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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RE > RESURRECTION (29)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 123:
O Thou Benevolence, O Thou Sufferer on the Cross, Thou wilt attest the fire of our resurrection there at the foot of the ladder leading to the Temple of Divine Glory.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.9.6:
1.9.6. Penetrating, through the Teaching, into the essence of the happiness bestowed, one must walk with firm tread, confident of resurrection of the greatest hope of humanity, based upon the Stone.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 8:
The poisoning of Buddha spared Him from deification. The suffering and resurrection - or the transformation of matter - by Christ provided the attainment of the supreme earthly achievement. But no one knew about the disintegration of the body into the atomic state. People thought that His body had been stolen away by His disciples.

Hierarchy (1931) - 7:
The ancient legend that affirms the manifestation of Maitreya as a resurrection of the spirit is correct. We will add that the resurrection of the spirit as the conscious acceptance of the Teaching of Lord Maitreya may be precursor to the Advent. Verily, the resurrection!

Hierarchy (1931) - 400:
400. Compared to the vegetable kingdom, the animal kingdom provides far more feasible experiments. If one understood Agni Yoga, one could feel to what an extent the influence of man exerts itself on animals. It can be seen to what an extent irritation or fear or assurance is transmitted to them. Certainly the law of Yogism extends from a "deadly eye" to resurrection. But through a multitude of intermediate steps one may observe various effects. Those who approach Agni Yoga should be warned of the possible consequences of thoughtless actions. How many unpleasantnesses might be avoided by simple self-discipline, to which one should accustom oneself. How many achievements accumulated through centuries are swept away by an unrestrained roaring. One must think of self-perfectment. One must arouse in oneself the superiority of the spirit, which will always be sustained by Hierarchy.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 162:
162. A sadhu pointed to a mango, saying, "Here are three worlds first the skin, which has no value; next the pulp, transitory yet nourishing; and finally the seed, which can be preserved unto eternity." Thin is the skin, more substantial is the pulp, and mighty is the seed. The egg, too, presents the same analogy The shell, which is a transitory manifestation; the white, which is nourishing though not for long; and then, the fiery yolk. Man represents the synthesis of all the kingdoms, and yet the symbol of the three worlds is everywhere evident. Thus, the custom of exchanging colored eggs on a commemorative day is a most ancient symbol. People have wished to remind each other about the path of the three worlds, about the path of ascent and resurrection. Thus, let us not forget that the path has been marked out even on simple objects.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 591:
591. Resurrection and immortality - do they not direct our thoughts toward the foundation of Being? But even these undeniable truths impel men toward disunity rather than cooperation. Many are the streams of Benefaction poured upon Earth. The manifestation of Benefaction occurs far more often than is generally supposed, yet the sacred gifts are accepted by men far more rarely than might be hoped. Thus is the law of free will peculiarly interpreted by Earth-dwellers. The dark forces try their utmost to prevent the manifestations of Benefaction. The self-will of people encourages various perversions. One should observe how at times benevolent thoughts flash out, to be extinguished as if by the pressure of a black hand. You were shown how even a powerful ray is subject to the schemes of the dark ones. Therefore I repeat about the unprecedented times. It is a fallacy for anyone to continue to regard the present time as normal. No self-hypnosis or reminiscing can help the ship in a storm; only the solid rock of the future can hold the anchor! So many raging voices are shrieking from out of space, intent on hindering the course of the ship! Therefore the black eagle struggles with such fierceness, but out of the Dawn comes the White One, and with him the streams of Benefaction!

