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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RE > REPEATING (30)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 388:
I shall not come in the night. And in the hours when the rays of the sun do not reach Earth, Let your spirit calmly rise to the Abode of the Creator. I shall tell you how to wait in the hours of day. Not with hymns nor with exaltation await Me, But by strengthening your labor in My Name. Not in sleep nor during the repast, But during labor shall I fulfil your hopes, My beloved ones. In the morning, repeating the seven words, say: Help us lest we neglect Your Labor. And repeating My Name, and asserting yourself in My Labor, You will attain My Day.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 421:
Often the hand is outstretched, But the blind try to reject it. Therefore, to suppress the conception of children is worse than murder. It is not right to pile up an accumulation of personal desires. Before the coming of the guest it is better to ventilate the house, and in quiet, repeating a prayer, to direct one's eyes to beauty.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.21:
Slumber and such dusty manifestations should be avoided. The manifestation of the Shield should be treasured. I shall repeat once again, but no more, because the Law forbids repeating to deaf ears.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.1.3:
You have understood correctly about the unreality of the surrounding world. When I told you to proceed by the upper path of life, I was repeating the words of the Lord. As you see, the Lord recognized the reality of the surrounding world for the present cycle and taught duty to His disciples.

New Era Community (1926) - 199:
199. It may be asked "How is it that in Your Community there is a place set aside for ancient structures and books? Why does not this antiquity have an influence on striving into the future?" There are two reasons first, the propelled consciousness does not look back; second, structures were created and objects gathered together only for the advancement into the future. The stratification of striving into the future fills the whole existence of the Community. The entire attraction of objects is drowned in the current of aspiration. Pillars of basalt do not evoke past events, but by their stability they affirm their fitness for the future. The books do not carry thought back into the past but bear testimony just for the future. Transference of the whole consciousness into the future can affirm the existence of the Community. I shall not tire of repeating that community must be accepted by the consciousness. No external assurances serve to convince Us. Indispensable is that quality of the consciousness which sleeping or waking speaks the same; for any other solution is inadmissible even in the form of a jest.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 18:
The much-discussed sunspots intensify chemical influences. People keep repeating about unrest in the world during periods of sunspots, and even those with little knowledge can draw correct conclusions. But if we call to mind the harmful chemical reactions, it is not difficult to understand the saturation of space by the most active compounds, such as oxides and metalloids. How can one lightmindedly deny the evolutionary power of matter when from the Inexhaustible Reservoir rays of immeasurable intensity pour over our heads?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 76:
Affirm success; affirm joy; affirm understanding of progress. Cast away the thoughts that belong to the old world. I shall not tire of repeating this.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 233:
233. One should not seek afar that which is near. What irreparable harm to humanity results from the extensive searches into magic! Instead of working to improve their consciousness, seekers limit themselves to repeating formulas of others, without any knowledge of their meaning and rhythm.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 400:
We do not regret wasting time repeating truisms, for even truisms can be useful for the turning of humanity toward psychic energy. It is absurd that man must be persuaded to utilize a power that has long been his. It is the mentality of a savage, who fears everything that was unknown to his grandfather. In spite of all this, spatial thought has its effect!

Hierarchy (1931) - 38:
It is time to understand the responsibility and the privilege afforded by earthly incarnations. Yet people often avoid listening to the waves of space and catching the echoes and answers which come from various strata of the Universe. We are repeating about the privileges of spiritual development, but the matter is so distorted that a well-meaning denizen even fears to mention anything that is linked with the radiant region of spirit. Try to speak of the light of realization and the bliss of spirit and you will be feared like robbers and murderers. But even robbers were disciples of Christ and Buddha; hence do not fear human epithets, but harken to the Voice of Eternity, which leads to Bliss and Light.

Hierarchy (1931) - 136:
136. Only by the tension of all strength will you conquer. This must be remembered and applied. We have decided on complete success, it depends upon you to accept it. The entire garden of doubts, suspicions, fears, offenses, condemnations must be cast aside. If you desire to accept victory, every treason must be avoided, because the consequences of doubts and lack of respect for Hierarchy will disrupt all threads. When the ship is holding by only one anchor during the tempest, it is stupid to begin to change the chain. Guard the foundation, and ascend only through its growth. I shall be tireless in repeating about Hierarchy until you realize it. It is not enough to nod your head, it is time to think and to apply. I have reasons for repeating this.

