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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RE > REPLACE (51)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.8.6:
It is difficult to form a circle, but it is still more difficult to make substitutions; because one cannot replace the heart by an extremity and it is impossible to introduce an undisciplined spirit. For such cases there are witnesses near at hand who will not burden the artery of a heart far away.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.2.9:
Since memory is for the past, consciousness is for the future. Therefore We replace memory by consciousness. By means of memory I cannot penetrate within the boundaries of the sun, but consciousness opens the gates. For Us, the museum and library replace the memory; therefore, disciples should not grieve over the loss of the old memory. It is simply that a small thing is replaced by a great one. Consciousness is akin to the spirit understanding; it grows until one's whole being is engulfed as in a flame. During this process the chips of memory, like dross, impede the burning. To know does not mean to remember. He who attains hastens on without looking back. Humanity must remember the transmutation of consciousness.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.9:
2.4.9. Sensitive was your feeling that one should gather all courage to attain. There are tiresome and dangerous crossings, which may be endured only by trust in the Guide. He must lead you to the goal and not overstrain your strength. If He should overtax your forces, with what would He replace them?

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.19:
Since seas can cover the mountains, and deserts can replace the sea-bottoms, then is it impossible to visualize the miracle of populating the desert? A ploughman, a simple husbandman, gives rest to his field, permitting it to become covered with weeds. Likewise, in the Great Plan the places of harvest must be alternated. It is befitting for the new to be upon a new place.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.18:
If We notice the lameness of a co-worker, We still do not replace him without the expressed desire of the elders. But if the spirit of the chosen ones recognizes a treason toward the work, then let them address Us, saying, "Thou, Our Sponsor, Who have given pledge, replace the co-worker." This will mean that a link of the chain will be unlocked, and the consciousness of the chosen ones will be freed from the effects of the aura of the departing one. But the departing one takes upon himself his own fate, for everyone is free to build his own house.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.9:
As photography will never replace creativeness, so too a physical apparatus can never substitute for spirituality.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.8:
In the period of the abolition of money it is urgent to replace its power by affirmation of the spirit's power to help. Knowledge must finally build scientifically the bridge of aspiration towards the spirit.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.2:
It is better, in general, to replace the word "saint" with an absolutely definite term - achiever. The manifestation of achievement in life is unceasing, and without hypocrisy We will be able thus to proclaim its evident manifestations.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.5:
3.5.5. It is possible to issue decrees, to make promises, and to intimidate; but only understanding impels. What could replace the understanding of applicability?

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.1:
People have distorted the meaning of the word "harmony." Into this concept there has been inserted something clerical, a fold of the chiton, the immortelle of non-existent love, and even a knotted stocking. It were better, without any harps, to replace this withered concept with a more energetic one: let us say "sensitiveness of cooperation." Without it the Community cannot exist. Violation of it provokes resentment; resentment begets dullness and stupidity.

New Era Community (1926) - 47:
Loss of the true significance of concepts has contributed much to contemporary savagery. People strew pearls about like sand. Verily, it is time to replace many definitions.

New Era Community (1926) - 91:
The discipline of freedom distinguishes Our communities. Not only is the spirit disciplined, but also the qualities of external actions. It is not Our custom to grieve too much. It is not Our custom to censure too much. It is not Our custom to count on people too broadly. It is not Our custom to expect too much. It is needed to be able to replace a complicated plan with a simpler one - never the reverse - for Our adversaries act from the simple to the complex. Ponder how to strengthen your friends.

New Era Community (1926) - 98:
I wish to recall to you how the Blessed One showed consideration even for the adversaries. This book is read at the entrance to the community. The newcomer must be forewarned about many perplexities. It often appears that contradictions are insoluble. But, wayfarer, where are the contradictions when we see only an abundance of road signs? The abyss is barred by the mountain, and the mountain is bounded by the sea. Shoes for the mountains are not suitable for the sea. But those who enter are obliged to change hourly their armor. Not only mobility, not only quickness of thought, but the habit of changing weapons is needed. It is not so easy to become accustomed to change of weapons. Beside the feeling of ownership stands habit, and it is difficult to replace addiction to objects by adaptability of consciousness. For superficial thinking it may seem mere playing upon words, but how necessary it becomes for the leaders guiding the destinies of nations to understand this distinction of concepts!

New Era Community (1926) - 123:
We have spoken about subtle bodies, about magnets, about the luminosity of the aura, about the radiation of every object, about shifting of sensitivity, about change of ponderance, about the penetrating of stratum of matter through another, about the sendings of thought through space, about the actuality of cementing space, about the feeling of the centers, about understanding the word "matter." Much of that which is invisible but perceptible by apparatus must be appreciated by him who wishes to apply the means of technic in life. It is necessary to replace fanciful drivel with sound reason.

