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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SA > SAD (45)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.11.2:
The play of the Cosmos is like the flashing of a many-faceted crystal. The mind is capable of grasping only one of these flashes of the crystal. This is not sad but joyous. Of course, butchers cannot transmit the whole subtlety of conceptions.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.15:
It is sad to come upon that immobility of mind which impedes the work of the higher centers.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.19:
To the testing there may be added a question that even a child can be asked: "What do you consider of the utmost importance right now?" Understanding the train of thought, one can recognize the true nature according to the reply. It is sad to look upon those who conceal their thoughts. Thought is lightning.

New Era Community (1926) - 198:
198. In the recent past, in accordance with the plan of My Friend, We often visited Western cities. At that time We encountered casual individuals who suspected something about Us. The most persistent inquiries were addressed to Us - about the methods of psycho-mechanics and demands for the most precise biochemical formulas. Besides, with the conceitedness of the West, these people were never concerned about their own consciousness and did not attempt to learn whether they possessed the corresponding physical qualities. It is sad to contemplate that this opportunity was unaccompanied by any aspirations for social welfare. As the caveman with his club hastened to gather colored sea-shells as his exclusive property, so did these dwellers of stone places try to appropriate for themselves qualities foreign to them. Moreover, the caveman adorned himself with the shells, but the contemporary wiseacres degraded knowledge into after-dinner coffee talk - it was a spectacle of shameful lightmindedness.

New Era Community (1926) - 245:
245. Adaptability is the best means for conservation of forces. Often it is asked how to develop this quality. The development of adaptability actually takes place in the current of life. To all is known the sensation of the boundaries of spheres. When you go out of a playhouse into a gray street, it seems to you that you have fallen into a lower sphere. When after solemn festivities you turn to ordinary toil, you become struck with the sad everydayness. When out of the dismal cold you enter a beautiful building, it appears to be the crown of perfection. A sluggish adaptability produces a series of false concepts. This falseness makes you timid and awkward. People cringe before the mirage of an effect. They constrict their own concepts before something unexpected, whereas everything must take place in an opposite manner. Sternly accustom yourselves to the reception of contrasting sensations, to the grasping of unexpectedness. All is expected, because all is realized.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 363:
Why do we measure the pressure of the atmosphere, but never pay attention to other factors that affect the moods of people? Life is built by such moods. Enough people exist who are sufficiently sensitive, but instead of benefitting from them, the world too readily treats them with disdain and superstition. Sad ignorance impedes the application in life of these other energies, which are knocking at the window. It is time to understand the true source of collective striving, by which people find upliftment or downfall.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 527:
Or he will speak of his sad life. You will think, "He is not one of us."

Hierarchy (1931) - 311:
311. Let us observe how the black ones labor. It is necessary to observe their peculiar habits. They are not indignant about a nonentity. They consider that the first steps of service are particularly useful for them. A nonentity is negligible even in treason. Treason is precisely the main basis of undermining by the black ones. For treason, one must know something. This relative knowledge, not strengthened by devotion, may be found on the first steps. One must know that condemnation acts like fire upon a wavering devotion. It is sad to observe with what unnoticeable deviations the disciple begins to steep himself in indifference, finding eloquent justifications. Like the blade of a knife, the heart loses its protective net. Without its sheath, the blade injures the carrier himself; and such spurs do not lead to achievement, they lead only to irritation. If one day has passed successfully in demeaning the Teacher, why may not tomorrow also be blazing with blasphemy against the Highest? And if the silver thread is broken, the blade of ossification is already irrevocably sharpened.

Heart (1932) - 21:
Different peoples bring their understanding of the principles of spirituality. By this one can judge the fitness of hearts. Moreover, avoid arguments about that which is undeniable. Recently I wondered at the dissension between the followers of Joan of Arc, Sergius, and Moses. Each proclaimed that his Protector did not agree with the other. Whereas, knowing the truth it was sad to hear these inventions, composed for discord. Even if there is no unity, at least let there be no butting of foreheads, because horns will grow!

