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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RI > RIPENS (3)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 210:
210. I feel the dust blinds your sight and the battle deafens you. But knowledge will come to overcome your exhaustion. You must know that the chosen path of Good leads to the Source of Wisdom. By signs will you know how to time the steps of your ascent. And all that exists will be a book of life for you. I reveal to you all the steps, and the path leads straight onward. The Creator is seeking new forms. Blessed are striving and the search. Be aflame, shine and give light. The juice of knowledge is increasing, as the fruit ripens under the hand of the gardener.

Hierarchy (1931) - 94:
We never know when the good seeds sprout and how long the harvest of poisoned thoughts ripens. They also require time to ripen, therefore beware of poisonous thoughts; none will disappear without a trace. But where is that country, when is that hour when the ear of poison will ripen? Even though small but thorny, there will be no piece of thread which will not tear one's throat.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 241:
241. That which you direct toward Me grows as a thriving garden. The fruit ripens, but one should not admit worms.


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