New Era Community (1926) - 189:
When it is dark and threatening, then keep the consciousness upon the future. We call the future a flying carpet. Teach children to fly high. Replace the legend about the ark with one about the airship.

New Era Community (1926) - 216:
We know many workers who find an hour for the most important; it does not seem to them that they are too occupied. Whoever is not grudging in his work will receive bounteously. This quality of containment of labor is indispensable for the expansion of consciousness. Can anything replace the joy of the growth of consciousness?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 24:
"We do not quibble about terminology but bring to conclusion a useful action. It is time to replace biblical terminology with more precise expressions. An amulet in a pocket is of no great value to the Invisible Government. What is needed is devotion, tested by conscious action. You thought to vanquish Us upon the field of terminology; but you called forth a decree, the results of which We ask you to contemplate. Guard your words and thoughts. We value the valor of daring; but the cunning of mediocrity is disdained by the Our Government."

Agni Yoga (1929) - 166:
166. Everyone has within himself some kind of Yoga, even if only in a rudimentary stage or in a distorted form. People can be classified not only according to the elements, but also according to Yogas. Often in a hypocrite you find a perversion of Bhakti Yoga; in an overbearing athlete, Hatha Yoga; in a zealot, Raja Yoga; and in a bigot, Jnana Yoga. But what can match the heights of the true Yoga, which links the earthly consciousness with the cosmic pulse? Can one imagine anything that could replace the fundamental striving of the incarnate spirit; something that could imbue one with astral understanding; something that would make clear the purpose of mankind's existence? It is the study of Agni Yoga that brings one closer to the far-off worlds.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 482:
It is not wise to proclaim, "Tear out thy corruption." It is better to say, "Let benevolence fill thy being." Morning will replace the night.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 48:
One cannot break the chain, but one may replace the iron links by a finer metal. All which leads to boundless development proceeds in step with Cosmos. The spatial battle runs like a thread through all that exists. In battle, possibilities are born. In battle, the forces are tempered. Manifest understanding of responsibility and of the beauty of Infinity!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 74a:
It was necessary for you to remain because this century is in need of your attainment. No one could replace you. It is under the highest Cosmic Sign. I have spoken.

Hierarchy (1931) - 96:
96. If we say, "Do not have desire," it does not mean to be insensate. On the contrary, replace desire with the irresistible command of a pure thought. In this command you invoke all the powers of Light, and you make their currents act in correlation with your pure striving.

Heart (1932) - 178:
178. The knowledge of respect even for the smallest will help one also to acquire patience. What patience is needed when facing Infinity, especially when we know its inevitability! And we know how each complaint impedes the path. One must replace the burden of not-respect for the smallest with the joy of observation of the multiformity of creations. In simplest words, thus can we help each other.

Heart (1932) - 229:
229. Who, then, and what can replace the unity of the hearts which, like a flaming bonfire, bears the calls to the far-off worlds? Who, then, can be afraid if but once he has touched Infinity?