Heart (1932) - 45:
45. The process of intensification of energy is similar to a pump. Thus, the upward striving of energy is absolutely conditioned by the downward pressure. People usually regard this pressure as misfortune, failure, whereas this is the physical threshold of ascent. Oppression is, of course, manifested entirely differently, but each one who has attained the ascent can establish the moments of inner or outer oppression. It is sad to see how uninformed people succumb to oppression without understanding the law of the pump; this condition is especially serious at present, when a mass consciousness is being molded, when it is so needed to coordinate the thousands of consciousnesses, undisciplined, uneducated, ignorant of the most elementary laws! How easily these masses can lose the understanding of oppression as the gates of ascent.

Heart (1932) - 75:
75. Love, achievement, labor, creation - these summits of ascent preserve the aspiring strivings in all permutations. What a bounty of additional concepts they encompass! What is love without self-sacrifice or achievement without valor, labor without patience, and creativeness without self-perfectment! And over this entire legion of benignant values the heart rules. Without it the most patient people, the most valiant, the most striving, will remain cold coffins! Burdened by knowledge, but unwinged, will be those who are heartless! It is sad not to come at the time of the Call! It is grievous not to follow the Hierarchy completely! Often people try to hide from themselves the rejection of the Hierarchy. Canst thou, traveler, open-heartedly be ready to follow the Hierarchy? Perhaps thy readiness is only up to the first turn, up to the first step, only where the Hierarchy can help? Wilt thou not forget at a difficult hour, or wilt thou remember Hierarchy only in abundance?

Heart (1932) - 415:
415. Someone may inquire about the issuing of a second volume of Heart. Answer that people like to read only the last page, without caring about the significance of the first page. Hence the Teaching must be separated into steps. It is especially sad to see how the senseless gulping down of the last page only brings harm. The heart demands care and coordination, otherwise the igniting of the phosphorous web will occur.

Heart (1932) - 442:
442. "Do not wish evil upon the Blessed One" - this is ordained by the scriptures. In this indication is contained great wisdom. Yogis are frequently accused of vengefulness and retaliation for evil. Of course, this completely contradicts the nature of the Yogi, and the sad results of slandering a Yogi are evident nevertheless. This manifestation is not difficult to explain; when the fiery magnet of the heart sends rays into remote countries, one can imagine the power of this emanation. When the enemy's sendings clash with this power, the counterblow is inevitable. Even extreme tension on the part of the Yogi is needed in order to partly diminish the heavy consequences for the enemy. But often the ray of the Yogi has a speedy, special destination, and then the enemy must blame himself.

Heart (1932) - 507:
507. An experienced ruler often lays his hand upon the shoulder or hand of him with whom he converses. Some do this consciously, but the majority do it unconsciously. But even those who do this consciously are not always aware of how to utilize this method. They regard the hand as being sufficient, that the palm of the hand already communicates the power of the thought; but very seldom do people realize that the tips of the fingers have stronger emanations. Hence, if a thought is being suggested, the fingers must be tightened, but if one desires to receive the reaction of one's companion, the tips of the fingers should be separated. Thus, considerable stirring of an entire group of centers is effected. So many possibilities are concealed in each act! It is only necessary to apply them consciously. Consciousness and unconsciousness may be compared to swimming with or without experience. Of course, someone may swim immediately, but this occurs very rarely. Thus, in everything it is necessary to observe Hierarchy, which pervades our consciousness visibly and invisibly. It would be sad if the consciousness represented something abstract and almost supernatural. Each heart beat fills us with a realization of existence, and with a true understanding of Be-ness. Mental fog results only from lack of respect for consciousness. These words should be inscribed in each school. Children may ask, "How is it possible to guard against deadening habits?" Then someone can point out the inscription concerning respect.

Heart (1932) - 555:
555. It is sad that even many of those who have heard of Armageddon nevertheless continue to live according to the measure of yesterday. Warn the friends again about the need to master the strategy of Armageddon. The blind ones desire all things to be as before, but this can be likened to flowers upon ice.

