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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SA > SALVATION (115)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 1:
1. By holiness in life, guard the precious Gem of Gems. Aum Tat Sat Aum! I am thou, thou art I - parts of the Divine Self. My Warriors! Life thunders - be watchful. Danger! The soul hearkens to its warning! The world is in turmoil - strive for salvation. I invoke blessings unto you. Salvation will be yours! Life nourishes the soul. Strive for the life glorified, and for the realization of purity. Put aside all prejudices - think freely. Be not downcast but full of hope. Flee not from life, but walk the path of salvation. You and We - here together in spirit. One Temple for all - for all, One God. Manifold worlds dwell in the Abode of the Almighty, And the Holy Spirit soars throughout. The Renovation of the World will come - the prophecies will be fulfilled. People will arise and build a New Temple.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 2:
2. In creation realize the happiness of life, and unto the desert turn your eye. Aflame with love for Christ, carry joy to Him. You bear wings of light. When departing life, you will see Me once more. Do not demean yourselves. Summon the courage to safeguard the mysteries. Comprehend the great gift of love to the One God. Try to unfold the power of insight, That you may perceive the future unity of mankind. The one salvation is to turn the spirit toward the light of Truth. The great gift of love lives in the one vision bestowed upon the fearless soul. You, my daughter, who have seen! Pure art is the true expression of the radiant spirit. Through art you gain the light.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 4:
4. My Friends! Happiness lies in serving the salvation of Humanity. Put aside all prejudices and, summoning your spiritual forces, aid mankind. Direct the unsightly towards the path of beauty. As the tree renews its leaves, so shall humanity flourish on the path of righteousness.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 185:
185. Think not of food. He who fasts, but in his heart covets food, is of little merit. Not with hay do you prepare yourselves for salvation, But through the growth of your spirit shall you achieve.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 249:
249. Let Us speak scientifically, but with kindness. Not for Ourselves, but for you, do I speak of trust. But Our messages shatter themselves against the heart that is barricaded. When needless words are uttered, the currents are mixed. Emanations of irritation deny entrance to the thoughts We send. Even a touch cannot be sensed by a hedgehog! In this, discern the difference between the quills of a hedgehog and Our feathered Shield. The benign arrows, like feathers, outline the circle of salvation; But if the needles of doubt do not permit the entrance of Our Message, special difficulties arise. The Higher Ones send Us Bliss. We transmit it to you. But if We and you reject the Bliss sent, We all shall be engulfed by the wave of evil.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 310:
310. I deem that the spirit finds the moment for all things. If the lighthouse is a constant beacon of safety for travelers, So much the more will My warriors be ever aflame with the fire of salvation. And the flame of action kindles other fires.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 331:
Know that no reward should be expected. Earthly rewards are not for you. You who strive must pursue the path boldly, without thought of danger or of joys to come. Remember what I have said to you. Accept not the best fruit from the table of the Lord, even if He offers it. Partake only of that which is given for the fulfilment of your mission. Reward does come, but expectation never brings reward. Did Christ, crucified, think of the salvation of His Soul? Even in the smallest measure try to be as He.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 354:
354. Kindle with love the light of beauty, And with action manifest to the world the salvation of the spirit.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.2:
Solemnly do I say that therein is salvation. "Long live thy God!" So you will say to everyone; and exchanging Gods, you will walk to the One.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.1.5:
I do not like to talk about reward for labor, but the remuneration will not be delayed. I speak of the joy of labor. The cooperative system is the sole salvation.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.21:
If the Earth were deprived of flowers, half of its vitality would disappear. Just as important is the snow, and like beacons of salvation stand the snowy mountains.

New Era Community (1926) - 76:
76. One must know the process of Battle called the casting down of the rocks. When the Battle reaches a certain tension the Leader tears away portions of the aura and casts them at the hordes of enemies. True, the auras of the warriors are violently torn also; therefore at this time the protective net is not strong, but the enemies are smitten especially vigorously. The fabric of the aura burns more severely than lightning. We call this method heroic. It must not be thought that we are traveling on a luxury train - we are walking over an abyss on a plank. Tufts torn from the aura leave it like the riddled wings of an eagle. It must be remembered that we ascend the walls without any cover. When a glass is broken it may not rattle at once, but when it reaches the lower gorges the crunching of its fragments is heard. You yourselves will understand the rest. The very greatest Forces are in Battle for the salvation of humanity.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 300:
Thus do I wish to strengthen those who have realized the urgency of the Teaching of Agni Yoga. One should not delay until the time when the torrent drives the crowd in search of salvation. This would only be knowledge gained under threat and terror, and such knowledge is of no value. It is necessary to know those who are guided by a free consciousness. Only those who know the purpose of a battle can participate in it. Slaves driven by force are not needed. I consider it right to protect sincere striving rather than to search for the fragments of a broken vessel.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 338:
338. A time of happiness - thus We call that step in the development of consciousness when, without turning away from life, Our co-workers are given the opportunity to join Us in Our Abode. But why has not one of these chosen ones made immediate use of this opportunity? Because, although the degree of development of their consciousness has unlocked the gates to Us, their same consciousness tells them not to abandon Our work when it is needed. Self-sacrifice grows from the developed consciousness, and the defense of Our Abode is a radiant task, a stone of salvation. The development of consciousness deepens one's understanding of the correlation of the laws of life and permits help to the consciousness of one's co-workers. But We do care that Our chosen ones, even physically, should not too distantly separate themselves from Our mountains.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 435:
It is instructive to observe how people fight everything that is unusual to them. We possess remarkable records of how people destroyed all unusual signs. What selfless dedication to destruction! Such signs, prepared with care, are the salvation of humanity.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 29:
The reorganization of life by way of cosmic fires will provide the salvation, but fear overcomes people at the thought of a reorganization of life. The old outworn forms attract, and thus do traditions originate. If the concept of tradition is regarded as one that leads to a foundation, then benefit may be derived, for a broadened consciousness will lead to a covenant of wisdom. But the traditions of our contemporary life do not allow the spirit to strive toward the higher spheres. The church has it dogmas; families have walls of restrictions erected by the forefathers; nations have laws which deprive them of the affirmation of independence. Thus, deprived of the spirit of beauty, how will they perceive Infinity?

