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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RI > RIGHTLY (49)

New Era Community (1926) - 119:
119. You think rightly that without the achievements of technic the community is impossible. Every community is in need of technical adaptations, and Our Community cannot be thought of without simplification in life. Needed is the manifested possibility of applying the attainments of science; otherwise we will become mutually burdensome. As practical realists We can boldly affirm this. Moreover, We can persistently reproach all pseudo-realists. Their subservient science and blindness prevents them from attaining that for which they are striving.

New Era Community (1926) - 142:
142. Rightly has it been observed that the protection and preservation of the offspring of animals must be provided for. Maternity means the same for them as for humanity. When animals are spared they will repay us in milk, wool and labor. The problem of animals living near man is a very important one. One may visualize how the atmosphere is altered when there are friends around the dwelling. Ask the Arab about the horse or a Northerner about the reindeer - he will speak not as about animals but as about his family.

Hierarchy (1931) - 108:
Verily, it was rightly said about the significance of the fundamental principle of Our Work. Beauty has been proclaimed, therefore let us safeguard its foundation. Pearls must be guarded!

Hierarchy (1931) - 312:
312. It is necessary to observe the wavering ones, for the contagion from them is great. Often they themselves are about to be submerged in the black agglomeration, yet the blasphemy disseminated by them wounds many innocent ones. You arm yourself rightly against indifference; it corrodes all beginnings, and what fires are possible from the frigidity of indifference? Also, the affirmations of the Teacher are like the watering of flowers. The watered garden will not wither. We are concerned with advancing. We affirm new dimensions! Indifference to Our affirmations is impermissible!

Heart (1932) - 502:
502. Is it possible that people are unaware of the peculiar character of heat, storms, hurricanes? Thus, you rightly grieve for nature, which is sickened by human madness.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 313:
313. No one can rightly form an opinion about cosmogony without having studied the fiery element. It would be comparable to an architect's beginning to build a stone structure without having studied the nature of stone and the resistance of building materials. But the contemporary state of minds is so remote from a salutary synthesis!

