. Thus, we began with distant horizons and end with the future talk of humanity.

New Era Community (1926) - 246:
Condemning one, turn to yourself! Unfair owner, do not forget that someone else's infatuation for possession is only a reflection of your own! First of all, be concerned with the scope of your own consciousness. If the beast of ownership has not been forever engulfed by your consciousness, you remain not free, enticed by the mirage of Maya. Learning, one may solve the difficult problem of possessions in the joy of enlightenment.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 104:
Walk as though ascending the mountain of joy. Great is the scope of the battle for the regeneration of humanity's consciousness. The Teacher rejoices at your decisiveness.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) :
A great deal remains unknown to us, yet we do overcome our ignorance. Thus, even if we do not understand the meaning of Infinity, we are able to realize it as something unavoidable and therefore meriting special attention. How else may we temper into commensurateness our thoughts and actions? Verily, by comparison with Infinity we realize the scope of our grievances and triumphs.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 6:
Has it been ordained by the Lords that the concept of cosmos should be diminished into your human understanding of a short cycle? The span of understanding will define the outline of possibilities. Everything gains substantial nourishment from the same source, Prana, the manifested power of Cosmos. You accept the affirmation of this need quite simply; with equal simplicity accept the fact of psychic influence of the rays. When you will accept the wisdom of the ages according to Our Indications with your entire being, then the whirlwind of calamities will break against a wall of light. The scope of your possibilities depends on your acceptance or rejection of the Shield.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 12:
You have already experienced the two sharp points piercing the region of the shoulder blades, and with the same piercing centers of the lungs may be opened. These centers control prana. Only to the higher spirits do We send these rays. To those who have not realized the beauty and power of Cosmos in its entire scope, this experience is inaccessible. Only straight-knowledge is applicable in this cosmic experience. Therefore say, "Verily, I affirm the beauty of Infinity! I wish, O Lord, to sense the pulsation of the grandeur of the Cosmos!"

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 55:
55. A limited consciousness attracts only imperfect currents. The power of creativeness responds to the call of the spirit, and the scope of consciousness corresponds to the surrounding conditions created by the spirit itself. The law of reaction is the most recti-lineal. Cosmic energy as a propelled creative impulse will provide a culminating life there where striving is manifest. If man would comprehend the great mutual attraction, he would more often propel his energy toward cosmic creativeness. The call is affirmed as a great magnet. The belief that the evocation "Aum" is effective, when consciously made by the spirit, is based on wisdom. But the spirit invoked by an irresponsible spirit can only smite. All causes and effects are contained in the call.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 92:
92. Transmutation of the elements may reach an unimagined scope. When our reason will accept Infinity it will be possible to encompass the manifestations of all the impelled processes. Acceptance of the thought of Infinity will induce the development of new forms. New ways are indicated to him who strives toward new spheres. When the spirit seeks only repetitious ways, stagnation results. Repetitiousness in Cosmos is manifested as destruction. The repetitiousness in human reasoning is expressed in the reluctance to apply new ways. The growth of the power of the spatial fires provides for man a creative issue. The correlation of thought with the increase of spatial fires provides a great cosmic formula. This formula will reveal the ordained realm of the higher spheres. When humanity will learn to understand Infinity, then the hearing in the direction of the higher worlds will develop. Then, verily, will approach the time of the far-off worlds.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 93:
The concordance between new planets stands as the pledge of the future. The principle which will be set into the foundation of the structure will be the principle of the whole creative life. Concordance of the spirit will be expressed in the entire scope of life. When the far-off worlds will begin to live, then the highest principles of Cosmos will find application. Even upon Earth one may find a weak accord of affinity and establish the striving toward a successful result. Attunement of the spirit affords the needed harmony. As the affinity between elements is indispensable, so is the concordance of spirit the mother of creativeness.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 99:
The fires kindled by the Mother of Agni Yoga not only manifest Agni Yoga but are of cosmic scope. The fires provide the power of rays needed for limitless existence. Each fire is a ray of the creation of the future. The significance of the manifestation of fires is beyond bounds.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 106:
An Arhat sometimes waits for centuries to give a sacred mission. The manifestation of certain missions demands special combinations. We Arhats follow the principle of goal-fitness. The experiment of the Mother of Agni Yoga is distinguished not by brilliancy but by cosmic scope.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 111:
111. The acceleration of manifestations will lead to the realization of the advance of cosmic symbols. Understanding of the entire scope of the manifested cosmic process is eluding humanity. Upon what can life be constructed when the principle of fiery symbols is unaccepted in life!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 121:
This scope may be realized as the manifestation of the best-blended power, which unfolds through the full radiance of the beauty of ascent. By this greatest Magnet may one be affirmed upon the ever-growing summits of Eternity.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 149:
149. Whither should man strive? Whither should the accumulated forces be directed? Whither will perfectment lead? Is it possible that the manifestation of a mighty existence can simply disappear? The spirit must acknowledge that through its strivings it lives not for one life-round but for a cycle vouchsafed by Infinity. It is too great a struggle for one life. The scope of the abilities of man is too great for them to be exemplified in one lifetime.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 28:
28. The Fire of Space kindles the manifestations of propulsive energies. The manifestation of spatial torches is to be found throughout Cosmos. The human consciousness is kindled by the torches of the Fire of Space. Each spirit bearing fire in its potential is such a torch. The most fiery torch directs humanity to the assimilation of the affirmation of the spiritual fire. The creativeness of these torches intensifies the thought in a spatial scope. The Fire of Space, which imbues the Universe, creates the manifestations of energies as evolution. The torch of spiritual consciousness offers its intensified spiral to humanity. Along this spiral moves the affirmed life. The torch which creates the spiral of thought verily calls to the Fire of Space. Thus, We shall say to the striving ones "Be like torches!"

