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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RE > RESERVOIR (16)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.11:
Nothing gathers the essence of prana as well as do plants. Even pranayama may be replaced by association with plants. And it should be understood how assiduously the eye must fathom the structure of the plants. The pores of the plants are enlarged not only by the advent of new leaves and flowers, but also by the removal of dead parts. The law of Earth's nurture affords, through the antennae of the plants, the possibility of drawing out of this reservoir by means of smell and sight the precious quality of vitality, the so-called Naturovaloris, which is acquired through conscious striving.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.9.2:
One should not think that the elemental spirits are Our brood. Their manifestation may be likened to the spark at the moment of contact with a tense reservoir of dynamite. The consciousness of this spark becomes kindled upon contact with the human spirit. Of course their grade varies, as does the intensity of the dynamite's energy.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.12.3:
2.12.3. Devachan is not an obligatory state. Devachan is like a reservoir of forces. The renewal of the spirit is achieved there. But many souls have a large store of strength and do not need it. They await the date for a new manifestation. Hence, it is important to grasp the true teaching about skandhas.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.11:
The entire world is divided along a boundary line between individual and general welfare. If we act within the sphere of the general welfare with sincere intentions, then in support of us stands the entire reservoir of cosmic accumulations. This chalice is the best achievements begins to act along an invisible ray.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.14:
Since the significance of the spirit is great, then great value should be attached to thought, the child of the spirit. What significance thought has is shown even by a simple apparatus for study of the spectrum of the aura. The aura changes color not only from realized thoughts but, in the same measure, from the errant flies of our spirit reservoir which do not reach the reason nor the memory.

New Era Community (1926) - 133:
Friends of the community provide the possibility of having a reservoir without danger of betraying the bases of the Teaching. Friends of the community do not conceal their weaknesses, and this gives the possibility of successfully strengthening them. Indeed, We use the word "friends" because for the Occident this term is more understandable. Among Ourselves We call them disciples of a certain degree, but the West poorly contains Our concept of discipleship. Therefore, let us keep to the better-known designation - friends of the community.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 18:
The much-discussed sunspots intensify chemical influences. People keep repeating about unrest in the world during periods of sunspots, and even those with little knowledge can draw correct conclusions. But if we call to mind the harmful chemical reactions, it is not difficult to understand the saturation of space by the most active compounds, such as oxides and metalloids. How can one lightmindedly deny the evolutionary power of matter when from the Inexhaustible Reservoir rays of immeasurable intensity pour over our heads?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 156:
When We speak of the need for honesty, We do not have in mind unworthy people. We point out the direct path of perfect truth, devoid of any personal element. This opportunity can be perceived through straight-knowledge. The experience accumulated in the center of the Chalice gives invincible knowledge. The center of the Chalice is close to the blood reservoir, for blood is the wherewithal for our passage on Earth.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 214:
It should be remembered that not only for illumination but also for healing is Materia Lucida irreplaceable. It will be the best remedy for calming the nerves, for it is a bridge between the psychic energy of humanity and cosmic energy, the reservoir of which is inexhaustible.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 174:
174. Concordance between forces is needed for a cosmic combination. Only when human consciousness can sense a cosmic vibration can a form be affirmed. All predestined cosmic combinations exist in space and the human consciousness must penetrate into the subtlest energies. Every thought is generated from contact with the reservoir of space. Thus, the most immediate task of man is to awaken his consciousness to the significance of cooperation with the Cosmic Magnet.

Hierarchy (1931) - 394:
394. The intensification of energy between the disciple and Teacher is analogous to a steam engine - a continuous projection and restitution. Therefore We point out so persistently the necessity of concordance, for benevolence, striving, and gratitude. Only by those means can one develop the dynamics of concordance. A steam engine is provided with fuel, but We have an inexhaustible reservoir of psychic energy. One should not think that the enumerated qualities are needed by Us; on the contrary they are needed by you. Otherwise how will you strengthen the bond with Us? The powerful rhythm of the dynamo of spirit can be affirmed, not by doubt, egoism or self-pity, but only by an indivisible, vigorous striving toward Us. These strivings must be introduced into life. It should be remembered that each physical law must remind of the stability of the laws of the spirit. With such a consciousness one can verily become a co-worker for the transformation of life.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 62:
62. How can the imagination be properly defined? Usually people take the imagination to be their own invention of forms, but the imagination itself has its roots and distinctions. One may find the core of the imagination in the "chalice," as the precipitation of many lives. However, the imagination is nourished not only by the remembrances of past lives, but also by the action of the present. When the spirit participates in the life of the far-off Worlds, or in the Subtle World, or in the Astral World, then frequently the memories of these experiences are reflected as imagination. Often scholars obtain formulas, or direction, precisely through a communion with the Subtle World. Thought and striving are also kindled by the Subtle Spheres. But a spirit possessing the synthesis not only takes from the treasury of the "chalice," but also is a true co-worker of Cosmic Forces. How many inexplicable causes of unquenchable imagination there are, and how many unexplainable manifestations of heart anguish! Usually, when strength is being spent for a structure, and the divisibility of the spirit is active, heart anguish is inevitable. Furthermore, the heart is a most powerful reservoir for assisting others. There are strong examples of great saints who nourished the far and near with a wealth of currents. The Agni Yogi is such a nutritive agent. On the path to the Fiery World let us sensitively and cautiously refer to the heart which knows fiery anguish.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 3:
3. Urusvati has seen some of Our repositories. Objects of art are collected according to eras, but the collections do not constitute a museum as it is usually understood. These objects serve as a reservoir of accumulated auras, and the creative emanations of their former owners remain in them much longer than one might suppose. If one could gather a collection of objects created at the same time and with the same striving, one would truly see the radiations of their eras. We can study in this way the true meaning of a particular era. Such a possibility is exceedingly important for the psychic sciences. Some of Our Brothers are the former owners of objects in Our repository. Sometimes an object is sent into the world to carry out a certain task. For example, it may be buried in some place as a magnet.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 28:
People fail to understand to what extent these investigations are of use to them. Psychic energy must be interchanged. The sending of this energy to people may be fatiguing, but with vegetation there is no rebounding blow. Likewise, let us not forget that We maintain close cooperation with the Subtle World, and this reservoir can easily replenish Our energy.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 168:
I hear laughter and ridicule - chaos is in convulsion and hopes that its servants will cling to it tenaciously. Thus, a good thought provokes the convulsion of evil. Be not frightened by even the most awful grimace of evil, for our main task is to increase the reservoir of Goodness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 243:
Remember that energy may be urgently needed for some selfless endeavor, and forces that have been dissipated cannot be speedily gathered. The dark enemies will not miss the opportunity to strike a weak spot, and the moment may come when all one's forces will be urgently needed. You should maintain a sacred store of strength, and the enemy will surely sense that in you there is a reservoir dedicated to Service. Great wisdom is needed in order to maintain true equilibrium.


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