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 40:
Obstacles that generate weakness of spirit are the begetters of failure. Obstacles that summon to battle the entire fire of the spirit serve as a creative impetus. The ancient wisdom says, "Evoke the date of battle; avoid no obstacles." Where there is evasion there is no salvation but only retardment. He who is unafraid to participate in the eternal unlimited motion may verily assume the image of the warrior. Readiness and the pressure of the rhythm will carry him into the radiance of Cosmos.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 45:
45. The illusion of life is created only by the thought which limits the cosmic expressions. But the true meaning of life impels striving into Infinity. Illusion is a drug, but the basis of striving lies in the affirmation of the endlessness of our tasks. The problem of spatial fires cannot be annihilated by humanity, and in humanity's task of rousing from its stupor lies its salvation. Much is said about those who lack understanding of that which joins our beings together. Having accepted life, we must accept the power of the bond. Disunited minds differ in rays of understanding, and this disunity bears the consciousness away from the primary source. The power of the bond is affirmed as the cosmic lever, and man cannot isolate himself.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 220:
The factor of creativeness predestined as a force inducing the attainment of cosmic equilibrium, will always be impelled by the principle of the Magnet. Only the affirmation of the Origins can balance the universal correlation. The ever-disturbing motion maintains unbalance. Hence, the Origins and veneration for them will be the factor that humanity may affirm as the salvation of the world.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 231:
231. Indeed, the affirmed new race must aspire to the principle of the center of evolution. The imbalance now manifest on the planet must inevitably provoke a shift, either for continual participation of the psychic energy or for destruction. Hence, the continuance of existence is conditional upon that affirmed force. Thus the Mother of Agni Yogi brings the chalice of salvation to mankind. Thus the Arhat and the Tara bring salvation into the construction of a better future. In the harmonious alliances of the Origins, salvation is borne to mankind. Thus We set the foundation of the new race and the step of highest fusion.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 252:
252. The shifting of energies occurs during the most complete rarefaction of a given substance. The adaptability of the energies to the generation of a new body is determined by attraction. The affinity of the elements becomes a propulsive force. The propelled Spatial Fire creates that chain which determines its force of attraction. The affinity of the elements intensifies the impelled formative principle. Upon this principle all actions are constructed. Humanity is drawn to the chain of affirmed Fire. When humanity realizes that its salvation lies in the action of the propelled Fire, the affinity with the subtle energies will afford a new step to humanity.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 320:
When the cosmic design is laid out for the affirmation of evolution, all creative energies are attracted to it. All propelled energies must be applied in Cosmos. In the human creativeness, all energies must be strained. When two concepts will be accepted as the only salvation, one may then stand on the step of ascent. And consubstantiality in Cosmos will reveal the attainment of the Infinite.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 137:
137. The spirit who sacrifices himself to affirm the great principles of the cosmic fires brings to humanity a lofty step of illumination. Thus, each Lord brought the Light of the cosmic fires. Because of these rays humanity lives, and evolution advances by these steps. The Fire of Space removes the unapplied affirmations. The spirit who sacrifices himself for the benefit of evolution bestows his radiant Lotus on humanity. Only the highest Agni Yogi knows the path of illumination, and the directed fires are manifested to humanity as the beacons of salvation. Yes, yes, yes! Thus, Our Mother of Agni Yoga gives the fiery salvation to humanity. Thus, the Guru provides the fiery urge toward Beauty. I confirm the co-workers striving to the fiery transmutation.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 428:
428. Knowledge, knowledge, knowledge! If people would ponder upon the fact that knowledge is the only salvation, there would not be a particle of the present suffering. All human sorrow is the result of ignorance. Therefore, every expansion of consciousness is cooperation with evolution. Every manifestation that obstructs the expansion of consciousness is antagonistic to evolution. Hence, the actions of the enemies are criminal and their karma is dreadful. Knowledge, let us reiterate, will put an end to the suffering of mankind.

Hierarchy (1931) - 94:
94. As he embarked upon a ship, a purse of gold was stolen from a traveler. Everyone became excited, but the loser smiled and repeatedly said, "Who knows?" A storm occurred, and the ship was wrecked. And only our traveler was cast ashore. When the islanders called his salvation a miracle, he smiled again, saying, "It is simply that I paid more than the others for my passage."

Hierarchy (1931) - 144:
144. Certainly, the cosmic manifestations reverberate against the feelings of a tensed Agni Yogi. Obviously the course of human deeds evokes subterranean storms and supermundane fires. Similarity is evidenced everywhere, and all that occurs has a like connection. Therefore, one should disclose a sacred feeling toward Hierarchy and the manifested heart. Hence, one should clearly comprehend the anchor of salvation and adhere to it with intense strength.

Hierarchy (1931) - 174:
174. Certainly the path of Service can bring one to higher knowledge. Only ignorance could bring the planet to its present condition. Humanity has lost the understanding of the beauty of aspiration, and construction has been established upon the stupidity of isolationism. For this reason, unity of Service has been revealed as salvation for humanity. The entire power of constructiveness is based on Hierarchy. Thus the mighty thread unites the entire Cosmos. Verily, only in full realization of Great Service can the beauty of Spirit and the Might of Hierarchy be understood. Space summons to the fulfillment of the great Law. Yes, yes, yes! Thus the steps of true evolution are built!

Hierarchy (1931) - 220:
220. During cosmic perturbations the spirit verily begins to ponder over the pages of Be-ness. When fear overcomes the spirit, every constructive will is paralyzed, and construction is stopped. The more powerfully must that spirit build which knows that a fiery striving leads it to mighty knowledge of the Cosmic Magnet. Therefore, those who follow Hierarchy must be rid of fear, for the heart that contains the greatness of the Plan is invincible; and under the fiery Shield of the powerful Hierarchy the great future is being built. Hence, amidst all cosmic perturbations and vital changes there is but one anchor - Hierarchy. In it is verily salvation!

Hierarchy (1931) - 315:
315. The reorganization of the world intensifies all the forces of Cosmos. If humanity would understand that reorganization requires the striving of the spirit, it would be easy to establish equilibrium in the world. But the nations do not ponder about what to place upon the scales and where is the balance; hence the chaos of thinking is so destructive to humanity, and thus the dislocated nations sink to the depths without taking measures for spiritual transmutation. Therefore, it is time to ponder the establishing of spiritual quests. When the cosmic perturbations require a powerful tension, humanity must know where to look for the center of salvation.

Hierarchy (1931) - 315:
Therefore, the quest for a spiritual center will lead unavoidably to Hierarchy. Humanity has lost the necessary formula for salvation. Hence, the anchor for salvation is the focus of Hierarchy. Only a conscious quest and the affirmation of Hierarchy will afford salvation. Yes, yes, yes! Therefore, We gave the basis for actions and works that are founded on Beauty.

Hierarchy (1931) - 329:
329. Is it possible that the dark ones are blind, not wishing to show understanding of Hierarchy? Is it possible that the assertion of the Higher Law is not acknowledged as the only salvation? How important it is at such a decisive time to understand the law of Hierarchy! Thus, let traitors ponder. Thus, let the servitors of darkness, who are opposing Hierarchy, ponder. Whoever slanders Hierarchy is the greatest traitor.