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 142:
142. Resurrection of the spirit - what a sublime concept! It should be understood as the call of Beauty. Resurrection of the spirit can mean not only a succeeding step in the sense of incarnation but also a magnetic transmutation in life. The awakening of the higher Manas can be called a manifestation of the imaginations. How necessary it is to strive to those affirmations of the higher emanation which can awaken the higher manifestations of Manas! Man does not study the depths of his heart, whereas so many great and powerful formulas can be found in the depths of the heart! But people dodge each suggestion of introspection, revealing nothing of themselves but the surface, and suppressing such a multitude of accumulations of various spiritual experiences! Resurrection of the spirit must be understood as a most vital law. Certain images of great Spiritual Toilers reveal this great law of resurrection of the spirit. Resurrection of the spirit can manifest its power as a Fiery Call! Thus must one understand the transmuting Fire.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 143:
143. Resurrection of the spirit can be manifested in any sphere whatsoever of vital activity. Any step can become the stimulus for this purification. But resurrection of the spirit requires real action. Words or promises or intentions do not cause resurrection of the spirit. Rightly have promises have been pointed out which were not intended for fulfillment. Resurrection of the spirit can be affirmed only by true strivings for action. On the path to the Fiery World one must remember how it is possible to attain resurrection of the spirit.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 186:
186. Verily, resurrection of the spirit will produce a new Epoch. What, then, can be compared with the power of the spirit? There is no other lever which could intensify the fires of the centers. Each creative force which will be saturated by the resurrection of the spirit can be a pledge of a great Epoch. Each construction which will be based on the resurrection of the spirit can be a pledge of ascent. Spiritual advancement can begin only when there comes an understanding of the regeneration of spirit. It is impossible to dwell in the old distortions. It is impossible to create the great Kingdom of the Spirit without realization of the affirmation of the pure, fiery understanding of achievement. Thus, only regeneration of the spirit provides a firm foundation for the new construction. In it humanity will find its great destination and its place in the Cosmos. Verily, resurrection of the spirit will be the creative force of the New Epoch.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 193:
193. The fundamentals of Life can be affirmed through resurrection of the spirit. Purification of the foundations must be affirmed, for without this it is impossible to manifest the New World. The degeneration of the foundations is ruinous; and pure energies cannot be attracted to the earthly plane without transmutation of the accumulations which are stifling the planet. How, then, to affirm the New World? As has been said - with fire and sword! To abolish the old there will be a new purification, which will give the great Fundamentals of Existence. The fiery sword of the spirit will smite the corruption of the planet. Those who are looking into the future are not afraid of the fiery sword, for the tempered spirit knows the true creativeness of the sword of the spirit. Fiery creativeness can be affirmed as the great transmutation of darkness into Light. On the path to the Fiery World let us manifest understanding of the Fiery Sword of the Spirit.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 200:
200. In the furnace of life many concepts must be transmuted. So many layers have been deposited upon the loftiest conceptions, that Fiery Baptism must truly be administered to the planet. Around the concepts of the Fiery Images have been gathered those imaginings which are close to a low spirit. Not thus taught the Great Teachers. Not thus lived the Great Teachers. Not thus walked the Great Teachers. Verily, not thus, as people insist. The Fiery Images must take shape in a form appropriate and adequate for Them; therefore spreading of the Teaching must go flamingly side by side with a clarifying of the Great Figures. The creativeness of true strivings will grant those new steps which will give to the World resurrection of the spirit. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember that it is vital to bathe the Teaching of Beauty in achievement and with service.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 312:
312. Least of all does humanity understand the indissolubility of Karma, whereas this cosmic law is applicable to every manifestation. Actually, man is not only a monad concluding its evolutionary path; he is a part of the Monad of the Cosmos. All the monads which are conceived in the one Monad of the Cosmos carry responsibility for the existence of the entire Universe. The bond between man and the manifestations of the Universe is mutually nurtured, and thus it is important to recognize how one generator of evil retards all advancement. The course of events indicates to what an extent history repeats itself. At the root of this lies the manifestation of the same monads. Indeed, the Karma of great construction points out the indissolubility of the bond between the prince of darkness and humanity. The fall of powerful foundations is inevitably reflected on mankind. But the resurrection of the spirit can mean resurrection of every manifestation of life, including even the fallen Angel. On the path to the Fiery World one must reflect upon the indissolubility of the paths of the monads with that of the Cosmos.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 414:
414. The heart especially intensifies psychic energy, and each heart experience is reflected on the store of psychic energy. One may speak about the chemical death of a man when the supply of psychic energy is exhausted. One may speak about resurrection when psychic energy begins to be accumulated. By a subtle study of methods it would be possible to discover means of intensifying psychic energy, but for this one should know the condition of the spirit. But a fiery composition of psychic energy can be compressed only through a fiery stimulus. In combating illnesses it is possible to focus psychic energy as a powerful factor. Through purification of the consciousness it is possible to intensify forces of the spirit which are revealed as motive powers of space. In the heart can be found levers for the fiery resurrection of psychic energy.


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