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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RE > REVOLVE (3)

AUM (1936) - 309:
Such a reminder is even more timely since science, despite its speedy growth, has not accomplished a tenth of what was ordained for it during this period. Much of this must be ascribed to the inertia of humanity. But for all that, it is distressing to see that the most advanced of scientists are not appreciated. People wish to investigate space; modest stratosphere excursions, telescopic observations, the study of the luminaries - all revolve within a vicious circle, because psychic energy is unrecognized. Without it, the boldest flight remains a childish diversion. Without psychic energy, the pathways of space will be difficult to discern.

AUM (1936) - 320:
320. Whoever loves precise knowledge must know how to receive it. Many talk of their devotion to precise knowledge, but in practice they clothe each fact in the motley rags of prejudice. They do not sense the unreality of their own premises. They bewail the inadequacy of material for observation, yet at the same time disregard the most unprecedented events. They would revolve the Universe according to the digestive state of their own stomach. They reject the most apparent manifestation if it does not conform to their mood. But can such be the path of precise knowledge? Where then is patience? Where good will? Where tirelessness? Where observation? Where attentiveness, which opens the gates?

Brotherhood (1937) - 26:
26. Appeal to the Brotherhood does not remain without a response, but there are many ways of answering. People revolve so much within the circle of their own expressions that they do not perceive other signs. Besides, people are unable to understand the allusions and warnings that are sometimes contained in a single word and in a single spark. They do not wish to reflect about the reasons for such brevity. Scholars, even very erudite ones, do not remember the law of karma. Yet when people see a passer-by being exposed to danger, they warn him with a short outcry and do not read him lectures on the cause of his misfortune. So, too, in the matter of karmic reactions it is usually possible to caution with a brief exclamation without delving into the depths of karma.


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