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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RE > REPOSE (35)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 165:
165. I consider the study of concentration dangerous in a heavy atmosphere. People see the visions they desire, because the current is often too weak and they see images made by their own brains. For powerful visions is needed an atmosphere charged with electricity and a consciousness in repose.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 280:
Our disciples do not hesitate, but smite the enemy's falsehoods. Not repose but resourcefulness rules Our warriors. Their eyes are open, clear. We summon them to action. Tell this to those who think that We divert them from labor.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 346:
346. Search not for evening at noon. When behind the plow, husbandman, utter not a prayer for repose.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 411:
411. Know how to understand repose between actions. In this respite lies the accumulation of strength.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.1.4:
2.1.4. It is good to be in the sunshine, but the starlit sky also brings harmony to the nerves. The moon, on the contrary, is not for us. The moon's pure light affects the prana. The magnetism of the moon is great, but for repose it is not good. Often the moon evokes fatigue, like people who devour one's vital energy. The manifestation of miraculous power increases during moonlight.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.12:
In spite of the discomfort of transposition of the aura, one may congratulate him who has acquired the upper radiation. The opportunity for repose should be cautiously created. Later on a seeming new armor grows, as the nerves of the skin become strengthened. One cannot exactly divide the physical and the spiritual. The balance fluctuates and the waves travel over the organism. This must not be called a malady, but the organism must be assisted every moment to fortify itself in its new condition.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.15:
2.7.15. In ancient cults there was a period called "the condition of opened treasures," when the priestess was already abiding on the eighth floor, entrance to which was prohibited, and the stairs were covered with the skins of leopards in order that no sound might penetrate. This state of "opened treasures" was so reverenced that the violation of the repose was punished as a religious offense.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.17:
3.5.17. Let us recall several cases of error repeated many times in different lives. People have awaited the Messenger for ten years yet closed the door on the day before His coming. Choosing the least portion, they have imagined that all was permitted and tolerated. Selecting a particle, they have fallen into blissful inaction and wondered why the particle wasted away. Choosing a particle, they have decided to retain old habits - as if on one side of the bosom could repose the portion of good and on the other could be kept pet cockroaches. Choosing a particle, they have decided to jump off the train for only a minute, forgetting that such a leap in motion carries one perilously backward. Choosing a particle, they have thought to slander a brother, forgetting that the slander would beat back painfully on their own foreheads.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.9:
Those who have studied profound subjects must have known this labor of saturated rhythm, so that nothing could hinder them. The Teacher Buddha took much care that His disciples should know about changes of rhythm. Before great attainments He advised not repose but labor of saturated rhythm. Keep this in mind.

New Era Community (1926) - 21:
The better possibilities can be awakened by those who are able to perceive with a spiritual consciousness. But for the preservation of consciousness it is necessary to sense this during one's lifetime. Then the state of the contemporary world of physical survivals will be almost erased. Not the prayer "rest in peace," but "learn in the space of the Light." With all your consciousness remember the problems of evolution. When the striving for repose disappears then are the Gates drawing near.

New Era Community (1926) - 64:
It is possible to find My Stone in the desert, but it may be lost again if it be not lifted up immediately. Those who know Me realize the significance of immediateness, but the new ones must keep this law in mind if they wish to draw near. Verily I say - the time is short! I say with solicitude - lose not an hour, for the threads of the ball are multicolored. Not in the pleasantness of repose but in the darkness of the storm is My Voice useful to you learn to harken!

New Era Community (1926) - 70:
70. My Hands know not repose. My Head upholds the weight of the works. My Mind searches out the solidity of solutions. The power of experience defeats alien infirmity. At the point of loss do I pour in the new possibilities. On the line of retreat I build strongholds. In the eyes of the enemy I wave the banner. I call the day of fatigue a day of repose. I recognize a manifestation of non-understanding as rubbish on the threshold. I can conceal the sacred in the folds of a working garment. A miracle means for Me only the mark of a horseshoe. Courage means for Me only the arrow in the quiver. Resoluteness for Me is only the daily bread.

New Era Community (1926) - 207:
The teacher must also be depended upon to determine quickly the direction of thinking of a pupil, because erroneous equipping is a heavy offense and by it the best workers may be lost. Each inflexible program is a corpse which is intolerable under the sun of knowledge. It is necessary as quickly as possible to stabilize the school by examining the consciousness of the teacher. Create for him a better situation in order to repose in him a responsibility for the consciousness of the community workers.

