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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RU > RUBY (6)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 535:
Among the components of developed auras it is especially rare to see the emerald green and the noble ruby colors, which stand in contrast to each other. The first denotes synthesis and the second, the self-sacrifice of attainment. In clouded auras hints of both may be seen, but to see them pure is as rare as are synthesis and attainment themselves. Emerald is closer to the Chalice, and ruby to the Eye of Brahma.

Heart (1932) - 182:
182. The red-golden light that fills the inner substance indicates the armor of the heart. As the outer rims of the aura from purple become ruby, so the silvery Lotus of the heart flashes with an outburst of red-gold when the spirit clothes itself in the ultimate armor. Thus is attained the inner condition that permits participation in the hardest battles without harm or danger of severe wounding of the subtle body. The consequence of such an armor of the heart was already evident when the warrioress confronted the dark forces and despite their preponderant numbers made them tremble, and they were left with their threats. Yet an impotent threat of the enemy is already a victory. But, of course, the red-golden light is not reached easily and demands a lengthy achievement.

AUM (1936) - 195:
I affirm that it is possible to accomplish a great number of useful actions when energy is not dissipated upon idle disputes and quarrels. How can there be higher communion, if brain and heart turn into a crimson flame? Even the very Battle for the Higher World will not generate crimson flame. The light of courage may glow ruby red, but every irritation will already be a weakening.

AUM (1936) - 557:
557. Since each man has an open wound, he also has a ruby in his heart called the Holy of Holies. Such a magnet must be guarded. It has been called a precious stone. Long ago the precious stone was spoken of, but then some began to understand this as an abstraction. Now you already know that this is a twofold, not an abstract concept. The nodes of psychic energy can easily be termed a stone, because magnetism in the concept of people is connected with the idea of lodestone. A magnetic mountain is easily comprehensible, but the magnet of man is not understood. Whereas, if there are a multitude of magnetic manifestations in the Macrocosm, then too, in the microcosm of man the same quality is inalienable.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 239:
There are two types of people, the flaming and the flameless. They are like opposite poles and will never understand each other. These two extremes also exist in the Subtle World. People leave Earth with their characters formed and in the Subtle World follow their habitual ways. It is very difficult to kindle the flameless ones; a special shock is needed to light the precious ruby of the heart and awaken the slumbering hearts. Of course, much energy is wasted in this process. People do not understand what extreme measures are needed to awaken and kindle their hearts so that they may learn how to increase energy by an intensified feeling of love.


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