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 13:
Ur. has seen a disciplined meeting of the dark ones, and many convening humans could learn much from such a meeting. Ur. spoke justly, as Our Messenger, and in such an affirmation there lies great power. One must not restrain the force, when the spirit knows wherein lies the weapon. The dark ones discuss especially intensively when they see that the events are not shaping themselves in favor of their ruler. The Forces of Light prevent them from destroying you. It would seem to be not difficult to annihilate peaceful people, but above all the dark resources there exists the power of the spirit. Ur. rightly said to them, "You consider Satan invincible, but I testify to his defeat before all of you." Thus, one may know about the intentions of the dark ones and about Our Power.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 50:
50. In life, which is unified by the law of Cosmic Right, it is possible to trace how the cup of poison is drained in attaining the great Cosmic Right. The spirit bears all the affirmed chalices through self-sacrifice. The great chalice of Beauty is revealed as a crowning to the spirit through the Fiery Right. Verily, great is the time, because final energies are being intensified on a final step. Rightly has it been said - "The heart will not long endure if the attraction is often repeated." The heart of the Arhat drains the Chalice of abnegation on the final step. Our life Chalice is filled and reveals the path to Our Cosmic Existence.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 53:
53. You spoke rightly about coarseness, and how powerless are the subtle energies against coarseness. No structure can stand upon pillars of coarseness. Therefore each manifestation saturated with coarseness will not be durable, retrogression is inevitable. Complete disintegration will follow where the worm of coarseness eats away the foundation. Every human action is subject to this same danger. A coarse action may be covered with a thousand lusts, and is not to be concealed from the records of space. Every government should be concerned with the elimination of this horror. Every community must contend with this plague. No closely knit community can show evidence of coarseness in its midst. The nation brought up on coarseness must undergo a fiery transmutation; and he who has permitted such disintegration will be karmically responsible. Likewise the co-workers who dwell in coarseness will have to pass through a special purification. Actually, coarseness is a frightful infection, which develops decomposition in the surroundings. Hence, no government can be successful if it is a nursery of microbes of coarseness. Likewise, a co-worker will not be truly successful if coarseness grips his spirit. Thus, let us remember in the construction upon the path to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 88:
88. Especially clearly felt on the steps of the Fiery consciousness is the cosmic solitude. When the spirit knows all the infinite joys of the Fiery World, yet dwells amidst earthly storms, it particularly feels the imperfection which clothes the earthly strata. Cosmic solitude is a feeling of the "Lion of the Desert." Breaking away from the Earth in spirit brings in display all the signs of cosmic solitude. Thus, when the Worlds are united in the Fiery consciousness it is difficult to bear all the acute manifestations of the earthly spheres. Rightly has it been said that the spirit can live without a body, because a deformed body can contain a luminous soul, but a body cannot, in spite of all external perfections, contain a spirit which does not conform to the accumulations of the past. It is correct that often illnesses are a blessing, for they unite the spirit with the Subtle World. Thus, each manifestation is based on two principles which respond to the measurements of the Subtle and earthly Worlds. Indeed, these measures often happen to be inversely proportional. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember that the measures of events are in need of subtle understanding.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 115:
115. However diverse the Worlds are in their spiritual properties and functions, nevertheless it is necessary to become accustomed to think about the bridge to the Fiery World. Everything has its connecting energies. Why then not strive to understand the bridge to the Fiery World. As man reflects all the qualities of earthly life, to the same extent must he be concerned as to how to lay a bridge between the Worlds. Just as the abyss of mankind is visible from the supermundane spheres, so should the Higher World be accepted into human consciousness. The bridge between the two Worlds is maintained in the aspiration of thought. Rightly has it been said about the beauty of thought which reveals all Worlds. Indeed, the bridge between the two Worlds can be made real if the actions are filled with beauty. Truly, not words but actions bring all saturations. The bridge between Worlds will be based upon harmonization of the currents of heart and spirit. On the path to the Fiery World let us manifest understanding of the bridge between Worlds.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 118:
118. Among the mysteries existing in the Cosmos must be noted that of succession of existences. The rhythms of these existences are just as varied as are the Monads. Some think that it is necessary to spend a great number of lives in palaces; others think that for heroism cavalries are needed; a third group thinks that glory is needed; a fourth that chastisement of spirit and body are necessary, and so on ad infinitum. But We say achievement of spirit is needed. And this fiery quality is attained only through the inner Fire of the heart. Rightly has it been said that the deeds of the heart are the foundation. Knowledge of the heart affirms the great essence. Therefore, the heart as a magnet is powerful,. Of course, a being lives in all potentiality. For a certain cycle of years the potential manifests one form of actions, for another cycle other actions are manifested. Thus, a complete world of actions takes place in a single life. Let us recall how many luminous actions fill the records of the Book of Life. Let us consider each action of Light, for it is especially necessary to realize those powerful energies which fill a being on a great step.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 123:
123. If one accustoms oneself to penetrate into the depths of the heart, it is possible to evoke vibratory currents of subtle feelings. In the depths of the heart can be awakened the manifestation of the Cosmic Magnet. It is only necessary to recall those moments of life which manifest the resounding of subtle strings. A glance directed into the depths of the heart discovers all the currents of the spirit. It can truly be said that people persist living without pity. First of all it must be understood that in the Subtle World there is nothing more frightful than heartlessness. It casts the spirit down to a step on which the earthly world loses all human likeness. Therefore, magnanimity can follow only after heartlessness has been cast out. Nothing is more frightful than that heartlessness which is in the pretended magnanimity that lives in the heart of egoism. Therefore, the path of Truth manifests a spiritual current which illuminates the searches. A pretended magnanimity is not the foundation of creative cooperation. Infringement upon the heart of one's dear one is not magnanimity. Thus, let the co-workers especially look into the depths of their hearts, for as Ur. has rightly said - "one should not insinuate oneself into the soul of one's friend, it is better to look into the mirror of one's own spirit." On the path to the Fiery World a pretended magnanimity is a stumbling block.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 128:
128. One can imagine the joy of the spirit which has realized the construction of a New World. If the striving is great, then each form will produce a deepening in perfectionment. The unification of Worlds can advance conscious striving. Let us take the forms of the Subtle World and apply them to the earthly plane. The comparison between psychic energy and mechanical receptions has been rightly applied. Indeed, creativeness can be manifested precisely by the higher energies, but for such subtle perception it is necessary to manifest transmutation of the centers. Only when the spirit feels communion with the Invisible World is it possible to affirm the spatial current. Even simple experiments require complete confidence. How much more strongly affirmed then must be the spirit in full communion with the Invisible World!