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 60:
60. One should seek Truth beyond the boundaries of human understanding. The destruction of the broad fields of vision, the cosmic, has not led to progress. When thought dwelt in the lower sphere, the striving manifested was in conformity with the scope of this sphere. When instead of a striving for expansion there was substituted the striving toward a limited sphere, that of the visible, the horizon indeed was narrowed. Cosmic creativeness aggregates its manifested forms according to expressed affinity. The attraction of correlated particles by the Magnet corresponds to the sphere of the spirit. You spoke correctly about the spheres saturated by the spirit. Only when spiritual striving leads to the realization of the nature of the dimensions of various spheres is the realization of the higher worlds affirmed. One may join in evolution limitlessly.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 247:
247. The cosmic foundation is known to be the magnet of striving. The entire cosmic structure is based on the force of striving; and each step is tensed by a magnet of Fire. The Spatial Fire creates all worlds. The spark expands into a fiery sphere, and all cosmic origins increase in fiery scope, encompassing all aspirations. Thus, the spirit conceived in fire is suffused with the Cosmic Fire. Therefore, the seed of the spirit is saturated with fiery striving.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 387:
387. Humanity's conception of the world is quite far from the truth. Only when the conception will correspond to Cosmic Truth can a proper striving be expected. The limitation of consciousness is the doom of the spirit; in it is contained a complete extermination of the best possibilities. Therefore, when the consciousness is limited by the visible world alone there is no link with Cosmos. Only that consciousness which embraces the world in the scope of vast actions can become a true co-worker of Cosmos. The law of cause and effect is so powerful that humanity must apply the understanding of the principle of coordination. It is customary to consider that time guides humanity, but this conception must be broadened. We say that the impellent force of actions in time moves each cosmic effect. Thus is Infinity created!

Hierarchy (1931) - 83:
83. Thus the Higher Reason creates upon Earth through the power of Hierarchy. Our creativeness requires the affirmation of Hierarchy in its entire scope, in its entire understanding, in its entire beauty. The understanding of Hierarchy reveals all possibilities. It is correct to view the law of Hierarchy as the summit of cosmic creativeness. Light pours from it, thoughts strive to it; thus one should direct the best strivings to the Summit of Hierarchy. Only when the highest affirmation enters consciously into life, can the highest be given. The fiery manifestation approaches!

Hierarchy (1931) - 143:
143. When the intensified Magnet convokes all forces, each energy should be discriminated. Therefore, one should know which forces are admissible for construction and which can bring harm. Discrimination can be attained only though adherence to the Highest consciousness, because only the scope of pure striving can reveal the affirmed Covenant of Service. Hence, one should learn to acknowledge all the higher laws, constructing life upon them.

