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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SA > SADDENED (10)

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 67:
This does not mean that We cannot occupy positions of world leadership. We accept them sometimes, but only as a special sacrifice. One should understand broadly the possibilities that are beyond earthly ones. We are greatly saddened when a Brother or Sister must take leave of Us to go on an earthly pilgrimage. Who will understand this sacrifice? Who will show the needed care and solicitude for this voluntary action? Will not such a pilgrimage be the bearing of a cross?

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 76:
Among traveling sadhus there may be objectionable people, but one can also find significant and learned ones. A wise observer will not pay attention to superficial details. In everything the essential must be understood. One may meet people who are close to Us, yet not recognize them. We are often saddened when a useful sending is not recognized, but the law of free will does not permit one to insist. Thus, also, the spreading of the Teaching has its special ways. In olden times people would say, "Make haste slowly." A careful balance must accompany the sending of the books of the Teaching. In centuries to come you will see how the Teaching given by Us should be spread.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 82:
82. Urusvati knows how unexpectedly great manifestations can occur. Thus, she has seen the strata of the Subtle World, not in her subtle body, but in the physical one, with open eyes and fully awake. She has seen the crowding in the Subtle World, and was astonished at the crowds that roamed idly with no work to do. True, she was shown that stratum of the Subtle World which especially concerns Us. In it were seen the contemporary clothes that reinforce an earthly way of thinking, and people crowded together as in the square of any modern town. We are greatly saddened that such crowds are the least accessible for evolution. It can be observed that their thinking is so egocentric that they cannot see beyond their own crowded and motionless circle. They contaminate each other and, as on Earth, fail to look up. Urusvati can attest to how densely crowded these strata are.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 88:
88. Urusvati grows indignant when she hears about war, Sister Oriole is terrified, and We are all saddened by the barbarism of humanity. The most negative manifestation of free will is seen in outbursts of war. People refuse to think about the terrible currents they evoke by mass murder and the consequences it will bring. The ancient Scriptures correctly warned that he who lives by the sword will perish by the sword.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 338:
We are saddened when We see the violation of harmony. Imagine what would happen if a few members were suddenly to drop out of a group that is under Our influence. Great perturbations in the currents would take place, and the group would be exposed to many dangers. Likewise, if a patient swallows a medicine in a dosage prepared for many, dire consequences may befall him. And so one can cite many medical examples, for they remind us that psychic and chemical influences are interdependent.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 364:
You can imagine the anxiety of Sister O., who was connected with two countries and now is witness to their suffering. Likewise, He who directed a nation toward righteousness during its revolution is now saddened to see it rush toward destruction. Indeed, how can one remain indifferent when the best intentions are thwarted?

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 379:
One Hellenic sage, observing his very good health, was quite saddened, and remarked, "I would rather give my energy where it could be of use!" There are many examples to show that great service to humanity is not necessarily associated with good health. It is also well-known that some ill people live longer than supposedly healthy ones. Remember that giving one's energy is the highest generosity and mercy.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 400:
We are always saddened when We see that even science, which should serve to broaden the consciousness, limits it instead.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 429:
The teacher should continue to remind the pupil about the vast numbers of natural phenomena that have remained unknown due to ignorance. In Our observations We are particularly saddened by the fact that people often pass by the special, precious proofs of the subtle nature of man without even noticing them.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 432:
We are greatly saddened when Our advice has been rejected or its application delayed. However, even Our material help is not always accepted. The usual excuse is that Our methods are too unfamiliar. But people cannot see that the conditions of Our help may be quite beyond their earthly understanding and judgment, and their unwillingness to accept it is due to a lack of imagination. They cling fast to the only way they see out of a difficulty, and unfamiliar suggestions are unacceptable to them. That is why it is so helpful to listen to the traditions of different peoples. Only by comparing the most varied opinions can one imagine the diversity of existing conditions. One should learn to listen to the slightest appeals. The heart will tell when they are true.


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