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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RI > RIPEN (4)

Hierarchy (1931) - 94:
We never know when the good seeds sprout and how long the harvest of poisoned thoughts ripens. They also require time to ripen, therefore beware of poisonous thoughts; none will disappear without a trace. But where is that country, when is that hour when the ear of poison will ripen? Even though small but thorny, there will be no piece of thread which will not tear one's throat.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 81:
81. At the approach of great dates unprecedented tensions are unavoidable. The guiding and coordination of events are enormously difficult because of the poisoning of certain strata of the atmosphere. Some events ripen, as fruit under the scorching rays of the sun, but others grow mouldy, as stored things in damp weather. Remember that one cannot defer the dates. Such violation may cause cosmic cataclysms. Everyone must act according to his capacity, keeping in mind the Great Service.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 9:
9. Urusvati has been in Our laboratories, and has seen one of the formulas for atomic energy. Her physical memory could not retain it, but the inner receptacle absorbed it. "Atomic atoms!" exclaimed Our Brother during the splitting of the atom. Just as ears of wheat ripen in time for the harvest, so will these possibilities and achievements be preserved until that hour when they are to be given to humanity. It is difficult to make discoveries and then preserve the disclosure until the preordained date. In his madness man would scatter knowledge like hail upon the fields, not caring about the monsters that grow from unbridled passion. Understanding the dates is a great step toward Brotherhood.


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