Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 72: 72. The Spirit of Christ breathes across the desert of life. Like a spring It wears Its way through the solid rocks. In the milky firmament It radiates in lights beyond counting, and rises upward in the stem of every flower. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 288: 288. You lay a new foundation for the manifestation of Beauty. With you do We pronounce the beginning of a new Teaching. Flood tide and ebb tide succeed each other, but the ninth wave rises highest. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 394: 394. He who is safe and sound remembers with gratitude what has happened. The strong one looks into the future with sword upraised. The wise one perceives the coming task. The beautiful in spirit thrill at the harmony of the World. Seek the explanation of the rises and plunges of the spirit in the shuddering of the planets. The world is one in the consonance of spirit. The wondrous gift of receptivity is natural to all rational beings. But knowing these currents We do not call them oppressive - We seek new work beyond their range. The moon by night, the sun by day. Even the stupid dispose of life according to these luminaries. Boundless is the World, countless the colors of the Light. Immersed in its harmony, the spirit sings the song of all hearts. Therefore, rejoice if you can sense it. Devoid of effectiveness is the slumbering spirit. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.12: The egg-shaped aura is natural to the astral body. The most usual, the narrow aura, which emanates from the entire body, extends outward about two inches. In accordance with the degree of spirituality, it begins to expand from the upper nerve centers. Starting from the solar plexus, it afterwards rises toward the brain centers, forming the so-called solar aura. Influxes of blood are characteristic of the transposition of the aura, when the current of tension shifts its pressure. Even fainting spells are possible. Finally, the radiation leaves the lower extremities and forms a surrounding ring. The organism while yet in the midst of life becomes acutely sensitive, especially to sounds and colors. The utmost tranquility is needed during this transitory period. The solar aura may be of ten or fifteen inches, and of course its dimensions may increase. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.5: The manifestation of a nodal wave rises instantaneously, but before each wave the boat hesitates. The more sensitive boat will shudder the stronger, because the dust of the explosion already fills the atmosphere. New Era Community (1926) - 135: After the details of the everyday routine one should turn to manifestation of the great Motion. One should fly upwards and thus tear oneself away from Earth. Bring the realization of the great current to your work bench and give wings to your labor. How else will you infuse perfect technic into your craft? Saturation with the tremor of possibilities will give rhythm to the labor. From each seed consciously manifested rises a silver thread to the far-off worlds. Thought pierces the strata of the atmosphere and weaves the web. Agni Yoga (1929) - 10: Does the roar of the lion set the worlds atremble? No. Daring is awakened and the royal lotus of spirit unfolds. Brothers, let us gather in the hall of joy! The flower has unfolded; raised is the great wheel. Our Joy descends to the nether worlds and rises to the Brothers in the Supermundane. Agni Yoga (1929) - 201: Those who seek Yoga only for their health should instead partake of a glass of wine and discuss lofty ideas without applying them to life. For the health of a yogi rises and falls like the wings of a soaring eagle. The eye of the yogi sees like the eagle's eye, which you already know. The calm of the yogi is like the tensed power of the ocean. Agni Yoga (1929) - 604: The ancient ones said, "The mountain of the Mother rises from the Earth to the heavens," indicating thus the unity of all that exists. Is it possible that in an era of culture people will agree to their own degradation, or to the conventions and distortions of their religions? When, along with mechanics, psycho-mechanics proclaims itself so mightily, can there persist a dull denial? People come together to fulfill the best tasks. But where are those tasks? We must continually repeat that the external conditions of life are a reflection of the consciousness. It seems that these words are already branded on the human forehead, but one cannot deny that humanity requires repeated shocks. Hierarchy (1931) - 363: 363. During cosmic perturbations purifying fires are accumulated, which intensify the atmosphere and propel the fires for the construction of the New World. Thus, upon the ruins of the old world there rises a new evolution and the Epoch of Fire which terminates Kali Yuga and saturates space with the fire of the New World. Thus, the all-encompassing Banner of the Lords summons to pure creativeness. Thus, the avowal of Hierarchy enters life. Thus, We welcome everything that is directed to Good. Thus, We welcome everything imbued with a pure striving to walk the higher path. Hierarchy (1931) - 442: 442. If you want to ponder upon the Three Pearls of the World, can you feel your heart as a summit, bestowing power upon the three sacred rivers, which nurture many lands? Can you master the trinity of consciousness without diminishing one part? The spirit must be accustomed to divisibility. One can imagine amidst sloping hills a strong snowy summit, which takes upon itself all the burden of the whirlwinds. So rises an Arhat, who takes upon himself the entire burden of imperfection. As clouds hover around the summit, sometimes screening it from earthly eyes, so the wearisome burdens of the world pierce the Chalice of an Arhat. One must possess the stronghold of striving in order to nurture the rivers, gathering the whole invincible Service to Hierarchy. Why is the Service called great? Because it approaches the Infinite. This is the measure by which you can think of the Three Pearls of the World. Heart (1932) - 96: 96. Sickness rises from sin - says the Scripture. We say that sickness comes from the imperfections of past and present. One should know how to approach the cure of sickness. To the regret of physicians, the process toward perfection is the true prophylactic measure. It can be understood that the process toward perfection begins with the heart, and it has not only a spatial but also a narrow material meaning. Mothers carry their children close to their hearts as a panacea for calming them, but usually one is unaware that this holding close to the heart creates a powerful reaction. Thus, also in the Subtle World we gather people