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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RE > RESOURCES (15)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 49:
49. Love and striving work miracles in life. We are awakening your energy for new thoughts, which are needed for transmutation, and for the work of thought in life. You must find the resources to create a new life. We send you thoughts - sharpen them without violating Karma.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 375:
Though rain penetrate the shutter, Still there will be no danger. If you would know - you will learn it from the experience of action, and the experience of silence. When I say act, exhaust all the resources of action. When I say silence, seek all the means of silence. But if the experience of action is lengthy, the experience of silence is brief. Therefore act through silence. But if you desire to display the force of action, Gather the children - those of the future. And in action with children you will not be ensnared in the prepared traps. Short is the time and you know the dates. I said it.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.4:
Now it but remains to send upon Us a punitive expedition; but it will get nowhere, because We possess certain scientific resources.

New Era Community (1926) - 155:
Let us give you a picture of Our Community. Our resources are intensified for the Common Good. Everyone works in full readiness. Our wireless communication has brought an urgent appeal - personal action is needed. The elect council designates an executive agent. Sometimes the agent knows the whole process of the talk, but sometimes he is given only an intermediate action. Often there is time enough only for choosing the necessary clothing, and perhaps a book which has just been started goes into the library unread. Often the duration of the commission is indeterminate. Often the results of the errand are not to be seen. What then induces the selected one joyfully to take himself off? What helps him to hasten into the cold and over the blocks of ice? What sort of order can evoke this strenuous labor? This jubilant readiness grows from habitual watchfulness.

New Era Community (1926) - 186:
186. Every community is in need of defensive resources. We are not conquerors by force, but nevertheless We keep an account of Our enemies, and We are not deceived about their numbers. Rays, gases, and aerial outposts will be the best external measures, but the most effective resources will be in the products of psychic energy. By no means do We intend to present a spectacle of defenseless sheep! Real knowledge is ever ready to reply! We are not interested in frightening anyone, but We must issue the warning "Beware, ignorant one!" Now is the time to whisper to all those who are united in community, "Be conscious of your psychic commands." There are and will be instances when in full consciousness you can take upon yourselves the responsibility for a decisive order. But intensify at that time all keen-sightedness, in order to perceive clearly the circumference of your target. A most ugly consequence will issue from a misdirected order. On the way the most unexpected manifestations may be touched, and who can control the consequences of an ill-sped arrow? Long ago did I say to the enemy, "I will receive into My shield all thy arrows, but I shall send thee only one." In these words is Our entire Advice.

New Era Community (1926) - 214:
If an architect sees a firm foundation, he makes use of it for a new construction. Needed is a world economy of resources. The luxury of destruction has departed into the pages of history. The world is not in need of new elements but of new combinations. And the path of the new conqueror is illuminated not by the red glow of fires but by sparks of re-attracted energy. The currents of possibilities are unified inseparably. Great danger lies in disturbing the current of energy. Caution has been spoken about, not only for economizing on energy but also for avoiding danger. It is easy to sever an underground conduit and deprive an entire city of light. One could easily destroy a useful foundation and bring for a long time a harmful confusion. Therefore We commend a resolute prudence and deplore the luxury of destruction.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 427:
Let them not think that We are spouting outworn metaphors. Even the most narrow-minded people can see danger in the specter of an overabundance of objects. Of course, if one continues life according to familiar ways, then material overconsumption is inevitable. Only goal-fitting simplification can bring dignity to life and safeguard natural resources. One has no right to destroy the results of millenniums of cosmic effort, light-mindedly expecting some new, undeserved energy!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 630:
630. They will ask, "How can we best serve on Earth to effect the utmost benefit at present?" One must restore the health of Earth. By innumerable ways, one must carry out the world task of regeneration. One must bear in mind that people have destroyed the resources of Earth without mercy. They are ready to poison the earth and the air. They have laid waste the forests, these storehouses of prana. They have decimated animal life, forgetting that animal energy nourishes the earth. They believe that untried chemical compounds can take the place of prana and earthly emanations. They plunder the natural resources, unmindful that the balance must be maintained. They do not ponder over the cause of the catastrophe of Atlantis. They do not consider the fact that chemical ingredients must be tested over the course of a century, for a single generation cannot determine the symptoms of evolution or involution. People like to calculate races and sub-races, but the very simple idea of calculating the plundering of the planet never occurs to them. They think that by some act of mercy the weather will clear, and people will become prosperous! But the problem of restoring health does not enter their thoughts. Hence, let us love all creation!

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 13:
Ur. has seen a disciplined meeting of the dark ones, and many convening humans could learn much from such a meeting. Ur. spoke justly, as Our Messenger, and in such an affirmation there lies great power. One must not restrain the force, when the spirit knows wherein lies the weapon. The dark ones discuss especially intensively when they see that the events are not shaping themselves in favor of their ruler. The Forces of Light prevent them from destroying you. It would seem to be not difficult to annihilate peaceful people, but above all the dark resources there exists the power of the spirit. Ur. rightly said to them, "You consider Satan invincible, but I testify to his defeat before all of you." Thus, one may know about the intentions of the dark ones and about Our Power.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 335:
335. It has been said that humanity must abandon luxury. Not without reason have people themselves so isolated this concept. Luxury is not beauty, not spirituality, not perfectionment, not construction, not benevolence, not compassion; no good concept can replace it. Luxury is destruction of resources and possibilities. Luxury is dissolution, for all structures without rhythm mean only disintegration. One can see clearly enough that worldly luxury has already been shaken, but, as a cure, harmonious cooperation must be found in order to rid the world of the plague of luxury. Egoism will raise the objection that luxury is an earned abundance. It will also be said that luxury is regal. This will be slander. Luxury has been always a sign of decay and eclipse of the spirit. The chains of luxury are most terrible too for the Subtle World. Needed there are advancement and continuous perfectionment of thought. The encumbrance of luxury will not help one to the next Gates.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 396:
396. I affirm how needful it is to manifest the fiery quality of recognition of merits, for without it the new structure cannot be affirmed. This must be very steadfastly remembered; throughout the entire line of Hierarchy it must be followed. An action of Karma heavily atones for each expression of ingratitude, and even the Forces of Light abandon a spirit to its own resources when these fundamentals are scorned. And up to the highest steps the law is one and the same, for this quality must be attained by inner fire, and the spirit itself must develop this property. We do not intrude into the consciousness when We see the absence of this fiery fundamental.

AUM (1936) - 224:
224. The thought that psychic treatment has already been satisfactorily established is futile. Attempts to cure by means of light and sound have been weak and not synchronized. No one is occupied with the study of the correspondence of aroma to color and sound. But the principal error lies in the fact that there are almost no physicians who would understand the correspondence of the worlds. Without realization of these fundamentals it is possible to sink into the narrowly material plane, yet the sphere of psychic energy embraces all planes. It can be recognized only in all subtlety. Thus, the physician cannot speak about obsession if he himself has no conception of the Subtle World! Thus, the physician cannot understand treatment with light if he cannot distinguish the scale of colors. He who likes the crudest music cannot discriminate a refined tonality. He cannot prescribe treatment through aromas if he himself cannot distinguish them. My purpose is not to belittle physicians, on the contrary, I would wish to equip them for the saving of humanity. Poisons have increased too greatly. Many resources have been directed only to the destruction of psychic energy, so that not only in cities but also in the midst of nature prana is already being violated by the intrusion of extraneous currents. Meanwhile it is necessary for humanity to understand that it has no right to poison Earth's atmosphere; mankind is responsible for the hygiene of the planet.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 379:
The Thinker said, "It is wonderful that everyone has within himself invisible resources."


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