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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SA > SATANISTS (3)

Heart (1932) - 218:
218. What I indicated about obsession and Satanists, you yourselves now observe daily. Without complaint and sternly on guard you will attain victory. Let sternness be like a sharp sword. Thus, all who blaspheme must be punished.

Heart (1932) - 526:
526. We often send strong warnings to people, but their deafness is astonishing. Even what they hear they distort beyond recognition. One cannot sufficiently wonder at people who, even for the sake of their own salvation, are so inert, their purpose being to offend the Highest Powers. I ask that the abominable decrees of the Satanists be not forgotten, and it should be remembered that by uniting forces evil will be conquered. This must be remembered as a Command of the Lords. One must have no regrets, for in the time of battle one must strive only to the future.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 14:
Often psychism proves to be a weakening influence, but the Great Service is in straight-knowledge. Therefore We warn against psychism, against turning one's gaze backwards without a definite object for the future. The spiritually weak psychists are often a tasty dish for the Satanists.


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