Heart (1932) - 545:
545. The law of free will does not permit the arresting of the inception of crime. But the law of justice provides the possibility of arresting the development of harm; as above, so below. One cannot avert the inception of criminal thoughts, but the heart can prompt one as to where the persecution of evil is already possible. Hence We insist so greatly upon the Teaching of the Heart. No other center can replace the essence of the heart. The accumulations of centuries in the Chalice are at the disposition of the heart. For the salvation of humanity does not consist in separate siddhis but in the central motive force - the heart. Thus, beyond all divisions one must come to the root of motion.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 57:
57. Not only about Fire must we ponder. Events are driving onward like an ocean wave. You understand correctly that the dark force surrounds each benevolent inception. We observe how every ordinary action is instantly turned into evil. Thus, one should get rid of all yesterday's gnats, and replace everything usual with the most unusual. Even an award, as it were, should be granted for unusualness. One should not expect unusualness from the old world. Over and above the usual conditions, one should touch the most unexpected angles. Therefore I rejoice when new elements are dealt with.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 376:
376. Also, let us make an end to the confused conception of a group soul. The spirit of concordance is expressed with especial force in animals before individuality has been actualized. But it is incorrect to call the concordant soul a group soul. Translations and commentaries have produced this confusion. Plato's conception of twin souls not only was closer to the truth but was expressed beautifully. Thus, let us not use this erroneous term group soul ; let us replace it with the term spiritual concordance . Also among men such concordance is a valuable achievement; it builds individuality. Let us not complicate what can be readily understood. Before a long journey it is necessary to provide oneself with only the most essential. It would be unfortunate to load oneself with elaborate laces and forget the key to the gates of our Father's house. Our Father is not in need of laces and furbelows. Remember the simplest paths of the Light of Agni. Of course, read books, for one should know the paths of former thoughts, but for the future provide yourself with the lamp of Agni.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 380:
380. Since Hatha Yoga demands certain bodily exercises, the question may be raised as to whether such exercises are also needed for other Yogas? Neither Arhats nor Great Spiritual Toilers practiced these. Verily, theirs are the trials of the spirit, which not only subdue the body but take the place of all exercises of the flesh. Only the avowal of spirit can replace all else.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 474:
474. You notice that at times We do not pronounce names, but replace them with symbols. Referring to a warrior, We imply the collective concept of all warring forces. Thus, one must not burden people even by pronouncing their names.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 592:
592. Evil can be eradicated only by good. Such a truth is simple, and yet it remains not understood. The good in people is usually not operating and therefore remains inactive. They cannot imagine how good can expel evil, thus cutting short its existence. Good is the most active, vital, inexhaustible, invincible principle, but in its entire action it is devoid of cruelty. Therein, and also in its freedom from egoism and conceit, lies one of its most significant distinctions from evil. So if a religion and its emissaries display cruelty, it cannot be a religion that is a link with the Highest Good! How can one imagine a servant of religion as cruel? By this cruelty he would become the enemy of good. Moreover he would be indicating his ignorance with regard to the very covenant of religion. Good cannot sanction cruelty! But in affirming the sacred Teaching of active good one must ponder how to use one's entire time in the glorification of good. And such glorification will be not only a symbol, it will be the fire of the heart. If we want to advance we must apply active goodness. We must understand that we can replace a pit with a true temple. Step by step we must fill the abyss with strongholds of Light. We must put together the stones of good, over and above any personal moods. Let the small planet burn itself out, but our Father's house has many mansions. Each action for good is an eternal achievement. When the dross of evil shall have long since disintegrated, the sites of good will flourish.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 134:
134. Competition is one of the difficult concepts. Only the fiery heart understands how many measures may be placed upon the light and upon the dark side. A pure understanding of self-perfection will not evoke competition. Where the consciousness is wild and unrestricted, there competition leads to mutual destruction. Envy nests around competition. It leads to the most subtle crimes. Cooperation must bring balance to the misunderstood competition. It is not easy to fix for oneself the boundary of a reasonable competition. The word competition itself is already dangerous; in it is expressed jealousy, in other words, a corrupt devotion. Therefore, it is best wherever possible to replace the concept of competition with that of perfectionment. A great number of concepts must be revised from their contemporary connotation. It should be acknowledged that a just history of beliefs would reveal the roots of many most perverted concepts. Care should be taken that the language of the basic ideas be resounding and as clear-cut as possible. One may enrich the language with new definitions, but senseless buzzing will not bring any benefit. Each letter denotes by its sound a vibration of the centers. It is foolish to infringe uselessly upon harmony. Turn your attention to the resonance of the ancient names of places. The new places do not always produce the same useful vibration. The ancient names had a timeless significance. Often no philology can discover the root inserted by manifest powerful peoples. The more carefully, then, must we regard an inheritance which is unknown but which forces our hearts to resound.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 335:
335. It has been said that humanity must abandon luxury. Not without reason have people themselves so isolated this concept. Luxury is not beauty, not spirituality, not perfectionment, not construction, not benevolence, not compassion; no good concept can replace it. Luxury is destruction of resources and possibilities. Luxury is dissolution, for all structures without rhythm mean only disintegration. One can see clearly enough that worldly luxury has already been shaken, but, as a cure, harmonious cooperation must be found in order to rid the world of the plague of luxury. Egoism will raise the objection that luxury is an earned abundance. It will also be said that luxury is regal. This will be slander. Luxury has been always a sign of decay and eclipse of the spirit. The chains of luxury are most terrible too for the Subtle World. Needed there are advancement and continuous perfectionment of thought. The encumbrance of luxury will not help one to the next Gates.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 351:
351. Malice, doubt, unbelief, impatience, laziness, and other inspirations of darkness separate the earthly world from the Higher Spheres. Instead of following the path of good, people attempt to replace ecstasy of the spirit with various narcotics, which give the illusion of the other world existence. Observe that in many religions there were introduced, as later adjuncts, very clever compounds of narcotics for the purpose of artificially advancing the consciousness beyond the earthly state. Indeed the infallibility of such forcible measures is great; they not only do not bring the Worlds closer, they on the contrary estrange and coarsen the consciousness. Likewise, earthly life is filled with continuous poisonings with which people very affably regale each other. Teachers of all times have taught humanity the pure paths of spirit that lead into communion with the Higher Worlds, but only a few have chosen the path revealed by the heart. A special attention must be given to deliverance from poisonings. A considerable part of the Earth's soil is already infected, as is its surface. Besides narcotics, people have invented many obviously frightful substances which instead of being health-giving bring on spiritual death. Masses of poisonous vapors are choking the cities. People devote much thought to the production of many substances which should be considered far more deadly than narcotics. Narcotics bring harm to the addicts themselves, but deadly gases torment everything that lives. One cannot condemn narcotics enough, but also one cannot sufficiently condemn such murderous inventions. People formerly, at times, fell into error for the sake of illusionary ecstasy, but nowadays they are completely unashamed to kill the intellect and spirit of their near ones, calling this killing an attainment of science.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 378:
378. The explanation of a number of manifestations connected with magic methods reveals that the will was expended to no purpose. We have a long list of those who disturb the elements without promoting in the least the Common Welfare. Some of them replace artificial methods with good thoughts, but many prove to be only irritators of the elements. Yet, such overstepping of the laws not only works harm to man himself but disturbs the harmony of space to great distances. Even a plain bowman in the forest cannot guarantee that none will be hurt by his arrow. And such meditation is useful on the path to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 30:
30. Only a broadened consciousness can understand the power of creativeness of the invisible Cosmic Ray. The power of this Ray is the law of the Fiery World. The vibrations of rays have been shown. Thus, for instance, the tension of will, striving of spirit, joy and all other manifestations of spirit and heart send forth their own rays. In this one should remember that the substance of radiations does not replace the Cosmic Ray, for in this Ray is contained the entire potentiality of actions. Rays consciously directed represent cosmic power. How many great structures could have been affirmed by a lofty tension of spirit and purity of heart! How powerful then would have been the unified rays! But if the spirit be not directed toward the grandeur of the Cosmic Origins, it cannot receive the power of the Cosmic Ray. A great future can be realized only through reception of the Cosmic Ray.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 61:
Great is the labor of the subtle energies of the centers, and it can never stop. One may only replace one process by another. When the high Agni Yogi devotes his energies to the task of great cosmic construction, in this giving is contained a great fiery transmutation. In such instances manifestation on a physical plane cannot be clearly expressed, and the high Agni Yogi can listen to his own thoughts because his consciousness will carry impressions of the Subtle World and his work in it. These thoughts are, as it were, remembrances of the creative work of the centers and of the spirit. It is said, "a thought suddenly flashed" - but We say, "the spirit has recalled." Thus one may affirm the work of a high Agni Yogi. On the path to the Fiery World it must be remembered that synthesis is like a river's mouth and each specialization is like one channel.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 76:
76. The destruction of many countries is strongly intensified; the entire earthly battle is accompanied by mighty conflicts in the Higher Worlds. All who know the significance of a nation's Karma can realize what is taking place. It is necessary to reflect over those events which are shaking the World. It is easy to see that the dark clouds blanket many horizons. Events in each departing order point to that future which will replace the present. Cosmic magnetism is purifying and assembling new forces. Shadows of darkness hover over the displaced countries. Where the equilibrium is not established within a short space of time, there clouds gather which will decide the fate of the dark countries and their leaders. National Karma is intensified in the West and in the East. From the North comes a New Light. The South is atremble from subterranean fire. Thus is solved the Karma of the nations. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember that national Karma is being solved by powerful events.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 101:
101. Verily, only the heart is able to penetrate into all actions, into all motives, into all entities, manifesting discernment. For penetration into the Fiery World, it is especially necessary to discriminate with the heart. Only that source which strives toward the basis of Truth can provide a concept of the true structure of Cosmos. Only that source which is saturated with the fire of subtle energies can offer a true measure of the judgments. For the affirmation of one's forces in the Higher Spheres it is indispensable to intensify the forces of the heart, for there is no other quality of Fire which can replace these energies. The heart powerfully impels the spirit to the subtle energies. All the Higher Spheres are attained by the tension of the heart. This sacred vessel can reveal all the creative exalted spheres. These heart energies are irreplaceable, truly the Higher Will is reflected in them. The creativeness of the heart may be called sunlike. On the path to the Fiery World let us aspire to an understanding of the heart as a connecting manifestation between the Worlds.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 155:
155. Of all the subtle energies the most receptive is the energy arising from the heart. The current which is united with the Fire of Space must have radiation from the heart. This concept is deeper and broader than is customarily thought. In speaking about the heart current, it is needful to think about its creative power, for indeed, when a thought has been felt deeply it can create. Actually, when the heart beats in unison with the Cosmos all currents can be united through Fire. Therefore, nothing compulsory can replace the fiery tremor of the heart. On the path to the Fiery World let us strive for this palpitation which opens the Gates to all attainments.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 372:
372. How little do people reflect upon those fundamentals which are shown to be the foundations of construction, whereas this process is a most essential one. Into the foundation of construction is laid a most substantial and steadfast affirmation. Of all the supports the most fiery one is the magnet of the heart. To exclude it means to leave the structure without a soul, for the magnet of the heart contains all the cosmic saturations. The magnet of the heart is the synthesis of all subtle energies. The magnet of the heart consists of the accumulations of thousands of years; in it is expressed Karma and attraction. Just as it is impossible to replace the sun, so also does the heart remain a powerful creator. Thus on the path to the Fiery World it must be especially remembered that the fiery magnet of the heart is the basis of construction.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 498:
498. Is it possible to want to have false thoughts? When the day of photographing the aura comes, many will attempt to replace their habitual thoughts with something more beautiful just invented. Indeed, people know how to shed simulated tears. Petty cunning individuals will try to conceal their essential natures, but the film will prove to be quite revealing. A remarkable experiment will take place. Hypocritical thought will only make the picture worse, spattering it, as it were, with dark spots. Thus, new cunning will not be successful. Sincere, inherent thought produces clear rays. The needed sacred aspirations will have clear colors. Soon advancement will be made in the photographing of the aura. But it is difficult to reconcile the polarity of the photographer with the photographed person. Many trials will be required. Likewise is needed a particular, as it were, ozonizing apparatus, for purifying the surrounding atmosphere.

