Agni Yoga (1929) - 218: 218. When we speak about the subtlest energies, we should know the signs of their manifestations. The word "subtlest" indicates that the quality of their effect will differ from that of ordinary manifestations. The highest energy is the least perceptible. It is the consciousness that controls the power of the universal energy. The consciousness of space permeates the brain substance. This process cannot be demonstrated; it cannot be measured. Thus the spokes of a wheel rotating at a certain speed appear motionless, and it is only the movement of the surrounding atmosphere that indicates the degree of tension. Likewise, in processes involving the finest energies, the effects are visible only from afar. Just as colorless cyanic acid is undetectable to the eye, yet shows powerful effects, so does the energy of consciousness invisibly begin its striking action and reveal its effects in the surrounding waves of space. Likewise, the finest vibrations of radiant matter are hardly perceptible, yet are blinding in their gross manifestations. Agni Yoga (1929) - 428: 428. Following the time of Atlantis, in the rites of the Druids, while all the rest walked in a circle following the dawn-to-dusk movement of the sun, the chief priest performing the rite walked in the opposite direction. In this was contained the symbol of lesser and greater knowledge. Lesser knowledge is developed by following the flow of known energies, but great knowledge, facing the current of cosmic forces, extracts previously-unknown energies from what appears to be chaos. So in the cults of the sun, the steps of human ascent were wisely indicated. As you know, these were not abstract symbols but a reflection of reality; for example, the centers rotating against the sun produce special fiery energies. Agni Yoga (1929) - 582: 582. We have already spoken about the rotation of the centers. Of course, any forward motion is a rotating one. The symbol of churning relates to everything. The accumulations of psychic energy can be intensified through the rotation of the center. The individual may prefer one center over another, but it would be better to choose the Chalice or the Brahmarandhra center.