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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SA > SAFEGUARDING (8)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 156:
156. You serve a cause beyond the reach even of wealth. The pure offering is returned alive by God to those who bring their offerings in pure faith, just as was offered Isaac upon the altar. And Mount M., which accepts your offering, will guard the offered treasure of the heart. Not a small task have you undertaken. Without pride or self-interest you placed all your possessions upon the altar. Can I, the Truth Bearer, pass silently by those who, amidst cold and storm, brought useful tributes for the coming harvest? In safeguarding My Instructions will you find protection. Need shall not afflict My Manifestations. Calm is found in the light of Truth. The mountain before you is not a test, but a task.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 446:
I have summoned you to the construction, and I stretch out My Hand to you, beloved shield-bearers. I have revealed the pathway. Let the Guiding and Safeguarding Hand be always remembered.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 85:
85. When a man rounds out his life path with realization that the goal of existence is preordained, it means that Cosmic Reason has transmitted to him its Ray. Realizing the many lives passed upon Earth, and safeguarding in the spirit that which is entrusted, brings one nearer by millennia. The flow of karma is cosmically beautiful. Cosmic essence affirms joy in the human heart, and in the heart of Cosmos, and in the heart of an Arhat.

Heart (1932) - 7:
7. The heart is the focal point, but of all it is least egocentric. Not egoism dwells in the heart, but pan-humanity. Only reason enshrouds the heart with a cobweb of egocentricity. Mercy is measured not so much by so-called good actions, the cause of which can be too varied, but by the inmost kindliness; it kindles the light which shines in the darkness. Thus, the heart is verily an international organ. If we accept light as the symbol of the aura, then its parent will be the heart. How necessary it is to learn to feel one's heart not as one's own, but as the universal one. Only through this sensation can one liberate oneself from egoism, safeguarding the individuality of accumulations. It is difficult to contain individuality with universal containment, but not vainly is the magnet of the heart connected with the Chalice. One can understand how the heart radiates a special light, which is refracted in every way by the nerve substance. For the crystal of psychic energy can be variedly tinted.

Heart (1932) - 162:
162. It is not sufficient to affirm one's own consciousness; one must become accustomed to safeguarding it, under various conditions. One blade is used for cutting paper, another for wood, and a completely different one for metal. One can compare the physical, the subtle, and the fiery worlds to the resistance of paper, wood, and metal. Verily, one must continuously accustom oneself to the realization of the Subtle and Fiery Worlds; various exercises can lead up to it. Thus, one must become accustomed to a state of constant labor, endless and untiring. Such tension of consciousness is irreplaceably useful for the Subtle World, because people usually labor only for rest, not for limitless perfecting. Therefore, on finding themselves in the Subtle World, facing the Image of Infinity, they fall into consternation and fog. Likewise, for the Fiery World one must accustom oneself to walk fearlessly, as if along the rim of a precipice. Only the highest self-control and readiness for danger can prepare one for the fiery spheres.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 33:
33. One must learn how to encourage spiritual people. True, they achieve heroic deeds not for the sake of encouragement, but still they are in need of safeguarding of their spiritual direction. Every ruler must know not only the power of censure, but must also understand the good of encouragement. The latter is more difficult, but what a benefaction is derived when the ruler knows what each one needs for the blooming of his "lotos." There may be many anchorites, but their beneficial tension will not produce the highest measure of energy if the surrounding forces are hostile. Therefore the heart must be strengthened in the striving to understand the very best.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 49:
One can trace many missions sent to humanity at different times. Homeopathy was sent as a means of safeguarding people from enormous doses of poison. Dreams about the need for a universal world-language have been given. Only in this way can the purity of all languages be preserved. Everyone will then know both his own language and the universal one. Thus may be found the best pattern for human relations. People do not understand that the distortion of a language is a crime, for many word-roots have a deep significance in their rhythm and sound. Thus We pave the way.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 218:
218. Urusvati knows the magnetic power of names. Every sound corresponds to a specific cosmic ray, and also is linked to powerful signs of astrological significance. You know that sometimes We do not forbid the utterance of Our Names, while at other times We have advised you not to utter them, even in thought. This is because while sometimes the combinations of sounds do not generate powerful magnetic currents, at other times a Name sounds in space like the blow of a hammer. At such times, for the safeguarding of equilibrium, Our names should not be uttered. But this is also true about personal names, and even the names of places.


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