Hierarchy (1931) - 270:
270. Simply and powerfully, life is imbued with the great law of Hierarchy. One need only accept the entire affirmed Might, then it will be possible to establish the entire scope. Thus, consciousness should strive to the great law of Hierarchy.

Hierarchy (1931) - 354:
Thus, let us remind about the battle, when the clash again assumes such colossal scope. The subterranean fire is equilibrated with difficulty, and the layers of magnetic currents are intercrossed. But let us not deny that this perturbation brings renewed possibilities.

Hierarchy (1931) - 358:
358. Humanity must build its strongholds as a wondrous indivisible circle. Each creative inception must be built upon integrity and indivisibility, affirming itself in an orbit around the center. Only thus, by a radius, can one reach all points and establish the right scope. It should be understood that each stronghold must be nurtured from the center. The more superficial the receptivity, the more perilous it is in all directions. Therefore one should harken to the inner manifestation of the center. The indivisibility of the stronghold is its might. Integrity is its beauty. The center is the Hierarchy of Bliss. Thus the highest step is built. Each spirit must realize that all lives through the light of integrity. Each Ashram is nurtured by integrity and lives by the Light of Hierarchy. Each atom lives by integrity. In this is beauty; thus is the world constructed.

Heart (1932) - 246:
246. Many errors have occurred because of a false understanding of the evolution of laws. When humanity approached the fundamental laws based upon ancient findings, it usually forgot to take into consideration all the stratifications of the ages, which are so important. Thus, if you describe a circle in the air with a stick, it will return to its primary position already altered and full of new sediments. The philosopher who maintains that the planet is regenerated with each rotation is correct. In any case, it alters with each rotation; so, too, does the law, which, remaining impregnable at the core, is constantly encircled with the spirals of evolution. These coats are very significant, hence it would be erroneous to adopt the law of millenniums ago in its complete scope. Hence, we insist upon constant study. One cannot be satisfied with a law that governed the planet during the glacial epoch. Similarly, one cannot compare the spiritual balance of a millennium ago with the present hour. Even chemically the strata around Earth have altered. Unapplied energies have been evoked, and thus chaos obtains new approaches.

Heart (1932) - 285:
285. Command your heart to come as close as possible to the Teacher. If words are necessary for the affirmation of the Teacher, begin to converse with the Teacher as though he were beside you. It is not necessary to expect an answer from the Teacher only in the usual words. The answer may be in numerous signs, apparent and also remote. One should absorb the entire scope of life in order to perceive the signs of great creativeness. It is necessary to realize how broad is the battle field of Armageddon. It is also necessary to think about the proximity of the Powers of the Highest World; independent of the conditions of life, they may be behind the shoulders of every striving spirit. Verily, we are contacted by the gentle touches of the Subtle World, yet one must feel these not only during the stillness of night but in daylight as well. The error of mankind is that it notices all subtle sensations only at twilight. Now is the path to Light!

Heart (1932) - 387:
387. Deodar oil has been called the balsam of the heart. Truly, some substances belong to Nature's heart, and their noble quality is conducive to the purification of the heart - so also in a rose, in musk, in amber. I cite the essences of various properties in order to define the scope of Nature's heart.

