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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RE > RENOVATE (2)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 389:
389. Not the factory, but the workshop of the spirit will renovate the world. Like wallpaper pasted on by people, that which has closed up the pores of life will be washed away by a torrent of stern Benevolence.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 75:
75. When the development of a variety of forms is predestined by Cosmos, how is it possible not to apply this law to the higher spheres? The beauty of life is in the affirmation of multiformity. Cosmos does not favor uniformity. Cosmos is diffused in the consciousness of billions of forms. Eject from life the fear of acquiring varied currents. The law of manifoldness provides for all forms of Be-ness. Do not create for yourself the karma which results from repelling the joy of multiformity from the existing life. Accepting in consciousness the principle of multiformity, humanity will be enabled to accept new forms in the comprehension of the far-off worlds. New worlds are built with new forms. Renovate the concept of the new worlds, realizing that they will be unlike yourself and your issue. Construct a new stronghold upon better principles.


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