close to the heart for strengthening and for cure. Of course, the heart loses a great deal of energy through such strong application. But, then, more than once has the heart of a mother been represented as transfixed by swords and arrows, a symbol of the acceptance into the heart of all actual pains. Heart (1932) - 174: 174. The flaming pentagram is a shield in time of battle. In the midst of special tension man represents such a pentagram - the larynx burns as if aflame, the extremities of hands and feet are ablaze; thereby, like an unconquerable shield, he rises, protecting the manifested works. Of course, such a condition is especially dangerous in life, where so many petty betrayals occur. I advise silence in order not to ignite a number of centers, especially the heart. Such a self-sacrificing and flaming heart is an especial joy for the Highest World. Like torches, these hearts radiate above all the pressures of the world. Heart (1932) - 272: 272. The case with X. is unusual. Of course the karma is paid; but there remains the so-called husk of karma, and such a circumstance is greatly valued by the demons. Nothing so greatly multiplies wrath as the mirage of karma. It always seems that the one who has paid karma still has a debt and this ignites wrath. We have many differentiations in karmic ties. It can be observed how, with the ages, one personality rises and another descends; what, then, can occur with the linking thread during such a separation? But the demons utilize the karmic husk in order to attack more strongly. Heart (1932) - 289: 289. Flights in the subtle body manifest a new quality for Earth. Precisely the subtle body is not connected with Earth and flies the more readily upward. The earthly body rises with difficulty and falls easily, but the subtle body acts just oppositely; it is indeed much harder for it to descend. It is more difficult to pierce the lower spheres. Of course, I speak about the high condition of the subtle body; for the lower bodies the lower spheres are actually more comfortable. It is instructive to see how the high subtle body already begins to manifest the quality of the Fiery World. Thus one can see the origins of all worlds, beginning with the earthly state. It is necessary only to purify the consciousness, to strive in accordance with the Hierarchy, and to observe keenly what occurs. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 456: 456. Walking on water or sitting upon water, like walking on fire, are remarkable proofs of thought-power. Let us recall, for example, how sitting upon water is achieved. True, the body has to be purified by a strict vegetable diet and a transport of the spirit. But in addition one should know how to swim and to float upon the water, in order the better to protect oneself from the serpent of doubt. Selecting some shallow, quiet waters, the yogi prepares a light wooden support on which he sits, so constructed that the water reaches to his waist. Then he concentrates by means of the rhythm of pranayama and lifts his thought toward the supremely Ineffable. Thus, several days can be spent, alternately resting and again drawing near to the spiritual exaltation. And when the thought frees itself from earthly attraction the human body loses its weight. Thus the yogi rises upon the water and the wooden support floats away. But should the thought remain at the original level the position of the body will remain unchanged, In addition one may notice luminous emanations of the body, which, according to an ancient saying link man to heaven. The only deciding factor in these experiments is the quality of thought. It is impossible for an impious man to sit upon the water, just as immunity from fire cannot be attained without a certain rhythm and exaltation. Who can determine how much time is required for a preliminary discipline of body and spirit sufficient to attain such an apotheosis of thought? It should be said that the degrees of patience, perseverance, and extermination vary infinitely, and, besides, certain influences of cosmic conditions are also very necessary. Nor should one laugh on hearing that the conditions are more favorable around full moon. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 553: 553. Throughout the entire world rises the sound of wailing. It is apparent that this cannot go on. The convulsions of the planet become more frequent. One should remember that these years are marked in all Teachings. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 130: Even the dark forces believe in the unity of Worlds. True, in the limited consciousness, the unification of Worlds is expressed by examples which bring the Higher down to the lower; but the aspiring consciousness rises upward from the earthly spheres to the Subtle Worlds. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us learn to rise to the spheres affirmed by Fire. Brotherhood (1937) - 118: 118. In legends about Armageddon there are mentioned people with covered faces. Is there not something similar taking place now? It can be seen that the whole world is gradually putting on a veil and brother rises against brother. Precisely, the covered faces are marking time. Brotherhood (1937) - 486: 486. For the demonstration of concepts let us represent them graphically. Let us imagine unity in the aspect of a beautiful and stable dome. Let the threads of the elevation extend upward and be joined together as the facets of the dome. No one could suspect that unity could infringe upon individuality. With the ancient builders each column, each step was individual, yet none the less they went to make up the general harmony of the structure. The vault was held up, not by ornaments, but by correct internal cohesion - thus unity can be expected where that inner cohesion which rises to the Summit is understood. Let us not weary of collecting the best images around the concept of unity. Unity is so very necessary, and it is so often impaired even among those who already know about Brotherhood. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 251: However, Nature's book is full of subtle omens, and people should be able to read them. Only the blind will fail to see the fiery signs, and only imperceptive physicians will not distinguish the fiery diseases. People say, "The sun rises, the moon shines, and everything is in order; yet for some mysterious reason we feel threatened." Those who can see will point out unusual events that are influencing human nature, while other events will pass unnoticed. Many things happen in unpredictable places, and if you were to record the whereabouts of earthquakes, floods, epidemics, unusual atmospheric events, and unexplained tensions, you would have a book about the sickness of the planet.