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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RE > RELATIVITY (31)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.10:
2.5.10. It is necessary to speak truthfully about the fundamentals. You noticed that We call the astral world a heaped-up pile. We emphasize how "We avoid it. You know already that astral bodies have volume and weight and carry away with them many peculiarities of earthly life. The relativity of earthly knowledge is well-known. Of course, the astral bodies carry away with them not a small share of relativeness, but, being freed from the carnate shell, they acquire creativeness of the spirit. But you can picture to yourselves how the relativity of knowledge is reflected in these structures. Alongside an imagined Olympus, one may encounter a monstrous factory, unrealized during the earthly life. There exist harmonious oasis, but in general there prevails a fantastic cemetery of human survivals. It is inadvisable to delve far into the astral cliches, because only an erroneous presentation will follow. In this the usual mediums are harmful.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.10:
Let us not enumerate the consequences of the fumes of the earthly kitchen, but it is quite important to understand how one may mitigate the consequences of relativity. They may be mitigated by the actual truth; but the truth may be realized only through spirituality, and therefore the awakening of spirituality becomes a cosmic condition.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 247:
It is equally difficult for people to understand the relativity of good and evil. The one or the other is revealed only in the light of its opposite.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 1:
Your astronomers are concerned with the measurements of the luminaries only, but how greatly the science of fiery rays and Infinity would enrich our being! Even the ray of the eye creates and smites! The preordained date begins to bring closer a new planet from Infinity. Therefore, observe the earthly perturbations. But the dimensions of the planetary bodies are not important, for the intensity of the cosmic rays from Infinity, through our relativity, together with your psychic energy and the cooperation of the spheres, can create an earthly realm equal to the spheres of the higher worlds.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 17:
The truth of relativity has been accepted in mathematics, and all former calculations have proved erroneous. A like relativity exists in the world of evolution. The concepts of light and darkness, happiness and unhappiness, labor and rest, are likewise subject to the same law of relativity. When We speak of progress in thinking, We foresee the need of accepting this relativity. Precisely, the concept of the steps of ascent is beautiful. The spirit realizes that ascent is the page of wisdom on which is traced the entire power of Cosmos and the manifestation of motion. Progress cannot be affirmed on the lowest point of the great Origin. The temples of Atlantis knew this great principle.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 98:
Even planetary life may express a wondrous Sacrament when progress will bring close the understanding of the higher principle of harmony. When life on the planet is illumined by beauty, then the psycho-life of all that exists is filled with infinite beauty. Wondrous, limitless existence on the far-off worlds is conditioned upon the attainment of beauty. A grasp of the principle of relativity may show to what extent the attainments of the higher spheres differ from a planetary existence.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 295:
295. Humanity's understanding of cosmic reality, as well as its concept of void, is incommensurate. How can reality be assigned only to the surface? When the presence of pain provokes convulsions, how can one deny the cause which gave rise to the pain? How is it possible not to perceive reality in the confirmation of all manifestations? The spheres of reality should be understood as the very substance of Cosmos. The laws cannot be based on the non-existent! In Infinity we should realize the relativity which governs our concepts. Thus let us close the circle of life, beyond the concept of void. Thus does reality make tense every moment of our existence!

Heart (1932) - 121:
121. When I call to strive toward Me, it means that amidst the battle a dangerous moment has arisen, and the unification of hearts is needed. It is impossible for one to imagine a complete victory in Infinity, but for the same reason defeat is equally impossible. Often a physician carries the pain over to another part in order to demonstrate its relativity, but cooperation does not need such examples. When the builders of a great plan are called, there can be no relativity. When the hour is dangerous, the heart aches. One may think of many causes, but the basis of anguish and alarm is one, namely, the austere part of the battle. It would be impossible to imagine a battle as an advance without obstacles. Thus, We are on guard and We call the co-workers to stand solidly.

