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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RE > REVERENCED (6)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.15:
2.7.15. In ancient cults there was a period called "the condition of opened treasures," when the priestess was already abiding on the eighth floor, entrance to which was prohibited, and the stairs were covered with the skins of leopards in order that no sound might penetrate. This state of "opened treasures" was so reverenced that the violation of the repose was punished as a religious offense.

New Era Community (1926) - 215:
In Asia the Teacher is manifested as a lawful concept. By the covenant of Buddha each future Teacher is especially reverenced. In this revelation of possibility is the whole pledge of the future.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 438:
438. Who, then, will bring to humanity this vital impulse? Who will impart the understanding of the subtle energies? Only the spirit who is in possession of the vital impulse. One should not seek it in the asserted physical impulse but in the impellent invisible Fire which is the breath of life. Thus, the sensitive fiery spirit of the Agni Yogi brings to humanity the manifestation of the vital impulse. That is why the sensitiveness of these fiery impulses is so greatly reverenced by Us. Thus, it is the vital impulse that brings consummation - that vital impulse which is possessed by the Cosmic Reason and which saturates the Cosmic Consciousness. Thus, we all live by this fiery principle.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 154:
154. Discernment, a quality of the spirit, can be exercised in examination of those actions which especially clearly reveal the depths of the heart. Precisely there where humility is lacking will be a place for imposture. There where Hierarchy is not reverenced, will be a place for blasphemy. There where the Decree of the Higher Forces is affirmed only insubordinately, will egoism be hidden. And there where the Fiery Teacher is absent the direction will not be on the side of the Teaching. One cannot realize the great Teaching without the Fiery Teacher, without a striving of the spirit to the World of the Teacher. The manifestation of the Fiery Teacher is the path to the Fiery World. Thus, the records of space are filled with self-styled Teachers, but the Guiding Principle is the Fiery Teacher. One cannot pass without Him, one cannot advance without Him, one cannot attain without Him. Thus let us remember, in creating a better future.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 363:
363. If the consciousness of humanity could compare the eternal with the transitory, then would be made manifest flashes of understanding of the Cosmos, because all the values of mankind are based on an eternal foundation. But humanity has been so imbued with respect for the transitory that it has forgotten about the Eternal. Whereas, it is demonstrable that form changes, disappears, and is replaced by the new. Transitoriness is so obvious, and each example of the transitory points to eternal life. Spirit is the creator of each form, yet it is rejected by humanity. When the fact is grasped that the spirit is eternal, then, too, will infinity and immortality enter into life. Thus, it is imperative to direct the spirit of peoples to the understanding of the Higher Principles. Mankind is engulfed in effects, but the root and principle of everything is creativeness - and it has been forgotten. When the spirit shall be reverenced as sacred Fire, then will be confirmed the great ascent.

Brotherhood (1937) - 548:
548. Blessed is true cooperation; in it is the element of space. As Infinity ceaselessly flashes out in each spark of an electrical discharge, so, too, common labor engenders limitless effects. Therefore, let us not call labor small and of no consequence; no spatial spark should be condemned by man. The quality of spaciousness should be reverenced as something supermundane. And so labor is a furnace of Supermundane sparks.


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