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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RE > RESIDENCE (4)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 606:
606. Some nervous diseases can be cured by a change of residence. One could regard this idea as a whim, but there are explanations for it. The air that surrounds one is as mineralized and magnetic as water. We make use of waters of different compositions. Why, then, should air not be similarly utilized for its effect upon the different centers?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 606:
Much is spoken about prana; but pure prana is inaccessible on Earth, except on the heights, where few dare to stay. At the lower levels the prana is mineralized and is subject to the influence of discordant magnetic waves. Certainly, a change of residence can lead one to more beneficial combinations of prana, and may have a healing effect on the condition of one's nervous system. Unfortunately, so far the air in homes is generally regarded simply, as either pure or impure. In fact, every change of air has importance, since it affects different groups of nerves. Our Brother who was a shoemaker occasionally changed his trade to gardening. This is wise, for the seed growing into a sprout radiates psychic energy of particular tension. One should remember this. After the pralaya of night, the morning sun acts with special vitality in calling forth the psychic energy. Similarly, the awakened life of the seed, like the dawn, sends forth its emanations of prayer. Let us note carefully all benevolent influences.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 229:
229. When it is asked, Are the worlds habitable? reply affirmatively. True, from the earthly point of view, there is not residence everywhere, but in the sense of existence the worlds are habitable. Actually, all these different evolutions are not always accessible to each other. Yet it will not be a great mistake to say that all manifested space is habitable. The microscope indicates life throughout the entire planet; the same law applies also to space. Let us turn again to the harm of killing. Each explosion violates the equilibrium of many beings invisible to us. Not millions but incalculable billions are injured by war. One must not forget all the atmospheric turbulence from gases and explosions. This is not occultism, but scientifically sound common sense. Thus, let humanity not forget about the counterblow.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 253:
253. Only the experienced heart apprehends the Maya of not only despair but rapture. It is not easy to show that rapture and exultation are not far removed from despair in their chemism. Exultation without a foundation does not resemble the wise joy when the whole heart vibrates with the Cosmos. In general, most people cannot endure residence on the Earth in continuous tension. Yet it is possible to inure them to conditions in certain chemical laboratories, where the newcomer is completely unable to breathe and where those who work there regularly do not even notice the pressure. Such an example must convince one of how possible it is to accustom oneself to constant vigilance, as to a magnet of tension. Whoever places a foot upon the ladder of ascent finds the initial step difficult. Thus Maya passes into conscious realization of the cosmic tension.


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