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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SA > SACRIFICES (25)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 13:
13. The daughter of the world can change destiny. The New World approaches - sacrifices are the steps of ascent. Growth is quickened by trust, if the spirit is open and can receive.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 202:
202. Sacrifices have been made upon M.'s Mountain. It is difficult to pray when the mind is filled with worldly thoughts. Your will must guard the place of prayer. It is better to truly know people than to be charmed by their masks. If human hearts were filled with beauty, no sacrifices would be needed. But many are the unillumined ones. Therefore, it is a thorny way that leads to each truth.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 235:
235. Whence dreams are begotten, Where sacrifices are extolled, Where the Invisible Light glorifies labor, Thence come My Blessings.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.15:
Let us see what possibilities are born from the so-called sacrifice. Where is a true sacrifice which can demean? In Our Treasury there is a large collection of sacrifices, and each one was useful to the one who made it. We dislike to speak about sacrifices, because a sacrifice is the most profitable undertaking.

New Era Community (1926) - 188:
We prefer the sacrifice of success. He who has much to renounce expects payment least of all. Thus, lay out the community following the landmarks of sacrifices.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 282:
Not ascetics, not fanatics, not the superstitious, but those who know the Yoga of Fire are the ones who will choose not to abandon the rudders of life. Truly, their sacrifices will be great. They will constantly be confronting new explosions although they could have chosen a calm existence. But rest is not a property of fire, for fire must constantly destroy in order to create. Such fiery strivings test one's feelings, as in a crucible.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 34:
34. Yes, yes, yes! Cosmic dates and planetary movements can coincide. This combination provides the better formula of Existence. You are right in calling the spirit the creator of Cosmos. Subservience to the elements of nature puts man in a corner, like one in ambush awaiting an enemy. True understanding of the elements is not yet alive in the consciousness. The so-called "chastisement by the Lord" reveals itself as a vivid evidence of the great defamation of the Cosmic Fire. Sacrifices are not needed. Evolution needs only quickened steps, The unforeseen factor of unbridled elements is not a chastisement, but only an unutilized afflux of the gigantic forces of Cosmos. As in the small so in the great. Means for the lesser and greater bridlings of the elements are found. How insignificant are these checks! Still, they clearly reveal a direction. Why, then, not move in the opposite direction? The result would be valuable. The manifestation of loss will be replaced by a revealed propulsion of the consciousness. This law is immutable and is one with the universal process.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 138:
Transmutation of the fires is so difficult in the earthly sphere because man, through negation, has created a special sphere which enwraps the entire Earth. These negations act like needles, and many are the battles taking place on the astral plane. Therefore, the achievement of the fiery Agni Yogi is so great. When each center not only receives the fire but also undergoes a fiery transmutation for the progress of humanity, one may truly call this carrier of fires a server of evolution. He who sacrifices himself for the fusion of the Fire of Space with the planet is confirmed as a link between the planet and the far-off worlds.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 14:
14. The aspects of self-sacrifice are so varied in human understanding that only the highest measurement must be used in everything. He who in self-sacrifice dedicates himself to Service is confirmed as the co-worker of Light. He who serves Cosmic Fire sacrifices himself. He who serves evolution is affirmed as a bearer of the law. He who serves, he who is devoted to the General Good, is confirmed as a co-worker of Cosmos.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 137:
137. The spirit who sacrifices himself to affirm the great principles of the cosmic fires brings to humanity a lofty step of illumination. Thus, each Lord brought the Light of the cosmic fires. Because of these rays humanity lives, and evolution advances by these steps. The Fire of Space removes the unapplied affirmations. The spirit who sacrifices himself for the benefit of evolution bestows his radiant Lotus on humanity. Only the highest Agni Yogi knows the path of illumination, and the directed fires are manifested to humanity as the beacons of salvation. Yes, yes, yes! Thus, Our Mother of Agni Yoga gives the fiery salvation to humanity. Thus, the Guru provides the fiery urge toward Beauty. I confirm the co-workers striving to the fiery transmutation.

Hierarchy (1931) - 340:
340. Wisely is ordained the bliss of him who sacrifices his soul for his neighbor. Often this commandment is applied to the sacrifice of one's life, yet it is not said of life or body, but of the spirit. Thus a most difficult and lengthy task is given. In order to give one's soul one should cultivate, expand, and refine it, then it can be given for the salvation of one's neighbor. Thus the wisdom of the Commandment should be understood and consciously applied. It is also said, "Follow Me." Thus will speak each Hierarch, affirming a progressive motion. He cannot turn back, otherwise the leading star will be hidden behind the rock.