Heart (1932) - 245:
245. Relativity and imperfection will be distinctive characteristics of each life; but precisely these open the doors to the future. People who set up obstacles for themselves by thinking that they are imperfect thus demonstrate their finiteness, in other words, their unfitness. Finiteness is impermissible in the process of motion. Only the process of perfectment amidst the fiery whirls affirms the true path. To this same process of perfecting lead various kinds of earthly martyrdoms, achievements and heroic actions, for during these tensions the greatest fire of the heart is created. Of course one should not understand martyrdom as only physical; the greatest martyrdom is always of the spirit. The heart may beat in its usual way, though the spiritual tension be unusual.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 258:
258. Much attention is now being paid to astrology. Even science at last perceives the cosmic laws. But it may be noticed that even with precise calculations inaccuracies often occur. One should know whence come these fluctuations. We must not forget that just now the planet is enveloped by heavy strata; chemical rays can be refracted by such a saturated atmosphere. The relativity of deductions results from this unprecedented situation. The same may be noticed in other domains. The claim of the fallacy of ancient calculations is due to unwillingness to pay attention to reality. People want everything to conform to their own understanding. You once saw how a crowd forced its way into a theater while the stage was already in flames. Thus it is in everything. It is true that the severed head of a dog may bark, but the human spirit becomes dumb. Such is irrationality and lack of balance! The time is dangerous; it is permissible to feel anguish.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 297:
297. Gypsies usually accompany remedies with an incantation, in the belief that only thus will the remedy be effective. And so Our Himalayan traditions are maintained through many generations of migrants. Truly, if we compare the effect of medicines taken willingly or with repugnance, the difference will be astounding. Even the most potent medicines can produce almost contrary effects if they are accompanied by a corresponding suggestion. One can write a significant book on the relativity of physical reactions. One can gather facts from the various fields to prove that among the decisive factors the physical are the least important. Thus, step by step, one should trace the movement of Agni. One need not enter at once into complex formulas, but can proceed from the striking evidences of each day. If nature healers understand wherein the dominant principle of success is contained, an educated physician should discern even better the determining factors. Upon this path the past and future will meet.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 312:
312. Evidence from the most recent researches should be valued. When people begin to soar into the highest strata and penetrate into subterranean caves, synthetic conclusions may be expected. Do not neglect observations on the effects of the lower strata of the atmosphere. In fact, one should take into consideration literally the whole of relativity, which can only enrich one's deductions. It is necessary that amidst all this relativity we find uses even for half-burned slag. Wherever Fire has been active, everything can provide valuable observations.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 411:
411. The language of the spirit is essential for the Subtle World. Its essence lies in the subtle nature, but it is possible to become accustomed to it even while in the earthly state. Such orientation is a useful fiery test. The school must discover the resourcefulness of pupils by test of giving one word, and later on comes the task of understanding at one glance. The later experiment will be closest to the Subtle World. In addition one can develop a sense of relativity by addressing one's interlocutor according to his nature. Thus, in an earthly conversation each one adopts the best language for his companion, taking into consideration his state of consciousness. Every schoolteacher knows how multiform must be his language in order to make friends of his pupils. But besides the school, in any home one learns to discern the thoughts of the mistress of the house. Thus, in the midst of daily life, characteristics of a subtle order are manifested. One has only to take note of them, to penetrate into them, and to expand these observations. But for this, one should be imbued with reverence for the future and learn to love the principal factor of the Subtle World - Agni. I insist on the expression, "to love fierily," only thus can one assimilate this element which is so difficult for Earth. Our discourses should first of all lead to an understanding of the Subtle World and, as its apotheosis, bring one fearlessly to the radiance of the Fiery World. We rejoice when, amidst the earthly sojourn, the dimensions of the Subtle World are established. Through this, we bring Earth to a closer cooperation with the far-off worlds, in other words, we participate in the process of evolution.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 505:
505. Freedom from fear will not come through convincing oneself in each separate instance. On the contrary, such suggestions drive the feeling of fear inward, permitting it to return with full force at the first opportunity. Moreover, the terror will increase in proportion to the pressure of the artificial suggestion. Imprisoned fear is a very dangerous convict, and it is essential to rid oneself of fear - so declare all Teachings. Fear can be eradicated by comparisons. Point out the terror of facing ferocious beasts to the man who is threatened by fire, and he will say, "I would know how to escape wild beasts, but how can I escape this blaze?" Thus, collect all the possible causes of fear, and one after another they will fall away like dry leaves. Likewise, one should call forth complete relativity in order to become accustomed to the boundlessness of the Fiery World. The attraction to the earthly crust creates the illusion of security; this explains the attachment of human beings to the earthly world. It is quite true that precisely here one should absorb many feelings and lay a foundation of receptivity, in order to tread the fiery waves more easily. For this reason earthly specialization is not as valuable as the qualities of receptivity and containment. It is not surprising that the dividing lines of the strata of the Subtle World do not coincide with those of conventional classifications on Earth. One may find oneself in the Subtle World among the most unexpected assortment of neighbors. Such a surprise threatens only those who cross over with a load of earthly survivals. But he who has refined his spiritual criteria will find the fulfillment of his expectations.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 629:
629. In primitive beliefs the worship of the deity was based on fear. But fear evokes terror and inevitable indignation. Human nature inherently preserves the consciousness that the great Origin of Origins has nothing in common with terror. He who feels love for God can utter his Name in his own language. Only with such an all-pervading concept can one express worthy veneration. Nothing on Earth can so kindle the fire of the heart as does love. No existing glory is comparable to love. People are not ashamed to reveal anger and irritation in their basest forms, but the sacred concept of love is accompanied by confusion and even derision. A man who dares to display loving devotion is already regarded as somewhat dubious; from this confusion of fundamental concepts issues the world chaos. The human heart cannot flourish without striving toward the Origin of Origins - inexpressible in words, but cognized through the fire of the heart. Thus, amidst violated world foundations, let us kindle the fires of the heart and of love for the Supreme. Let us realize that even science, by its relativity, keeps open the path to Infinity. Amidst the grandeur of the worlds, can one dwell in malice, in murder, in treason? Only darkness can harbor all insidious crimes! No law justifies ill will. Ill will is terrible, for it leads into darkness. But by what earthly means alone can one prevail against darkness? Verily, the fire of love.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 109:
109. Relativity expands into Infinity - there is the same law for knowledge. No one in the Worlds can be satisfied with his knowledge. New acquisitions increase progressively the realization of lack of knowledge. The faint-hearted may become frightened before the infinitude of knowledge, but we already know the inevitability of this law, and we labor daily so as to rejoice at this infinitude.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 219:
219. Very often misunderstandings have occurred as a result of relativity of definitions, which have undergone changes through passing centuries. The most ancient writings have undergone many alterations, passing through the hands of foreign translators. It is a well known fact, but for all that it is not taken enough into consideration. To obtain the full meaning one must turn to the same source, Hierarchy. If the translator and interpreter is in communion with Hierarchy, then his relative understanding will be set right in due time. It is unfitting to touch the Sacred Covenants with dirty hands. All forms of blasphemy are condemned, but it is especially abominable when a servant of religion blasphemes. Unfortunately such cases have become frequent. There are not a few actual atheists among the servants of religion. Is it possible for them to speak about the Living Ethics? The madmen do not wish even to think about the future life. One can imagine all the horrors of an assembly where blasphemers are gathered! The Fiery World is just a farce for them.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 330:
330. It has been said - the science of luminaries is precise, as the luminaries do exist. But in this let us not forget relativity. Besides the chemism of the rays of the luminary itself, it must be understood to what an extent the atmosphere vibrates at the passage of the heavenly bodies and waves of cosmic dust. Therefore the astrologer must be also an astro-physicist and an astronomer. In addition, he must perceive the earthly conditions which are working against the rays of the luminaries. Only through observance of these conditions will his deductions be free from errors.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 388:
388. Relativity of names is understood only after a deep study of the subject. Sometimes a spatial process is called, as it were, by a personal name. But human action is comparable to fiery energy. Actually the two processes are quite indistinguishable in their essential nature. This is why ignorant deniers often charge the Teachings with overstressing sacred things, while at the same time they fill their own speech with superfluous and conventional abbreviations and coined words.