Heart (1932) - 421:
421. A severe time requires a powerful armor. This must be accepted even more deeply by the heart. People must accept the scope of the world battle for the sake of encouraging each other by mutual efforts. Condemnation and derision are especially out of place. As in the grandeur of a temple, one should unfold one's heart upward. Thus one can approach more closely an understanding of the dimensions of what occurs.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 137:
137. Add, when writing to the Latvian physician During observations of the eyes of the obsessed he must not lose sight of the fact that an observed symptom may change. At the approach of fiery energy, the symptom may disappear, as it were. The obsessing agent may begin to rave, or it may withdraw, taking the symptom with it. Therefore, the observation should be carried on without sending the fiery energy beforehand, otherwise this action will turn into expulsion of the obsessor. Such an action is excellent in itself, but it is beyond the scope of the oculist. The same reaction is sometimes observed in skin diseases which, under the influence of fiery energy, alter their appearance and even disappear. Let us not forget that obsession is sometimes manifested cutaneously, or by twitchings of the face. Nevertheless, the Latvian physician deserves praise, for it is not easy to perceive the crystals of brown gas.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 170:
170. Once, after a state council, a certain ruler took an earthenware vase and smashed it before the eyes of everyone. When asked the meaning of his action, he said, "I am reminding you about irreparability." Even when we break the simplest object we understand irreparability, yet how irreparable are thought-actions! We have become accustomed to surround ourselves with crude concepts, and they have thrust out all the higher concepts. If rulers would remind more often about the irreparability of mental decisions, they would forestall a great number of misfortunes. A ruler who is ignorant of the spiritual principle of self-perfectment cannot lead the multitude of consciousnesses entrusted to him. A ruler is a living example. A ruler is one who lays out the paths through all the worlds. He lays the foundation for prosperity, but it will not be prosperity on the material plane alone. Thus, he will be no true ruler for whom Fire exists only at the end of a match. His scope will be equal to that of his concepts.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 402:
402. Unexpectedness paralyzes all human senses. Hearing, sight, smell, and also touch are lost. But this is not the result of fear, only of turning away from a preconceived path. Actually, of all the elements fire offers the greatest amount of unexpectedness. People limit their consciousness to merely a few formulas of Agni. Therefore, all other varieties of the element of fire are simply not contained in the consciousness. This means that there is much still to be assimilated, and the unexpected can thus be turned into the expected. One should also deal similarly with hitherto unfamiliar manifestations of life. One should arm oneself spiritually in order that nothing in the Subtle World may surprise one. Many hope to meet relatives and a Guide; even films, devoid of spirit, have disclosed impressions of such meetings more than once. But in all worlds it is best to rely upon one's own consciousness and strength. Therefore one should eliminate every possibility of shocking the narrow consciousness. One must free oneself from being shocked by the unexpected. There are numerous unexpected concepts, forms, and combinations which make the consciousness shudder, but the more we admit and imagine, the less we are bound. Thus, develop your imagination on a world-wide scope. People refuse to believe that the unexpected, in other words, ignorance produces a paralysis of the nerves. Though it be ever so brief, such a reaction arrests the work of Fire. Wherever possible, one should accustom oneself to the concept of unexpectedness. This advice should be remembered especially.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 500:
500. It is especially difficult to explain to people that in the midst of days of extreme gravity there may be no outstanding events, and that the most propitious astrological dates may even be accompanied by misfortune. People will regard such comparisons as indicating the absurdity of astrological laws. They forget that the harvest is gathered after the sowing. Perhaps the best astrochemical currents can relatively lessen the scope of effects, but each effect has its inexorable cause. Therefore, in the midst of grave days one must exert extreme caution, solemnity, and magnanimity.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 560:
560. It must be remembered that Great Service brings one closer to cognition of the Great Goal. Comprehend it in its entire scope, to the best of your ability, in complete tension of the spirit. Beautiful is such tension when invisible co-workers gather around it. They strengthen the armor, protect from arrows, and illumine the path. Man can advance as if winged; he has gained numberless co-workers, and they are obedient to Hierarchy. Thus, above all physical considerations, let us at times lift our spirit toward the loftiest strongholds. This must be affirmed as the shield of the Great Service.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 597:
597. And so, the greatest misconception lies in the fact that people prepare themselves for death instead of educating themselves for life. They have heard often enough that the very concept of death is vanquished. They have heard often enough of the need for changing the seven sheaths. It has been sufficiently emphasized that these changes take place with the closest cooperation of Fire. This means that one should assist the fiery transmutations, since they are inevitable. Why spend ages and millenniums on that which can be accomplished far more quickly! We should prepare our consciousness for the fiery receptivity of our concentrated bodies. If something is subject to a fiery action, let this good be accomplished in the shortest possible time. Thinking about such transmutation in itself greatly helps our organism to assimilate this process into the consciousness. You already know that accepting something into the consciousness means a bodily assimilation also. In our general conceptions it is high time to become accustomed to the scope of the Fiery World. We are amazed at the difference between an idiot and a genius, but our imagination falls short in extending this divergence into infinity. Our imagination is equally uneducated in visualizing the closeness of the Fiery World, obscured solely by our body. Rarely do people see the highest spheres of the Subtle World, but those who are worthy to behold the splendor of the mountains and seas of the Subtle World, and the radiance of its flowers, can visualize the purity of the Fiery Kingdom! One can also imagine the omnipresence of the Fiery World, when even during physical existence one can project the subtle body to different places simultaneously. Thus let us become accustomed to the Fiery World as the only destiny of men.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 30:
30. Some people may think - how easy it is for the Lords, when They have passed beyond the boundaries of earthly burdens! But whoever says this does not know the scope of reality. Precisely as it is upon Earth, so also in Heaven. The earthly burdens pass away, but incomparable cosmic cares take their place. Truly, if it is difficult on Earth, then so much more difficult it is in Heaven. Let us not count the moments of Devachan, when illusion may conceal tomorrow's labor. But in action amidst chaos, it cannot be easy. You suffer from darkness and chaos. In all abodes it is as difficult from many aspects of darkness and the same chaos. But, fortunately for you, you only feel the attacks of chaos and do not see its murky movements. Truly, it is difficult for people because of their ignorance and their servility to darkness. But it is more difficult when one sees the movements of the masses of matter being turned into chaos. When the destructive subterranean fire tries prematurely to pierce the earthly crust, or when layers of gases poison the space, the difficulty surpasses all earthly imagination. Not burdens, but only comparisons help now to speak about the difficulties. For ignoramuses think that hymns and harps are the lot of Heavenly Dwellers. Such error must be dispersed. Nowhere are there indications that it is difficult only upon Earth; in comparison it must be said - if here one is annoyed by devils, the Archangel is threatened by Satan himself. Thus one must understand action and the everlasting battle with chaos. One must realize it as the only path and grow to love it as the sign of the Creator's trust.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 248:
248. Reading without the heart's functioning, even memorizing, helps but little. One can even compile a table showing how much the participation of the heart evokes true understanding. Let this not be understood as an abstraction. By its quality the pulse indicates how much heart participation assists the manifestation of perception. Such a concept draws one near to the Fiery World. It is tedious to listen to babblings which lack the heart quality, particularly since the number of printed books is reaching frightening proportions. Rarely has the quantity been so at variance with the quality! In this is also revealed a sign of heartlessness. We encourage each burning of the spirit. The flaming heart is a torch of the Fiery World. One should become accustomed to delving into the meaning of what has been said; and for this, translations into different languages are useful. Thereby is developed a precision of understanding. The Teacher must always rotate a concept so that it contacts the consciousness of the disciple in its full scope. Though urgent, it is impossible to accept many concepts at the first reading. One must return to them, as has been said, under all the shades of color of morning and evening. Even the night will bring a ray of understanding. You yourselves have seen how strangely people form opinions about what they have read. When they hear about the Messiah, they merely think - isn't he a demon? When they read about the heart, they are afraid - isn't it sorcery? This means that demons and sorcery are very familiar to them. The man who is pure in heart will not think first of all about darkness.