Heart (1932) - 558:
558. Fear and irritation are called the gates of darkness. The servants of darkness dispatch fear first of all, in order to confound the spirit. Each conjuration may comprise danger inasmuch as during the conjuration terror may penetrate - thus the most precise magic may be turned into the utmost danger. Hence one must lean upon a more certain means. An educated heart will first of all eradicate fear and recognize the harm of irritation. Thus the heart is that armor of Light which will put to shame the cunning of darkness. As is ever asserted, the heart is constantly ready to smite darkness and bridle chaos. It is especially sad that many do not desire to think about the power of the heart. Thus, they not only cause themselves dejection but bring harm to their near ones. Each treasure unrealized merges into Chaos, thus strengthening darkness.

Heart (1932) - 576:
We are not necromancers to resuscitate lifeless bodies. The current of the heart must constantly and independently strive upward, and then will the meeting with the Hierarchic current produce a benevolent spark. Indeed, one has sometimes to revive even cork mannikins for a single action, but this will be only a passing action without consequences for a true ascent. It is sad to see the corks jump and to foresee the fall that splits them in two. It is sad to know how the labor of raising them is wasted, but the heart is given to each one in all its limitlessness. So much is already given, so much already experienced, that it is terrible to go back to tossing corks! Thus, let us once again think about the solemn constant ascent when one can fully trust such cooperation. Only with such mutual labor can one accustom oneself to, and love the variety of manifestations. Only a few can understand this, because the cosmic multiformity frightens the untempered heart. But how shall we hide from such astounding multiformity? How shall we learn to love it and to have done forever with the limitations of a cramped trend of thought? Let us counteract it with the heart as a shield. For the shield was carried in the left hand. Thus, let us understand the heart as armor.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 198:
198. People frequently distinguish fragments of the music of the spheres, just as they do the vibratory differentiations of light, and only a false attitude toward everything prevents them from concentrating on this. Thus begins the charmed circle of insincerity. The manifestation of reality falls into the category of the inadmissible. It is sad to see how people are ashamed of their best manifestations. Thus they not only violate their own significance but also become creators of ugliness in the Subtle World. Those people who have rejected reality bear the lasting stigma of a lie.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 360:
Furthermore, how beautiful and concise - "We shall not die, but change" and "As in heaven, so on earth." Such covenants could only be pronounced by an Initiate. These Sacred Books can provide a wealth of information about the manifestations of Fire. Hence, one should urge the assiduous reading of these Covenants. So, too, the chronicles of the lives of the saints can bring an understanding of the Fiery World. The affirmation of these manifestations after many centuries must inspire the questing scientists. I repeat, it is sad to observe the separation of science from the highest foundations of Existence. In connection with history, at least, scientists are duty-bound to pay attention and respect to the Tablets of the past. Yet, not only scientists but even artists nurtured upon imagination avoid concentrating on the treasures of the Scriptures. As if such knowledge were inferior to other knowledge! But one thing is amazing - that those who question Us about the Sacred Books find no time to read them despite Our advice. He who is aflame in heart will not tarry because of an unsolved question.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 29:
29. Verily one may operate upon the spleen. Physically the organism can exist for some time even without it, but this will be a purely physical solution. Up to the present people have not cared about the consequences for the subtle body. Whereas, the organ which is connected with the subtle body must be greatly protected but not destroyed. The same takes place in the removal of the appendix; man not only lives but even gains weight, yet one of the main functions of the psychic energy is disorganized. The appendix absorbs the psychic elements of food. Someone may live even without such elements, but why deprive the organism of such helpers? Of course all physical operations upon the heart show how far physicians are from the psychic problem. Therefore it is very needful to avoid all physical operations, if the conditions needed for the subtle body are not observed. Unavoidable operations should be accompanied by corresponding suggestion, in order that the parts of the subtle body may assume the required position. One should mentally contact the subtle body. If the thought affirms through suggestion the fiery self-protection then a multitude of ill consequences will be avoided. Such self-protection is especially necessary against all infections. If during an operation one could suggest the necessary processes, the help of the subtle body would considerably contribute to the desired result. Such suggestion can regulate all the functions of the organism, but without this assistance it is sad to see how the subtle bodies are mutilated.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 140:
140. It is necessary not only to recognize that there is no void, but also to understand the surrounding life. The understanding of life as intertwined and mutually nourishing brings realization of the omnipresence of psychic energy. On the very smallest examples, in incomplete micro-organisms, one may study that which is strikingly all-saturating. Varied currents, rays, and chemisms pass through masses of beings, but psychic energy not only does not retard them, but transmits them farther. When we speak of the most pure air, even about the purest Prana, we nevertheless presuppose all-containment, and in this containment various tensions. Picturing such physical saturation will aid the realization of Higher Worlds. Actually, everything is alive, and everything manifests the same energy. In this primitive position rests also the possibility of transmutation of everything existing. Death becomes a transposition and life becomes unavoidable cooperation. The very approach to the Fiery World is application of conformable qualities. It is sad to see how people limit themselves and try to destroy the universe. Perhaps overproduction, competition, and distortion of the meaning of life will bring humanity into a blind alley, and then it will be obliged to stop and think. Because, by setting aside all limitations the recognition of the Higher Worlds will come along. Calling to the Fiery World, we must have recourse to comparison with micro-organisms, and thus impel people to think about a saturation with the uninterrupted life. Indeed it is easier to think with the heart, above all micro-organisms. It is necessary to summon to such a solution.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 227:
227. One's mastery of thought does not consist alone in the deepening and concentration of thinking. One must also possess the knowledge of how to free oneself from untimely and debasing thoughts; thus thought is affirmed when we master it. It is not easy to free oneself from thoughts flying in from without, and it is difficult to cast off sad and burdensome meditations. But one should be able in like manner to send thought forward, and also to leave behind the one which is of no use. Usually, people are enslaved by their thoughts; and nothing so impedes advancement as grievous immobile thoughts. Most often such heavy thoughts are sent from without, and many eyes watch with malice, awaiting the suppression of energy. Learn to expel this obvious burden immediately, it is one of the worst aspects of Maya. Hardly a day will pass without an alteration in Maya. Thus, let us be doubly vigilant in possession of thought.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 231:
231. One should not be inordinately grieved perceiving human darkness. If We should exercise our grief in proportion to this darkness, it would be impossible to exist. It is sad to see how people impede their path, but the centuries teach one to assume calmness about the qualities of imperfection. Indeed, such qualities are especially deplorable when time is so short. But let us devote ourselves to Hierarchy.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 35:
35. So much is said about cooperation, but so little is comprehended! This is one of the most misconstrued concepts, because in a human community the idea of united labor is so distorted. Life in the community of co-workers has in view no forcing of feelings, of obligations, of constraints, but an affirmation of united work in the name of manifested Good. If the human community would accept the law of united labor as the law of life, to what an extent human consciousness could become purified! For the rhythm of a common task can unite various specialists and individuals who differ in their qualities. The law is simple, bur how many distortions surround it! The manifestation of the human nearness of the spirit is conditioned by many causes, spiritual as well as karmic, but under the ray of labor a community may be organized with the aid of the law of cooperation. Therefore it is necessary to educate the co-workers through labor and by the affirmation that each co-worker is a part of the whole. However, one should exclude incorrect thinking about the personal. Such interpretation can help a community to become affirmed as a single channel. So many sad happenings can be avoided through the expansion of consciousness and by the subtle understanding that it is inadmissible to encroach upon the heart of another being. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World the co-workers should understand that one may advance only through the law of Common Labor - there is no other measure! The subtle is attained only by the subtle; and the subtle threads of the heart resound only in a tension of many thousands of years. Therefore, let the co-workers especially realize this single path. Precisely, the law of united labor permits no infringement upon the heart of another.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 70:
70. The consciousness directed through Hiero-inspiration is as a wonderful reflection of the Higher Forces. As a wonderful resonance is the hearing of the heart. The spirit which is affirmed as a true co-worker and helper of the Cosmic Forces should be regarded as a Sacred Source. There are many channels which can reverberate only on one string. We see how one-sided thinking accepts only those currents which are in agreement with the essential nature of the channel. We see how impure channels impose various infections. We see how pages and writings of people become filled with their self-deception. We see how they affirm Cosmic Right as their own. We see the evasion and assaults on the Fiery Right. Along with the scrolls and tablets of the pure spirit there are borne in space vortical rings of destruction. Side by side with fiery hearts We see hordes of self-deluded ones, and because of the Cosmic Law it is impossible to stay the hand of Karma. Each small consciousness first of all ascribes to itself a regal spirit. It is sad to look at the earthly records. Every fiery heart strives to cleanse the records. Thus let us remember on the path to the Fiery World.