Hierarchy (1931) - 331:
331. Without culture there can be no international agreement or mutual understanding. Without culture the people's understanding cannot embrace all needs of evolution. Therefore the Banner of Peace comprises all subtle concepts that will lead to the understanding of culture. Humanity does not understand how to manifest reverence for that which comprises immortality of spirit. The Banner of Peace will bring the understanding of this lofty significance. Humanity cannot flourish without the knowledge of the greatness of culture. The Banner of Peace will open the gates to a better future. When countries are on the way to destruction, then even those who are spiritually depleted must understand in what the ascent consists. Verily, salvation lies in culture. Thus, the Banner of Peace brings a better future.

Hierarchy (1931) - 338:
338. How does humanity expect to approach the Highest without acknowledging the entrusted earthly representatives of Hierarchy? How can a link be established if humanity does not admit the greatness of the Chain of Hierarchy? Thinking is infected so extensively by the poison of conceit that the entire cosmic balance is disturbed. Thus, on the way to Us one should adopt all the affirmations concerning Hierarchy as an anchor of salvation. Verily, Hierarchy is like a wondrous Light for humanity! As a mighty Shield, Hierarchy stands on watch! Hierarchy is affirmed as the link between the worlds!

Hierarchy (1931) - 339:
339. Therefore the most heinous is apostasy and demeaning of the Teacher. Thus, when We introduce into life a new affirmation, one should strive with the entire spirit on the path of fulfillment of the Highest Will. Hence, when We affirm the great significance of the Banner of Peace, it must be adopted in spirit. Verily, thus the salvation of the world will come. The time is great! The time is significant!

Hierarchy (1931) - 340:
340. Wisely is ordained the bliss of him who sacrifices his soul for his neighbor. Often this commandment is applied to the sacrifice of one's life, yet it is not said of life or body, but of the spirit. Thus a most difficult and lengthy task is given. In order to give one's soul one should cultivate, expand, and refine it, then it can be given for the salvation of one's neighbor. Thus the wisdom of the Commandment should be understood and consciously applied. It is also said, "Follow Me." Thus will speak each Hierarch, affirming a progressive motion. He cannot turn back, otherwise the leading star will be hidden behind the rock.

Hierarchy (1931) - 344:
344. At the time of world reconstruction one can hold fast only through affirmation of the New World. The ascertainment of the manifested decision can enter life only through great understanding of world regeneration by way of the great law of Hierarchy. Therefore, those who seek the New World must strive to the confirmation of the Decree of Hierarchy, which directs through the appointed Hierarchy. Only thus can balance be established in the world. Only a flamingly guiding Heart will manifest salvation. Thus, the world is in need of the affirmation of the law of Hierarchy!

Hierarchy (1931) - 355:
Thus, in the entire structure the force is in need of saturation by the Source. Hence, Hierarchy is so greatly stressed by Us, for this Source is the Source of Bliss, and in the epoch of the transformation of the world there is verily only one anchor of salvation. Therefore, consciousness should be affirmed upon the center of all that is given.

Hierarchy (1931) - 372:
372. The affirmation of the Teacher should be repeated each hour, for Our structure is in need of a conscious adoption of Hierarchy. Various events may be expected, but participation in them can only be through the Hierarchy proclaimed by Us. Thus I say, Not only Our decision but the karma of millenniums makes the structure of the future immutable. Details may be changed, but the foundation must not be violated. Thus, Our Will should not be forgotten, even in the details of life. You realize correctly the creative fairy tale, but only upon the ladder of Hierarchy will it be transformed into the salvation of the world. Thus I speak.

Hierarchy (1931) - 374:
Therefore, verily, the crumbling of the old world is a new affirmation, for through the coming of new values We bring to the world the salvation of spirit.

Hierarchy (1931) - 396:
396. When the world is convulsed and humanity heaves in turmoil, there remains only one path to salvation. How is it possible not to realize the highest, and the creative, path of the ascent of the spirit! Just now when all the old ways are destroyed, when all the old energies are outlived, when the planet itself shifts its crust, how is it possible not to adopt with one's entire spirit the new affirmations and the regenerating energies emanating from the might of the Chain of Hierarchy! Only thus can humanity be attracted to the higher energies. Following the foundations of the Cosmic Magnet, the highest manifestation will attract the spirit to the Highest. Thus, the highest law of Hierarchy creates through beneficence, affirming a better future.

Hierarchy (1931) - 411:
411. When the world is plunged into the darkness of denial, then indeed, one must expect the destruction of old unfit foundations, for how else can the world be regenerated? How can humanity come to its senses if not by the shattering of all unfit foundations? Only when the new and affirmed great principles of Hierarchy are realized by humanity will it be possible to confirm humanity's salvation. Thus, We intensely impel the planet to the principles of the Hierarchy of Good. The loss of the highest concepts must be compensated for, because each lost principle brings cosmic upheavals. Thus, humanity must be regenerated upon the principle of Hierarchy.

Hierarchy (1931) - 432:
432. How, then, does humanity hope to save its Karma and advance its evolution? Certainly not by denial of the great foundations, not through disparaging the highest principles, not by destruction of the affirmed and manifested Origins! Still, humanity continues to base its principles upon destruction, not realizing that breaking away from the great Hierarchy carries it to the abyss. Thus, self-destruction is the fate of all servitors of darkness. Thus, as long as humanity directs itself to the limitations established by darkness it will not find the path to the Highest Light and salvation.

Hierarchy (1931) - 437:
437. Truly, in the days of perturbations there exists only one salvation for humanity. Thought that leads to the understanding of Hierarchy is the only way by which humanity can be brought to the goal of realization of the highest affirmed Hierarchy. Thus, in the days of chaos one can say that only by following the Hierarchy can one reach the best step, for the leadership of the spirit is the all-comprising and all-encompassing might. Thus it can be asserted when the Cosmic Magnet transmits its might to humanity through the leadership of the spirit. Therefore, one should adopt progress through Hierarchy as the salvation of the planet.

Heart (1932) - 17:
17. Unceasingly and during all times, the Teaching of Life is poured upon Earth. One cannot imagine one's earthly existence without this link with the Invisible World. As the anchor of salvation, as the guiding light, the Teaching strengthens our advance in the darkness. But amidst the shower of Beneficence, as with sea waves, one can notice the rhythm, with special definite expansions, then the Teachings appear. Thus, one can explain the rhythm of this entire world by growth and submergence, in other words, inscribing the evolution of existence.

Heart (1932) - 18:
18. Interruption of rhythm is due to many conditions, but the essential means of avoiding this perturbation is in unity to direct oneself to Us, where lies the decision of everything. For comparison - as a grain of dust arrests a tremendous wheel, so the breaking of rhythm interrupts the current. However, just now is a date of great tension. Thus the possibilities are so near, events already gather like a rolling ball, and terror will appear as salvation.