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 143:
143. Resurrection of the spirit can be manifested in any sphere whatsoever of vital activity. Any step can become the stimulus for this purification. But resurrection of the spirit requires real action. Words or promises or intentions do not cause resurrection of the spirit. Rightly have promises have been pointed out which were not intended for fulfillment. Resurrection of the spirit can be affirmed only by true strivings for action. On the path to the Fiery World one must remember how it is possible to attain resurrection of the spirit.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 146:
146. Space breathes. Space resounds and creates. As little is known about spatial currents as about the other Higher Worlds. The fiery essence which permeates all that lives is Cosmic Fire, emanating from the Depths of the Cosmos and proceeding into infinite creative manifestation. Rightly have been related the miracles of life. Fiery creativeness is a law of the Cosmos. The impregnation of Cosmic Energy is a law of the Cosmos. In omnipresence it attests its tension. Its omnipresence is expressed in all life. This Fire of space impregnates thought by unification of subtle energies. Space contains subtle forms ready for materialization. One has but to awaken in oneself those energies which can be unified for creative power. Thought and aspiration are the forerunners which can attract spatial fertilization. In ancient times the significance of invocations to the Higher Beings was known,. Therefore, thought-creativeness is a great manifestation in the Cosmos, for the Fire of space assumes forms in the spirit manifested on the planet. Thus, the unification of Worlds is vitally affirmed.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 163:
163. The lightning which cleaves space creates purification of the spheres. Each cosmic manifestation transmutes those energies which must be reworked. In the Cosmic Laboratory there are many means of spatial discharges. Purification is a necessary process in the Cosmos. Knowing the unity of Macrocosm and microcosm, one must find understanding of each process. Who will transmute the spirit of humanity? We say - the lightning of the Spirit of the Bearer of Fire. Who will let fly the cosmic arrow for the destruction of evil? Who will take up the task of cleansing the entrusted Banners? Rightly has been called to mind the Sword of Christ. When cosmic energies are tensed in fiery might, and purifying lightnings are making space atremble, the Fiery Spirit creates correspondingly. The World suffers from half-way measures and suffocates from indulgences - yes, yes, yes! Lightning of the spirit can cleanse space. Lightning of the spirit can make manifest the far-off Worlds. Lightning of the spirit can bestow a wonderful future, for lightning of the spirit saturates space with fiery energies. Who will manifest the prophetic fire of purification? Only the Co-worker of Cosmic forces, only the Co-worker of the Forces of Light. To Her, Co-worker of the Cosmic forces, Fellow-traveler of the Forces of Light, have I ordained the lightning of the spirit. To Her has been given the right to create with the Cosmic Sword. To Her has been given the Fiery Heart - let the Light be of the lightning of Beauty - yes, yes, yes! I have spoken.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 177:
177. The infirmities of humanity are connected with psychic conditions. Each human imperfection of the spirit also poisons the physical world. Be not astonished that there are spirit and body plagues which are just as infectious as the spatial plagues. Indeed, the atmosphere surrounding the planet is saturated with wails of imperfection. And the auras of mankind are so physically and spiritually infected that only a fiery cleansing can give salvation. Half-way measures bring no purification, therefore one must become accustomed to the thought of a powerful cleansing, for the firmament is in need of severe measures. Rightly has Ur. said that a pure manifestation sometimes has to be covered partly with a dirty cloak, just so the sparks can catch. Thus, humanity must atone for all its engenderings and all outrages which have taken root so deeply in the consciousness. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember the law of fiery purification.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 192:
192. Truly, mankind is unable to get out of the charmed circle of effects. How, then, can humanity overcome all the malignant energies which saturate life? Only fundamental manifestations can give the true direction; but the charmed circle, which is affirmed by humanity, will be cloven only when the sword of the spirit pierces the web woven by darkness. Struggling with effects does not lead to the designated manifestation which must bring near the great future. Rightly has it been stated that the Leader knows the cause of cosmic manifestations. Therefore, on the path to the Fiery World let us follow the Hierarch of Light who knows those causes and effects. Thus let us remember when the great Epoch of Fire draws near.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 277:
277. When hostile forces disclose an assault, it is needful to think about foresight. The servitors of Light must realize that actually not only do the hostile forces breed treachery, but the menace of treachery and destruction lies precisely in omissions and in slumber. Rightly has she who guides under the Star of the Mother of the World spoken about the fact that a leader values truth, for on the field of battle it is important to know which swords have been sharpened. Only selfhood impels the spirit to the suppressing of truth. But an irresponsible warrior can cast each beautiful beginning into destruction. Not to conceal but to reveal is a most primary duty of the servant of Light. Verily, when truth is concealed, the servant of darkness can act through a servant of Light. But is it likely to be so with the Covenant given to the servant of Light? Is it ordained thus by the Hierarchy of Light? Has it thus been set forth, that the forces of the Hierarchy of Light must be expended in fiery currents of help in order that a servant of Light betray not, through his irresponsibility, selfhood and untruth? Thus, let him who inflicts so many blows upon the Shield of the Hierarchy of Light remember.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 317:
317. One must also meditate about the quality of good, for this concept is much abused, when every expression of weakness and foolishness is taken for good. Rightly has it been said that one should defend Truth and fight evil. The quality of good is a great saturation of action by justice and by the heart. Through higher justice the fiery consciousness manifests its own attraction toward the creation of better Karma. Attraction of the heart is always saturated with fiery energies. The quality of good must be understood in all the higher measurements. Let us strive for the improvement of the concept of the quality of good.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 476:
476. Often the right concepts are uttered, but without true realization. The flaming glance very rightly calls to mind fiery energy, which is sent in the glance. The strong, warm handclasp is told about; again rightly, because it recalls the very same energy which fills all emanations. But people do not attribute the power of the glance to Fire; they think about the flash of the eyes or the muscles of the hand. Thus are forgotten the definitions which were taught at one time. Forgotten are many true concepts and many have been distorted. People simply reiterate, not attaching significance to very necessary denominations.