AUM (1936) - 586:
It is sad if a man despairs at his first failure. This merely shows that his own psychic energy is in full dissoluteness. Then the investigator must soberly reflect how to cultivate his psychic energy. Apart from experiments, man is not right in keeping the fundamental energy in a chaotic condition. Let each neophyte-investigator test himself in various circumstances. Only diverse testings can show precisely what properties predominate in the given psychic energy.

Brotherhood (1937) - 94:
94. It is a sad situation if one is not subjected to attacks. This means that one's energy is in a very weak state and does not provoke any counteractions. Only the unenlightened consider attacks as misfortune. Obesity swims in the fat of inaction. For what sort of fertilization is such fat of use? The emanations of fat attract undesirable entities. More useful is alert striving; it preserves an adequate covering for the nerves. Likewise, thinness must not exceed the point of equilibrium.

Brotherhood (1937) - 450:
Whoever thinks about harmony knows that a house is not new where old rubbish has settled. And yet one can see how beautiful attainments wither because they cannot grow in filth. Not only is such a fate of useful attainments deplorable to see but it is sad that their dissolution litters the already discovered paths for so long a time. This is why I speak about equilibrium.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 37:
37. Urusvati carries fearlessness in her heart. We affirm that this quality is accumulated through faith and lengthy experience. Upasika was an example of complete fearlessness in life. She was courageous in all circumstances, and no fear could intrude. The life of Upasika was filled with occasions for fear. It was sad to see how many persecutions came together, how her name was slandered. She had no means, and accusers threatened her from all sides. Verily, she was a touchstone of fearlessness! One can cite many such examples throughout the ages. Every one of Us has frequently had occasion to show such fearlessness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 62:
The same thing happens with all mental construction, and in the end one must destroy all those ugly heaps. We do not idly advise you to concentrate, to develop thought in life, and to understand the feeling of harmony, so that each spiritual accumulation will prove useful in the Subtle World. We like simple and comfortable garments that do not impede Our work. It would be better if everyone could find a comfortable garment that will be useful in the Subtle World, and it is very sad when unseemly earthly garments are worn. Of course, the Guide will explain their ugliness and lack of comfort, but some people are so dull that they do not understand this advice. They wish to communicate with each other only through words and cannot grasp communication by thought.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 74:
Heads of state formerly combined their work with the highest spiritual duties, and often led societies of the highest purpose. In time, these missions were lost and the heads of state remained as servitors to insignificant and even harmful institutions. Such examples can be seen everywhere. It is especially sad that there remain only a few small fragments of ritual that still preserve their inner meaning; in ignorant hands even these scraps bring harm. Thus, We try to purify or remove the remnants of rituals that obscure the consciousness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 85:
It is equally important in life to avoid objects that have had unpleasant contacts that influence them during their existence. Even recently produced objects keep the emanations of those who made them. Therefore one should not become immersed in the details of objects. The Primal Energy will warn about the essence of things, and one should not keep things nearby that bring sad and unpleasant feelings.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 88:
Our Abode has witnessed many wars, and We can testify how this evil is increasing in the most unexpected ways. People know that explosions can cause rain, but what about poison gas and its possible effects? How sad We are to see free will, which was bestowed as the Highest Gift, manifested in this horrible, uncontrolled way.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 103:
We have already discussed the striving upward, but there can also be an eternal fall down into the abyss, and only work can provide the trait of excellence that will safeguard against it. One must learn to love this quality in all aspects of life, for its least violation arrests all progressive motion. Thus, it is right to feel sad for those nations that have forgotten the need for maintaining quality in all aspects of life. But one should not despair, for the potential of the heart is great, and the urgency of the hour intensifies all the forces of the human being.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 148:
Remember that We are ready to hurl portions of Our Aura to strike at and defeat darkness. We are ever ready to sacrifice, but it is sad to waste such power in opposing the dark forces. May this symphony resound as a symbol.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 153:
153. Urusvati knows from the Apocrypha that certain people wanted to acclaim the Great Pilgrim as the People's Hero. Such a wish is often expressed in connection with a Great Teacher, but this can lead to sad misunderstandings. A Great Teacher is certainly a hero and a leader, but people usually cannot comprehend the true significance of these concepts, and thus is woven the crown of thorns.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 227:
He said, "Every tree can be cheerful or sad. We might assume that this is just a reflection of our own moods, but how much do we really understand about the sensitivity of Nature?"