Heart (1932) - 185:
185. People are so far removed from an acknowledgment of inner manifestations that only a few will understand the special meaning of My indication to be together in silence. For them silence is inaction, since they are so unwilling to know about the mutual reaction of energies. Only a broken nose or injured eye is a sign or evidence of energy for them. Whereas an intense silence represents a fiery fence and, augmented by the number of those who unite, it becomes a real stronghold. Therefore, in a hour of tension you should gather and sit in silence. Of course, one can think of the one path, in which salvation lies. Thus I send you all strength.

Heart (1932) - 214:
214. The guaranty of the Forces of Light is the greatest basis of the New Life. I affirm that it will be dusky for the dark ones. I affirm the Light of the future, which through various voices will ignite the entire world. I affirm the Teaching as the revelation of the New World. I affirm the most precious concepts as the steps of life. I affirm that no darkness can conquer Our signs. I affirm usefulness from the turmoil. I affirm the striving of the forces of the Subtle World toward the earthly plane. I affirm the hour of difficulties as a trumpet call. I affirm the salvation of all those who follow Us. I affirm the reunion of many divided members. I affirm that path to the sunrise whereon the decision is one. I affirm the date of happiness which destines salvation for the world.

Heart (1932) - 367:
367. If one would collect in a single book all the deeds injurious to self-perfectment, it could be readily proved how simple it is to overcome them. It could be seen from what small actions this evil is accumulated. Is it difficult in life to refrain from trivial habits? Is it difficult to get rid of petty evils that poison the body? Is not the child ashamed of his first experience at lying? The child hardens his heart only through habit. Therefore, we call habits the callouses of the soul. Who is not aware of the warning of the heart before each unworthy act? These warnings of the heart provide the best calls, but often people force the heart to silence. This is a great crime - as great as severing the current that brings salvation to a near one.

Heart (1932) - 405:
405. Events are bearing away the corrupted world. This period was indicated in all scriptures. Nevertheless, people do not think of what is taking place. They cannot even begin to think of the future. Thus, one should not produce a book without indicating the Teaching of the time which has come. One cannot assume that something will still alter the direction of the current created by people. On the far-off worlds there is already a horror of the fiery inevitability, yet Earth continues to shroud itself in a dark cover. That which necessitated a century now occurs in five years - the progression of acceleration acts according to law. Therefore, when I speak of the heart it means that salvation can be found along this channel. Do you hear? I repeat about salvation! Not arguments, not doubt, not uncertainty, but salvation will be the sign of that hour. One must understand still more firmly how unfit by now are the old measures. Only one bridge remains from the highest worlds - the heart. Let us approach the source of the sensing of Light. Let us understand that even in the fiery furnace the youths were not consumed when they ascended by way of the heart. The time is a difficult one! Thus shall we repeat, fearless of the derision of the ignorant. They do not have even an idea of the significance of the heart.

Heart (1932) - 418:
418. Even if you succeed in convincing people that the heart participates in mercy, compassion and love, the other branches of the heart remain unintelligible. Will not reason set before you a thousand unknown quantities, as soon as you begin to speak of cosmogony? And without the courage of the heart these conversations will stray from the higher regions. Also, without the participation of the heart, you cannot speak of quality, which lies at the basis of everything that exists. Reason rejects quality; but you already see how life is upset without the reverence of quality. Only the heart rejoices at the truth of quality. Thus, let us understand why, after complicated calculations, there remains the one salvation, only through the path of the heart. An uncontrollable flame, the horror of poison released, can be encountered only by the heart. Besides, one must begin the comprehension of the heart from the first steps, because yesterday the heart was renounced. This is also not bad, for in this way one can seemingly acquire a new treasure. People like everything new, and after the integral systems it is fascinating to have a new game - the heart. Children like games that resemble those of grown-ups.

Heart (1932) - 485:
485. During the Great Battle one must be very much on one's guard. The chief consideration will be the conviction that behind one is the threat of wavering, which begets treason. One should recall how gradually We revealed the qualities of the heart and prepared you for the great actions. One must forever remember that Our Indications are not abstract. One must also understand that Yoga is given in time. Not rolling bodily on the ground, not the consumption of physical poisons, but, as was long since revealed, spiritual poison is consumed by Agni Yogis for the salvation of the world. The black hearts will not understand this Great Service. For them physical poisons are far stronger than spiritual ones. This must be repeated untiringly. Then courage will combine with caution.

Heart (1932) - 491:
491. You see how powerful is solemnity. You see how, precisely through solemnity, one can attain. Therefore, not only must you advise solemnity but demand it as salvation. We have but begun the path of solemnity. If you succeed in pursuing it, you will see miracles. Already for a month We have been on the solemn ascent. Despite the battle We gather in solemnity. We have rejected everything planted in malice and have collected the manifested store of good. Above all achievements of the heart, solemnity radiates. We sound the summons toward it, We indicate it!

Heart (1932) - 494:
494. You want salvation and success, but for this there must be unity in action. It is necessary to understand how destructive is each interception of the rhythm. For a decade I have prepared for this hour of battle. Tell the disobedient that a violation of the thread is analogous to falling away from the Lord. Now especially, let us remember it with finality. It is now necessary speedily to cross many bridges, and the treasure must not be squandered! We demand, at least at this time, that the present should be realized as unprecedented, otherwise, instead of the brilliant victory, one may be hurled to ruin. We guide you to victory and no one has the right to impede Us! The dark ones will now act through unworthy pettiness, but solemnity can easily be tempered precisely upon them.

Heart (1932) - 525:
525. You know how greatly We oppose any conventional habits, yet one must discriminate between habit and immersion in saving grace. As an example, solemnity combines in itself ecstasy and ascent and a defense against evil and the turning toward Hierarchy. Thus solemnity is a salvation, but it must be absorbed and maintained. In the midst of disintegration and destruction can there be solemnity? But for a solemn consciousness destruction does not exist. It is immediately canopied by a cupola of re-creation, in all its beautiful subtlety. Thus, the reflection of solemnity is justly considered luminous. Before a journey one must take stock of all provisions. Our friends bring to the travelers the best flowers. Solemnity blossoms in purple - thus, we gather the garlands of the heart.

Heart (1932) - 526:
526. We often send strong warnings to people, but their deafness is astonishing. Even what they hear they distort beyond recognition. One cannot sufficiently wonder at people who, even for the sake of their own salvation, are so inert, their purpose being to offend the Highest Powers. I ask that the abominable decrees of the Satanists be not forgotten, and it should be remembered that by uniting forces evil will be conquered. This must be remembered as a Command of the Lords. One must have no regrets, for in the time of battle one must strive only to the future.