AUM (1936) - 50:
50. A sound may be rightly understood and still produce no results. Therefore, let us not forget the heart's energy, which must accompany the sound. It would be unfit if sound alone held the decisive significance; then many singers could attain results. An empty sound is like the clash of brass. You have heard how glass vessels have been shattered by vibration; yet even such vibration must be accompanied by thought. Even a wave of extraneous thought can increase the effect. Therefore, thought as the impelling force is so valued.

AUM (1936) - 112:
112. It is rightly understood that so-called sacred animals were not deities, but were a natural consequence arising from local conditions. Even now people often speak about some sacred obligation meaning thereby, not a religious rite, but a useful moral action. The conditions of antiquity often required a special attention to certain animals, or trees and plants. Sacredness signified inviolability. Thus was preserved something rare and necessary. The very same protection contemporary people call "preserves." Thus, one should refer very carefully to concepts that are not clear. So much has been added to the province of religion that, because of its antiquity, superficial observers are completely unable to distinguish the fundamental from the stratifications around it. The temple even now is a gathering place where, along with ceremony, barter and sale take place, and local matters are discussed. The same piling up of confusion is still taking place. Therefore let us not be excessively harsh toward the term sacred animals and other long-forgotten archaic symbols.

AUM (1936) - 143:
143. Now let us turn to the second sign of the Triune name, to the Primary Cause - Light. People have so confused the concept of Light with lightning that they cannot imagine Light as energy. Let us not look into that Infinity where thought and Light and all that exists merge into unity, but according to the earthly understanding let us apprehend Light as a salutary energy, without which life is impossible. Light is the most pervasive messenger of salvation. One can distinctly comprehend a difference between utilitarian fire and cosmic Light. Not fire, but radiance surrounds each living being. The benevolent thinker is surrounded by a rainbow, and through his light brings healing. So many times We have foretold the future of these radiations. We have said that with such a criterion the very structure of life will be transformed. One may rightly call Light the principle which leads to regeneration. Thought and Light are so closely linked that thought may be called luminiferous.

AUM (1936) - 237:
237. It has been rightly observed that certain plants have the aroma of musk. It is useful to gather information about such plants. They will not possess all the valuable qualities of the life-giver, musk; nevertheless the useful quality of preserving vigor is inherent in them. One may sometimes observe that neighboring plants begin to take on the same scent; the roots and soil may serve as conductors.

