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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SA > SATISFACTORY (2)

Heart (1932) - 465:
465. The impression of the aura on film does not depend upon the film itself, but on the photographer and the subject photographed. The usual satisfactory plate is adequate, but the qualities of the participants and the witnesses are especially important. Not even with the excellent qualities of one participant should one expect immediate results. The vina must be tuned in order to attain harmonies. But people dislike preparatory work most of all. In addition, another condition is necessary - one should be able to pass at least one day without the slightest irritation. Imperil corrodes the most significant reflexes of energy. An irritable person can be called a shell in the full meaning of the word. The most significant results are obscured by one crystal of imperil. Imperil should not be regarded as a houseplant, its odor is widespreading and blights all currents. Hence, when I speak against irritation, I do not refer to dogma, but to an indicated medical cure. As always, this consideration must be carried out beginning with the most minute.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 284:
Truly, man needs to learn about his psychic energy. Many experiments are taking place, but so far the results are not satisfactory since the researchers work without any system and overlook many facts.


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