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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RE > REVERBERATING (4)

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 394:
394. When the centers of the lungs are so flamingly kindled, the manifestations of various ramifications takes place. The vision of the flames of the candles united in a circle is a symbol of the work of all centers. Thus, the centers of the lungs are designated as reverberating strings which carry the fiery sparks into all the centers. The lungs, of course, do their work in inhaling, transmuting, and exhaling. These functions indeed suffuse the centers of the lungs with Prana. The triple creativeness is so powerful that it relates to all functions.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 171:
171. The cosmic shifting creates a strenuous conflux. The cosmic stroke creates an impetus which is unrestrainable. Hence, the torrent called forth by events manifests the response of masses. To the call of the Cosmic Magnet manifold reverberating spheres respond. Thus, when the call of the cosmic Magnet strains forth, the tension of masses leads to transformation. The creativeness of the Magnet attracts all strivings.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 332:
332. When the world is atremble the subtle energies are being attracted to the planet. Therefore, humanity must realize that this is the hour of destruction and shifting and that a New Dawn glows upon the horizon. The creativity of Cosmos is incessant, and incessant is the replacement of some levers by others. When old conceptions of world evolution are becoming extinguished the dawn of the fires is kindled. Verily, the time is a fiery one, and Agni Yoga takes the place of all the departing energies. Thus do We kindle the New Dawn, and the waves of cosmic reconstruction are most powerful. All the centers vibrate, reverberating with the cosmic reconstruction. It is a great Dawn, and humanity can find in it the path to evolution. Thus, the light of Our fires will give humanity a new impulse. Yes, yes, yes! I so affirm!

Heart (1932) - 267:
267. You are familiar with the music of the spheres, the spatial bells, and the reverberating strings. It will be asked why, then, do not a multitude of people know these manifestations. But, then, why is a multitude of people satisfied with false intonation, absolutely refusing to realize the nuances of sound? Whereas even the rustle of tearing paper rends space, but the majority of persons do not even notice it. So it is with odor. The aromas of the Subtle World often penetrate to the physical world, but people primarily do not wish to notice them. Even the smoke of a conflagration is noticed by people only when it already chokes their throats. Not only insensibility but immobility as well makes the people blind and deaf. They do not possess even basic imagination; hence they distort the entire meaning of existence. Thus, for these shallow-minded ones the magnet of the heart is pure nonsense.


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