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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RE > REMARK (12)

New Era Community (1926) - 156:
Here he, the lonely one, crossed, swam, flew through the prescribed spaces, and he already communicates and transmits his message. Who has received him? First, distrust - does the Community exist? Second - can the Community be active and take part in distant matters? Third - is not the appearance of the messenger and the need for the indicated action simply a coincidence? I recall that one such messenger, indignant at the mediocrity of the last remark, replied "You who talk about coincidence, do not forget that you yourselves are a coincidence of particles of matter. But if your coincidence has been unsuccessful, the laws of matter provide a reason for it." However, when monetary matters are turned to, and those dealing with the transmission of objects, thoughts begin to coincide propitiously. Facts and warnings are listened to attentively. The city dweller is not averse to squeezing out a useful information, even though it be from the Community. Thus, outside of a few co-workers, the messenger encounters about him an abyss of greed. Give money, give advice for the morrow, do away with the enemy - then vanish quickly and do not disturb our digestion with thoughts about world fellowship.

New Era Community (1926) - 165:
Cynics may be found who will say, "Let them sway freely, the more energy will there be in space." The remark is not devoid of sense, but indeed the common work is so much in need of solicitude that a true economy of forces must be adopted. The most economical principle is equality, which destroys privilege and cupidity.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 47:
47. If it were possible to convey the concept of Infinity in the entire essence of cosmic understanding, humanity could attain great heights. But this achievement is possible only through broadening of consciousness. The spirit of one will be repelled from Infinity by fear; the spirit of another will be repelled because of ignorance; the wiseacre of contemporary science will remark dryly, "What have we to do with this problem? Where is our textbook? Let us verify this proclaimed Infinity." The bearer of Our Word will say, "All is being borne into the cosmic expanse and everything comes from the cosmic expanse. The threads of our lives are stretched from the depths of Infinity to the heights of Infinity. The power of Cosmos, which is invincible, is one and the same essence as our own. And just as the element of fire is unconquerable, so also is our spirit."

Hierarchy (1931) - 325:
325. A poorly developed mind always stumbles at a seeming contradiction, it cannot reconcile Hierarchy with resourceful independent activity. Certainly, without synthesis the most monogenic conceptions will fall apart like brickwork without cement. The realization of synthesis will be like a step toward the transformation of the race. The remark about the immortality of unicellar organisms is correct. But with what can one bring into unity our heterogeneous elements? One can eliminate a multitude of artificial means, bringing to life the dormant crystals of psychic energy. One may think of it as our origin. Only united understanding of conscious striving toward the affirmation of ascent generates the power of transmutation. Do not think this an abstraction; I advise accepting it as necessary for the ascent of the race.

Heart (1932) - 115:
115. Do not reject, do not be horrified, do not be surprised - these stipulations will facilitate the union of the phenomenal side with the usual. Of course, you were convinced by your own experience that the phenomenal side entered your life with absolute naturalness, in no way disturbing the productivity of labor, but even magnifying the ability to work. This remark has greater significance because it is an accepted thought that the perception of the phenomenal life tears one away from productivity. Just the opposite, a manifest striving toward Infinity teaches the vastness of human possibilities. So, also, there are many misunderstandings around the concept of a test. Of course, it is unknown that even the worlds are on trial, but people's brains are accustomed to legal and academic tests, therefore they are always able to imagine some examiners full of schemes and cunning in order only to indict the victims who fall into their hands. However, there are no examiners, but there are observers of how a man makes use of his knowledge. Of course, it is necessary to complain not against the observers, but against oneself.

Heart (1932) - 463:
463. The disturbance of climatic conditions is evident. But people superficially remark about sunspots or the shifting of Earth's axis. Such assertions are made by the most cowardly, but they do not even realize what they are saying. The wiping out of civilizations, the annihilation of life by which the planet was visited more than once met with precisely the same theorizing. Thus, also, people did not care to notice the signs of disarray, and continued superficially to argue about prolonging the sapped-out conditions of life. Now, also, among innumerable misconceptions people ask why in studying the highest knowledge the heightening of sensitiveness and peculiar pains become inevitable. If they were told that because of their heedlessness the chosen ones suffer, they would not believe it. They will not admit that in themselves they represent condensers and transmuters of energy. Thus, when numerous such apparatuses are damaged, the distribution of energy is disturbed and only a few sensitive hearts take on the pressure which should have been apportioned throughout the entire world. The solar natures take upon themselves the pressure of the fiery energy, and must be responsible for millions of drones.