AUM (1936) - 367:
367. You were able to observe how much influence currents have on psychic energy. Likewise you could notice how quickly currents change and a completely different tension of psychic energy is affirmed. Such observations should be carefully kept in mind. People do not know how to conform their actions with the spatial currents. They imagine that even the study of the currents of space is some sort of supernatural sorcery. You would be rightly amazed that many sensible people who study psychic manifestations nevertheless remain isolated units who have no influence on the masses.

AUM (1936) - 370:
One should educate oneself in the realization of the qualities of psychic energy. If someone says that he has already read enough about the properties of psychic energy, pity the ignoramus. Of course, nowhere, up to the present, could one acquaint oneself with the study of the actual basis of existence. Observations were isolated, and the observers sometimes even subjected to persecution. Many precious conclusions have not been published and have perished in scattered manuscripts. You act rightly in referring to the acquiring of knowledge with benevolence.

AUM (1936) - 374:
374. Always warn against lower psychism, which can lead to obsession. It is no contradiction that energy can be directed to good or to evil. The very same force can serve for construction or for destruction. Only lofty thinking and purity of heart can be a pledge of the good employment of the power. Each one must keep in mind that he has been entrusted to serve for the progress of the world. All this has already been said, but you rightly observe that the ignorant can find a contradiction in it. The bad will augment evil, and the good will serve the Good.

AUM (1936) - 473:
You rightly observe that so-called mediums are not those who achieve. But enough has already been said about professional mediums, who are doing only harm to themselves and others.

AUM (1936) - 529:
529. It has been rightly observed that the basic qualities of consciousness have remained almost unchanged over a period of thousands of years. Perhaps such a shocking event as the destruction of Atlantis did produce a certain renovation of consciousness, but for this the magnitude of the shock must be tremendous.

AUM (1936) - 548:
548. It is rightly judged that contemporary teachings of Yoga devote much attention to man's moods. It would seem that this statement is known and intelligible to all, but reality shows that people do not understand the significance of enthusiasm or dark depression.

Brotherhood (1937) - 7:
7. Rightly has it been observed that certain rays are apprehended with especial difficulty, as is also everything connected with these rays. That is why We do not try to coerce an alien consciousness that has been attuned differently. Compulsion is not an attribute of conviction. It is impossible to command friendship, and especially does this apply to brotherhood. These concepts require selflessness and an understanding of fundamentals.

Brotherhood (1937) - 44:
Let the concept of rest be rightly understood for the manifestation of Brotherhood. Unrest begets aimless bustle.

Brotherhood (1937) - 46:
46. Everything is relative, but it is impossible to compare the harmony of the Universe with human free will. Precisely this bountiful gift, when not rightly used, imposes grave consequences. Much has been said about the significance of man in the Cosmos, but this truth must be reiterated unceasingly. One can become convinced as to how much people fail to think about their destination.

Brotherhood (1937) - 280:
280. Disciples noticed that the Teacher often retired to the bank of a stream and gazed intently at the running waves. They asked, "Do the waves actually help pranayama?" The Teacher replied, "You have guessed rightly, because the rhythm of waves is a marvelous alternation which occurs only in nature. In this multiformity there is an amazing unity." Thus, pay attention to all movements occurring in nature.

Brotherhood (1937) - 364:
364. It is impossible to progress without realization of the three worlds. In this they must be accepted just as naturally as is the light of the sun. Many recite memorized words about the worlds, but do not admit them into their consciousness. One can imagine what a drama goes on when the blocked off particles of the worlds are not admitted to cooperation with congenial spheres! Rightly has it been said that man is his own jailer.

Brotherhood (1937) - 456:
456. Not only non-conformity of old and new, of inner and outer but also different understanding of the simplest words is an obstacle to the consolidation of progress. Do not consider it strange when the simplest concepts are wrongly interpreted - there exists no unity of consciousness. In spite of beautiful solitary flights people will bog down in one swamp in the majority of cases. It is impossible to instruct them in the higher energies when their very way of life needs regulation. You have heard about a disastrous termination of an experiment with currents of high tension, and you have rightly understood that the cause lay in carelessness. The first success not only did not inculcate carefulness but, on the contrary, admitted negligence. There are many such examples. Often it is impossible to bestow success, because it proves to be a dangerous plaything in foolish hands.