Hierarchy (1931) - 343:
343. Not without purpose do We kindle the beacons of the fiery heart as a refuge for travelers. It is not easy for the flaming heart, yet it sacrifices itself for its neighbors, which reveals the justice of the Commandment of Bliss. But joy is a special wisdom.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 14:
14. At a time when one sacrifices his soul for the good of the World, the other sits upon the water. While one offers his heart for the salvation of his fellow-men, the other flounders in the manifestations of the Subtle World. The saints of Great Service have no psychism, because they are always striving in spirit towards Hierarchy, and their heart resounds to the anguish of the World. Psychism is a window into the Subtle World, but the teacher tells the pupil, "Do not turn so often to the window, look into the book of life."

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 366:
366. A particular confusion has gathered around the problem of offering sacrifices. People at one time arrived at such a state of madness that human sacrifices became customary. But can imagination conceive of a God who would be in need of the shedding of blood? Sacrifices have been mentioned in basic laws, but only later errors and spiritual downfalls have brought mankind to blood offerings. Sacrifice has always been mentioned, but what can be a worthy offering to the Highest Spirit? Verily, only the most purified spiritual striving. Such a basic link serves as the best guarantee of sincere reverence. Such sacrifice is a vital necessity of bringing the best blossom of the heart to the Altar of The Supreme. But people to this day assume that a chip from a small, useless stone can be more precious than the beautiful flower of the heart. Meditation on this question is very useful on the pathways to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 423:
423. Striking phenomena can be observed around spilled blood. Animals not only sense the blood but fall into agitation and terror. It can be noticed that even dried blood produces the same symptoms as fresh blood. Precisely the fiery emanations of blood are unusually strong. Not by accident did the most savage sacrifices require blood, as a means of excitement into intoxication. Likewise the black mass needs blood as a strong stimulation. For such purposes animals are used. The resulting sharpening of scent for the invisible is very strong, the more so because blood attracts many lower entities.

AUM (1936) - 197:
197. Sacrifice and assistance are created in secret, such is the nature of these actions. Only the Higher World knows who really helps whom. The sacrifices have been inscribed upon imperishable scrolls. Beautiful is the law of the secret heart sacrifice.

Brotherhood (1937) - 445:
Great sacrifices have been performed for the kindling of the fire. One must revere the memory of such self-sacrificing deeds. Beauty lives on in such calls. Neither time nor human confusion can stifle the calls to self-sacrifice. The covenants of Brotherhood also tell about this same thing. It is beautiful that even now the concept that has existed throughout the ages is not forgotten.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 42:
42. Urusvati has developed her musical talent beautifully. This proficiency is achieved as the result of much labor in other lives. According to the Teachings of Plato, music should not be understood in the narrow sense of music alone, but as participation in all the harmonious arts. In singing, in poetry, in painting, in sculpture, in architecture, in speech, and, finally, in all manifestations of sound, musicality is expressed. In Hellas a ceremony to all the Muses was performed. Tragedy, dance, and all rhythmic movement served the harmony of Cosmos. Much is spoken about beauty, but the importance of harmony is little understood. Beauty is an uplifting concept, and each offering to beauty is an offering to the equilibrium of Cosmos. Everyone who expresses music in himself sacrifices, not for himself, but for others, for humanity, for Cosmos.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 93:
We have had opportunities to visit the ruins of temples erected by Us ages ago. There are many such temples in Egypt, in Greece, and all over the world. We know that these walls served their purpose and are no longer needed, but their essence remains and does not lose its freshness. Thus We testify, We who have experienced much and seen much. People often do not understand the correlation of the past with the future. Our Community has preserved many examples of Service, and We can testify to the continued vitality of all the Sacrifices.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 183:
If in those times the Thinker was appalled by the ferocity and cruelty of people, what can one say about today? The bloody sacrifices to Moloch appear merciful compared with the murders that are now taking place! How many times must We stress these words! How can people contemplate truths when their minds are filled with a craving for murder? This, too, was said by the Thinker, and because of these words He was persecuted and sold into slavery.


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