Heart (1932) - 543:
543. Man manifests the most disgraceful spectacle by starting to read a book with a firm intention not to take into consideration its contents. From this issues the remark, "I know everything, everything is old." Yet the simplest advice has remained without application. It can obviously be seen how even the most essential observations were specifically neglected in order thus to depreciate the Teaching. One may light-mindedly deride, but not a single Indication can be disregarded. We speak now about the education of the heart; but will we not hear from the most stupid that they knew about it long ago? Whereas they think more about cutting their nails than about the heart. Heart attacks are most often caused precisely by failing to think of the heart, and we are ready to succumb to any overindulgence rather than admit to ourselves respect for the heart, as the center of existence.

Heart (1932) - 577:
577. In the works of old hermits one can find the statement, "Good is fragrance, evil is a poisonous stench." Of course this remark is usually understood as symbolic, but a profound physiologist will understand that in this definition is also contained an instructive chemical experiment. The transmutation of energy into fragrance is a very definite fact. When the fragrance of freesias or violets is evident, one can presume the proximity of the physical or subtle energy of the Beneficent Principle. On the other hand the smell of decay accompanies everything low on the physical and on the spiritual plane as well. Hence, one can perceive this chemical reaction and thus approach still closer a transcendental physiological discovery. Thus, one must know how to approach the cosmic manifestations consciously. We consider smell and its purified concept as a very refined state. Among the senses, smell is one of the most intimate identifications for everything that approaches. Many will not understand that the heart can be the moving force of the refinement of smell. The approach of every being arouses in a flaming heart a particular action of the inner sense of smell. Heart suffocations often occur from such approaches. Neither wind nor the purification of the air help where the very energy of evil builds a seeming funnel, but of course beneficence offers relief. Likewise, the sensation in the fingertips is not only a protection, but also a receptor for hostile sendings. A ceaseless battle causes disturbances of the rhythm of the heart, hence every caution is useful.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 433:
433. How is it possible to ascertain the verity of the Teaching? A multitude of good words may cover up something mediocre; but Truth, we know, does not fear examination. On the contrary, when observed, Truth draws nearer and shines forth. Therefore, each investigator of the Teaching may be advised, "Approach with all force; observe by thorough measures; investigate by all methods; cognize with all daring; reveal indefatigability, and be aflame with each discovery of Truth." The Teaching cannot be fallible. It cannot deviate from the paths of usefulness and good. One should not believe only in assertions. Faith is the realization of Truth, tempered in the fire of the heart. The Teaching is infinite, otherwise the very concept of Infinity would not exist. One should strive toward Truth. Truth does not reject - it directs. In the Teaching there can be no distorted concepts. Regard the path of the Teaching as the affirmation of that which is beyond doubt. One should not approach Truth along a meandering path. One must proceed by testing each word, each statement, and each covenant. If the Teaching is a true one, each step to it will be enlightening and broadening. Disparagement, denial, abasement are poor guides! More than once you will hear from a speaker the conceited remark that the only correct Teaching is the one known to him. It is then good to remind the conceited one about the grandeur of Infinity, of the millions of years of life on Earth, of the Billions of worlds - let him meditate upon the vastness of Truth and the soundness of its fitting recognition. One could agree with the method of skepticism if only something would result from it. As a rule it corrodes the creative principle. An indefatigable spirit is needed to advance along a constant progression. Only such an expansion and containment will bring real tolerance toward anything that is futile, this is learned through relativism. Thus, say to him who has doubts about the Teaching, "Test it, be aflame in your heart, and broaden your spirit!"

AUM (1936) - 555:
555. It happens that medical advices are much spoken about, but, excluding physicians, no one concerns himself with questions connected with the basic energy. Many say that it is not their affair to go deeply into medical problems, but each such remark is harmfully ignorant. Life is for all that lives, and each one must bring his own stone for the construction.

AUM (1936) - 586:
586. Once again let us encourage all those who are distressed by their first failure in experimentation with psychic energy. Let them remember how many conditions can influence and impede an experiment. Surrounding people and objects, spatial currents, one's own state of health, and finally, thoughts being received from afar - all can either heighten or diminish the results. Many attempts have been cut short at their very inception, because an absurd remark or a hostile thought paralyzed their psychic energy.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 117:
Urusvati knows well the communications link with the Brotherhood; only by means of this link can one know the varied states of existence. Our Brotherhood is like a laboratory of all branches of life. The new Teaching is now being spread throughout the whole world, introducing a new knowledge of the subtle energies. Our victory too, is subject to subtle conditions. Sometimes years are required to make the right path, already outlined by Us, visible to earthly eyes. Later, people will remark on how specifically events were foreseen, and some will then appreciate Our sense of co-measurement in revealing the truth. Thus, learn from Our patience. May the adamant aspiration of the Brotherhood be an example for you in all your actions.


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