Brotherhood (1937) - 489:
489. Many have heard about the Kumaras, but few have rightly understood about them. This manifestation is something superearthly - thus do people say, but they forget with what labor the attainment is built. Scholars are already beginning to understand how a human personality enters into the pantheon of heroes. By the same path also are the qualities of the Leaders of humanity accumulated. If they do not pass through earthly sufferings, they cannot respond to people's sufferings. If they do not experience the sweat of toil, they cannot guide people in their labor. Self-abnegation, mercy, compassion, courage are forged in life. Nothing abstract can mold the strength of the spirit. Thus let people understand the Kumaras as the true Leaders.

Brotherhood (1937) - 537:
537. Among the sayings of the classical world may be found some indications regarding the profound foundations of Be-ness. It has been rightly said that "sleep is like unto death." In these few words it is explained that both conditions pertain to the Subtle World. But this meaning has been forgotten and the idea of immobility of the body has been placed foremost in this conception; and yet, even in primary schools the proverbs of antiquity are being taught. At the same time one could point out the significance of words and thus implant many true concepts. To affirm truth in simple words is equal to the manifestation of a indelible table of covenants.

Brotherhood (1937) - 573:
573. Be not ashamed to reiterate persistently if you see that the salutary counsel is being scorned by the ignorant. It was rightly spoken about casting pearls before swine, but it was also spoken about building a whole mountain by the daily casting of handfuls of sand.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 47:
You are rightly indignant when someone uses inappropriate words in speaking about the Teacher. It indicates that their thinking is far from co-measurement. Do not be surprised at Our frequent repetition of this word, but this concept, in particular, is often distorted by people. We affirm co-measurement as one of the foundations of Our Inner Life.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 126:
126. Urusvati rightly encourages co-workers to copy paragraphs from the books of the Teaching dealing with Primal Energy. One should gather the pieces of the mosaic into a complete book. At the same time, we must remember that some people complain that the books of the Teaching discuss one and the same thing over and over. These ignorant ones do not read with proper attention and fail to notice that in each approach to an idea We introduce a new detail. That is why extracts must be introduced in sequence; only then can one notice the turns of the spiral of Our Messages. People should learn to enjoy this work, for through such thoroughness they will be able to observe Our methods while gathering together Our Indications and Advice.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 147:
History knows little about the Mother of the Great Pilgrim, who was as exceptional as Her Son. The Mother came from a great family and was the embodiment of refinement and nobility of spirit. She was the One who laid the foundation for His first high ideals, and sang a lullaby to Him in which She foretold His miraculous future. She took great care to safeguard Her Child, and was a source of strength for His great achievements. She knew several languages, and thus made the path easier for Him. Nor did She object to His long pilgrimages, and gathered all that was necessary to make the travels easier. She rightly valued the common people and knew that they would guard the treasures of His Teaching. She recognized the grandeur of the Culmination and thus could give heart to those of diverse character who were weakened by doubt and rejection. She was prepared to experience the same achievement as Her Son, and He entrusted to Her His decision, which was confirmed by the Teachers. It was the Mother who understood the mystery of His wanderings. For the fundamental truth about the Mother's life to be clear, one must understand the local conditions of those times. However, She was led by Her insight into the future and was able to rise above the customs of Her country.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 227:
You can see that this truth must be repeated. You have witnessed how people approached you motivated by self-interest, yet dared to pronounce the word "Brotherhood." Witnessing such behavior, one may rightly conclude that the life of the Brotherhood should be described only with reverence.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 249:
Urusvati is rightly interested in preserving Our letters about unification. There are many of these. If you only knew how often We keep repeating the same thing! These letters should be sent as reminders to various countries. People should hear about unification as they do about their daily bread. And if someone insists that he has heard enough about unity, know that it is a sign of his irresponsibility. In time, every word about unity will be applied literally, and the great, voluntary unification will come as a stage of evolution.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 319:
The matter of peace is a standard by which one must test oneself. To test oneself is to know how to draw upon new forces and achieve a new consciousness. It is a self-examination that must be performed within a context of absolute dedication to human evolution. Only then will peace be rightly understood; true peace will include the defense of the treasures of humanity.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 388:
One may rightly ask why certain cogent ideas are so slowly assimilated by the human consciousness. For instance, it is astonishing that, despite much proof, the concept of reincarnation is such a difficult doctrine for most people. After all, one should understand that the realization and acceptance of this law by all people would signal an end to chaos, and transform the entire earthly life. Compare those who have accepted this doctrine with those who oppose it, and you will understand who is of Light and who is of Darkness!


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