New Era Community (1926) - 224:
224. It has been repeated again and again - know how to find joy in eternal labor and in eternal vigilance. You have heard music and singing in Our Community. These must be looked upon as a part of the labor. Usually, under the influence of sounds people fall into psychic inaction and are even incapable of creating forms. This results from the custom of understanding repose as torpor. One can become accustomed to making use of art as a condensation of forces. A work of beauty can produce not only a heightening of activity but also a sharpening of forces. But one should accept this fact consciously and learn to make use of emanations of creativeness.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 36:
Sleep or vigilance, labor or rest, motion or repose, all carry us equally toward the fulfillment of life's plan. "It is like fallen leaves," say the timid. "It is like seeds for the sowing," say the wise. "It is like arrows of light," say the daring.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 297:
It must be recognized that people want to forget grievous events. The destruction of entire continents is carefully removed from the old writings. Equally well-concealed are many indications regarding events that were fateful for the world. "We do not like to torture ourselves," say the earthly authorities. They are ready to hide from themselves their bankruptcy and their defeat. Earthly rulers say, "All is calm in our kingdom." Their self-satisfied repose and inactivity guarantee them their thrones. Usually they admire the sunset but sleep through the sunrise. But the Invisible Government says, "It is absurd to hide what exists." This is because we must carefully learn from past events.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 527:
He will speak of his desire for repose. You will think, "He is not one of us."

Hierarchy (1931) - 96:
Be, be, be joyous; not through desire, but through the striving of spirit. Be joyous; not through ancestral desires, but through the command of the entire consciousness, in order to create that luminous thread which unites all worlds. Be joyous; not because of the success of works already decayed, but in knowledge of the predestined and of that already inscribed in the scrolls of the future. Be joyous; not in the desire for repose, but because of the agitation of the elements, since only the agitation of the elements will serve you; for one cannot command the dead to revivify the living. Thus, understand that joy is a special wisdom, and do not abandon the fires of light above the crumbs of the feast.

Hierarchy (1931) - 233:
233. It is necessary to become as accustomed to battle as to daily labor. One should understand a battle not only as a test of excelling in strength but also as a source for the accumulation of energy. We cannot think of mastering the elements without a battle. And how ready must we be at a call, for otherwise we may waste the action of the Higher Forces. Hierarchy does not mean the steadfastness of repose, but steadfastness in the midst of battle. Can something else be substituted for battle, when Our Magnet is tense and each victory is the joy of the entire Hierarchy? If it is difficult for some to accept Hierarchy through love, let them accept it as a fundamental necessity.

Heart (1932) - 328:
328. The preparation for the higher strata entails first of all the purification of consciousness, and the development of the life of the heart. However, these conditions should be remembered. Usually, people remember about them only during idleness or repose, but when it is necessary to conform to them, they are forgotten and are replaced by irritation, and the stench of irritation is terrible.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 148:
148. It is possible to read a closed, unfamiliar book. You have seen this. It is possible at will to learn the time, mentally evoking a view of the timepiece. Thus it is possible to impel the Fire of Space to remove all obstacles. People call this manifestation clairvoyance, but it is better to call it fiery transvision. Yet it may be noted that this fiery possibility is not always the same. Also, it can be shown that great shocks increase this faculty just as complete repose does. But there exists a certain intermediate condition of the spirit, which, like a cloud, enshrouds our consciousness - this is confusion of the spirit. It is that same wavering which breeds the cloud of doubts. The clarity of reception fades not only because of the receiver's own confusion but also from that of those about him and bound to him by karma.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 149:
149. When the photographing of auras shall be instituted, it will be possible to see a significant phenomenon. The aura in complete repose will be equal in intensity to the aura in great shock. But on the other hand the waves of the intermediate reactions recall the shaking of a dusty sack. That is why I so protect you from petty waverings and discords. One can picture the gray spots of dissension which, like a canopy, conceal the light of possibilities.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 151:
151. Sleep can have the most contrasting causes, just as contrasting auras can be alike. It may be a hazy state of repose, or it may be a tense labor of the subtle body. When, besides nightly sleep, absentation during the day is also required, it means the labor is great. Often this imperceptible labor has a world significance. Governments would like very much to have such co-workers, but due to human limitations they do not even know how to find them. When, however, such a possibility arises, they are filled with an animal terror, exclaiming, "Most dangerous people!" Thus, each concept reaching beyond the limits of the crudest material conventions will be accompanied by an animal fear. One must be consoled by the fact that it was ever thus.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 177:
177. Does an Arhat rest? You already know that a change of labor is rest, but the true repose of an Arhat is his thought about the Beautiful. Amidst various labors, thought about the Beautiful is the bridge and power and stream of benevolence. Let us weigh a thought of evil and a thought of good, and we shall prove to ourselves that the beautiful thought is more powerful. Let us organically analyze different thoughts, and we shall see that a beautiful thought is a treasury of health. In beautiful thinking an Arhat beholds the ladder of ascent. In this active thinking is the Arhat's repose. In what else can we find another source of benevolence? Thus can we remember when we are especially oppressed. When the shutters of selfhood are being fastened everywhere, when fires are extinguished in the darkness, is it not the time to reflect about the Beautiful? We anticipate a miracle, we strive to break the lock, but the ladder of the Arhat is only in the Beautiful. Let us not sully, let us not belittle this path! Only thereby will we attract that which seems so miraculous. And the miracle, is it not the indissoluble bond with Hierarchy? In this bond lies all of physics, and mechanics, and chemistry, and the panacea for all things. It seems possible with a little striving to move all obstacles, but the fulfillment of this condition is immeasurably difficult for people! Why have they clipped the wings of beauty?

