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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RE > RESENTMENT (6)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.1:
People have distorted the meaning of the word "harmony." Into this concept there has been inserted something clerical, a fold of the chiton, the immortelle of non-existent love, and even a knotted stocking. It were better, without any harps, to replace this withered concept with a more energetic one: let us say "sensitiveness of cooperation." Without it the Community cannot exist. Violation of it provokes resentment; resentment begets dullness and stupidity.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.1:
A man who is depressed by resentment is attracted to a single point. Becoming immobile, the man inevitably becomes dull. Dullness, like rust, corrodes a portion of the fundamental substance.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 143:
143. A headache may have many causes, but it also may come from the non-acceptance somewhere of mental sending; this can also be reflected as needle pricks in the heart. Hence, I am so anxious that this harm should not take place. With some people a routine of negation is formed imperceptibly, and it becomes, as it were, a habit to feel offended. On the basis of these errors, people become impervious to the manifestations of mental sendings. In this state the most benign thought recoils from the obstruction of resentment. Moreover, the thought may return and only cause trouble to the sender. One should urge everyone not to do harm. Besides, a touch-me-not attitude is most petty and is nurtured by an undeveloped consciousness. Thus, in everyday life there exists a routine of resentment. It must be recognized and ejected as a most noxious insect. Petty earthly feelings are turned into a fiery Gehenna.

Brotherhood (1937) - 462:
462. Certain Teachers have advised against touching upon insoluble questions. Of course, they had in mind not rousing unprepared minds to resentment, but where discussion is possible, the most far-reaching intellectual excursions should be encouraged. Beauty sparks in prognoses which can come to life in brotherly unity.


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