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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RU > RULED (6)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.12.5:
Take note that personal karma, group karma, and cosmic karma must be combined - then will the date be correct. Often the development of a personal karma draws after it the group karma. Some spirits are ruled entirely by karma, which means that the knowledge of the spirit is at a minimum and karma is the sole possibility of evolution.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 397:
397. The cosmic dates are ruled by the assertion of subterranean and superterranean fires. This correlation is linked to the spheres of human actions. When the date approaches and action begins, it may be observed that always the human consciousness is shifted together with the cosmic perturbations. Certainly, the immutability of the law links all spheres, and the intercourse of all cosmic forces is evidenced in the affirmation of a rational action. Thus, the date is infused with all effects and is not confined to the one sphere.

Heart (1932) - 275:
275. The Teacher needs an especially clear consciousness in the disciples. But night, which obscures the consciousness, does not permit the propelling of the entire might preserved in its depths. Among the reasons for success or failure in the tasks, the condition of the consciousness occupies no small place. Even a slight perplexity or uncertainty in striving alters the result. For instance, someone may come to you anxious to help and awaiting from you only the impetus to do so. But you may be absorbed in some outside conversation, and the desire to help evaporates in a cup of tea. Besides, the custom of the country demands that time be filled with the most insignificant communications, and in this rubbish the most precious seeds are lost. But if humanity would only value time, at least much that is vital could come about. True, this can be ruled by the heart in order to correlate the highest measures.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 141:
141. Even a savage can fly in an airplane, but let us not think that formerly it was any better. I have shown you the records of the Thirty Years' War in order that you may understand how, even in comparatively advanced countries, coarseness and ignorance have ruled. Records of refined Rome, Egypt, and Babylon could be cited, at which the heart would shudder. Hence, all who look to the future should continue to knock for admission.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 328:
328. The condition of the supermundane planes moves events onward at an accelerated pace. The supermundane strata are being, as it were, shifted because striving toward the Earth rouses many dormant spirits. Before great events, the supermundane strata are always awakened. A testing is begun, as it were, for the spirits, which may choose their path. Consciousnesses which are ruled by low impulses can be impelled only to the lower levels. But there, in the same way as on the earthly plane, the servitors of Light stand on guard, and the final Call can summon the spirits to the choice. These Calls resound on all planes. On the path to the Fiery World let us remind about the Final Call.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 609:
609. Astrology is a great science, but it can be ruled by the forces of thought. Thought can indeed have a significance in astrology. Thought creates; thought is a chemist; thought even has an influence on Karma. With such powerful laws does thought contend.


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