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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RE > RETARD (11)

New Era Community (1926) - 248:
248. First of all, let us keep in mind that it is impossible to retard the process of ripening fruit. Let us review the pages of history The time came for liberation of thought, and the stakes of the Inquisition blazed; yet thought flowed on. The time came for people's rule, and the firing squad began to thunder. The time came for the development of technics, and the retrogrades were terrified; but the machines moved on, pulsating in the tempo of evolution. Now has come the time for realization of psychic energy. All inquisitors, retrogrades, wiseacres and ignorant ones may be terrified, but the possibility of the new attainment of humanity has ripened in all its incalculable potentiality. Inquisitors and retrogrades may build jails and insane asylums which will be fit enough for them later in labor colonies. But to turn back the matured step of evolution is impossible. Just as it is impossible to deprive humanity of all the ways of communication.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 19:
But there also exists a class of people whose fate is deplorable. These are the consciousnesses which do contain the seed of understanding but which, being obscured through negation, do not perceive the cycle executed by Cosmos and thus retard evolution. That which is predestined will be fulfilled, but those who retard the dates of advancement condemn themselves to regression. He who is unwilling to realize the future is like a crawfish - both walk backward. There is either the sword of achievement or an emulation of crawfish. Intentional arrogance is similar to the call of one who summons in the name of ignorance. The accumulation of cosmic fires may easily sweep away this dust. But, friends, your progress lies in your forging of the future sword. Accept these truths molded by the ages and ponder upon them!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 304:
304. The ways of action differ in their tensions. The spirit striving to a cosmic action always displays the acceptance of cosmic measures. The ways of action of the spirit impelled to egoistic intensity always further measures that retard evolution. Thus, all the ways of action are strained by the human lever of intentions. Our planet is battling in a vigorously asserted tension, and the ways of action thus are turning the karmic effects. Therefore, the field of human ways clutters the sphere with dams.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 140:
140. It is necessary not only to recognize that there is no void, but also to understand the surrounding life. The understanding of life as intertwined and mutually nourishing brings realization of the omnipresence of psychic energy. On the very smallest examples, in incomplete micro-organisms, one may study that which is strikingly all-saturating. Varied currents, rays, and chemisms pass through masses of beings, but psychic energy not only does not retard them, but transmits them farther. When we speak of the most pure air, even about the purest Prana, we nevertheless presuppose all-containment, and in this containment various tensions. Picturing such physical saturation will aid the realization of Higher Worlds. Actually, everything is alive, and everything manifests the same energy. In this primitive position rests also the possibility of transmutation of everything existing. Death becomes a transposition and life becomes unavoidable cooperation. The very approach to the Fiery World is application of conformable qualities. It is sad to see how people limit themselves and try to destroy the universe. Perhaps overproduction, competition, and distortion of the meaning of life will bring humanity into a blind alley, and then it will be obliged to stop and think. Because, by setting aside all limitations the recognition of the Higher Worlds will come along. Calling to the Fiery World, we must have recourse to comparison with micro-organisms, and thus impel people to think about a saturation with the uninterrupted life. Indeed it is easier to think with the heart, above all micro-organisms. It is necessary to summon to such a solution.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 309:
309. Much has already been said about psychism, nevertheless this scourge of humanity is insufficiently understood. Psychism blunts each aspiration, and higher attainment remains inaccessible. The sphere of activity of a man engulfed by psychism is limited within a charmed circle in which all the energies which retard growth of the spirit find their fitting place. Psychism embraces the manifestation of the lowest energies, and the fires of the centers are extinguished by these precipitations. With psychism there is inevitably to be found disorder of the nervous system. In addition, the breaking away from vital functions closes the path to self-perfectionment. Creativeness is blunted, and there is established a passive state which makes a man an instrument for the influx of all kinds of forces. By reason of relaxation of the will, control is weakened, and by this the attraction of various lower entities is increased. He who wishes to approach the Fiery World must battle with these forces of evil.

AUM (1936) - 295:
295. The speed of thought transmission at a distance is incredible. But conditions exist which retard even this lightning-speed energy, namely an atmosphere poisoned by imperil. Observations upon thought can yield remarkable deductions pertaining to both the physical and the psychic. One can see how evil thought engenders imperil, a physical substance; the same substance is also involved in psychic transmission, and can even retard the speedy reception of the sending. Thus, imperil can progressively complicate the effects of thoughts. Pay attention to the fact that imperil is born of egoism, but that it acts beyond self upon broad masses. This means that egoism is criminal not only as regards the egoist himself but also in relation to people at large.

AUM (1936) - 393:
Certain metals may correspond to the constitutional make-up of the local inhabitants; there may be magnetic currents connected with underground waters. Likewise, certain species of trees may increase or retard the action of psychic energy. Oak and pine are good, but aspen, alder, and dwarf elm are rarely of help to the energy. However, such circumstances are of secondary importance.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 111:
Let us not think that a better future is only Maya. Especially now, at the end of Kali Yuga, we should realize that the brighter future is a reality, and that only human malice can retard the coming of the new, luminous age.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 187:
It is also possible that by criticism one may retard the evolution of those beings, some of whom may be at the point of overcoming their unrighteousness. It is cruel to surround them with vibrations like the barking of dogs. In addition, people are unable to judge the motives for another's actions, and unjust criticism will only burden his karma. People judge in ignorance, and thus deprive themselves of joy, and loss of joy is a great misfortune. The Thinker took the idea of care for the Subtle World from Anaxagoras, who said that in tearing its fine texture, we also tear our own garment.


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