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 241:
The Thinker said, "How can We foresee all obstacles? What a sad sight to see man in chains, especially when he does not even suspect that he is imprisoned. Yet the chains can be broken!"

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 293:
293. Urusvati knows that people more readily understand any advice when it is explained by analogies from the practice of medicine. For example, one can cite the case of a patient who is instructed to fully inhale a certain medicinal vapor, but because he distrusts the physician he only inhales half a dose, and the desired result is not obtained. Similarly, when people do not strive fully toward the Source of Ultimate Good, the results are lamentable. Disbelief, laziness, or ignorance will lead to the same sad end.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 343:
People think that one should talk to animals, but such communication does not always lead to the best results. Animals understand thoughts, and do not need words in order to grasp with certainty the mood of their master. The horse and the dog know very well when their owner is cheerful or sad or disturbed. They also reflect the fears and anxieties of their owner and become fearful and anxious themselves. They understand such situations far better than people think they do. The important thing is to obtain their trust, which is not given easily.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 351:
We can provide an example of information that was prematurely interrupted. Once, We sent a mental message about the sad condition of a certain Western country, but as soon as the first word, "space," was sent, unwanted listeners were discovered and the communication had to be interrupted. In order to fulfill Our intention We used a code word, which was sent at night. We continued with our communication the following night, not naming the country, because Urusvati could then understand the meaning of Our message.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 351:
Those of great experience accept the need to adhere to the laws of nature. Only the ignorant think that We need not submit to cosmic laws. It would be sad indeed if We were to unnecessarily intrude upon the karma of countries, peoples, or individuals.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 370:
370. Urusvati knows that self-betterment must begin with the eradication of small, but harmful, habits. We particularly stress the importance of daily habits. People believe they must overcome the main obstacles at once, only to find that such drastic measures are beyond their capacity. One may also often observe instances when people imagine that they have rid themselves of their major sins, yet remain burdened with little ugly habits. A tree bent by the weight of ugly fruit, developed over ages, is a sad sight indeed.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 383:
Despite everything, sparks of Truth penetrate the human consciousness. Today the average person would not sneer at some ideas that were rejected half a century ago, but this acceptance has come at such sacrifice, and with so little progress! The sad fact is that the losses sometimes exceed the achievements. How then should the aspirant defend Truth? If he is slandered, thrown into prison, or killed, who will hear his last words? Therefore, a special wisdom must be applied in proclaiming and defending the Truth. Complete co-measurement must be applied.


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