Hierarchy (1931) - 256:
256. It is said, "Where thy foot treads, lilies will blossom. Where thy head rests, all the sapphires of the world will gather." Thus is the benevolent Messenger spoken of. When We send a Messenger, We do not lose time in repeating the entire Teaching. But the Command will be contained in a few words, because the chosen Messenger knows the Teaching and reverences Hierarchy. To such a Messenger the sapphires and the lilies belong. One should not reiterate at the last moment, for the steed beats with its hoof, not knowing the length of the journey.

Hierarchy (1931) - 345:
345. Do not be perturbed by the necessity for seeming repetitions. In the first place, nothing is repeated. Even the same words appear completely different at different times. Secondly, one should reiterate day and night about Hierarchy. You are right that the hierarchy of thralldom is ended, but the emergence of a realized Hierarchy is followed by human sufferings. There is too much slavery in the world, and each flame of consciousness is too oppressed. Slavery and a consciously realized Hierarchy are like day and night. Hence do not be dissuaded from repeating - a consciousness of Hierarchy, Hierarchy of freedom, Hierarchy of knowledge, Hierarchy of Light. Let those scoff who are ignorant of the inception of the New World, for each concept of a New World frightens them. Is not Infinity terrifying to them? Is not Hierarchy burdensome for them? Being ignorant despots themselves, they do not understand the constructiveness of Hierarchy. Being cowards themselves, they are horrified in the face of an achievement. Thus, let us place upon the scales the most urgent concepts of the great approaching Age - Infinity and Hierarchy.

Heart (1932) - 104:
104. People do not want to observe the manifestations of the Subtle World, which are scattered everywhere. So, also, they cannot imagine that ethics is a practical pharmacopoeia for attracting the spatial energies by the simplest method. You will not tire of repeating about the necessity of realizing the application of the heart for the attraction of the highest possibilities. People forget to apply the most simple method of disinfecting life. Much is spoken of the significance of fire; but it's entirely forgotten that the living fire is the best purifier. People were given electricity, but they had to isolate the substance of energy, leaving only a dead light. A bonfire, wood, oil lamp, candles will purify space and destroy many contagious diseases. One can see that those who know have, together with electricity, also a real fire, which very easily attracts the Spatial Fire. Ask a physician what part a lighted candle plays in disinfection. He will probably regard this question as senseless, because he never thought of a living fire. Whence, then, come the oil lamps in temples, if not for purification? Whence, then, come the ancient customs of surrounding a sick man with fire? Thus, fire is sometimes a physician and guardian. The living fire in the oven often wards off the sicknesses of workers. The bonfire as a purifying symbol, verily, is a medical concept.