AUM (1936) - 92:
In view of the fact that a potential of basic energy has been given to each man, it is difficult to conceive how contrarily people have dealt with his great gift. The very imagination can hardly encompass such a chasm. People regard that which is unpleasant to them as difficult and that which causes them no trouble as easy; out of such conventionality open up yawning abysses. People are not accustomed to keeping the Higher World in their consciousness, yet it is not difficult to replace the feeling of emptiness with infinite life. How much more beautiful is realization of the Higher World than the casting of oneself into stony fetters!

AUM (1936) - 597:
597. Much is said about trials. It terrifies people that even the worlds are on trial. There is much self-pity about difficult tests. People are even suspicious as to the justice of the very concept of a test. It might help those who fail to understand, to replace the word test with the word verification. Before a bridge every man invariably assures himself of its stability - and by his own movements. For his own sake man tests all his surroundings. He does not like the concept of a test, because it is sent from somewhere else, but his own verification for the sake of his well-being is not repugnant to him. Let him realize that all tests are for his own good. One should repeat that the concept of the coordination of the worlds is a great test.

Brotherhood (1937) - 540:
540. Can faith and trust replace the force of muscles and nerves? Indeed, life itself confirms this truth, but what faith and what trust! Man should not affirm that his faith has limits. Love has no limits, and likewise faith. No one will dare to say that faith can be manifested no further. Many will be indignant at the statement that their faith is insufficient, but at some time they will comprehend how much they could have increased their energy.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 13:
People find it difficult to become accustomed to the idea of a mental interchange of thought. But among Us such a state is absolutely natural, and serves to simplify Our relations. One thought can often replace an entire exchange of words. Even in daily life, those who have lived together for a long time understand the thoughts of their companions. Certain exercises can, without apparatuses, enable one to understand the thoughts of co-workers. We speak only about what We apply in Our lives.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 22:
The significance of the heart is great; in the future it will replace the most complex apparatuses. Verily, in the New Era people will appear whose organisms accomplish this. At present, people invent robots, but after this mechanical fever has abated man's attention will turn to the powers within himself.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 177:
The Great Pilgrim often taught that all is given to us according to our faith. It has been recorded that Christ Himself could not perform certain miracles because of the people's lack of faith. Today scientists would probably replace the expression "lack of faith" with "non-acceptance of authority," but it does not matter which expression is used, the meaning is the same.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 303:
It is instructive to observe how the three levels of thought replace one another. An earthly thought is not necessarily inferior to a subtle one. There are cases when earthly thought led people to lofty actions, whereas the subtle thought crept its way upon an outlived path. Of course, the fiery divine spark is always faultless, but it must be kindled.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 327:
Such wilfulness delays progress. Ask several people to explain the meaning of a simple statement and you will receive the most contradictory and even malicious interpretations. The statement may be quite clear, but the free will can find a way to obscure its meaning and replace that meaning with its own notions!


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