AUM (1936) - 49:
49. Dreams are beyond time; they demonstrate the relativity of earthly measures. Thought also can reach the higher worlds without requiring time. The speediest air mail nevertheless needs time. Let the speed of thought be studied, such observation is useful for realization of the far-off worlds.

AUM (1936) - 104:
104. Meditation in quiet about the Higher World will be equal to the best remedy. It is possible thus to sense the relativity of that which exists. Such a measure will not be a limitation, on the contrary it will strengthen the flight of thought. When confusion takes possession of the world, propound the most simple.

Brotherhood (1937) - 54:
But beautiful is the circle of magnanimity; it is as a shield of Light! It can expand and deepen in harmony of movement. In investigations of the primary energy it is instructive to convince oneself as to how clearly it has been granted man to distinguish positive and negative qualities. Already much has been repeated to people about the relativity of good and evil. But there is the basic impulse, which does not lead one into error; it is impossible to counterfeit the depictions of psychic energy, they indicate the essential nature of things.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 48:
The relativity of opinion is demonstrated in discussions about subtle energy. It is incorrect to insist on a particular number of petals for the Lotuses. In addition, each petal differs from the others. Let us not limit the multiformity of the structure of the world. The most unexpectedly profuse growth of the tissues and branchings of the nerves enriches the organism. Each observation is valuable, but let us be very careful in generalizing.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 295:
It is deplorable to see how such make-believe concepts can lead to demoralization and mass lies. People put these lies into the very foundation of life, and there can be no evolution based on lies. Such lies produced by the make-believe mentality are sheer perversion, and should not be mistaken for Maya, which expresses the relativity of concepts.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 336:
People may accuse Us of lack of logic, since on one day We say that the false prophets are not dangerous, yet We sternly condemn them on another; but relativity and antithesis are little understood. Indeed, worldly relationships are complicated, and an unwashed person will seem clean if compared with a chimney sweep. We shall not tire of reminding you that one of the signs of Armageddon is the enormous increase in the numbers of false preachers. They appear in all countries and offer whatever the crowds desire. We shall not belabor their distortions of life, but We can lament them.


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