Heart (1932) - 545:
545. The law of free will does not permit the arresting of the inception of crime. But the law of justice provides the possibility of arresting the development of harm; as above, so below. One cannot avert the inception of criminal thoughts, but the heart can prompt one as to where the persecution of evil is already possible. Hence We insist so greatly upon the Teaching of the Heart. No other center can replace the essence of the heart. The accumulations of centuries in the Chalice are at the disposition of the heart. For the salvation of humanity does not consist in separate siddhis but in the central motive force - the heart. Thus, beyond all divisions one must come to the root of motion.

Heart (1932) - 561:
561. The great law is to transfer the heart from the category of ethical abstraction to a scientific motive force. The evolutionary step of understanding the heart has to begin in the days of Armageddon, as the sole salvation of humanity. Why are people unwilling to sense their own hearts? They are willing to seek within all vagaries, but reject the closest. Even though they call the heart a machine, let them observe all characteristics of this apparatus. We are not insisting on the moral significance of the heart - this is indisputable. But now the heart is needed as the bridge of salvation to the Subtle World. It should be affirmed that a realization of the qualities of the heart represents the most vital step for the world. Never as yet has it been regarded as salvation. Let him who remains deaf accept all consequences! It should be understood that now the human heart lends itself to unusual possibilities of observation. The catastrophic condition of the lowest spheres of the planet reflects its effects upon the activity of the heart. One should not fear the previous epidemics, but should be aware of the entire sequence of sufferings caused by faulty prophylactic of the heart. To comprehend this as vague prophecies is the worst thing. On the contrary, these conclusions should be accepted as emanating from the most precise laboratory. All circuitous ways should be rejected. One must accept the foundation of the heart and understand the significance of the focus. Digressions are unfit, and doubts admissible only where man has not attained an understanding of the heart's beat.

Heart (1932) - 596:
596. You are finishing the first book about the heart, therefore you must be reminded of certain foundations which I suggested more than once. The chief requisite for the application of the heart's energy will be an understanding that physical effort is unnecessary. Also by command of the brain and will, the physical nerve centers act, but the sending by the heart is accomplished without outer tension. The heart can act only when spiritually liberated from physical tensions. Let us not forget that the Western school usually follows the path of the brain, whereas the East, where the foundation is not as yet lost, knows, as formerly, that the power is contained in the heart. Although healing through the heart predicates the touch of the hand, it is neither the hands nor the eyes, but the emanations of the heart that give help. Distance is of no significance for healing through the heart, whereas a sending by the brain must endure barriers of various outside currents. The exercise of the command of the heart demands the least effort and adjustment. Pure thinking, constancy, benevolence, bring the heart energy into action. Let the karmic merits increase the tension and refinement of the heart, but each striving to Hierarchy opens the heart according to one's strength. One must firmly remember about the only path of salvation - through the heart. The affirmation of the law of the heart has traversed the entire history of humanity. It can be observed how within a few centuries people turn again toward the one path.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 50:
50. Each endeavor may be fulfilled in three ways - through external muscular exertion, outwardly through a nerve center, or through the heart's fiery energy. If the first effort is animal, the second is human, and the third is of the Subtle World. The third effort could be utilized much more frequently if people could consciously apply the concept of the heart and Fire. But unfortunately this tension arises only in exceptional cases. Naturally, when a mother saves her child, she acts beyond earthly conditions. When a hero dedicates himself to the salvation of mankind, he multiplies his strength tenfold. But this unconscious enflaming rarely occurs. We watch over the constant increase of forces through the realization of the predestined powers. It is not so difficult to transform and kindle the consciousness when constant attention is applied to it. Constancy is also a quality of Fire. Everywhere, under all circumstance, the essence of fire is the same. Fire cannot be formed out of any elements, any compounds; one can only manifest Fire. Likewise it is possible to draw near to the Fiery World. The most astounding regenerations occur through fiery manifestations. The earthly world is regenerated only through Fire. People believe in the Light of Fire. People become blind because of Earth, and are regenerated through Fire. One can cite many examples of how Fire brings about world upheavals. Without the manifestations of Fire you cannot even enter upon a path of regeneration. Many will scoff at the mere word regeneration, yet even a snake renews its skin. Thus it is better consciously to approach the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 233:
233. It is not fitting to dawdle when the clouds are gathering. I remind you that the chief basis is the one anchor. It is not fitting to look back when the way lies over an abyss. One must simply unite for the sake of salvation.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 234:
234. If we enumerate all the heavenly luminaries, if we measure the whole unrevealed Depth, we will not thereby ameliorate the present hour. With courageous heart one must cognize the painful darkness that draws near when the fires are extinguished. In the opinion of many, unity is an unnecessary anachronism. They presume that individuality is safeguarded by disunity; such is the logic of darkness. Yet sometimes amidst dangerous epidemics, by remembering simple expedients, people find salvation. Thus simple are the means of unification. They unequivocally smite the darkness. Thus, let the spear not slumber over the dragon.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 339:
339. The dark ones do not slumber. They maintain a far greater unity with their Hierarchy than do the so-called warriors of Light. The dark ones know that their only salvation lies in darkness, but the fireflies flit about a great deal, argue much, and love their Hierarchy but little.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 508:
508. Yes, yes, yes, the seeds of good remain in the spirit, but not sufficient attention is given to them. People remember about accumulations; but, not having preserved their spiritual understanding, they strive to accumulate earthly objects. In the depths of their spirits men know about flights into the Infinite, but, having forgotten the significance of the far-off worlds, they wander aimlessly about on the earthly crust. One should not speak against earthly objects, which are products of creation; one should not speak against travels, which can be the highest schooling - the entire earthly existence must be comprehended from the level of the Higher World. Can one perform only useful actions in earthly life? Of course one can. It is easy to imagine an entire life as a continuous stream of usefulness to others. Santana is not a meaningless rolling of stones. It is like a stream feeding the adjoining fields like a brook bringing cleanliness to the hearth, like rain making the sown seeds come up. Thus, one need not be a special sage to imagine a life useful in all domains. When the fiery waves shall compel people to seek safety in the towers of the spirit, they will regret with loathing each useless incarnation. In consternation they will try to gather crumbs of positive thinking. What is the use of offering advices not to dissipate precious energy! One must think about the approach of very unusual times. Neither cruelty, nor robbery, nor treason, nor falsehood will help one to withstand the fiery waves. Not shame so much as suffering will compel quests for salvation.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 552:
552. When I advise continual striving toward Hierarchy, the full weight of such a Decree must be understood. Each one will readily accept it, but will forget it at the first occasion. He will remember the most minute details, but neglect the most important. The Guiding Image will be submerged in small fragments. But every Yogi knows the silver thread as the sole guiding star. When the heart forgets the most important, at least let the brain recall the words about the necessary salvation.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 584:
584. It is praiseworthy that you revere the days of the Great Sacrifice. Let every human heart draw strength for achievement from the Chalice of the Savior. Let us not emulate savages, in hostility to one another. The time of crucifixion and killing must end. Hear ye! Apostles of Truth are needed, aspiring to the Baptism of Fire. Let malice cease, at least in the days of great suffering as happened when the Chalice was drained for the entire world! You should understand that the focus of All-Being is one. There cannot be two centers of rotation. Those are mad who deny the magnitude of Infinity! On this scale is the Ineffable Sacrifice measured. When an earthly body hastened to accept the Sacrifice for the regeneration of all the world, no human words could describe the reasons for this hallowed heroism. One may gather the most supreme expressions, but the heart alone, in the tremor of striving, understands this glorious beauty. Permit no slander or blasphemy, even from the ignorant. Each blasphemer plunges himself into the darkness of madness. Thus, teach the affirmation of the spirit's salvation, that there may be no touch of darkness in the days of the Fiery Chalice.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 605:
605. There is no salvation surer than that through devotion. One can forgive much where there is unswerving devotion. The man who is devoted in heart can be relied upon. It is cause for rejoicing when Hierarchy is upheld by devotion. At present it is especially needed. If yesterday's confusion seemed enormous, what can one say of tomorrow's? I have already prepared you for the growth of Armageddon, and you know that the black wings of darkness will not withstand the Fiery Sword. Be not astonished - the Battle increases!

