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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RE > RELUCTANT (6)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.12:
Devachan is the place of pleasant realizations. But at the same time it is dangerous, because a weak spirit is reluctant to leave so pleasant a station. This station yields the greatest unwillingness to return for more labor. And when the time comes to leave this Valhalla, while the mental body impels one to achievement, the astral body finds the place most comfortable.

New Era Community (1926) - 237:
In every way it is necessary to expose superstition and sectarianism. Do not feel reluctant to stop upon these questions, because in this way you will destroy falsehood and fear.

Heart (1932) - 436:
436. Of course, the theory of winding the psychic energy closely resembles Ruhmkorff's coil. Thus many appliances for cruder use may also provide the essential idea for subtle experiments; but one must have open eyes in order not to be reluctant to use unsuspected allies and materials.

Heart (1932) - 455:
455. The atmosphere is unusually dense! One must be especially dull-witted not to sense the phenomena manifested with each step. The condition of the world cannot be considered normal, yet the people of Atlantis also failed in like extent to see all that was already amazing. They even went further. They meted out capital punishment to all who pointed out the evident calamities. Of course, such a measure only served to hasten the destruction. People have never willingly acknowledged that they themselves are the basis of transmutation of psychic energy, and so they were never reluctant to divert the flow of this precious power.

AUM (1936) - 16:
16. Thought can move bodies and solid objects. Likewise must spatial thought react. For example one may point to experiments already performed many centuries ago. To the ceiling of the dwelling were attached many threads of different thicknesses and colors, and then, bringing the dwelling into a state of tranquility, thoughts were sent out. The so-called harp of the spirit began to vibrate, and it could then be noted how certain thoughts affected threads of a definite color; then it was possible to observe the reaction of thoughts sent from afar. Of course, during such experiments one should know how to free oneself from one's own involuntary sendings. All may remember how at times slight objects began to vibrate without apparent cause; for skeptics this is merely a draught of air like that in their own heads. The egotism of people makes them reluctant to concede the existence of anything above their own majesty.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 363:
People are reluctant to accept the idea that a routine task should be followed by a period of concentrated thinking. How then can they imagine the kind of thought that kindles the fires of space and builds structures in the Subtle World? Even those who write about the significance of thought do not apply to themselves the rule about the inevitable and irreparable results of thinking. Man is a strange being, quite ready to accept the idea of the influence of someone else's thoughts, but oblivious to the results of his own thinking. Thus man neglects his own possibilities. I believe that the time has come for people to cease lecturing and to apply themselves to strict self-betterment.


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