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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RE > RESTRICTIONS (5)

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 29:
The reorganization of life by way of cosmic fires will provide the salvation, but fear overcomes people at the thought of a reorganization of life. The old outworn forms attract, and thus do traditions originate. If the concept of tradition is regarded as one that leads to a foundation, then benefit may be derived, for a broadened consciousness will lead to a covenant of wisdom. But the traditions of our contemporary life do not allow the spirit to strive toward the higher spheres. The church has it dogmas; families have walls of restrictions erected by the forefathers; nations have laws which deprive them of the affirmation of independence. Thus, deprived of the spirit of beauty, how will they perceive Infinity?

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 142:
142. Upon the cosmic scales there are manifested two main causes, which uphold the cosmic organization. Each cause predicates the reorganization of the world. The effects of the cosmic causes are strained according to the substance. Thus, upon the cosmic scales rests the evolution of the world and its dark opposition. When the world is being reorganized, the dark side creates impediments. Let us see how the forces for the accomplishment of world tasks are affirmed across the span of millennia. When the Carriers of Light affirmed the manifestations of the Covenant, the potentiality of their striving was infused into the spirit of humanity. When the striving of despotic conquerors was asserted under the law of egotism, man sank into a sphere of restrictions, and darkness propelled him toward self-destruction. Hence, the self-renunciation of the Lords flamingly leads humanity. It is the principle of self-destruction that brings on a new step of evolution. Thus is the path of the world cleared. Over and above all consequences radiates achievement, and the path of self-destruction leads to the lower spheres. Thus, even darkness affirms the step of Light.

AUM (1936) - 287:
History shows how the nests of true thoughts have been put together, therefore the science of thought is the science of Be-ness. It is inadmissible to complicate the study of thought with any restrictions. Besides, this science must be forever alive, for thought continually vibrates and lives in space. Thus, an aspiring study of thought leads to an understanding of so-called phenomena, which are nothing but unrealized psychic energy in its various manifestations.

Brotherhood (1937) - 40:
40. The concept of Brotherhood stands on steadfast pillars. In it there can be no restrictions of age, race, or of occasional moods. Indeed, above all else there is the primary energy. If it is manifest, and if contacts through it can be harmonized, then there will be affirmed a lasting bond.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 441:
Certain views of the caste system must likewise be reformed. In ancient times its restrictions were wisely applied, but evolution has since taken many turns. It is now wise to reevaluate the conditions of life, and we must not allow prejudiced thinking to be an obstacle.


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