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 5:
5. Let us remember the myth about the Origin of Mountains. When the Planetary Creator toiled over the formation of the earth, He gave attention to fertile plains which could provide people with a quiet agriculture. But the Mother of the World said, "Verily, people will find bread and trade in the plains, but when gold will pollute the plains whither shall go the pure in spirit to gather strength? Either let them have wings, or let them have mountains, in order to escape from gold." And the Creator answered, "It is too early to give wings to people, they would carry death and destruction. But let us give them mountains. Even if some be afraid of them, for others they will be salvation." Thus there are two kinds of people - people of the plains and people of the mountains

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 6:
6. Let us recall the myth about the "Origin of Lightning." The Mother of the World said to the Creator, "When the Earth will be covered with dark veils of malice, how will the salutary drops of Bliss penetrate?" And the Creator answered, "Torrents of Fire may be gathered which can pierce the thickest layer of darkness." The Mother of the World said, "Verily, the sparks of Fire of Thy Spirit can give salvation, but who will collect and guard them for use when needed?" The Creator replied, "Trees and herbs will preserve My sparks, but when the leaves fall off, then let the deodar and its sisters preserve throughout the year their accumulations of Fire." Thus in various myths there has been reflected the link with the Higher World. Everywhere there has been stressed solicitude about humanity and all creatures. Likewise did the ancient priests carefully watch over the correct distribution of the creative Fire.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 14:
14. At a time when one sacrifices his soul for the good of the World, the other sits upon the water. While one offers his heart for the salvation of his fellow-men, the other flounders in the manifestations of the Subtle World. The saints of Great Service have no psychism, because they are always striving in spirit towards Hierarchy, and their heart resounds to the anguish of the World. Psychism is a window into the Subtle World, but the teacher tells the pupil, "Do not turn so often to the window, look into the book of life."