AUM (1936) - 90:
90. Even earthly thought can move solid objects - hence one can imagine the scope of the creative power of thought of the Higher World. People say that the conflict of thoughts results in truth, and thus people themselves unsuspectingly affirm a great truth. Truly, the creative power of thought energy is that secret about which sages deliberate. Precisely, not one thought, but the intersection of thought currents forms a spiral of conception. One may adduce many scientific experiments, but first of all it is necessary to establish the physical force of thought. If light objects can be moved under the force of thought, then this can be imagined as a progression in infinity. Not a spiritual nor an ethical calculation, but a physical one can present a concept of the higher magnitude. People should understand that their energy can produce enormous results. The potential of thought has been entrusted to each one and can be utilized scientifically, rationally, or wastefully to the harm of all that exists. Thus, prayer can be a great scientific experiment and proof.

AUM (1936) - 152:
152. One should not spill poison carelessly. A great many may be infected, and no one will know where the poison may be spread. Dark poisoners, do you know all your victims? But you will not remain ignorant. Sight will be given you, and you will see the entire scope of your doings. Thus do poisoners condemn themselves.

AUM (1936) - 177:
It is possible to carry out many experiments in speech and thought, but such investigation requires prolonged time and special patience. Who will sacrifice himself for the purpose of tenaciously continuing observations without visible results? One should also know that results may appear in an unexpected place. Moreover, the laws of psychic energy are sometimes difficult to grasp. Their operation extends far beyond the scope of the human imagination.

Brotherhood (1937) - 511:
511. Does man know the dimensions of his actions? Can man determine the inception of good or evil caused by his actions, so long as human thinking remains in earthly shackles? Verily, man does not know the scope of what he creates. Only thought about supermundane, infinite Existence can lead the consciousness out of its prison, but it is difficult to correlate the supermundane with the earthly in human understanding.

Brotherhood (1937) - 592:
592. Because of the inexhaustible riches of nature it is difficult to isolate one portion from the whole. Verily, everything is so permeated with the all-embracing principle that even from a grossly material standpoint one thing cannot be separated from another. Take the tiniest insect, could it be studied apart from its surroundings, without all the causes of reactions and effects? The more difficult it is to study man apart from nature. All the branches of man's knowledge merely bear witness to their artificial subdivision. Biology, physiology, psychology, parapsychology, and a great number of similar subdivisions simply compel one to ask, Where is the man? It is impossible to study the great microcosm without realization of the primary energy. Only such a unified concept can advance observations into a grander scope of man's nature. In this one should also remember the lofty concepts which uplift the spirit; among the first will be the Brotherhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 59:
In antiquity such actions were called sacred, for in them was felt something from beyond Earth, and the discerning of such actions is contained in straight-knowledge. It is difficult to classify them according to human laws, but an expanded consciousness can feel their presence. The higher ranks of the hostile forces especially dislike those who bear Our missions. The dark ones cannot understand the missions or determine their scope, which irritates them all the more.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 131:
131. Urusvati understands the beauty of collaboration with the Subtle World. Anyone who imagines that such contact is with a dead world only displays complete ignorance. We constantly work with this living world. We are particularly strengthened by the broad knowledge transmitted by Our co-workers in the Subtle World. Those who are limited by physical existence are able to learn only one aspect of truth, but the broad scope of Our science is acquired through knowledge that We derive from the Subtle World. One should not be limited by the physically visible horizon. The time will come when people will be able to enrich their lives by natural means, but this will require the ability to perceive life everywhere.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 141:
We teach people to resist transitory values that can veil the great Infinity, and point out the supermundane spheres to broaden their scope of thinking. If people become accustomed to thinking about the higher worlds, they will not claim the superiority of mundane life, and will find within themselves the strength to live a life of achievement and the ability to fulfill Our commissions. They will not be perplexed by the problems of earthly life, knowing that these problems can be solved by a higher degree of inspiration.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 268:
People do not believe that great thinkers, such as Plato, Pythagoras, or Anaxagoras, lived the lives of ordinary beings. It is essential to understand that even the most lofty personalities cannot avoid the fullness of their earthly emotions, which are kindled in proportion to the scope of their mission.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 309:
Much work is required before one can discern goodness. It is even more difficult to detect all the inner motives of the human mind. One should not judge only by outer deeds, but must examine motives. This art can be learned from the ancient sages. The circumstances of those days were quite different, but the scope of human thought was the same. Legends perhaps exaggerate the facts, but the essence of true achievement remains unchanged.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 323:
People are not aware that their destiny depends upon the scope of their consciousness. They do not like to discuss the concept of consciousness, because this kind of discourse reminds them of their responsibilities. Such a reminder is always unpleasant, for behind it rise long-forgotten phantoms. But a courageous man does not fear ghosts and is able to benefit from the inspiring advice that has been recorded throughout the ages.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 400:
400. Urusvati knows how uninterested and forgetful people are about past eras. Not realizing that today's culture is linked to the past, they demean it and thus limit their knowledge of the present. The recent past is vaguely remembered, and the ancient periods have been completely forgotten. Thus do people restrict the scope of their life awareness.


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