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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SA > SAILOR (7)

Hierarchy (1931) - 308:
308. An experienced sailor frowns at a dead calm of the sea, foreseeing the gathering of a storm, and smiles at the blustering wind, perceiving a successful navigation. Of such a sailor it is said that he knows the sea. We say that he knows life if he knows how to understand the difference between the inner and outer manifestations. Some fools shout, "Rebellion!" when they hear the cry of a pottery vender, and exult at the quiet when they see a closed market. Our way is to teach and to observe how different is the thought of dissolute people. Classes for thinking and the observation of life processes should be established in schools. It may often be noticed that a child understands the hidden meaning of an occurrence better than an adult. Only according to inner feeling can we approach a just evaluation. We accept a calm surface before a storm, and we do not pay attention to the blowing curtains at the doors. Thus, the formation of events will be understood.

Hierarchy (1931) - 370:
370. One of the most harmful actions is the condemnation of Hierarchy for the consequences of our own mistakes. Except treason, nothing so definitely severs the link with the Hierarchy as does such ignorant condemnation. The protecting veil of Hierarchy minimizes in everything the consequences of harmful mistakes. But to reject Hierarchy means to bring upon oneself the entire torrent of consequences. One experienced sailor advised, "Never change ships during a storm." One may remember how people, having committed an error, often have tried to explain its consequences as a sacrifice to Hierarchy, not realizing that by this they have already condemned Hierarchy.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 647:
647. When I say, "Burden me more," I do not deviate from the aforementioned economy of forces. It should be known that burdening develops the resistance of the seed of the spirit. One cannot reject the law of gravity. Thus should one understand the value of burdening. Any seaman can tell you about the need of a ballast for a ship. No sailor would even consider putting to sea on a ship without cargo. Equally useful is a load amidst earthly tempests. Do not fear burdening, it will only reveal the fire of the heart. Thus should one think upon each action. And thus should one end each advice.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 80:
80. To those who cannot accept the concept of the Leader, let us say All your words presuppose the priority of something or someone. You yourself do not notice that each of your affirmations is based upon a discovery of something established by someone. There is no man who can get along without being taught. One must not become proud in one's own heart. The understanding of Hierarchy will help to establish the manifestation of the Leader, who in relation to the Higher Ones is not a leader but a follower. People, under the influence of ignorance, try sometimes to cut the ropes, but any sailor will tell you that masts are cut down when the elements overcome human strength. The same sailor knows that without masts and ropes the voyage is catastrophic. This means that the unavoidableness of Hierarchy throughout the Universe should be affirmed through education.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 529:
529. Clouds rush along, but the ship reaches the harbor. Yet the sailor must not think about the watery depths under the hull of his ship. Likewise, there are abysses around, and one should not be frightened by them.


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