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 120:
120. When slavery, the shame of the World, is manifested, then one must expect a change of epoch. Can one expect the advent of Maitreya to be possible only in four hundred thousand years? Many times has confusion been caused by mere words. It is impossible to imagine the Earth submerged in darkness for another thousand of years. Just picture the progression of evil! Therefore the most fierce Armageddon can be regarded as salvation. The wise cannot but feel an anguish of the spirit.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 256:
256. Prayers often contain the supplications, "Look Thou upon me" or "Turn Thy gaze to me." In such words there is expressed great knowledge of the significance of the look. Precisely a look can change even the composition of the aura. Not only thought, but the very chemism of a glance has a fiery consequence. Those who know this ask the Higher Forces to look upon them, because in this magnetic chemism there is contained all-encompassing benevolence. Let us not forget that each look of a man has correspondingly the same significance; the more saturated with thought, the more powerful the glance. This is not direct suggestion, it is better to call it a saturation of space, for such chemism is disseminated far more extensively than may be supposed. The significance of the gaze can be shown when radiations will be photographed. One will be able to observe then the influence of senseless glances and of mental sendings. It is a joy to see how comforting looks can make the aura healthful. And the steady continuation of such a reaction can bring an enormous amelioration of all existence. Let us not forget that the presence of certain persons brings a considerable improvement in the aura of an entire assembly. They may be called Beacons of Salvation. Even when they are not directing energy their Od nevertheless penetrates the whole surroundings. Such natural agents of good health must be highly valued.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 262:
262. Yes, yes, yes, if people do not turn to the Hiero-inspiration, many conflagrations will result. Equilibrium and concordance are violated by the mechanistic concept of the world. Half a century ago We were already concerned about the excessive increase of physical knowledge. Verily, much as been attained in this direction, but at the same time the spiritual consciousness was lagging behind the physical. Ethics were lost amidst accumulations of formulas. Machines attracted man away from the art of thinking. Now they are content to be robots! For the equilibrium of the World the heart is needed, and in this Decree is contained undeferrable salvation. Ill-will is pressing upon the earthly aura.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 286:
286. That man is good who creates good. Creation of good is the improvement of the future. One can do good to one's fellow in order to better his existence. It is possible for entire nations to be uplifted by heroic achievement. It is possible to introduce into life the most useful discoveries, which must transform the future. Finally, it is possible to improve the thinking of a nation; and in this will be a synthesis of good. How beautiful is thought-creativeness which is not directed toward evil! When a people apprehends all the evil of condemnation, it opens new gates to the future. So much time is thus freed for cognition, for the art of thinking, for the creation of true good; and in these the best fires of the heart are kindled. Such fires are not kindled in evil. Such good will preserve health and to a large extent purify the atmosphere. It is absurd to think that good is an abstraction or a personal merit. It is the salvation of the future, for without it there is no affirmation of ascent. Thus each thought of good is already an arrow of Light. Somewhere it has already exterminated disunity, and any disunity, in malice, is a lapse into chaos. Therefore teach to think about good.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 331:
331. Should people be aware of all perils surrounding them? One can imagine the condition of a man who knows how many scorpions or serpents are to be found about him, or how many deadly flies and spiders surround him - a deplorable situation results. It will be particularly dangerous because when a man knows these perils they are brought so much the nearer. Therefore straight-knowledge is best, as it leads by the most secure path and does not weigh one down with a great quantity of needless burdens. Thus, the fiery principle which abides in straight-knowledge is called the wings of salvation.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 86:
86. Fiery Baptism impels the spirit into the spheres which conform to the spirit's requirements. The passing of a man through a fiery transmutation gives him all possibilities for attaining the higher spheres. There where all is intensified by a fiery element, one must be saturated for the assimilation of the higher fire. Thus, one should solemnly accept all steps of the Fiery Baptism. Each step will reveal an opening of the new, supermundane sphere. The Karma of a people may also lead it through a fiery transmutation, manifesting its destined advance. All who follow the Lords are strained in this great Passage. Of course, when the hour of the earthly and supermundane battle draw near, the Forces of both sides will become joined in flaming tension. The earthly energies and those of beyond are sparks of the One Fire. Thus, each action directed toward Good finds its fiery application in the Subtle World. It is often possible to explain the equilibrium precisely as a unification of the two Worlds. Amidst earthly destructions one may accept the power of the Subtle World as an anchor of salvation sent by the Hierarchy of Good. Let us manifest the understanding of the Fiery Baptism on the path to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 92:
92. The principles of Good and evil are repeated on all planes with this distinction, that by prolonging the line into the spheres of the Subtle World, all expressions become heightened. Only the principles of constructiveness give to the spirit that resultant force which affirms a conscious striving for good. The servants of darkness will be inevitably attracted to the lower strata. Ancient Covenants speak of those who dwell in the Kingdom of the Spirit and those who live under the earth. One may be surprised as to why the earthly strata and the Earth itself is inhabited by the forces of evil. Actually, a downward attraction explains these hordes. Each aspiration toward the Fiery World tends to hold the spirit in the Subtle World, but the Spirits who are Bearers of Light, filled with self-sacrifice, rush to the Earth for purpose of salvation. There are whole countries on Earth which are saturated with destroyers. The Earth conforms, with its poisoned emanations, to these spawns of darkness. Therefore, be not astonished that portions of the world are peopled with dark entities.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 139:
139. People do not even suspect how strained the planet is! All these conditions which governments are creating are comparable to a volcano. Each wave of actions is saturated with destruction. There are no such circumstances as would indicate an advancement toward salvation. Yet the more suffocating, the more speedily can the great World Problem be resolved. Supermundane spheres are also agitated. Verily, each spirit striving into the future can sense that "Something" about which only the Lords know. Surely it is imperative to think about the driving clouds which must inevitably destroy the countries going against the Light. A New Dawn is already lighting the way on the dark horizon. Already events are proceeding and new forces are building a better future. Therefore, one must reflect about the appearance of the Fiery Element, for whoever is from Fire, triumphs with Fire.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 177:
177. The infirmities of humanity are connected with psychic conditions. Each human imperfection of the spirit also poisons the physical world. Be not astonished that there are spirit and body plagues which are just as infectious as the spatial plagues. Indeed, the atmosphere surrounding the planet is saturated with wails of imperfection. And the auras of mankind are so physically and spiritually infected that only a fiery cleansing can give salvation. Half-way measures bring no purification, therefore one must become accustomed to the thought of a powerful cleansing, for the firmament is in need of severe measures. Rightly has Ur. said that a pure manifestation sometimes has to be covered partly with a dirty cloak, just so the sparks can catch. Thus, humanity must atone for all its engenderings and all outrages which have taken root so deeply in the consciousness. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember the law of fiery purification.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 182:
182. Yes, yes, yes! great is the labor of the fiery centers. The Dischargers of the spheres are the most powerful Servitors of the Cosmos. Most subtle threads hold in unity these great Servants of the Cosmos. But this work also takes place only during fiery unification. Fiery equilibrium can save the planet. Only fiery might can at the last moment bestow new life. Creativeness of the unified heart will effect the salvation of the planet and affirm a New Cycle. Therefore, Our Heart is so tensed in unison with the impetuous current of Fire - thus the essence of life manifests its Fiery Right. The tension is great; in the World a great World Mystery is being made manifest. I affirm Great Cosmic Truth. This Mystery is Be-ness itself.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 258:
258. The cleansing of space is reaching into all undertakings. The time has come to make evident the forces marching with the Light and those marching with darkness. Indeed, the temptation of the Prince of darkness is therein that he promises repose, but We say - it is the last hour! Only an accelerated purification will make possible the salvation of the planet; indeed, this is not a matter of eons, nor even of many years. Actually fiery explosion will save the planet. Fiery explosion must be displayed in every manifestation. Only the cleansing of space, only the purification of the consciousness, only the purification of the Teachings, will produce the manifestation of purified explosions of the spirit. True, the darkness is becoming dense, but when the tension of the forces of darkness reaches its limit, then will the Forces of Light affirm Their might. Thus one should be prepared for the acceptance of great tension. Light conquers darkness!

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 323:
323. The order of life has become so disconnected from the Cosmic Magnet that all human products tend toward monstrous forms. The development of forces has proceeded by a channel directed to destruction. Thus millions of dark souls are being incarnated; souls which have lost the bond with the spirit. For many centuries multitudes of souls have striven toward a way of life rather than being; and life has been directed by these desires. Each action is reflected in the Karma of the World, and the salvation of humanity can come only from inner realization. For this alone it is necessary to awaken the best energies, for Cosmic Justice is manifested there where there is attraction. There is no escaping Karma; there is no transmutation of energies without tension of the will. On the path to the Fiery World let us strive for realization of the immutability of the law of Karma.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 334:
334. The most frightful bane of humanity is its narrow world outlook. The best people think that the adoption of their horizon is the principle key to the salvation of the World, but their world outlook goes no farther than the boundaries of the physical world. Representatives of the church promise people salvation of the soul, but beyond the physical world they do not go. National leaders direct the thinking of their peoples toward reorganization, but further than the lower spheres they do not lead. Thus one can enumerate all the degrees of human leadership, and become horrified at the blind alley into which humanity has entered. Verily, only the reconstruction of the World and the regeneration of consciousness can awaken the energies needed for the maintenance of the planet. We untiringly repeat about the vital necessity of purifying the consciousness, for the last hour has come for the cleansing of that which has been created by mankind. Let us apprehend in the heart the Fiery Covenant to assist the reconstruction of the World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 378:
378. The manifest Battle summons to a discernment of the paths which lead to Light and to darkness. During the cosmic tension of all forces, this discernment is indispensable, for space is saturated with fiery arrows. Every consciousness must be imbued with affirmation of the fiery Battle. Verily, during such fiery tension of manifested arrows humanity must straightway accept that direction of salvation which has been indicated to it by the Forces of Light. To the assistance of the planet are sent fiery currents; they must be received with spirit and heart. On the path to the Fiery World it is especially important to realize the power extended for the salvation of mankind.