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 129:
129. I do not advise middle measures. To affirm the transitory state as a completion would be contrary to evolution. When a prayer is uttered about rest with the Saints, it reveals ignorance in regard both to rest and to the Saints. You know that rest is a purely temporary state, and in addition is relative. The so-called Saints have no rest. It may be said that the expression used is a relative one, but by respite people understand a state of repose. But if people were to be told about tension in the Fiery World, only a few would comprehend such an attribute of the higher condition. When We speak about a state of continuous explosion during the highest tension, it does not strike the imagination to recognize such tension, so We say - not tension, but splendor! The path to such grandeur is through the beautiful. If man will not develop within himself an aspiration to the most beautiful, he will close his own eyes, but the Highest can neither be repeated nor imagined. The manifestation of splendor is absolutely infinite. Still, let us not hold open the middle measures of sleep and rest. I affirm that repose would not produce the manifested Universe.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 201:
201. People who take upon themselves Great Service may be called "Heavenly Stones." In their striving they fill themselves with light. They pierce through the lower strata and contain within themselves diamond-adamant. But it is not easy to be a diamond, and it is necessary to be affirmed in light in order to conquer darkness. Great Service knows no repose; by incessant vigilance is the spirit strengthened. A heap made up of small earthly truths must be covered with the dome of magnanimity. One must be under the cover of Light issuing from Hierarchy, and must assimilate the Subtle and Fiery Worlds as in the nature of things. From a pit one may not notice the sun; yet people study the stars from a well. The most unexpected may happen on the path of Service, but the experienced Leader will not forget that each worldly loss is made up for in space.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 396:
396. Sleep affords communion with the Higher Spheres. Sleep proves that without such communion people are unable to exist. The explanation of sleep as bodily repose is a most primitive one. Without sleep people can usually go on but a very short time before their thinking falls into a most ailing state; hallucinations and torpor, and other signs of an unnatural existence appear. The organism strives for the life-giving exchange, and does not find the ordained way. As We said, sleep can be brief on the heights, where the currents of communion can be especially nourishing. People may remember about meetings in the higher Spheres or in the lower. The dense body can impede such essential communions, but sleep as such will be the gift of the eternal life. And such meditation will help on the path to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 258:
258. The cleansing of space is reaching into all undertakings. The time has come to make evident the forces marching with the Light and those marching with darkness. Indeed, the temptation of the Prince of darkness is therein that he promises repose, but We say - it is the last hour! Only an accelerated purification will make possible the salvation of the planet; indeed, this is not a matter of eons, nor even of many years. Actually fiery explosion will save the planet. Fiery explosion must be displayed in every manifestation. Only the cleansing of space, only the purification of the consciousness, only the purification of the Teachings, will produce the manifestation of purified explosions of the spirit. True, the darkness is becoming dense, but when the tension of the forces of darkness reaches its limit, then will the Forces of Light affirm Their might. Thus one should be prepared for the acceptance of great tension. Light conquers darkness!

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 503:
Mothers, remember that children observe and are conscious of more things than you surmise. And many manifestations escape notice for example, a frequent glowing of the child's body, as well as gestures and occurrences of anger or repose. Erroneously people think that the child's aura is inexpressive. One may see in it not a little of the burden it has brought back.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 555:
555. One should study psychic forces in different situations. Sometimes a complete repose is useful, but often tension is needed in order to attain a manifestation. Not without reason were different genuflections indicated in monasteries. Likewise, from deep antiquity has the value of silence been known. It must be broadly understood how the dense World serves the Subtle.

AUM (1936) - 515:
It is highly indicative that psychic energy is renewed first of all by feeling, and not by physical repose. Hence it has been said, "Burden Me heavily when I go into the beautiful garden." Precisely burdening and pressure are the birthplace of strong feelings. If man knows how to judge his feelings, he will select the worthiest of them, and it will be love.

Brotherhood (1937) - 170:
170. The experienced guide shows the thirsty traveler the spring neither too soon nor too late. The guide knows how to prescribe repose according to the strength of the traveler.


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