Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 20: 20. It is customary to consider karma as the will and recompense determining the course of one's life. It is also customary to consider karma as retribution. But in its true significance, karma means labor. Do not limit the work of the laboratory of the spirit and you will see the results. Hierarchy (1931) - 381: 381. The consciousness that encompasses only the present, without any thought of the future, cannot adhere to evolution, because the chain of centuries disappears for such a consciousness. Hence, when the consciousness expands it encompasses the great leading chain of causes and effects. Thus, while evolution is being established, the manifestation of causes is so important. At present, when the planet is completing its Karma, certainly the retribution for engenderments is greatly reflected upon humanity. Yet that which is engendered by human spiritual striving enwraps the planet. Hence each bright tension and striving will give to the planet the affirmation of the New World. Therefore, the lofty Banner of Peace carries its projectiles of Light and fierily imbues the currents around Earth as a panacea against evil. The consciousnesses blended for millenniums create. Thus Light conquers darkness. Thus a wondrous step is being fulfilled. Thus the preordained approaches. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 321: 321. That spatial condemnation which takes place as a counteraction to wrong actions was once called "Zephiroth Herim." The people who gave this definition knew profoundly about the bond between Fire and our existence. They understood that besides the law of karma each act touches upon the fiery element. It can interfere with whole spirals of construction and bring on an immediate returning blow. Therefore, the theory of retribution has also, outside of ethical reasons, an absolutely chemical basis. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 205: It is correctly pointed out that people are incarnated for specific purposes. For example, humiliated and tortured people return to Earth to remind others about their unacknowledged rights, but most of these people cannot overcome the desire for revenge and retribution, and few reach the noble heights of all-forgiveness and pure self-perfectment. There are those who return to the very place where they were abused and mistreated and wreak terrible vengeance. They hide themselves among the common people, bringing about sedition and hindering the progress of the country. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 378: One should not think that crime may be excused because of mental imbalance. We should search more deeply and look for causes rooted in the past. Such a study will clarify the concept of karma. The wise do not fear this law. Generally, humanity can be divided into two groups, those who fear the consequences of karma and those who accept them calmly. Avoid those who fear, for they almost certainly sense the approach of karmic retribution. They may not yet know anything about its effects, but in the depths of the Chalice the long-forgotten viper is rising to the surface.