AUM (1936) - 6:
6. When you ponder deeply, you will perceive Our path. We are ready to help wherever the law permits. We grieve when We see that people, not having reached the line of salvation, as madmen cast themselves into the abyss. How many thoughts are expended in order to reach the simplest and best result. Yet often the madmen dare to assault the Highest while they are still enveloped by darkness. This is similar to the casting of a stone into the waves of the ocean. True, it may create a little splash, but it can hardly affect the mighty current. Thus it is with all attacks against the great energies. The most savage assault is shattered against the rock of the unconquerable spirit. The boasting of the dark forces only indicates their madness. All-powerful Aum will overcome the most insane and violent attack.

AUM (1936) - 24:
24. Besides the achievement of outward heroism, there may be a precious achievement which is unseen. In the spirit the achiever attains the highest creativeness and thus becomes an assistant of the Creator. On Earth and above Earth, in the two worlds thought is merged into one comprehensive flow, and such an attainment resounds for the salvation of humanity.

AUM (1936) - 27:
27. You yourselves see how the best hearts suffer from the dark schemes of peoples. For evil creatures, pure earthly thoughts are but the targets for mockery. It is impossible to express that which saturates the atmosphere around Earth. The thought-forms of the minions of darkness are as countless claws! The symbol of life - the cross - is sundered by them, as an inadmissible means of ascent. Even if this sign forewarns of danger, the servants of darkness direct their efforts toward shattering it. One should not ignore the machinations of evil. One must be wisely aware of reality, the better to value the power of Grace bestowed for salvation.

AUM (1936) - 109:
109. Licentiousness and coarseness have now reached incredible limits. Savagery has finally broken into the cities and disrupted all the implantations of the spirit. The consciousness of the majority has returned to the darkest age. The clatter of the machine drowns the wail of the spirit. Therefore, each call to the Higher World is a call for salvation.

AUM (1936) - 143:
143. Now let us turn to the second sign of the Triune name, to the Primary Cause - Light. People have so confused the concept of Light with lightning that they cannot imagine Light as energy. Let us not look into that Infinity where thought and Light and all that exists merge into unity, but according to the earthly understanding let us apprehend Light as a salutary energy, without which life is impossible. Light is the most pervasive messenger of salvation. One can distinctly comprehend a difference between utilitarian fire and cosmic Light. Not fire, but radiance surrounds each living being. The benevolent thinker is surrounded by a rainbow, and through his light brings healing. So many times We have foretold the future of these radiations. We have said that with such a criterion the very structure of life will be transformed. One may rightly call Light the principle which leads to regeneration. Thought and Light are so closely linked that thought may be called luminiferous.

AUM (1936) - 203:
203. Is it possible to endure the siege of Earth, if Hierarchy is unrecognized? The Teaching of the Higher World is sent as a thread of salvation. Such a thread can be changed into a steadfast cable, yet earthly fires can burn through the strongest cable. Therefore, earthly fires can be of service to the Fire of the Higher World.

Brotherhood (1937) - 461:
461. The Brotherhood is not a shelter, but a beacon of Light, it is as a Watchtower; thus must the manifestation of the Brotherhood be understood. Otherwise, people will often assume that Brothers seed safety from various persecutors. No, the seclusion of the Brotherhood is necessitated by completely other causes. As a Beacon on a lofty peak, the Brotherhood applies its knowledge for the salvation of humanity.

Brotherhood (1937) - 584:
At some time humanity will become weary, so weary that it will cry out for salvation, and this salvation will be in Brotherhood.

Brotherhood (1937) - 585:
585. Each instant, someone somewhere is undergoing terrible misfortune. Let us not forget these perishing ones; let us send them thoughts of help. Perhaps people do not realize that afflictions are forever taking place, without end. In the Brotherhood they are known, and benevolent arrows are sent. Even if you cannot determine precisely the place of its destination, nevertheless send your salutary thought into space. It will find the right course and will be joined magnetically with Our Help. Beauty is found when, from diverse quarters of the world, thoughts of salvation come flying - in this each one will emulate the Brotherhood.

Brotherhood (1937) - 586:
586. The primary basis of the Brotherhood was established, not as a haven of refuge, but as a focal point of thought. Since unification of thought produces multiplication of energy in a striking progression, it is but natural to bring together powerful thoughts. Such a base will be the point for diffusion of the thought of salvation. But people do not know how to be united in thought even for an instant. They break up their impulses by a multitude of petty thoughts. Some have tried blindfolding themselves and stopping up the ears and nose in order not to be diverted by external sensations. But is the distraction an external one? It actually lies in an undisciplined consciousness.

Brotherhood (1937) - 593:
593. The peoples of Asia have preserved the memory of the Brotherhood; each in its own way, in its own tongue, with its own possibilities has preserved in the depths of its heart a dream about an actual Refuge. The heart will not relinquish its dream about the Community of salvation, but will remember amidst sorrows that somewhere beyond the mountain peaks dwell the Protectors of the peoples. The very thought about them purifies the thinking and fills one with vigor. Thus, let us honor those who do not relinquish their best treasure.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 6:
Remember that ten years ago the ruin of Spain was foretold. The sign of salvation had been given, but, as usual, it was not accepted. We hasten to send help everywhere and rejoice when it is accepted. We sorrow to see what destiny nations prepare for themselves.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 94:
When We point out the natural consequences of ignorance and madness We are well prepared for accusations of cruelty. But there are no words in human language that can warn people sufficiently against self-destruction, the destruction of the planet, or the pollution of space. It is Our patience, acquired over centuries, that helps Us to continually offer salvation to humanity, in spite of its ingratitude and cruelties. Each day and every hour We are cursed, and Our helping Hand is rejected.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 170:
Understand the joy of self-abnegation, which dwells in the heart of the One who was sent to save humanity. We do not hesitate to call this Service the salvation of humanity.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 301:
Compare those who sneer and laugh with those few who sympathize and wonder what the traveler's goal might be. Perhaps he is on his way to save a neighbor, or is a physician hastening to give help, or even a messenger bringing salvation to an entire nation. Those who serve Good will look for the good in others, but one rarely comes across such people! Most people usually look for the bad in others, and thus suspect every stranger to be a vagrant or a thief, not realizing that to accuse the innocent is an indelible crime.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 337:
Mark what I tell you. Often people come together for the purpose of united concentration of thought. Such an exercise is praiseworthy. Similarly, people gather together and send forth collective thoughts for the salvation of the world and the curing of illnesses. This too is praiseworthy. In these times there are many gatherings dedicated to the transmission of such benevolent thoughts. However, communion with Us is overlooked, even though it would help them in their good intentions.


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