Heart (1932) - 493:
493. Is it not a wondrous experience to apply the heart's energy at great distances and to help the great cause? One can verify the dates and witness absolute precision. Therefore it is so imperative to write down the most important manifestations and sensations. Thus one can counteract absurdities which assert that there are only accidents and coincidences everywhere. For those who do not consciously apply the most important energies the outcome is harmful, not only for themselves but also for others. There is nothing worse than chaotic thinking and the rending of the currents of energy. Everyone is annoyed when his torch is extinguished beneath his nose; but precisely the interception of the heart energy can be termed the extinction of the torch. Do not tire of repeating this. During strong outflows of energy it is very dangerous to intercept the rhythm by very earthly irritations. You never know for what your energy was required, therefore solemnity will be the safest guard against breaks and jagged edges. During Armageddon the usual methods must be especially eschewed. I affirm the great time to which only solemnity can correspond.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 347:
347. One desires the easiest way; another prefers the most difficult. One cannot speak, but stands firmly on guard; another is eloquent and flies after his words. Some can sense the most important manifestations, but others choose to dwell with failure. One could enumerate these differences endlessly, but only the presence of the fire of the heart will vindicate the characteristics of the personality. Thus, we shall not tire of repeating about multiformity. The gardener knows how to combine his plants, that is why he is the master of the garden.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 426:
426. The ability to draw a circle around the area covered by the dark and crawling ones can help in affirming one's dauntless outlook. One can stave off the approach of the dark ones by repeating My Name as a Mantram. Thus, we can understand why humanity is responsible for uttered words. If the utterance of a benign concept results in a calm state, the opposite will irritate, worry, and demean that which exists. People saturate the world with the most malicious words; will not rivers of evil flow from them? One must have lost respect for human dignity not to acknowledge that the consequences of evil speech are terrible. It is said continuously that malevolence bears fruit after a century. The historian can verify the harvest from such black seeds.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 15:
15. Nothing can so much turn one away from the path as the rejection of straight-knowledge. But the beginning of straight-knowledge lies in the devotion to Hierarchy. Only true devotion will prevent one from polluting the straight-knowledge by personal egoism. Only devotion will teach not to distort the Indications of the Teacher. Only devotion will help to find new strength. I will not weary of repeating about true devotion, because often people substitute for this concept the most abominable fanaticism. Thus the Fiery World is ordained.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 93:
93. Humanity does not wish to realize the power of its own radiations. It dimly keeps on repeating about its likeness to God, but does not understand the unity of the energy of all worlds. The establishment of even a weak unification of energy can provide a defensive armor for the planet.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 240:
Through you We send thoughts of magnanimity, and already much that is not good has been averted. Thus is a mountain of magnanimity molded, with a summit from which one can see afar. One may advise many of the panacea of magnanimity. We shall not tire repeating about this remedy of spirit and body. Some day physicians too will prescribe magnanimity as a most powerful antidote. Let us not forget that malice attracts the action of poisons, whereas magnanimity opposes them.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 439:
439. Who is he, who is prepared to fly? Only the man who has not debased his own fiery merit. Not many are the Upholders of the Earth. People have managed to forget the Giants who uphold the Earth. With what words and forms is it possible to recall to mind the nature of things? We shall not weary of repeating.

AUM (1936) - 76:
76. No one bears another's thought. One's judgment will be his own responsibility before the world. One anchorite prayed merely by repeating in his language - Thou, Thou, Thou! He asserted that in the briefest affirmation he concentrated the strongest power. Though tongues may differ, yet consciousnesses aspire to the same goal.

AUM (1936) - 320:
Let us not weary of repeating how readily all gates open in the absence of complaints, discontent, and negation.

AUM (1936) - 386:
386. Usually the most important matter is allotted the least attention. But We shall not weary of repeating that which is urgently needed by humanity. Among these apparent repetitions, We affirm the desire for knowledge. People have become too accustomed to the idea that someone will do their thinking for them and that the world is obligated to take care of them. But each one must bring in his own cooperation. Learning how to apply one's own psychic energy means the gradual cultivation of the consciousness.

AUM (1936) - 549:
One need not imagine that mankind has already recognized the value of thought. Do not tire of repeating the fact of the significance of thought and you will of course be accused of an unpardonable innovation, and even of shaking the foundations of society.

Brotherhood (1937) - 71:
By means of suggestion it is possible not only to forestall pain, but even to give an entirely different direction to the illness. Rarely is the latter admitted, for up to the present time people have not believed much in the influence of thought. From the same source, from unbelief, comes stagnation of consciousness. People poison themselves by unbelief. The wisdom of ages has recorded many examples of great trust and also of destruction through mistrust. When We speak about cooperation and even about Brotherhood, We must repeat about trust - without it no rhythm is created, without it success is not invoked, without it there can be no advance. Do not think that I am reiterating something too generally known; on the contrary, as in an hour of danger I am repeating about the salutary expedient. There is no other way to awaken the psychic energy. There is no other path on which the heart can glow with victory. It is difficult not to weary if there be darkness in the heart.

Brotherhood (1937) - 500:
500. Likewise, let us not weary of repeating about unity; in this concept there is a constant intermixture of the inner with the outer. People will say, We are in unity, there exist but small crevices; but they forget that crevices are the seat of decay. Thus, they do not attach significance to inner unity. Yet, what edicts can implant the signs of harmony? It but remains to appeal to humanity's sense of shame. But without an understanding of harmony there can be no Brotherhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 249:
Urusvati is rightly interested in preserving Our letters about unification. There are many of these. If you only knew how often We keep repeating the same thing! These letters should be sent as reminders to various countries. People should hear about unification as they do about their daily bread. And if someone insists that he has heard enough about unity, know that it is a sign of his irresponsibility. In time, every word about unity will be applied literally, and the great, voluntary unification will come as a stage of evolution.


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